Super Scientist

Chapter 395: Sea test (medium)

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The country has high hopes for photon information technology. If the test is successful, our country will be the first to enter the photon era.

Compared to the electronic age, the photon era is a whole more advanced, which is very worth looking forward to.

Tests on plain mountains and plateaus have shown that the performance of the equipment is reliable. However, this reliability has nothing to do with the sea.

Because the most difficult test is at sea.

Although lasers are powerful and widely used, their disadvantages are also obvious. They are susceptible to complex weather, such as clouds, rain, and snow, which greatly affect lasers.

When it comes to complex weather, is there anything more complicated than the sea?

The sun may be shining on the sea the previous moment, and the waves may be hitting the sky the next moment, and the typhoon roars.

The weather in the sea is like the crying child's face, and when it changes, it changes.

This test can only be considered successful if the equipment withstands various complex weather tests, which is a lot more difficult than the tests on the plateau.

Although Ye Chen believes that the technology of the system is very advanced and that it protects photons, it is not afraid of all kinds of complicated weather, but it is one thing to believe, and it is another to stand the test.

No matter how strong your confidence is, it will be useless until you pass the test.

Ye Chen was really worried.

Not only Ye Chen was worried, but the team members, General Luo and General Gan, who didn't worry about it? All of them were dignified, their lips were clenched, and no one spoke, waiting for the results of the experiment.

Everyone looked at Ye Chen, wanting to see if Ye Chen had confidence, and found that Ye Chen did not show any emotions, and his face was even more solemn.

Ye Chen is the originator of photonic information technology. This is the first time that he neither reveals his confidence nor is uneasy. This shows that Ye Chen has no bottom in his heart.

"Photon information technology sea testing begins now! Turn on the equipment!" Ye Chen ordered.

The operator started to operate, the device was turned on, and everyone looked at the big screen with their eyes wide open. They wanted to know if they had contacted the command center immediately.

Time passed in silence, Ye Chen's heart was tense, and the atmosphere did not dare to come out.

Testing at sea is the most difficult part. If this part fails, everything is empty talk.

Connecting with the command center does not mean that the subsequent tests will pass, but that is also a good start and a huge improvement.

You know, laser transmission over ten kilometers is easily affected by clouds, rain, and snow, and the weather on the sea is more complicated. The air is very humid. This is the laser's nemesis.

It is thousands of kilometers from the South China Sea to Huangchenggen. How difficult this is can be imagined. Not to mention anything else, just need to contact the command center, it is a great breakthrough.

The laser communication in our country is only 144 kilometers away, which is already the highest in the world.

The atmosphere in the room was very dull and oppressive.

As everyone was nervous, there was a reaction on the big screen. The figure of the chief appeared on the big screen with a smile on his face, and they waved at Ye Chen.


The thunderous applause sounded, and everyone stood up and applauded.


Although the situation at the command center is not yet known, only China Unicom is needed, which is the world record. This is to refresh the photon communication created by our country from the longest distance of 144 kilometers to several thousand kilometers. This is an amazing breakthrough and this is an exciting moment.

Ye Chen applauded vigorously and let go of her hanging heart. The first step was pretty good.

General Gan and General Luo looked at each other with relief.

Even if the subsequent tests fail, this achievement is enough to shock the world, meaning that it is not far from real success.

"Xiaoye! Hello everyone!" As soon as Ye Chen was excited, the chief's cordial voice sounded clearly and so powerfully.

"Hello Director!" Everyone said hello to the Chief Executive in unison, all enthusiastic.

That is, General Luo and General Gan. They are iron soldiers who have experienced countless storms. At this time, they are also very excited. They hurriedly stretched out their hands at each other, shaking tightly, shaking their faces with joy.

Not to mention Ye Chen, he took a long breath and let go of his heart again.

The director greets everyone. This is equivalent to real-time transmission. Although the data is not prepared, the data is large, but this is a greater progress. It is much better than just the Unicom command center.

Not to mention, the voice of the head is so clear, and the picture is so clear, it is no different from the experiments in other places, and it can be said that it has been initially successful.

"Here, I want to congratulate the Photon Information Technology R & D team! You are indeed outstanding scientists in our country! Photon Information Technology has withstood the preliminary test and achieved world-renowned achievements! You have set a world record for our country!" His face was full of excitement, and his steady voice was a little high, which showed that the chief's heart was not calm.


The thunderous voice sounded again, and Ye Chen applauded vigorously.

Even more excited team members hug together.

Although the chief's speech only opened the door, as technical personnel, they fully understand that the chief is affirming their achievements. The reason why the head is so certain is the conclusion after a technical assessment, which is equivalent to announcing the initial success of this maritime test.

"Not long ago, the laser communication world record set by our country was 144 kilometers, and you have now raised this record to 2500+ kilometers. This is a remarkable achievement!" The chief applauded.

Ye Chen was excited, hugging each other, shouting and clapping hard.

It was an amazing achievement to upgrade from 144 kilometers to more than 2500+ kilometers, and it was still on the sea with extremely complicated weather.

After the head has finished speaking, it is a formal test.

Data transmission remains a top priority. The speech of the head is also a kind of data transmission, but the data is not very large, and it is far less than the prepared data.

After the data transmission, Ye Chen waited nervously, waiting for the evaluation at the command center.

"It should be fine."

"The chief's speech is so clear and the picture quality is so good, nothing will happen."

Team members are confident about this.

Finally, Gao Lao appeared on the big screen with a smile of relief.

Ye Chen took a look at them and finally let go of their heart. The smile of Gao Lao already explained the problem.

"Xiaoye, after our assessment, there is no difference between data transmission and data transmission on the plain mountain plateau." Gao Lao announced the result.


A happy laugh sounded, Ye Chen smiled happily.

Although I had guessed this result long ago, it was the official result that was announced from Gao Lao's mouth. This is an exciting answer.

"I think the first step of this maritime test was a complete success." Gao Lao's face was red, his voice was a little high, and it was a bit harsh.

The sea test is different from other places and needs to be divided into many steps. Not to mention, you have to join military exercises to conduct command tests, which is even more.

Ye Chen they applauded vigorously.

"Below, we will be subjected to more stringent tests and need to be tested in more complex weather. You must quit pride and work hard, and strive for a successful test." Gao Lao told Ye Chen with a serious face. .

"Mr. Gao, rest assured, we will work hard to complete the test successfully." The team members assured their heads.

At this stage of the test, it is not far from success, and the morale of the team members is soaring.

The figure of Gao Lao disappeared, and the figure of the chief appeared on the big screen. He smiled: "Xiaoye, according to the local meteorological department report, there will be a typhoon above the 12th level in the South China Sea at 3 pm. We will see at 3 pm."

"Head, see you this afternoon," everyone said in unison.

Testing in a typhoon is even more demanding. No one can say if it can pass. If it fails, it means that photonic information technology has failed.

However, in order to use photonic information technology in the sea, the typhoon cannot be avoided, and it must withstand the test.

How can there be a typhoon in the sea? How can there be no big waves?

Our country is going to build a blue water navy, and our navy is going to dark blue. How can we not stand in the storm? How can it not stand the test of the typhoon?

If photon information technology is so advanced, wouldn't it be a huge loss if it could not be used in the navy?

Since it is to be used by the Navy, this level must be passed.

After turning off the equipment, Ye Chen prepared for the afternoon test.

Ye Chen was a little worried and said, "Is the meteorological department's measurement accurate?"

"Xiaoye, you can rest assured that you must be accurate!" General Luo looked solemnly and said, "In order to solve the weather forecast problem in the South China Sea, the National Meteorological Department has set up a point here, and the measurement is very accurate."

The National Meteorological Department set up a point in the South China Sea for weather forecasting. This is what high-level means. Ye Chen knows it and laughed: "The country has considered it very well, and this has been taken into account."

"Hehe." Admiral Gan smiled without saying a word, and said, "We must have a weather forecast. Otherwise, how will our navy act? If it is to others, we will say that it is for the convenience of passing ships. For your leaflet, he and I Needless to say that, weather is an indispensable part of our military's actions. It is very important. "

Weather is not very important to ordinary people. It's going to rain today, isn't it? If there is nothing particularly important, I won't go out and hide at home today?

However, for the military, it is not necessary to fight when it rains? Typhoon will stop fighting naval battles?

The enemy will discuss with you that the weather is too bad today. Let's leave the army and wait until the weather is better?

In bad weather, the enemy will think, you must not think of it, it is a good opportunity to kill you. Don't miss it. It will use the bad weather as a cover and give you a bad guy.

Li Jing attacked Yinshan at night, didn't he do that?

Ye Chenshen thought so, nodded, and said, "The landing of Normandy is not so much an Allied meteorologist as a German meteorologist."

The landing of Normandy was of great significance to ending World War II. It was not so much the victory of the allied meteorologists as the defeat of the German army by the Allies.

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