Super Scientist

Chapter 398: Exercise begins

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? BA6C ?? K \ '= #? G ?? Y? \'? Q ?? O? C ??? wM ?? e ?? 4e ??, ^) 2 ?? & ?? Army fans, against warships I am very fascinated, not to mention that he has also designed warships and aircraft carriers, but he has always regretted that he has not seen warships. Now that the warship was in sight, he couldn't wait to rush to see it enough. \\ r

General Luo personally invited Ye Chen to do exactly what he wished. Without saying a word, as soon as his legs were stepped on, he rushed up to see him like that, for fear of being snatched by others. \\ r

General Luo looked in his eyes and couldn't help nodding. Ye Chen liked the warship so much that he could make a fuss about it and get Ye Chen to the navy. \\ r

"Lao Luo, I'll tell you, don't mess around with your ideas." Admiral Gan is a savvy person, who can't figure out what he's thinking and is busy reminding him. \\ r

"There are ten gongs and nine places." General Luo dropped a dissatisfaction and followed the warship. \\ r

On board the warship, Ye Chendong looked and looked west, only that his eyes were not enough. \\ r

"There are so many good things." Although this warship is far from the super warship designed by Ye Chen, it has a world-leading level, and there are many good things on it. \\ r

Ye Chen squatted down, her eyes stared like bronze bells, looked at the launch system carefully, and said with a smile: "This is an eight-piece vertical hair system." \\ r

The vertical launch system is standard on modern warships. Without this, modern warships cannot be called. \\ r

The launch of the missile on the warship was not originally performed by a vertical launch system, but by a tilt launch. \\ r

The disadvantages of oblique launch are very obvious. First, the direction needs to be changed to the direction of the incoming target, which makes the launch time longer. It is possible that before you turn around, you will be destroyed by enemy missiles. \\ r

Second, it takes up a lot of space. A large warship can only have 2 ~ 3, and a small warship can only have one. The number of missiles on each launcher is one less and a maximum of eight. After firing, reload. It takes more time and affects the firepower of ships, which does not meet the needs of high-intensity modern wars. \\ r

The third is that the launcher is exposed on the bridge and can be easily destroyed by enemy fire. \\ r

To address these issues, the United States studied vertical launch systems in the 1980s. This launcher is very advanced. It can launch a missile on average in 4 seconds. This efficiency is too amazing. It can completely destroy the enemy by virtue of its firepower advantage. \\ r

In addition to the amazing firepower of the vertical launch system, it also has a very significant advantage, which is high safety. The upper end is flush with the deck, and it will be much more difficult to destroy this launch system. \\ r

The success of the United States has made the world see the huge potential of this launch system, and the world is scrambling to study it. Our country is no exception. Now our country's vertical launch system is not worse than foreign countries. The vertical launch system on this warship is the latest version of the eight-unit vertical launch device. \\ r

Accompanied by General Luo, Ye Chen walked around the warship and was very happy to see modern equipment. He was really proud of the tremendous progress of our country's navy. \\ r

"I can't believe it." Ye Chen was very emotional, saying: "When it comes to the navy of our country, it makes people feel a lot. We are a big country with a civilization history of 5,000 years and leading the world trend for thousands of years. The real Ming Dynasty was the Ming Dynasty. However, the Ming Dynasty was short-lived, and Zheng He's fleet was soon scrapped. Since then, our country has no more powerful navy. During the War of Resistance Against Japan, we were still using the late Qing Dynasty Some of the purchased warships were ships of the late nineteenth century. Little Japan, however, has a modern aircraft carrier, and our country ’s navy is where its opponents soon ran out. "\\ r

Friends who are familiar with the history of the Anti-Japanese War know how tragic the navy of our country was during the Anti-Japanese War. \\ r

When it comes to ships, the gap is too big. The ships used in our country were purchased in the late Qing Dynasty, and there are even old ships of the nineteenth century. And Japan has an aircraft carrier. How can this battle be fought? \\ r

This is equivalent to hitting with a wooden boat and an aircraft carrier. Can it not suffer? \\ r

Even if the equipment was so backward, our navy was brave at the time, and even if it was buried at the bottom of the sea, it did not retreat. \\ r

And many people who do not understand the situation are still accusing them, accusing the navy of our country, will they not know what equipment the navy of the Dynasty used at that time? \\ r

"Although we won the Anti-Japanese War, we also learned a lot. One of them is that we cannot do without a strong navy. After the founding of our country, our country established the navy as quickly as possible. However, the navy at that time did not have advanced warships. It was a poor warship that was seized. "Admiral Luo took the conversation, feeling very sad, saying:" Although the country was building the navy, due to the lack of national strength at that time, the input was not much, and the development of the navy has been greatly affected. Limitation, the tonnage of the warship is too small, and we always suffer from encounters with U.S. warships. I remember that once, a submarine from the United States came to our Qiongzhou Strait, was discovered by our warship, and a bomb was dropped. The US submarine had to float out. Finally, it was “gifted to leave” by our country ’s warships. At that time, our warships were only a few hundred tons, and they dared to work with thousands of tons of American submarines. Our ancestors were really proud. ! "\\ r

Ye Chen knew this and was very impressed by the soldiers of that era. \\ r

Our warships are only a few hundred tons, and their performance is far inferior to that of American submarines. Our ancestors also dared to enter. This pride is really admired. \\ r

"Now that we have such an advanced modern warship, it is incredible." General Luo pointed at the warship, with tears in his eyes. \\ r

Our country has achieved world-renowned achievements, and tremendous changes have taken place in all aspects. If we look back at our past experience, we will certainly be impressed. \\ r

As a witness to the great changes in our country's navy, General Luo's feelings are even greater. \\ r

"After all, we still have to thank the United States." Admiral Gan cocked his lips. \\ r

"Thank the United States?" Ye Chen froze. \\ r

"Yes, the more the United States blocks us, the stronger we are." Admiral Gan said proudly, "Should we thank the United States?"

Since the founding of our country, our country has been blocked by the western countries headed by the United States. At one time, even drugs were not allowed to be exported to our country. This is the vicious thought of letting people in the heavens die. This is too cruel. \\ r

What is the result? \\ r

The result is that after the United States blocked us for more than ten years, we suddenly discovered that the heavenly dynasty not only did not collapse, but became stronger. Our country has not only developed its own pharmaceutical industry, produced a large number of drugs, but also developed nuclear weapons, which has a high status in the world. \\ r

For General Gan ’s words, Ye Chen recognized it from the bottom of his heart and emphasized: “Looking at the development history of our country, we are very powerful in this regard when the US-led Western world blocks off. If the country does not block, we will not. "\ R

This is absolutely true, and this is the case in our country. The more Western countries headed by the United States, the more they blockade, the stronger our country becomes. Whatever they block, we develop what we do not only lag behind, but even lead the West. \\ r

"When it comes to the United States, I think of something that I will never forget in my life." Admiral Luo raised a brow, his eyes sparkled, and said, "Once, because of the Red Empire, our country The relationship with the United States is still very good. The United States invites soldiers from our country to visit the United States. I, fortunately, is one of them. Once, I boarded the United States warship and asked one that I ca n’t forget Question, I asked the United States why there is no one in their computer room? "\ R

Having said that, General Luo shook his head and patted his face, saying: "The Americans looked at me with scornful eyes and told me that the US warship is the most advanced in the world, and the machine room does not need to be guarded. It's controlled by a computer. Our warship, the machine room must be guarded, and the roar of the machine is loud enough to kill people. I don't believe it. The Americans took me to their machine room and I had to believe it was true. "\ R

"Lao Luo, this thing touched you a lot, right?" Admiral Gan's face was solemn. \\ r

Ye Chen's face was stunned, and this was equivalent to being slapped hard by the Americans. \\ r

"Touched? Not touched, it made me feel humiliated." Admiral Luo resentfully said: "After returning, I reported the matter and asked to develop our own modern warship. People who have encountered this with me do not They, like me, strongly urged the development of our country's own advanced warships. The country finally accepted our suggestions and began to study our new warships. "\ R

"Be brave and brave!" Ye Chen commented, admiring General Luo with a look of admiration. \\ r

When encountering such things, many people will only feel humiliated and angry. But what's the use of that? As the man on the horse said, anger without strength is meaningless. \\ r

General Luo turned humiliation into strength and made a significant contribution to the development of the navy of our country. Now he is the chief officer of the navy, which is very touching. \\ r

General Gan also gave a thumbs up and agreed with Ye Chen's comments. \\ r

"Head, wait until our super warship is manufactured. At that time, you can invite Americans to visit our country, let the United States see how advanced we are, and double the humiliation that the United States has imposed on you." Can understand the feelings of General Luo, busy supporting. \\ r

Super warships are definitely far too advanced than the current US warships. If Americans are to take a look, they will surely surprise Americans. \\ r

"That's not okay. My personal honor and shame are small, and the crime of leaking state secrets is a big crime." General Luo flatly refused. \\ r

Ye Chenxin said that although the super warship was very advanced, it was the result of being repeatedly weakened by me. If I can have that new type of power, the warships I design will be great. \\ r

Accompanied by the two, Ye Chen took a full tour of the warship. \\ r

That night, Ye Chen mingled with these young officers and soldiers, and chatted with them. They learned a lot of things that they didn't know before, and only felt that this trip to the South China Sea was worthwhile. \\ r

The next day, Ye Chen got up early, because today is the day when the military exercise begins. \\ r

During the military exercise, Ye Chen had seen it on television before, but had not experienced it on the spot. Now the opportunity is coming. He is particularly excited: "Will the aircraft carrier come?"

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