Super Scientist

Chapter 401: Give up

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?? f ??;? Ov: f? a? 眙 ???! #?}? Y ???????? Rzl ?? C5r?] 2: 7W ?? is not a static target, Instead, move the target. We have to train troops in actual combat, and of course we have to hit moving targets. In modern wars, who would be stupid enough to stop and let you fight? \\ r

Hitting it so far and hitting it directly is really exciting. \\ r

The thing that excites Ye Chen is still behind. If there are missiles hitting the target constantly, nothing will fail. Looking at the shocking explosion scene, Ye Chen had to say, "It's too accurate. After hitting so many shots, there is no failure, it's all in the middle." \\ r

Modern warfare requires precision strikes, and missiles must be accurate. \\ r

The second Gulf War launched by the United States broke the mode of operation in which the United States lived. When the United States wants to go to war, it usually dispatches the Air Force to carry out wild bombardment, destroying the enemy ’s military facilities, and attacking the enemy ’s morale before launching a ground attack and sweeping the enemy. \\ r

However, the second Gulf War broke this tradition. The first attack was the US Navy. The missile hit Baghdad from more than 2,000 kilometers away. It wanted to behead. \\ r

Although the target had left early, this idea failed. However, US missiles were really accurate. \\ r

However, it is still difficult to achieve all-out. \\ r

"Xiaoye, our country's missile hit rate is very high, which is famous all over the world." Admiral Gan said. \\ r

"Really?" Ye Chen was not quite convinced. \\ r

Our missile technology started more than twenty years later than the United States, coupled with the backwardness of our country's industrial base. It is really a bit unexpected to make the hit rate of the missile world famous. \\ r

"Of course it is true." Admiral Gan proudly said, "I will tell you one thing, you will know. After the reform and opening up of our country, we also want to let military enterprises go out and pick up some orders abroad. It can occupy the international arms market and serve politics. Missiles are one of them. However, the international community does not believe in our country's missiles. It thinks that our country's missiles are not working, and they are not sure.

Speaking of this, Admiral Gan's tone turned high, full of contempt, saying: "Especially in Western countries, they look down on us, saying a lot of things. In a word, the things in the West are treasures, and the things in our country are all shabby. Western countries blow cowhide into the sky, but it was a slap in the face. "\ R

"What happened?" Ye Chen asked. \\ r

"A buyer said that since your missile is so powerful, can it be hit? If it is as powerful as you said, we will buy it. Xiaoye, do you know how this country does it?" General Gan asked. \\ r

"I think ... isn't this country afraid to fight?" Ye Chen frowned, turning his thoughts: "Western countries have always loved bragging, knowing that technology can't be reached, and they have to blow it very well. Such things, Western countries have always done this to backward Third World countries. If they believe, they will first give money to these Western countries, and then these Western countries will find many excuses to delay. "\ R

General Luo and General Gan looked at Ye Chen with surprise. \\ r

"During the process of delay, these Western countries will still find many excuses to ask the third world countries to increase their fares. The money has been given, and it must be added. In this way, they fall into the traps of Western countries step by step." Ye Chen was very Disdain, said: "I have heard a lot of this kind of thing." \\ r

Ye Chen's statement is absolutely true. Western countries do not know how many Third World countries have been pitted with this hand, including our country. \\ r

"Xiaoye, I didn't expect that you know these things." Admiral Luo was very grateful, saying: "The countries that were pitted also included our country. Especially at the beginning of reform and opening up, our country was very backward at that time. There is a common belief that we are inferior to people in all aspects. In general, our country is really inferior to western countries, but it does not mean that our country has no advantages. In some aspects, our country not only does not lag behind western countries, but also Lead. "\ R

"Like a laser," Ye Chen gave an example. \\ r

"Yes. Laser technology, our country is the world's most advanced, which is the most representative of our country." Admiral Gan nodded and said, "In other aspects, our country also has a lot of leading. We once produced a The United States delegation visited our country for this kind of laser protective glasses. At that time, the manufacturers thought that our country was inferior to the United States. The factory leader violated the country's order, took the US representative to visit, and gave the laser protective glasses as a gift. US delegation. Within a month, such laser protective glasses have become the United States. The United States has applied for a patent, which means that our country must use it and pay the United States a patent fee. \ R

Speaking of this, Admiral Gan's face was angry and he shook his fist fiercely, saying: "The United States has always whitewashed itself like a saint, but in fact the United States is despicable." \ R

"I know this. I heard that there are also leaks of the army, which is similar to this." Ye Chen said. \\ r

"Yeah," General Luo said with a serious face. "At that time, it was not just the common people who thought we were not as good as people, but also officials and soldiers. A military delegation from a western country visited our country and visited the army. . One of our officers has the idea of ​​violating orders and letting the delegation of this country see our unique skills. Not only has this country been used on their weapons, but it has also been declared their invention. "\ \ r

"I think the reform and opening up for so many years, in addition to the great changes in our country and the strengthening of our strength, also lies in the change in our concepts. We no longer think of ourselves as inferior to others, and this thinking has gradually become a mainstream." Ye Chen has heard many such things, and is also emotional. \\ r

"Well, Xiaoye said it well." Admiral Gan was very grateful. \\ r

"Yes." General Luo also praised, saying: "The change of thinking is the most important and fundamental, but this comes from strength. When there is no strength, it is reasonable to think that it is not as good as people. When our strength has come up, we dare to fight against the United States. If we still think that it is not as good as humans, it is the thought of slaves. "\ R

"Yeah." Ye Chen nodded and pulled back. "I think our country must have hit. What's the hit rate?" \\ r

Through the words of General Gan and Luo, Ye Chen has understood that our country must have hit, but I don't know what the hit rate is. \\ r

"All in!" Admiral Gan said. \\ r

"All in?" Ye Chen flashed in his eyes, and said, "How many hits?" \\ r

"Eight hits eight." Admiral Gan said proudly: "This hit rate makes the Western countries that look down on us think it is incredible, and thinks that they can't do things in Western countries, we are even less likely to do it." \\ r

"This is typical Western thinking." Ye Chen was very disdainful and despised: "The West leads the world for hundreds of years, rules the world for hundreds of years, forming a sense of superiority, and thinks that it can do everything. If our country is better than the West, After that, western countries think that is impossible. Then, there is a series of smearing, slandering our country to steal and plagiarize Western things. "\ R

This is a common practice in the West, such as our positioning system. Western countries have slandered our country to steal Western technology. Our space shuttle is also stealing Western technology. Even if we put a bad smell, that's also the smell of the West. \\ r

If you look at the news for a moment, you will find many such examples. \\ r

"There are a lot of foreign slaves, and they believe that they are true." Ye Chen was very polite and very angry. \\ r

Now that the strength of our country has come, the world center is shifting toward Asia, that is, to our country. The United States has to "rebalance Asia." There are still many people who still think that the dynasty is not as good as foreign countries. \\ r

"You are a beautiful slap in the face of this western country. I think the representative of the western country must have a wonderful face, right?" Ye Chen laughed. \\ r

"Wonderful? No, no," Admiral Gan shook his head. "Western countries are all cheeky. Although we have been slapped hard by our country, it is just like nothing." \\ r

"The face is thicker than the Great Wall, and the bullets are impenetrable." Ye Chen commented. \\ r

"That's what it means." Admiral Gan nodded and said, "This is the first battle of our country's missile exports. It has been beautiful. Since then, our country's missiles have occupied a place in the international market." \\ r

Just as Ye Chen spoke, the exercise changed again. \\ r

The submarine fired and successfully hit the target. \\ r

"Submarine!" Ye Chen was very excited. \\ r

Ye Chen is familiar with submarines, but he has not seen a submarine at the scene, let alone a submarine's mighty appearance. \\ r

"Xiaoye, this is an advanced submarine independently developed by our country, which is not worse than foreign countries." General Luo introduced to Ye Chen. \\ r

"The road to submarine in our country did not go well. In the past, the submarine in our country was very noisy. Western countries led by the United States despised us, looked down on us, and said that the noise of submarine in our country was like a tractor. Until once, Our submarine hit the US sonar, and the US shut up. "Ye Chen was very moved. \\ r

"It's true." General Luo nodded and said, "In the past, the submarine in our country was really noisy, and it was discovered by Sonar all the time. With the efforts of our national scientists, the noise has been greatly reduced over the years. It is no worse than the US submarine. The collision sonar incident you said was that we deliberately hit the face of the United States. Prior to this, the United States has said publicly that the noise of our country's submarines is very loud, and the United States must find it easy. "\\ r

"The result is that you slapped the United States with a slap in the face, just like you slapped the United States with a black ribbon!" Ye Chen was very excited. \\ r

General Luo nodded. \\ r

The United States looks down on our country, and there are many things that have been beaten by our country. The submarine hits the sonar, and the black ribbon test flight hits the U.S. Defense Minister's face. These two things are very popular. \\ r

The screen changed again, and our air force came. A bomber appeared, and the missiles beneath it were like the fangs of a beast. \\ r

"This is our sacrifice." Ye Chen's eyes widened sharply. \\ r

"There are a lot of anti-aircraft carriers in our country, not only anti-ship ballistic missiles, but also this." General Luo pointed at the missiles under the plane and said, "This is our hand-to-hand weapon. Within ten years, The western world cannot be defended. "

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