Super Scientist

Chapter 407: Dumb

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The American aircraft carrier was almost attacked by the dynasty. Although the dynasty finally dropped the missile into the sea, everyone knows that the dynasty is angry this time, and this is warning the United States.

As the world's most powerful country and the global hegemony, the United States is challenging the majesty of the United States and the global hegemony of the United States. Will the United States tolerate it?

Not only Ye Chen was curious, but General Luo and General Gan were also very curious. They opened their eyes wide, stared at the big screen, ears raised, and wanted to hear how his boss answered.

"James, you listen to me, you must not act lightly." His boss was very harsh.

General Luo and General Gan immediately shook their heads and sneered: "This is the commander of the Seventh Fleet, who has been clamoring to be tough on us, and even uttering wild words, ready to fight us at any time, and now he even counseled."

The commander of the Seventh Fleet is of Japanese descent. He has always been known for his toughness against the heavenly dynasty. He has uttered mad words in public in many occasions to fight the heavenly dynasty. This is actually advising.

You must know that this action by the Heavenly Dynasty is a challenge for the United States, that is, humiliation. Anti-ship missiles fell into the sea with the US aircraft carrier attached. This has never happened before.

Moreover, although the US nuclear submarine was not destroyed by the dynasty, it was destroyed because of the actions of the dynasty. This is a huge loss to the United States and cannot be tolerated.

The commander of the Seventh Fleet, who had always been known for his toughness against the heavens, was unexpected.

"It is worthy of being Japanese, and it has inherited the tradition of bullying and fearlessness in Little Japan." Ye Chen sneered, mockingly.

"Haha!" Everyone couldn't help laughing, Ye Chen's mouth was getting more and more damaged.

"What? You don't let me move? Do you know what this means? Heavenly Chaos is challenging the great United States. Such things have never happened after the war, even the Red Empire hasn't done so. You and he can Tolerance? "James growled." This kind of thing can't be tolerated. Tolerance is today, tomorrow will be even more excessive, and it will completely drive us out of the South China Sea. "

The superiors of the US military have less control over the subordinates. As long as the subordinates do not violate the order, they will collide with the superiors, and the superiors are helpless.

If the boss wants to retaliate against the subordinate for this reason, once exposed, it will be a scandal and will ruin his future.

"Of course I know that this is the dynasty that is challenging our great America. I certainly know that this is beating our faces. But this is the dynasty, and it is one of the great nations in the world that has prevented the great United States from winning." The commander of the fleet was very eloquent and said in an unquestionable tone, "You have given me a clear understanding, and you are not allowed to act without authorization, otherwise I will send you to the military court!"

"The United States is really debilitated and afraid of hardness!" Ye Chen sneered, and said, "The United States can only counsel the hard bones."

The response of the commander of the Seventh Fleet is a very good illustration of the nature of the United States.

If other small and medium-sized countries acted in this way, the United States would have been furious, and it would have buckled a lot of hats, such as dictators, terrorism, the tumors of the democratic world ... and then mobilize the army to fight.

Now, in the face of the dynasty, this was a rare challenge after the war. The commander of the Seventh Fleet, known for his toughness, ordered his subordinates not to act rashly. This was because the United States was bullying and afraid of the stubbornness.

There are only two countries in the world that have prevented the United States from winning, one is the dynasty and the other is a bear. When encountering these two countries, the United States always looks forward and looks back, and dare not make excessive moves. For example, Mao Xiong's fighter planes are close to American fighter planes, only a few meters away. If you change to a small or medium-sized country, the United States will definitely blame this as provocation and fight a battle. However, in the face of fur bears, the United States only issued a bit of blame statements and fought a saliva battle.

Now, the actions of our country are more challenging than the actions of the bears, and the United States has to recognize it by pinching its nose.

"What, you're sending me to a military court? I'm going to the Pentagon to sue you," James growled.

"If you want to go, I won't stop you. I will tell you that the Pentagon's answer is the same." The commander of the Seventh Fleet has a higher tone, a bit harsh, very severe, and said: "The sky fired. Another anti-ship ballistic missile, with a longer range, is enough to hit the second island chain. And, with greater power, your fleet will go up to live targets. If you are on the scene, you should be more experienced than me. "

James was silent.

There are two types of anti-ship ballistic missiles that we showed. One was hit last year at 712, with a shorter range and almost less power. Today's launch is the most powerful one. The range is enough to hit the second island chain, or it has both nuclear and nuclear weapons. If necessary, you can bring a nuclear warhead to fight.

Thinking about the consequences is enough to scare the United States.

James is very unconvinced, but he has to admit that the commander of the Seventh Fleet makes sense. In front of our country's anti-ship ballistic missiles, the aircraft carrier is the living target.

From the discovery of anti-ship missiles to the missiles falling into the sea, the aircraft carrier did not have any countermeasures at all, that is, live targets, waiting to be hit. Although the aircraft carrier is advancing at a high speed and wants to escape, the anti-ship missile can always lock the aircraft carrier, which is too scary.

"The launch of the anti-ship ballistic missile by the dynasty indicates that the dynasty is already angry and ready to fight a battle. At this time, if you act rashly, it will trigger the Third World War, and even a nuclear war. Ready to be a sinner in human history? "The commander of the Seventh Fleet almost roared.

At this time, Tian Chao used live ammunition instead of "carrier rockets" as in the past, which is enough to show Tian Chao's attitude. The dynasty is issuing a tough warning to the United States, stop doing things in the South China Sea, otherwise, you will be at your own risk.

This time, I fell into the sea myself, and there will never be a next time. Next time, it must be an aircraft carrier.

At this time, if the US aircraft carrier picks a problem, it is the fuse, and the heavenly dynasty will definitely fight back.

With this fight, the consequences are too serious, and the United States cannot afford such serious consequences. For the United States, the casualties of thousands of people will make the president unstable, and the president of tens of thousands of people may step down. If hundreds of thousands of people are injured or injured, the president is bound to get out.

How much will the United States pay for fighting against the heavens? Hundreds of thousands are certainly not enough. Millions, tens of millions, or even hundreds of millions are possible.

With such casualties, do anyone dare to be president of the United States?

As for the Tianchao, some foreign media speculated that the Tianchao could mobilize 200 million people to the battlefield. That's two-thirds of the US population.

Once a nuclear war is fought and nuclear weapons fly around, mankind will suffer catastrophic disasters and the earth will be destroyed.

No one can afford such terrible consequences.

"So what do I do?" James slowed.

"Retreat, retreat immediately." The commander of the Seventh Fleet ordered.

"Just let heaven go like this?" James was reconciled.

"What can you do?" The commander of the Seventh Fleet said unwillingly and helplessly.

In the face of a world power like the heavenly dynasty, what can the United States be willing to do? Does the United States dare to fight against heaven?

"Retreating, not letting things escalate, this is the most important thing at the moment." The commander of the Seventh Fleet slowed down a bit and said, "Next, it depends on how Washington responds to this."

James was silent for a while, and then said, "Okay, I retreat."

"Very well," said the commander of the Seventh Fleet. He was really afraid that when James got hot, he directed the aircraft carrier to charge into the territorial waters of the heavens. In that case, contradictions would be intensified, the situation would escalate, and the pace of war would be closer.

"I want to ask, can we come back if we retreat?" James asked again.

The commander of the Seventh Fleet remained silent for a long time and then hung up.

The question was too difficult for him, and he didn't know how to answer it.

"The United States is dumb!" Ye Chen shook his fist in his right hand and waved vigorously.

"What if you don't eat?" General Gan sneered: "Our anti-ship ballistic missiles are the nemesis of the American aircraft carrier. If the American aircraft carrier dares to come, we guarantee the return of the American aircraft carrier. Now, the United States has seen us The power of the ship's ballistic missiles is so scary that you have to leave without leaving. "

The United States has personally taught the power of anti-ship ballistic missiles. It will not be stupid enough to provide food to the heavens. It is better to get out of the way, so the United States must retreat.

With an order from James, the American carrier would retreat.

"Want to leave? How could it be so easy." Ye Chen's eyes flashed, and he snorted coldly, "Look how I pack you up."

"Xiaoye, what are you going to do?" General Gan asked.

"Crashing is healthier. I want American warships to hit aircraft carriers. It must be very exciting." Ye Chen was very excited and couldn't help rubbing his hands.

"Can you really do that?" General Luo was taken aback.

"Of course!" Ye Chen proudly said, "I have hacked into the Aegis system. It is not difficult to modify the instructions."

How difficult it is to modify the Aegis system's instructions does not need to be said, only Ye Chen dare to say so.

"No." Admiral Gan and Admiral Luo quickly exchanged glances and flatly refused.

"Why not?" Ye Chen was surprised.

What a wonderful thing to have an American warship hit an aircraft carrier, why not?

"First, this time, we have gained the upper hand, and the United States has suffered a big dumb loss. We don't need to make things happen again. In that case, it will be very difficult to end." Admiral Gan analyzed, "The struggle, It's an art, it takes a long time, and you need to master the rhythm. "

The United States has suffered a big dumb loss and lost a nuclear submarine. Although things are not small, the United States can still cover it. Once the aircraft carrier is in trouble again, the United States can't help but cover it, so it has to be announced. By that time, the exposure was in full view, and due to domestic pressure, the United States could not help but take action, and the situation is likely to escalate.

In this way, if you see it well, you can take it back and leave the United States a way out. Only then can the United States cover up and the situation will not escalate.

As things escalate, there is no need to be afraid of the strength of the dynasty. It is a bit of a hassle. There is no need to cause this kind of trouble because of the speed of time.

"Of course, this is not the point, the point is the second reason." Admiral Gan flashed his eyes, his mouth turned up, which was very fun.

"What bad water are you ravaging again?" Ye Chen keenly noticed Admiral Gan's anomaly.

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