Super Scientist

Chapter 418: Advanced training courses

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The South China Sea problem has always been provoked by the United States. The strength of our country was not good before. The United States has been used as a back garden. Come whenever you want. After the 712 confrontation, the Tianchao took advantage of the attack and recovered 90% in one fell swoop, leaving the remaining 10% unrecovered. It can be said that the South China Sea issue has entered the final stage.

This time, the Tianchao changed its previous practice and no longer used a "launch rocket" to warn the United States, but a live ammunition. This made the United States afraid and did not dare to make trouble in the South China Sea.

As long as the United States does not cause trouble in the South China Sea, the South China Sea issue will be resolved.

The South China Sea is just the first stage of the global strategy of the Korean Empire, and the following will proceed to the Straits of Malacca and Australia.

However, the United States has suffered a loss in the South China Sea. It must retaliate against the dynasty in other places. This is in line with the United States. Ye Chen was curious. How would the United States avenge the heavens?

Not only Ye Chen wants to know, but also the chief executives. Knowing the cards in the US will give you the upper hand in the battle with the US.

At that moment, the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff turned his head and said, "But this is a serious challenge to the United States. The United States must respond strongly. I suggest that we should strengthen the first island chain and the second island chain. , Full of missiles, hermetically lock the sky. "

"this is a good idea."

"I wanted to do this long ago."

"Tianchao has been pursuing a policy of keeping its eyes low for years, hiding their ambitions well, giving people the illusion of not competing with others, and vigorously developing while the United States fights against terrorism. Now, when the strength of the Tianchao comes up, we will cooperate with the It ’s overwhelming to drive the United States out of the South China Sea. This is intolerable. I agree to strengthen the island chain and use missiles to completely block the dynasty. "

Many generals immediately agreed, and they were in favour of this proposal.

Ye Chen's heart was tight. If the United States really wanted to do this, it would be bad for heaven.

However, what surprised Ye Chen was that the chiefs were light and light, and they were not worried at all, very puzzled, and asked, "Head, why aren't you worried?"

"Xiaoye, what are you worried about?" The chief smiled. "It is not a day or two to block us with an island chain. The United States has been doing it for decades. As a result, the more the blockade, the stronger our country will be."

At this point, he paused, "When it comes to island chain, that's just a piece of paper. Xiaoye, do you know why?"

The United States has really blocked the dynasty with island chains for decades. Since the founding of our country, the United States has done just that. However, decades have passed. Not only has the United States not blocked the dynasty, it has become stronger.

As for the reason, Ye Chen really didn't think about it. At this time, the chief asked, this is to point out Ye Chen.

How glorious it is to get the guidance of the heads. Looking at the world, how many people can have this honor?

Suddenly, a flash of light flashed, Ye Chen suddenly realized, "The United States blocked the first island chain of our country including sticks, small Japan, the bay, and Southeast Asia. If you look on the map, this is a wonderful arc Line, but in reality, it's just a fragmented line segment, it's useless. "

"Why?" The chief did not comment, but asked again.

"Because the powers are not equal." Ye Chen said in a mysterious way, "The strength of the dynasty is stronger than all the countries and regions on the first island chain. It is too powerful, that is, these countries and regions all add up. It is not an opponent of Tianchao. If Tianchao really wants to clear the first island chain, it will not cost much. "


The chief applauded and applauded, "Xiaoye, you have grown up and you have a good vision."

The heads of them pointed out Ye Chen many times, coupled with Ye Chen's good understanding, he is not a young man.

"Not all the heads have taught you well." In the national strategy of global affairs, Ye Chen benefited from the heads. They are sincere.

"That's because you have a good understanding. So, Yep, do you think about it, will the United States agree to strengthen the island chain?" The chief asked another question.

"I don't think the United States will." Ye Chen analyzed and said, "If the United States strengthens the first island chain, it is delivering food to us. If something really happens, we will eat the United States on the island chain as soon as possible. Strength, the United States will certainly suffer huge losses. "

"Yes." The chief nodded and said, "It is for this reason that the United States has shifted its power towards the second island chain over the years. The United States is very clear that the first island chain cannot be blocked at all. We will not say that it will become ours. Target. As for the second island chain, our weapons are becoming more advanced and powerful, and they can completely destroy the United States ’power on the second island chain. The United States’ method of strengthening the second island chain is not of much significance. "

As soon as the chief's words came to an end, the US Defense Secretary, who had been silent, spoke, saying, "Although your proposal is good, I want to tell you that this is not feasible. You must think that I am the Defense Secretary, why can't I see it? The benefits of this? I will answer you now. Our female presidential candidate has said in private that she wants to be surrounded by missiles and completely block the dynasty. She can only say in private that she cannot Become a policy. You know why? "

Former women presidents of the United States have said this in private, but it cannot be a policy, for a reason.

"You also know that the dynasty's strength is getting stronger and stronger. Can the United States deploy missiles around the dynasty to really block the dynasty? The United States has blocked the dynasty for decades, and what are the results?" The US Defense Secretary analyzed in depth.

Ye Chen smiled, and the United States knew it.

"Furthermore, this will severely stimulate Tianchao. Tianchao will take very tough measures to fight back, and the United States will suffer huge losses." The U.S. Defense Secretary said solemnly.

If the United States dared to be covered with missiles around the dynasty, it would be sending an extremely unfriendly signal to the dynasty. The dynasty would definitely respond hard, and the possibility of a fight would increase, and the possibility of confrontation would increase. If it is not good, it will repeat the Cold War and the United States will pay a high price.

"You need to know that the dynasty is not a red empire. The strength of the dynasty is much stronger and stronger than the red empire." Fang Chang's tone was very severe, saying: "The red empire has powerful armaments, but it is economically weak It was eventually dragged down by the United States. Tianchao not only has a strong military force, but also a strong economic strength. In terms of exchange rates, the economic scale of Tianchao is the second largest economy. If it is calculated at comparable prices, the economic scale of Tianchao has already Not weaker than the United States. Do you know what this means? "

The disintegration of the Red Empire was because of economic inefficiency, which was dragged down by powerful armaments. The Tianchao will not repeat the same mistakes. Its economic strength is very good. It is the world's largest trading country. The import and export of several trillion US dollars a year is enough to illustrate the problem.

Once the confrontation between the heavenly dynasty and the United States, the United States will not be able to win, even if the United States pulls his little brother together.

The little brothers in the United States have to rely on the help of heaven to develop their economy. Only God knows how much they can do for the United States.

Take a look at Little Japan, jump up and down, and bark like a mad dog at the Tianchao, but once the Tianchao gets angry, Little Japan can only recognize it by pinching its nose.

After the anti-celestial female defender came to power, Tian Chao chose her name. If she dared to worship a ghost at 815, she would be at her own risk, and she could only make excuses to go abroad to avoid the limelight.

This is the Prime Minister of Japan. He used to worship ghosts before, annoyed the heavenly court and ordered his name. He never dared to worship ghosts again.


Because Japan needs to develop its economy without the heavens. Can Japan develop its economy without heaven?

Not to mention the stick, the Tianchao slightly moved its hands and feet, the stick was a bleak business, and even the master of the United States jumped out to intercede for the stick.

"The United States can't move us!" Ye Chen smiled.

If it had been before, the United States would wave the sanctions stick and impose sanctions of all kinds on the heavens. Now, the United States has discovered that there is nothing to do with heaven. This is really great news.

They nodded their heads, and they agreed with Ye Chen.

The commander of the Seventh Fleet was a little impatient, and said, "This will not work, that will not work, what shall we do?"

This was exactly what the generals wanted to say, and they were in favour.

Chang Chang pressed her lips tightly, thinking. It was obvious that he was in a difficult position.

"If it is a bear, we can use economic sanctions to yield it. Heaven, it is really difficult to deal with!"

Ye Chen smiled and sprayed on the spot, and the helplessness of Fang Chang explained the problem.

The bears swallowed the peninsula, and the United States took his little partner to impose economic sanctions on the bears, which made the bears' life very difficult.

The fur bear is the successor of the Red Empire, inheriting the legacy of the Red Empire, but also inheriting the problem, that is, economic failure. Mao Xiong's economy has been better in the past few years. That's because the international energy price has risen. Mao Xiong has benefited a lot from it and sold a lot of money. Now that international energy prices have fallen, the weakness of the bear economy has been exposed, and income has plummeted.

Coupled with Western sanctions, Mao Xiong's life is even more difficult.

However, Tianchao is not a bear. The dynasty not only has good military strength, but also has lost economic strength several streets. It would be a joke if the United States dared to impose economic sanctions on the heavens as before.

Not to mention, the hope of economic recovery in the Western world is now pinned on heaven. If the United States dare to sanction the dynasty, the United States economy will decline significantly.

In the end, it is unknown who sanctions who.

"The only place we can move now is Sade," the defense chief said finally.

"Sad?" Ye Chen frowned, his face getting cold.

The question of Sade made Ye Chen very upset and made Tianchao people very unhappy. Ye Chen's eyes flashed fiercely.

What surprised Ye Chen, however, was that they were not so worried about the chief. They couldn't help being curious and asked, "Head, why don't you worry?"

The Sade problem is full of excitement, and the whole world knows that it is a hot issue now. Theoretically, they should be worried about the head, but they are sitting firmly on the Diaoyutai.

"Xiaoye, there is no need to worry about this," the chief explained. "The whole world knows that we will not tolerate Sade's deployment on sticks. The only difference is whether the sticks are taken away by the United States or by ourselves. .Once we hit it, it's going to fall apart. "

"Head, what do you say?" Ye Chen's eyes widened sharply.

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