Super Scientist

Chapter 426: Fully cooperate

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National TV has a great set of revenue generation. Advertising fees are repeatedly high, but any important event or festival is a time when national TV is making a lot of money. With Ye Chen ’s business card, it can also generate a lot of income for the national television station. Ye Chen is very angry. I am working for the country. You even want to make money. Do you have a sense of public morality?

Lin Shangzhong was very grieved. In his heart, he secretly said that it is a matter of leadership to generate income on the stage. I am only a reporter, a host, and have no power. I have nothing to say. If you have resentment, you can send a message to the leader of the desk. What kind of anger is this little reporter?

At the same time, Lin Shangzhong despised Ye Chen in his heart. What do you look like? You are a world-renowned scientist, and you are drooling, and you are not afraid to destroy your image?

After thinking about it, Ye Chen's big mouth and the American big mouth president have a fight, even more than a few points, do not care about image issues at all.

"Scientist Ye, I think you have misunderstood. I sincerely want to make a show in this area, to promote the importance of engineers, so that Chinese people no longer dream of celebrities and dreams of promotion. In fact, engineers do well Now, you can still make a fortune, no worse than a white-collar worker. Well, it should be said that it is more cattle than a white-collar worker. "Lin Shangzhong took a long time to react and explained carefully.

"Really?" Lin Shangzhong said very sincerely, and did not intend to fake. Ye Chen believed a little.

"It must be true!" Lin Shangzhong said categorically: "We have a shortage of engineers in our country. I have known for a long time. I have long wanted to do this kind of program. I have never had a chance. Now, it is rare for you to come forward. Opportunity, I will certainly not miss it. "

"What do you want to do? I want to tell you, if you want to make money, you don't have to discuss it." Ye Chen looked serious.

"You can rest assured." Lin Shangzhong patted his breast and promised, "With the help of Ye Ye, how dare we make money? It's 100% free! Don't make a penny! Although I am not a leader, I am now I dare to answer you like that, and I think our leaders in the stage will answer you like this. "

Ye Chen listened to him very seriously, so he believed.

"As for how to do it, I need to report to the Taiwanese, and then discuss with my colleagues to plan a plan before I can answer you. Scientist Ye, what do you think?" Lin Shangzhong saw Ye Chen not spit again, The lifted heart was put down.

It is not easy to make a show. It is not Lin Shangzhong who has the final say. He needs the approval of the leader. He needs to discuss with his colleagues. He needs to plan a plan. This is all true. Ye Chen said, "Well, I'll wait for you. Message. "

"Scientist Ye, rest assured!" Lin Shangzhong promised, patting his chest.

The two chatted for a while, Ye Chen said his ideas, Lin Shangzhong said some of his ideas, and most of the ideas were very close to each other. Ye Chen looked at Lin Shangzhong.

After hanging up the call, Ye Chen called Tang Lao's phone again to seek national support.

Without the support of the state, it would be difficult to do this and the results would not be very good.

"Hello Ye," Tang said with a smile to Ye Chen after the call was answered.

"Hello Tang," Ye Chen said with a smile.

"Xiaoye, you are very good, and have made great contributions to our country. Photonic information technology has succeeded, and our country is about to enter the photon era. It is really amazing!" Tang Lao smiled and kept boasting Ye Chen.

Ye Chen has made a lot of important contributions to the country, but it is not much better than photonic information technology. Even the conquering of superalloy materials is inferior.

The success of photon information technology has pushed our country into the photon era at once. The significance is very important.

Although Tang Lao had known this for a long time, when he saw Ye Chen, he still wanted to boast a few words.

"That's what I should do." Ye Chen humbly, as always.

"Xiaoye, do you call me, is there anything wrong?" Tang Lao was very satisfied with Ye Chen's humility. This boy is always so pleasing. However, Mr. Tang knew that Ye Chen was very busy with his work, and calling him must be very important.

"Lao Tang, I called you this time for help." Ye Chen said.

"Help? No problem, as long as we can do it, we will definitely meet your requirements." Mr. Tang was very assured of Ye Chen and didn't ask what kind of things he was, so he promised.

"What do we need?" When the guarantee was over, Tang Lao remembered it and didn't ask what it was.

"Lao Tang, it's like this ..." Ye Chen said something.

"How much? Seventy billion?" Tang Lao stood up sharply, his eyes almost fell.

Seventy billion yuan, not a small number, can build half an aircraft carrier battle group, even a big man like Donald is also very regrettable. His regret is not that there is too much money. In his eyes, although 70 billion yuan is a lot, it is too small compared with the state's fiscal expenditure. However, this is the money that Ye Chen has drawn. This is also the money that Ye Chen has drawn in the early stage. If Ye Chen pulls the money all the way, there will be no problem, even more, of hundreds of billions.

It is horrible to pull hundreds of billions of dollars casually, even the richest man in the world cannot do this.

"Xiaoye, I just discovered that your ability to absorb gold is too scary, more than any other star in the world." Tang Lao responded with great emotion.

This is the big truth, that is, those queens of the heavens, and even the superstars in Hollywood, do not have the horrible ability to attract money such as Ye Chen. Sitting in the office, Ye Chen can make so many funds by making a few calls. Which star has this appeal?

"Elder Tang, you look at me high. Isn't what I want to do exactly what everyone wants to do?" Ye Chen is very clear why he can pull so much money, not Ye Chen is handsome, let alone Ye Chenyou Many cows, but what he is doing now, is what everyone wants to do but can't do.

What's more, it's good for everyone, so these industries will help.

Of course, there are also reasons why Ye Chen's face is so big.

"Xiaoye, please allow me to pay tribute to you." Tang Lao nodded, agreeing with Ye Chen's statement. Standing up, bowing to Ye Chen, saying, "Xiaoye, you have done a great thing that benefits the country and the people, and I bow to you!"

Tang Lao and Ye Chen have known each other for a short time, so they have not paid such a serious homage to Ye Chen, which shows how touching Ye Chen's doing is.

"Lao Tang, this is my life." Ye Chen stood up and bowed back.

Mr. Tang is an admirable old expert who has made great contributions to the country. Ye Chen is afraid to accept his etiquette.

"Xiaoye, the foundation of a country is not a virtual economy or a prosperous service industry, but a real economy and manufacturing." Tang Lao sat down very seriously, "If a country does not have a developed manufacturing industry, That will cause problems. With the development of our country's economy, domestic demand is expanding rapidly, but our real economy is also being damaged, especially in the manufacturing industry. There is also a talent crisis. Today's parents, children, even Either Teacher Yu is thinking about getting promoted and getting rich, not many people are thinking about developing the real economy and developing manufacturing. This is of course related to the misleading media and has nothing to do with our work. "

When the country's economic strength comes up, it is necessary to turn to the development of domestic demand. Otherwise, the people's living standards will not come up. What modernization is there to talk about?

The development of domestic demand cannot be limited to the real economy, not only the manufacturing industry, but also the service industry and the virtual economy. These are developing. However, the real economy has been harmed a bit. The real economy has been very difficult these years. This is known to the people throughout the country.

Correspondingly, the damage to the manufacturing industry is even more serious. Many people are unwilling to engage in manufacturing because they do not make money.

Which industry makes money? real estate!

Excessive funds entered real estate, which is an important driver of the false high prices.

"We have long noticed the shortage of engineers and have taken some measures, but the results have not been great, and the shortage of engineers has become more serious." Mr. Tang continued: "Some companies now pay 300,000 annual salaries. Can't recruit engineers. In some companies, high-tech products have to be discontinued because they can't recruit high-level engineers, which makes people sad. "

The 300,000 annual salary can not recruit the engineers needed, which is very telling. If this problem is not resolved, it will be particularly harmful to the country.

Looking at the United States, several presidents are mentioning the need to revive American manufacturing. Why is this happening? There are many reasons why American manufacturing is moving abroad. One reason is that Americans are reluctant to engage in manufacturing.

"Now, Xiaoye took the lead and let me see hope. I believe that with the right call of Xiaoye, as long as it is done properly, you can reverse this situation." Tang Lao immediately clapped and said, "Xiaoye, rest assured, we will cooperate fully . "

Ye Chen had long guessed that the country would cooperate fully, and it was still inspiring when he heard the exact news.

There are not many things that the country fully cooperates with.

"Lao Tang, I plan to do this ..." Ye Chen said the plan discussed with the company's senior management.

"What? You want to dive into the entertainment industry?" Mr. Tang's mouth was so big that he could stuff an egg, and his face was shocked.

There are not many people who dare to dive out of the entertainment industry. Ye Chen is the first person to do this. If Tang Lao knew him, he thought he was crazy.

Even the country is afraid to dive into the entertainment industry, let alone personally. Ye Chen is not bold, but bold.

"The entertainment industry has been very smooth these years. It has done so many rare things, but it has been left unattended. How many people have been misled?" Ye Chen looked solemnly and said, "The star is a gold suction machine, a little bit famous Stars can make a lot of money. In many companies, the appetite is too big, and you can get any stick star. You can earn a lot of money in our country without saying a good word. After you go back, It ’s a buzzword to our country. Do n’t I say you, Donald, do n’t you see it? Why do n’t you care?

Tang Lao looked at Ye Chen's drooling splashes, his face changed, and he wiped his face involuntarily.

If Ye Chen was in front of Tang Lao, he would have been sprayed with saliva.

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