Super Scientist

Chapter 433: Missile Defense System (Part 1)

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Ye Chen seldom asked for a request. The request he made was bound to be very glorious. The eyes of everyone fell on Ye Chen's body, looking forward, all wondering what kind of request Ye Chen would make.

What kind of look do you have? Ye Chen looked at the blazing eyes of everyone, quite puzzled. Is there a flower on my face? Even with flowers, you can't look at me like that.

"Head, I want to name the missile." Ye Chen demanded.

"Name?" A surprise sounded, everyone was surprised.

Ye Chen's request to the head of state should be very ambitious, which makes people look forward to it. No one expected that Ye Chen had made such a poor request.

Don't say that General Xiao is very surprised, even the chief is dreadful.

"Xiaoye, what name do you want for the missile?" Although the request of Ye Chen was beyond their expectations, it was not unsatisfactory. The chief thought that since Ye Chen wanted the naming right, he would just give him. How much has Chen contributed to the country?

Admiral Xiao's eyes widened. Looking at Ye Chen, they all wanted to know what La Chen's name would be.

"I think this missile is called 'Dongfeng Express'." Ye Chen said.


A roar of laughter sounded, and everyone fell over.

I thought Ye Chen would pick out some amazing name, and he even took such a nondescript name, which was unexpected.

"Head, do you say that name, is it very tall? Very easy to remember?" Ye Chen was still unaware, and quite contented.

Admiral Xiao gave Ye Chen a look of contempt. Did you name it like this?

The head rarely rolled his eyes, so vulgar a name you brave to brag about tall, have you read a book? Did you learn Chinese with a physical education teacher?

"It's easy to remember." The chief considered the words carefully, and said, "It's not regular. Koba, you know, there are rules for naming our national missiles, and there are more names for Dongfeng, but you can't use express delivery." Words, too casual. "

Dongfeng Express is easy to remember, but it is too casual and not serious at all, which makes people feel very vulgar and vulgar.

Such an advanced missile, coupled with this name, will bring the missile's grade down a lot.

"No," Ye Chen was disappointed.

"Xiaoye, we can call it in private, the formal naming will definitely not work." The chief saw Ye Chen's disappointment in his eyes, and he couldn't bear to hit him.

Ye Chen has made great contributions to the country. For the first time, she still made such a small request. If she refused all of them, she would be too sorry for Ye Chen.

General Xiao was shocked. The chief executive was very principled and there was no concession. It was amazing to give in to Ye Chen.

"Thank you, Chief." Ye Chen was happy.

Although it is not an official name, it can be called, even in private.

"It's kind of interesting to call it in private," everyone agreed.

Dongfeng Express is very easy to remember and very popular. The only disadvantage is that it is not serious enough.

"You have a comprehensive understanding of the performance of this missile, so what good suggestions do you have?" The chief asked again.

These old experts, Qi Lao, looked serious and dignified, and began to think.

"Head, there are two shortcomings of this type of missile. Well, it cannot be said that it is insufficient, and it cannot fully exert its power. We must start to solve it." Qi Lao thought for a while and said, "As far as I know, our country Is there any related research, please ask Koba to help with the research? "

"Does the country have research in this area?" Ye Chen was taken aback.

The explosives required by such missiles are particularly powerful, and the fuel requirements are even higher. Today's explosives and fuels cannot meet their requirements. Ye Chen always thought that this was a technology that exceeded the current level of science and technology. He did not expect that the country was conducting related research. He was really surprised.

"Qi Lao's proposal is very good, I see it." The chief affirmed Qi Lao's suggestion, which was to Ye Chen: "Xiao Ye, you also know that if we count from the Industrial Revolution, the development of our country is behind the West. For hundreds of years, this calculation is not accurate, and the advantage of latecomer will be ignored. We started from before World War II, because before World War II, including aviation and missiles, we were studying. Now we are still using these technologies. This is more relevant. Even so, our country has fallen behind for decades. "

The great development time of western countries started from the industrial revolution, so that our country is indeed hundreds of years behind. However, the latecomer advantage will be ignored, which is not objective.

If you count from before World War II, it would be very relevant.

Before World War II, Germany was studying missiles and aviation. Aircraft and later evolved into gas turbines.

We are still using these technologies, but they are just more advanced.

Starting from before World War II, our country still lags behind for decades. This is a big gap.

Ye Chen and they agreed with the chief's words, and nodded.

"At the beginning of the founding of our country, we were drawing up our country's science and technology plan. Our predecessors, it is clear that we cannot chase behind Western countries. In that case, we can never catch up with Western countries. Our country must If we want to catch up with or even surpass Western countries, we must go out of our own path. "The head explained to Ye Chen," To this end, our country has formulated a rigorous plan, such as missile laser navigation. Gas turbine nuclear technology, etc., all benefit from this plan. Koba, do you know these? "

Ye Chen has contacted missile laser aviation gas turbine nuclear technology, and he knows how far our country has gone, and has made exciting great achievements.

"I know." Ye Chen said.

"There are still many things you don't know. New explosives and fuels are also included in these plans. Our country has been doing these two things for a long time and has made some progress," said the director.

The "some progress" uttered by the Chief Executive's mouth must be an amazing achievement. There may be a long way to go before success, but it must be a breakthrough achievement.

Ye Chenmeng thought of a question and asked quickly: "Head, the army of our country, especially the army, always suspects that the power of the explosion is not enough. Is it the cause of the new explosives?"

Our country's achievements in new explosives have attracted worldwide attention. Our country has both missiles and bombs, which are very powerful. For example, an aircraft carrier is such a huge thing that our missile only needs one to make it suffer the devastation.

However, our army still thinks that the power is not enough, and always says that the power is too small.

As an army fan, Ye Chen knew this.

"Xiaoye, do you know this?" General Xiao laughed.

"I'm an army fan, can't you know?" Ye Chen was proud.

"You're right. Our country's explosives are very good. They are several times the power of TNT. This is the world's leading explosive. However, it is still too small for the requirements of modern warfare." General Xiao Ye Chen explained, "So, we need a revolutionary explosive that has a much greater explosive power than the most advanced explosives available. Xiaoye, you are a military fan, and you know that existing explosives There is no way to deal with underground, permanent, fortifications. If new, more powerful explosives can be developed, the problem will be easier to handle. "

Underground sturdy permanent fortifications are difficult to destroy unless a nuclear bomb is used. But that is impossible. Nuclear weapons are used more for deterrence than for use. Even if it is the United States, it is coaxed by BB all day, threatening to use nuclear weapons, threatening to use nuclear weapons, and not daring to take the lead in using nuclear weapons, which will be subject to nuclear retaliation and will destroy the entire human race.

Therefore, in order to solve these underground fortifications, the United States has been taking the route of miniaturizing nuclear bombs. However, what has been achieved does not satisfy the United States, and it is far from the requirements of actual combat.

"Where did you go?" Ye Chen asked.

"We have reached the threshold of industrialization," said the director.

"What? Threshold of industrialization?" Ye Chen was taken aback.

The use of a new technology, first of all, must be done in order to complete the theoretical research, the research will be carried out in the theory. After research, success in the laboratory, and then research on industrial production, that is, technology into productivity. After completing this step, you will enter the actual application.

Take, for example, quantum communication technology. Western countries are still at the stage of theoretical research. Our country has put quantum communication satellites into the sky, which is only one step away from practical applications.

The new explosive has reached the threshold of industrialization, and it is not far from practical application.

This progress far exceeded Ye Chen's imagination. Ye Chen could not help but be shocked.

"The threshold of industrialization has indeed been touched." The chief affirmed.

Ye Chen's eyes lighted up, and he thought of a news, saying, "Secretary, wouldn't it be the kind of ..."

Heads focus on the head.

"It's great!" Ye Chen was excited, his hands clenched into fists, he shook them fiercely, his voice sharpened sharply, "If this technology breaks through, it can be used not only for new explosives, but also for fuel. , Both are resolved. "

Ye Chen thought of a very hot piece of news, talking about new explosives and new fuels. If this kind of technological breakthrough is achieved, both of them will be solved, then the shortcomings of this missile will no longer exist.

"However, if our country can solve the problem of explosives and fuel, I will need to redesign." Ye Chen said surprisingly.

"What? Redesign?" Everyone was surprised.

This missile is already very advanced. If Ye Chen redesigns it, it will be more advanced, which is too amazing.

"Yes," Ye Chen affirmed, "when I was designing, I didn't understand the explosives and fuel technologies in our country, so there was a certain weakening."

This is true, Ye Chen did not lie.

"Xiaoye, how do you design?" Qi Lao Zhuang Lao their eyes widened.

Ye Chen didn't answer them, but started Super Light Brain and redesigned in front of everyone. I saw that he kept entering data, and the performance of the missile was rapidly improving.

With Ye Chen's mind engraved on these data, it is not difficult to redesign it.

When Ye Chen stopped, the heads of them stared round and stared at the projection screen with a look of regret.

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