Super Scientist

Chapter 454: Lunar development plan

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The voice of the head is not high, but it is an inspiring force that makes Ye Chen enthusiastically.

The benefits of a technologically powerful country are too many to count. Just look at the United States to see how much it has gained by virtue of its position as a technological power. The United States has put in place various restrictions, such as export quotas, high-tech export controls, etc., for the sake of gaining benefits.

How many high-tech products can't be separated? Knowing that buying these high-tech products from the United States has a high price, but you have to buy them.

If our country becomes a technology powerhouse, it will be able to replace the United States to obtain these benefits, and the prospects are wonderful.

Ye Chen they applauded vigorously, full of excitement.

"Super light brain can perform big data calculations. Our country can take this opportunity to walk at the forefront of the world and lead the world's technology trend!"

The super light brain can perform big data calculations, which will make our country's high-tech show a blowout. These high-tech will be the most advanced technology in the world. If our country has these technologies, it will change the current situation of being large but not strong. It will stand on the commanding heights and lead the world's technology trend.

If we can do it, the benefits will be too much, it will be too much to imagine. Even the United States, the current global hegemon, would have to bow down to buy from the Heavenly Kingdom, even if the asking price of the Heavenly Kingdom was even higher.

In order to obtain photonic chips, the United States has to take out military bases to conduct transactions, which is the best proof.

Ye Chen has made many advanced technologies. However, to achieve industrial upgrading, Ye Chen alone cannot do it. It requires many scientists and the joint efforts of many people.

The advent of the super light brain is to prepare the basic conditions for these scientists.

To this day, Ye Chen agrees with what the chief said that they were unclear. Indeed, Ye Chen only knew the importance of super light brain, but they did not think so broadly, thoroughly, and knew so clearly.

"In addition to the new launch vehicle, this is also a big artifact. Well, if you use the existing standards to measure it, it is an artifact." The chief's tone turned higher.

Such a powerful launch vehicle is an artifact when measured by existing standards. With this powerful artifact, there are too many things that can be done.

"We will discuss the application of the new launch vehicle," said the director.

Super light brain is very important, and it is not worse than the new moving rocket. However, the country already has plans for super light brain, and many plans have been set. There is no need to discuss it.

A new type of launch vehicle has just appeared, and the state has no plan in this regard. If you want to use it well, you need to plan well.

"Head, the data of the launch vehicle have been updated." Mr. Shao was the first to speak, introducing the latest data of the launch vehicle, and said, "Yesterday was our first calculation. The resulting data still has much room for improvement. Today With our help from Leaflet, we calculated that the performance was improved by 20%. "

"So much?" The chief was taken aback.

Although the launch vehicle is still in the research and development stage, there are many areas that can be improved, and the performance improvement is inevitable, but it is really unexpected that so much improvement.

The increase of 20% is not small. Moreover, with the power of the new launch vehicle, a 20% increase is even more amazing. It can be said that it is against the sky.

"Yes. By now, the take-off weight has reached 18,000 tons, and the deadweight has already reached 10,000 tons." Shao Lao laughed, seeing his teeth, almost singing, "Now we will further study, There is room for further improvement. "

Take-off weight of 18,000 tons, what is this concept?

It is equivalent to the weight of a super battleship designed by Ye Chen. To send such a heavy thing into space, I dare not think about it before.

What is the concept of a deadweight of 10,000 tons?

The warships independently developed by our country are tens of thousands of tons, which is equivalent to sending such heavy materials into space, which is also amazing.

Moreover, Shao said that there is still room for improvement.

This remark is too amazing. Even with the strategic determination of the chief executive, he was shocked and did not respond for a long time.

"How much more can I improve?"

"The data is now close to the theoretical data, and we estimate that it can still improve by five percent." Shao Lao said with regret.

"Five percent? This is also amazing." The head is still shocked.

Such a powerful launch vehicle, even a one percent increase is a great achievement.

With a deadweight of 10,000 tons, an increase of 1% means that one hundred tons of supplies will be transported. If a hundred tons of materials are to be carried by the current launch vehicle, it needs to be said several times.

Even the earliest developed heavy-duty launch vehicles only carried more than 100 tons of materials.

Five percent is 500 tons, which is not a small number.


The chief stood up and applauded.

Ye Chen stood up and applauded after the chief.

This applause is dedicated to the heavy carrier rocket team. Shao Lao and others are so excited that they can be specially applauded by the chief, how rare it is.

"Here, I would like to congratulate the heavy carrier rocket team! You have designed an artifact for the country. This is an epoch-making high-tech and will definitely make an extremely important contribution to the development of the country and the progress of humanity." Words of praise.

There is no exaggeration in the words of the head.

This kind of launch vehicle is an artifact and will make a very important contribution to the development of mankind, and will make mankind rush out of the earth and into the universe.

"Head, we have some credit. Without Xiaoye's help, we would not have succeeded." Mr. Shao knew very well how important Ye Chen's role in this matter was, and he dare not take credit for it.

"Of course, there are outstanding contributions made by Xiaoye!" The chief looked at Ye Chen and applauded vigorously.

Everyone smiled, looked at Ye Chen, and gave him warm applause.

Ye Chen listened to the applause like a tide, looked at Zhang Xin comforting face, warm heart, the country did not forget his contribution, the head did not forget his credit.

"Thank you! Thank you everyone!" Ye Chen humbly said: "Being able to take this step before carrying the fire is the result of everyone's joint efforts. Me, with only a little credit."

To the head nature of Ye Chen, they were very clear, they were always humble and couldn't help laughing.

"Below, everyone talks about how to use this new type of rocket." Chief Minister said.

The application scope of the new launch vehicle is very wide, so we should discuss it carefully.

"Head, this new type of launch vehicle has a huge payload, and we can send more materials into space. Therefore, the construction of the space station in our country must be accelerated." Admiral Xiao first said, "I think, We can build more space stations in our country. The best thing is that the space station is redesigned to make it bigger and more useful. "

The construction cost of the space station is very high, because it is too difficult and costly to send supplies from the ground to space. Only so many can be transported at one time. To build a space station, multiple launches are required.

With the new launch vehicle, multiple launches are not required, and the number of launches carried by one launch is enough to build several space stations, so it is necessary to speed up the construction of the space station.

Of course, it would be better to redesign it to have a larger space station.

As we all know, the space station is too small and space is limited. The space for astronauts to move on the space station is too limited.

If you design a large or very large space station, you can do more.

Previously, this was difficult to achieve because of the limited payload of the launch vehicle. It's different now. With such a powerful launch vehicle, it can be done.

"Good suggestion." The head was very appreciated.

"Head, I think our country's satellite upgrade can also be speeded up." Admiral Liu took the conversation and said: "Xiaoye has designed a new type of missile that can be used to build our country's missile defense system, which requires satellite Upgrade. And because our country has mastered photon technology, the conditions for satellite upgrades are ripe. "

It is impossible to build a missile defense system without advanced communications. The new missile designed by Ye Chen is too advanced to build a powerful shield for our country, but the existing satellites are somewhat difficult to meet their requirements. Satellite upgrades are already an urgent requirement.

In the past, it was difficult to upgrade satellites. The difficulty was not the satellite's manufacturing technology, but the delivery to space. Now, with such a powerful launch vehicle, sending satellites into space is too easy.

"Yes." The director agreed.

"Head, with such a powerful launch vehicle, we can speed up the deployment of space-based weapons, especially the plan for the staff of God should be accelerated." General Gan, commander of the strategic forces, is very clear about the advantages of space-based weapons. .

Previously, it was difficult to deploy space-based weapons because of the limited carrying capacity of launch vehicles. Now, it's not a problem, it's time to deploy space-based weapons on a large scale.

In particular, the Staff of God plan should be speeded up.

Who dares mess with us with the rod of God?

It's irritating to the heavens, throw a few pieces of metal down at you, can you eat it?

Everyone, you said a word to me and made a lot of opinions. Soon, the use of the launch vehicle was finished.

The head is very satisfied. These opinions can be compiled into a plan and will be implemented soon.

Ye Chen has been listening, and has not spoken. At the end, the chief asked with a smile: "Xiaoye, what do you think?"

"Head, I think everyone's proposals are very good, very pertinent, and very practical. However, this is not enough." Ye Chen uttered a shock and suddenly caught everyone's attention.

Everyone's suggestions are very good and perfect, why can't Ye Chen say enough?

"Oh, Xiaoye, what do you think?" The chief's interest came at once.

Ye Chen is a world-renowned scientist. His views are particularly important. Not only are the chiefs interested, but which of General Xiao is not so?

Their eyes fell on Ye Chen, looking forward to it.

"Head, I think we missed a very important place." Ye Chen's words were even more amazing.

Everyone's suggestions were perfect, and nothing was missed, everyone was puzzled.

"Where?" The chief asked.

"Moon," Ye Chen said.

"Moon?" Everyone was suspicious.

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