Super Scientist

Chapter 458: chief scientist

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The attitude of the head is a very good illustration of the importance the country attaches to the moon development plan. This is exciting news and everyone is very happy.

"The lunar development plan involves a lot of fields, both military and civil, so I think the deputy team leader will be Lao Tang and Lao Xiao." The head once again showed his savvy, saying: "Lao Tang is in charge of civil, old Xiao is responsible for the military. "

The benefits of the lunar development plan to the heavens are obvious and can be understood by individuals. However, it is very difficult and requires a game of chess and unified action across the country. It involves all aspects, both civil issues and military issues. Only when the forces of the military and civilians are integrated can there be a possibility of success.

At that time, the United States simply had to concentrate on the nation to do just landing on the moon.

Now, what Tianchao wants to do is to develop the moon. It is not as simple as landing on the moon. Its difficulty is too much.

"Developing the moon is a long-term goal. It takes decades, even hundreds of years. We must abstain from arrogance and impetuousness. We must not rush to achieve success. We must have strategic strength and stability." The head continued.

When it came to everyone's heart, they all applauded vigorously.

The probability of success of the lunar development plan in a short period of time is not high. This is a project that requires long-term investment and long-term efforts. Don't be impatient, don't rush to achieve success. To be stable, you must go step by step.

"In addition to management, we also need a group of outstanding scientists. I think Xiaoye will be the chief scientist." The chief's words were amazing.

The crowd was surprised, then excited, looking at Ye Chen, full of expectations.

"Head, I can't do this." Ye Chen was surprised and busy: "I haven't studied the moon. The head still asks for more cleverness."

Ye Chen is not shirk, but the truth. Ye Chen has made a lot of advanced technology so far, but nothing related to the moon.

It can be said that Ye Chen's understanding of the moon is blank, and it is beyond the scope of Ye Chen's ability to think of Ye Chen as the chief scientist.

"Xiaoye, I know you have no research on the moon, but this is not the point for you." Ye Chen explained the head, and said: "If you know about the moon, human beings have a little understanding, but they are not very deep It's not comprehensive, it doesn't make much difference if you don't understand. "

The moon, for humans, doesn't know much. Although the United States landed on the moon, many samples were retrieved, which deepened human understanding of the moon. However, this is very limited. After all, humans do n’t stay on the moon for a long time, they have a limited range of activities, and they have limited samples. It ’s impossible to know more about them.

Although our country has invested heavily in the lunar exploration project, many results have been achieved. In general, our country does not know much about the moon.

So, if you do n’t know about the moon, there is not much difference.

"Furthermore, your leaflet's learning ability is super strong, as long as you give us the data obtained by our country, you will soon understand the moon. Even, more than we expected." The head is full of confidence in Ye Chen.

How strong Ye Chen's learning ability is, they are very clear. No matter how sophisticated the technology is, even if Ye Chen hasn't studied it, as long as Ye Chen works hard, he will become proficient within a short time.

Ye Chen's strong learning ability is beyond doubt, Ye Chen is really good. The technology he came up with always met actual needs, and the system technology would be modified to a certain extent.

"The most important point is that leaflet is still young. The lunar development plan of our country takes a long time, maybe forty or fifty years, maybe a hundred years, or even longer. If we use older outstanding scientists to come Being a chief scientist is either impossible, or because I am too old to change it again after a few years. "The head looked solemn and said," It is no longer a problem for Koba to be the chief scientist. Perhaps, in Koba ’s lifetime, It's finished."

Age is also an advantage at some times.

There are many outstanding scientists in our country who have been engaged in moon research and even participated in lunar exploration projects. However, they are not too young, and they will retire after working for more than ten or twenty years, which requires newcomers to rise.

With Ye Chen as chief scientist, this problem no longer exists. Ye Chen is now in his twenties. Even if Ye Chen retires at the age of seventy, he will still be working for more than forty years, nearly half a century.

After so much effort, maybe our country's lunar development plan has been completed, and our country has established a base on the moon.

The benefits are obvious.

Not to mention, Ye Chen is still a world-renowned scientist with many achievements. It is best for Ye Chen to complete the development of the moon.

"That's right!" Everyone agreed, agreeing with the chief.

"Okay." Ye Chen knew that the chief's determination was fixed and would not change. Moreover, the head made a lot of sense and he took it.

Seeing Ye Chen next, the head was very pleased and said, "Xiaoye, you have two more things. One is that you have to participate in the research and development of new fuels. Whether our country's lunar development plan can be smoothly carried out depends on Whether a new type of launch vehicle can successfully enter the sky; whether or not a new type of launch vehicle can enter the sky depends on whether the new fuel can be successfully developed. Our country has been at the forefront of the world in terms of new fuels, and has made major breakthroughs. Threshold. However, it is just that the threshold is touched. There is still a long way to go before industrial production. I hope that Xiaoye can be put into use as soon as possible after joining. "

New fuels are the key to the success of new rockets in the sky; the ability of new rockets to go to the sky is also the key to the development of the moon. Therefore, solving new fuels has become a priority.

If it succeeds, our country's lunar development plan can enter the fast track.

If it cannot be solved, our country's lunar development plan can only exist in theory and cannot be put into practice.

Without the new launch vehicle, so many equipment and materials could not be transported to the moon, and what is the development of the moon?

Everyone is very supportive of the arrangement of the head.

"The chief is assured that I will participate as soon as possible." Ye Chen also knew the importance of new fuels, not only related to new launch vehicles, but also new missiles, and our country's missile defense system.

"The second thing is that Xiaoye must build up the team to develop the moon as soon as possible." The director also said: "I hope Xiaoye chooses a group of outstanding scientists who are strong, experienced, loyal and reliable to do this."

If the development of the moon is successful, the benefits to our country will be obvious. Not only will our country get rid of the energy crisis, but it will also allow our country to break out of the earth and into the universe. By that time, the dynasty will obtain a variety of resources, and its strength will definitely be turned upside down, jumping up several steps.

It is difficult to reach the moon. Looking at the world, only the United States has done so. In the near future, our country will do the same. Well, only Tianchao and the United States have the power to land on the moon.

With so many countries and regions around the world, it is only the Tianchao and the United States that have this strength. It is hard to imagine how difficult this is.

The development of the moon can only be achieved by the heavenly dynasty. If our country does not want to become a world-famous country, it also means that the strength of the dynasty is so strong that people can look forward to it.

Such a bright future, not to mention realization, is just exciting when you think about it.

"The head rest assured that I will form a team as soon as possible, um, I will start after handling the aircraft production line." Ye Chen was very clear about the significance of developing the moon, and said happily.

"Head, Xiaoye's work is very busy and time is tight. I suggest to equip Xiaoye with a few good assistants to help Xiaoye handle administrative affairs." Zhuang Lao proposed: "The issue of the aircraft production line has reached a level that must be dealt with. It takes a lot of time. If you don't have an assistant, you will have a lot of time if you wait for the completion of the aircraft production line. "

This is very reasonable, everyone nodded and strongly agreed.

"Zhuanglao's suggestion is very good, thank you Zhuanglao." The head nodded happily and said, "I think we should involve the Lunar Exploration Engineering team to merge the lunar exploration project and the development of the lunar plan. In this way, the development of the lunar plan will be completed. A group of outstanding scientists. Moreover, Lunar Exploration also has a management team, who have rich experience and can relieve a lot of work. "


Everyone applauded and agreed with the chief's statement.

Our country has a high-level lunar exploration team. Thanks to their efforts, our country has achieved good results, and our country's lunar rover has gone up. It won't be long before our country can land on the moon.

If the lunar exploration project and the development of the lunar plan are combined, it will not only solve the preparatory problems, but also allow Ye Chen to have a high-level technology team, which is a good thing that serves two purposes.

Ye Chen agreed with this.

The people discussed the details for a while, and the meeting broke up. They headed back to Huangchenggen, and Ye Chen sent them away, ready to go to the aircraft manufacturing plant.

This time, it took a lot of time to go to receive the aircraft manufacturing plant, and there were a lot of things to do. Ye Chen summoned the company's senior management, and finally decided to be led by Ye Chen and Xiao Lingyue to bring a group of senior management to the past, and strive to complete the matter as soon as possible.

Ye Chen has a tight schedule and is very busy with work. He doesn't want to spend too much time in the aircraft manufacturing plant.

After making the arrangements, Ye Chen was ready to rush to Guilin. At this moment, the father of the hybrid rice called.

Ye Chen was a little curious. What did the father of hybrid rice call?

"Father, how do you do!" Ye Chen answered the phone and greeted the father of hybrid rice. He said, "It's been a long time since I saw him. His spirit is very good, is he great?"

The old man is also a strange man. He is not too young, he is in good health, and he is very good in spirit. This makes one have to think of the idiom "Old Dang Yi Zhuang".

"Hello Ye," the old man blinked mischievously. "Long time no see, Ye Ye is still such a handsome little handsome. Have you lost your beauty?"

Ye Chen is a little speechless. Father is a little too much. How can you say such a thing to someone so old?

"Xiaoye, guess what, what can I call you for?" The naughty energy of the old man is not only teasing Ye Chen, but also playing dumb.

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