Super Scientist

Chapter 468: Chief Ou

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The moon exploration engineering team, for Ye Chen, it is a big name, like Lei Guaner. Although this team has been included in the moon development plan, it is managed by Ye Chen. However, Ye Chen still respected this team.

Because this team has achieved zero breakthrough in our country, it has sent the lunar rover to the moon.

Moreover, even in the world, our country's lunar exploration engineering team is also the most ambitious, and plans to establish a base on the moon, although it is different from the moon base advocated by Ye Chen.

Now that the team is here, Ye Chen is nervous and excited.

"You immediately said that you want all the company's senior staff to meet." Ye Chen ordered immediately.

"Okay." Zhong Lijun agreed readily, his eyes bright and excited.

Like Ye Chen, he respects the Lunar Exploration Engineering team and wants to meet these legendary predecessors.

The news of the Lunar Exploration Engineering team's arrival spread to the ears of the company like the wind. They were all overjoyed, letting down their work and rushing to the door of the company to welcome them.

Not long after Ye Chen came to the door of the company, he saw a convoy escorted by police armored vehicles.

This guard rank is very high, not worse than Ye Chen's guard rank. It is also normal to think about it. The moon exploration engineering team is the treasure of our country. If something goes wrong, the consequences will be very serious, and the country will spare no effort to protect them.

The convoy stopped, and many people got out of the car, headed by a white-skinned old man in his seventies. However, people are mental and physically fit.

Ye Chen trot forward, stretched out his hands from a distance, and said with a smile: "General Ou, I finally saw you."

"Xiaoye, hello. I finally saw you." Chief Ou smiled, stretched out his hands, and clung to Ye Chen's hands tightly, shook his eyes, and stared at the boss. Slip around.

"Master Ou, do you know? You are my idol! For me, you are a legendary legend!" Ye Chen rarely has such a lot of words, who is too great?

"Xiaoye, if you want to say a legend, that should be you." Chief Ou shook his head, afraid to receive Ye Chen's praise.

"Mr. Ou, you are dying of my life." Ye Chen smiled and said, "You guys are doing big things. The story of Chang'e going to the moon has been told by generations to generations. But the moon is there, no one Being able to go up, you have fulfilled the wishes of our ancestors. You are truly amazing! "

The story of Chang'e's journey to the moon is deeply rooted in the hearts of the people. However, for hundreds of thousands of years, no one has been able to land on the moon. Thanks to the efforts of the lunar exploration engineering team, this legend, which has been circulating for hundreds of thousands of years, will be realized. How amazing is this? Needless to say?

"Xiaoye, haven't we succeeded yet?" Chief Ou said with regret.

"The lunar rover has all gone up, there is not much time for people to get up, and it will soon be successful." Ye Chen has absolute confidence in the lunar exploration project.

Not only Ye Chen is full of confidence, but people in Tianchao are full of confidence.

The lunar exploration project is progressing smoothly and is proceeding smoothly as planned. Good news comes from time to time, and the equipment we design often completes the task in excess. This is known to friends who are concerned about the lunar exploration project.

The good news recently is that the lunar rover went up and still completed the task in excess.

"Thank you for your encouragement, we will definitely work hard." Chief Ou said with a smile: "Come, Xiaoye, let me introduce you."

"Thank you, Mr. Ou, you do n’t need to introduce. I am your thunder, I know a lot about your deeds. I have seen photos of the main members of your team." Ye Chenchong said, "Zhu Lao Hello, welcome to Fengzhou. "

Zhu Lao is an important member of the lunar exploration engineering team and an academician.

"Hello, Ye." Zhu Lao clenched Ye Chen's hand and looked at Ye Chen, very pleased: "Xiao Ye, you are young and promising, you are young and strong, and you join our team. This is for our lunar exploration team. That ’s a good thing. ”

His words were immediately endorsed by Chief Ou.

The important members of the lunar exploration team are not young, Chief Ou is over seventy, and eighty. Zhu old age is not too young, Ren old is also young.

Now, there are young scientists like Ye Chen who have achieved great achievements at a young age. This is a successor. Can they rest the burden on Ye Chen safely? Is there anything more comforting for them?

The moon exploration team, like the information technology team and the aircraft carrier team, is a luxury technology team in Tianchao, with nine academicians. Ye Chen met them one by one, very happy, and said a lot of praise.

Not only Ye Chen was very happy, Xiao Lingyue and their senior executives were also happy. They shook hands one by one and signed a photo.

In the future, the concept of technology is very famous. Chief Ou also looked at the top executives of these companies Xiao Xiaoyue and had a very speculative meeting. This meeting took a lot of time.

Then Ye Chen led them into the office building and came to the meeting room, asking them to sit down.

Ye Chen personally poured tea for these important members, Mr. Zhu Lao Ren Lao, Chief European Officer. For these old seniors, Ye Chen has 12 points of respect, and he must make tea himself.

The tea of ​​the other members was handled by Zhong Lijun, which ruined their admiration. They all know how rare it is for Ye Chen to pour tea in person, and non-heavyweights have no such treatment.

The people drank tea, chatted for a while, said some interesting things, and then said the business.

"Xiaoye, do you know? When the country informed us that we would put our team into the moon development plan, do you know how happy we are?" Chief Ou asked.

Ye Chen froze, how could Ye Chen know about this.

Mr. Ou asked himself and answered, "I'll tell you, we're so happy that we even held a special celebration party."

"Celebration?" Ye Chen said.

Putting the lunar exploration team into the moon development plan is only the first step, and no scientific research results have been obtained. What can be celebrated?

"That's right, it's the celebration party." Chief Ou continued: "Xiaoye, you know, our lunar exploration project has three tasks. The first task is unmanned lunar exploration, and the second is manned landing. Three are bases. "

Ye Chen knew about the three tasks of the lunar exploration project. At present, our country's lunar exploration project is still in the unmanned lunar exploration phase, which is the first mission phase.

As for manned landing on the moon, this is the upcoming task. Judging from the current progress, the days of the Tianchaoren landing on the moon are not far off.

"Although we also have a plan to establish a base on the moon, it is completely different from the lunar base you advocate." Chief Ou explained in detail, "Our lunar base is mainly used for research, and the moon you advocate The base is used to develop the moon, and our claim is far worse than yours. "

The third step of the lunar exploration project is to establish a base on the moon, but not to develop the moon, but to conduct scientific research.

The lunar base advocated by Ye Chen was used to develop the moon.

The difference between the two is like the difference between a laboratory and a production line.

Therefore, Ye Chen's proposition is more difficult, the technology is more difficult, and the influence of human beings is greater.

Friends who know the technology know that doing well in the laboratory may not be really good, and it is really good to do well in production.

The lunar base of the lunar exploration project is research, and there is still a big gap between it and the development of the moon.

"After receiving the national notification, we were very surprised and couldn't believe it. We believe that the development of the moon is a long-term goal. With the existing technology, it may take a hundred years or even longer. It is possible to establish research on the moon The base is already very good. The development of the moon is very high and unrealistic. "Chief Ou said bluntly.

His words are very pertinent. Based on the existing technology, he proposed to develop the moon, which is very high and unrealistic.

The United States, known as the world's most powerful country, has strong scientific and technological strength. It has landed on the moon decades ago. It has become the first country on the moon to date and the only country in the world.

However, the United States did not dare to propose a plan for the development of the moon. This is because even with the strong scientific and technological strength of the United States, this cannot be done.

"When we studied the data that the country transferred to us, we realized that we were wrong. The time for our country to develop the moon was ripe." Chief Ou's tone was a bit high, very excited, and full of excitement.

What could be more exciting for a scientist engaged in lunar exploration than developing the moon?

The reason why our country launches a lunar exploration project is to land on the moon, develop the moon, and obtain resources on the moon for human use. Although current technology does not meet this requirement, experimental bases can only be established on the Moon. However, the ultimate goal will not change.

According to the existing technology, the moon cannot be developed, and the most important thing is the limited transport capacity of the carrier rocket. Building a space station requires multiple launches of the required materials. To build a research base on the moon, more materials will be needed, more launches will be required, costs will be higher, and technical difficulties will be greater.

With the emergence of the new launch vehicle, these problems have been solved. The problem of insufficient transportation is no longer a problem, and tens of thousands of tons of materials can be transported to the moon. Setting up a moon development base is no longer a problem.

"Xiaoye, thank you very much." Chief Ou's face glowed with excitement: "The emergence of a new type of carrier rocket has solved transportation problems, and the time has come to develop the moon."

Mass transportation of materials into space is a worldwide problem. The sky transports 6 tons of fuel towards the space station, which is already the only one in the world, not even the United States.

While this achievement is pleasing, it also shows how difficult it is to transport supplies into space. To build a development base on the moon, too many materials and equipment are needed, which are hundreds, even tens of thousands of 6 tons.

"General Director Ou, the new launch vehicle is still not a success. It only exists in theory, and the fuel problem must be solved." Ye Chen told the truth.

"That's what it says, but as far as I know, our country's new fuel has reached the threshold of industrialization. You can work harder, Leaflet. Maybe it will be successful within a few years? In that case, the new launch vehicle will no longer be It's a problem. "Chief Ou has absolute confidence in Ye Chen.

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