Super Scientist

Chapter 485: Bundle country

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Not only does Zhuang Lao think Ye Chen's words are unreasonable, but which of Xiao Lingyue does not think so?

Ye Chen was about to explain. The phone rang. Ye Chen glanced at it. It was from Mr. Tang. Shook the phone at the crowd and said, "Did you see it? Donald called. The rich man is here."

Donald? Rich man?

The crowd didn't understand it any more, and they all looked sternly.

Ye Chen connected the phone and saw Tang Lao smiled and said, "Hello Ye, I heard you're rich."

"Lao Tang, make a fortune, I'm a small family, it's good to be able to mix food and clothing." Ye Chen said with a smile.

"Photon information technology has accounted for more than 90 billion yuan, which is more than the GDP of some small countries. If you are a small door, how can I live?" Tang Lao laughed.

More than 90 billion yuan. This is not a small amount. Compared with the GDP of some small countries, it is considerable.

"Elder Tang, aren't you calling to compliment me?" Ye Chen knew very well that such a big man like Elder Tang had a tight schedule and was busy with work.

"Xiaoye, I have two things to call you. One is to ask for your opinion. Our country wants to release the news of the success of photonic information technology. Are you interested in participating?" Tang Lao asked.

"You're going to hold a press conference? No, right? Isn't it better to be muffled?" Ye Chen didn't quite understand why the country did it.

Tang Lao shook his head and said, "Leaf, it's good to be muffled, but you can't maximize your benefits."

"Oh, talk." Ye Chen's interest came.

"Photonics information technology will inevitably go global. Enterprises in our country will inevitably enter the international market. This press conference also has the meaning of promoting our country to enter the international market. Our country only needs to have an advantage." Tang Old explained.

That's right.

The information market is too big to be incredible. How big is the current electronics market and how big is the photon information market, including the entire world.

It is impossible for our country not to occupy such a huge market. It is inevitable for our country's enterprises to go abroad and enter the international market. It should be said that this is an important part of the national strategy.

Now, holding a press conference to announce the success of Photon Information Technology is tantamount to promoting our enterprises into the international market.

As for our country, we only need to maintain sufficient advantages in photonic information technology.

"It is indeed a national planner and has a long-term vision." Ye Chen admired.

"The second reason is to master the right to speak," explained Mr. Tang.

The right to speak? Ye Chen had some idea.

"Xiaoye, after the photonic chip was made, our country held a press conference. You also participated. You should be very impressed with your right to speak?" Tang Lao asked Ye Chen.

"Yeah. I am very impressed. In order to hedge against the adverse impact of photonic chips, the United States has done everything to combat rumors, and unscrupulous methods have been used." Photon chip press conference, Ye Chen personally attended Yes, they had fierce confrontation with the western media headed by the United States.

Subsequently, the United States came forward directly, suppressing Ye Chen, making rumors, and using whatever means the United States could not see.

This incident impressed Ye Chen so much that he would never forget it.

"High technology is part of national strength. Well, to be precise, it is a very important part of national strength. Our country has won the United States in the field of quantum technology, and you have won the United States in the field of photonic chips, which makes us The international image of the country has improved greatly, and its international status has been greatly improved. However, this is not enough. We have announced the success of photon information technology. I believe that our country's international status will be further improved. Is uplifting.

Although our country's strength is increasing rapidly, our country's international status is already very different, and it plays a pivotal role in the world. However, this is not enough, it is not enough.

The United States is the hegemon of the world, and its international status is not important, but it is indispensable without the United States to play.

Our country's international status has improved a lot, but compared with the United States, there is still a big gap.

If the news of the success of photonic information technology is announced, it will definitely enhance our country's international status and make our country's weight in international affairs heavier.

"I remember that after the announcement of the chip, the United States has taken a lot of measures to hedge against the adverse effects on the United States. Now, if you want to publish photonic information technology, the United States will definitely jump?" Ye Chen said meaningfully.

"The United States now sees us as a threat and believes that we will threaten the global supremacy of the United States. Even if we do n’t announce the news, the United States will jump. If the United States wants to jump, let the United States jump. It will be even harder to slaughter the United States. "Mr. Tang smiled a little, very badly.

Haha! Ye Chen smiled and was very happy.

Zhuang Lao Xiao Lingyue also laughed, looking at Ye Chen with his eyes wide open, this is all your head.

In order to offset the adverse effects brought by the photon chip, the United States cracked down on Ye Chen in various ways, and finally angered Ye Chen. The United States had to pay a high price and had to use military bases and heaven to conduct transactions.

Photon information technology is indispensable to the United States, and the United States must seek cooperation with the heavens. If the United States jumps too hard, then there will be no psychological burden on Tianchao to kill the United States, and it will be taken for granted.

"Another purpose is to attract talents to return. Xiaoye, you also know that there is a serious brain drain in our country, and 70% of Hua Qing's doctoral graduates are abroad. Especially at the beginning of reform and opening up, talents sent abroad to study, Not many returnees. With the improvement of our country ’s strength, our country ’s attractiveness is getting stronger and stronger. Many talents have responded to the motherland ’s call and have returned, forming a 'returnee fever.' .

Talent is the root of a country!

Brain drain is the most serious challenge facing a country.

At one time in our country, the brain drain was severe. Especially at the beginning of the reform and opening up, not many people were sent to study abroad, not even half of them.

At that time, the family was proud of having foreign goods. Many people sharpened their heads and wanted to go abroad and wanted to emigrate.

In this environment, how many people can study abroad is willing to come back, it is conceivable.

Fortunately, in recent years, the strength of our country has continued to increase, and its attractiveness to talents has increased. Many overseas students have returned to China. The hot "return" wave in previous years is proof.

"However, this is not enough. We must not only attract talents who stay overseas, but also attract outstanding talents from abroad to work in our country." Donald's words were scary.

"Donald, is your heart too big? Is it possible to attract foreign talents to work in our country?" Ye Chen was a little surprised.

You can't blame Ye Chen, really, this plan is amazing. Historically, it has been the brain drain of our country. Now all of a sudden, our country is trying to attract outstanding talent from other countries, and the change is too great.

"What's impossible? I'll tell you, Leaflet, the United States can attract talents globally, why can't we? Marco Polo, you know? He came to the heavens and lived for decades. After returning to Europe, Published "Marco Polo's Travels", which had a huge impact on the West. At that time, Western countries were proud of eating Tianchao dishes, drinking Tianchao tea, and wearing Tianchao clothes. They were even more crazy than our ordinary people sweeping foreign goods at the beginning of the reform and opening up. Donald is confident.

Ye Chen knew about this and knew that what Mr. Tang said was true.

Ye Chen thought of another thing and said, "I heard that one of our country's leading international technologies has recruited many foreign experts. Is it true?"

"This is true. This technology still exists in the theory abroad, and our country has entered the stage of practical application. The countries where these experts are located are very small and cannot provide sufficient funds for their research. If they want to continue their research Going on, they have no choice but to come to our country. This incident fully demonstrates the feasibility of our country to attract outstanding talents from abroad. "Mr. Tang was very serious and proud.

What kind of technology is this technology, friends who care about technology must know. This small country has made great achievements in theory, but this country is too small to afford money, and these theories cannot become a reality. These outstanding scientists want to study further, only to come to heaven.

Who told Tianchao to lead the world in this technology and get money?

This shows that our country's plan to attract foreign talents is feasible.

Ye Chen's confidence increased, and he laughed, "That's good! This is good!"

"Xiaoye, do you want to participate in the press conference?" Tang Lao asked.

"Forget it. I'm very busy this time, I can't make time. The father of hybrid rice is still waiting for me to pass." Ye Chen thought about it and refused.

"Well, you are really busy, just don't come. But we will announce that you have captured photonic information technology." Tang Lao accepted Ye Chen's arrangement.

"It's not that I overcame the photon information technology, it was me and Gao Lao who together defeated the photon information technology." Ye Chen corrected.

"Okay, I understand what you mean, and we will arrange it." Mr. Tang appreciated Ye Chen's unsuccessful attitude.

Photon information technology originates from Ye Chen. Ye Chen has great achievements. He doesn't take credit. This is so rare that everyone must be convinced.

"Lao Tang, what's the second thing?" Ye Chen asked.

"The second thing is, Xiaoye, you should pay back the money."

"Repay the money? What money?" Ye Chen was a little dazed.

Xiao Lingyue they don't quite understand.

"Xiaoye, you have cooperated with the country for so long. The country has made so many devices for you. This is not a small amount. The country has paid for so long. Now you have money in your hands. Should you pay for these funds? Did you return it? "Explained Don.

The country has done a lot of equipment for Ye Chen, and the equipment that it is making is really sincere. These devices are very valuable, and the materials and labor purchased by the state will cost a lot. The money was paid by the state.

Counting it out, there are almost hundreds of billions.

Such a large sum cannot be taken lightly, even with the financial resources of the country.

"What money do you pay? Why did you make me pay it back?" Ye Chen drooled and started spraying again.

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