Super Scientist

Chapter 598: Ye Chen's ex-girlfriend

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The first change occurred was Wang Lao. He is one of the three oldest people in the laser. He has the best physical condition. The dry skin appears shiny, although not much, after all.

From Ye Chen's experience, it can be clearly seen that this is because the drug has taken effect. Based on previous experiments, this is just the beginning.

What happened later was the same as in the previous experiments. Wang Lao's skin became more and more shiny. The previously dim old eyes also became brighter.

Everyone was particularly excited, nervous and pursing their lips, looking expectantly.

The head's rare hands clenched into fists and waved vigorously.

Ye Chen hasn't known the Chief Executive for a short time. He has never seen the Chief Executive so excited. It shows how powerful this incident is for him.

Just as Ye Chen looked forward to them, there were changes in Yang Lao and Chen Lao. Like Wang Lao, the dry skin has a luster, and the luster is more and more obvious, which is changing in a good direction.

Subsequent changes are consistent with Ye Chen's expectations. After a day, the three old lasers had blood on their faces, and the whole person was a lot younger. They no longer lie on the bed, but can sit up on their own.

Based on their previous physical condition, if they want to sit up, they must be supported. Now, sitting up, they were particularly excited, looking at the blood-stained hands with their eyes wide open, their faces incredible.

Although Ye Chen had known the results of their experiments for a long time, when the change happened to them, they were still shocked.

Shocked not only the three of them, everyone was shocked, including the heads of them.

The chief took Ye Chen as they entered the ward, and congratulated the three old lasers with smiles: "The three have made outstanding contributions to the country and are the founders of our national laser business. I am very happy for your health."

Speaking of everyone's heart, this is no less important.

The three old lasers have made so much contribution to our country. For the country, they gave up the Nobel Prize. They are legends themselves. It's better to be able to see their health improve than anything else.

"Thank you, Chief! Thank you, Xiaoye! Thank you experts." The laser three old thank you.

Originally they thought they were going to die, but they wouldn't be able to see it, but they didn't expect that Ye Chen let them "return to old age". Not only was their physical condition much better, they looked as if they were ten years younger.

"Wang Lao Yang Lao Chen Lao, we have to check your physical condition." Ye Chen said with a smile.

Laser Sanlao is the first group of volunteers in clinical experiments. They must comprehensively check their physical changes and master comprehensive data. Only in this way can subsequent experiments be facilitated.

"No need to check, I feel good. I haven't felt so good for many years." Wang Lao immediately refused.

"What to check? We haven't participated in work for many years, and we have to make up for it. Let's go to experiment." Yang suggested.

"Yes." Chen Lao and Wang Lao immediately responded.

Ye Chen took a look at the three laser villagers, Lao Xu and Lao Xu. These old experts have no one to spare. As long as they are still alive and have more work to do, they must dedicate the last heat and light to the country.

"Wang Lao Yang Lao Chen Lao, your understanding of your contribution to the country, we can understand, I thank you on behalf of the country." The chief stopped and said, "However, your physical condition has just improved and you are working now, not It ’s either not, or it ’s not good. If you are in good health, you can still work for the country for decades. The genetic drugs they developed this time can extend life span by 30-50 years. ”

In the case of a change of person, the head can order with his identity. However, this is the three oldest lasers, and the chief has to persuade him.

"Head, it's urgent to work. We haven't worked for many years, we have to rush time." The laser three veterans would not agree.

"You are the first batch of clinical volunteers. Your physical data is very important for our follow-up research. Failure to conduct a comprehensive inspection of you may affect subsequent experiments and affect more old experts returning to work. But it's big. "The head continued.

The three laser olds were hard to find, and finally agreed reluctantly.

At last he persuaded the three old men, Ye Chen breathed a sigh of relief.

"It's incredible, the health is getting better than we thought." After a comprehensive inspection, Huang Lao looked at the data with an incredible expression on his face.

Ye Chen they looked at it, it really was.

This is a drug developed for human genes. Although mice can be used for experiments, the genes of mice and human genes are still different, and the experimental results must be different.

Follow-up observations show that the situation of the three old lasers is getting better and better, and the physical recovery is very good. After three days, the three looked like sixties and seventies. Based on the physical condition of the three of them, being "young" to this extent is already very shocking.

The improvement of the body lasted for a full week, and now the laser three are looking like people in their forties. They are almost a hundred years old and suddenly become like people in their forties, which is too scary.

Without witnessing their changes, no one would believe it.

"Congratulations to the three! In the current situation, your cells are still alive for fifty years." After the inspection, Huang Laoman blushed and announced the results.

"Lent up to heaven for fifty years! That's what we thought when we left the job. It didn't occur to us that it turned out to be true now!" Wang Lao looked regretful.

He was a personal experience and was shocked to get the final result.

"That's great! We can work for the country for another fifty years!" Lao Yang and Chen Lao smiled.

Seeing them like that, they can't wait to go to work immediately.

"Great!" The crowd cheered while applauding.

With gene medicine, it is entirely possible for old experts in our country to return to work. With their rich experience, we can push the scientific and technological undertakings of our country to a higher level.

The physical condition of the three old lasers has now been completed, and the rest is to follow up the inspection. This takes a long time, ranging from a year and a half to a few years.

However, at this stage, it is entirely possible to expand the scale for clinical trials.

In the following work, clinical trials are continuously conducted on old experts, and the experimental results are also very good.

There are constant old experts who "return old and return children", and they are all the same. After the inspection, they are required to return to work and do not even need a rest.

In their words, they have rested for many years and must take back time.

Many old experts have directly joined the concept technology of the future, because the technology here at Ye Chen only exists in the concept when they leave the job. Some don't even have a concept. So, they want to study here for a while, and even work here.

For these old experts, Ye Chen is welcoming with both hands.

"Xiaoye, I found out that you are the biggest winner." The chief was jealous as he watched so many old experts join the concept technology of the future.

"Head, you can't say that. They come to work with me, and they can play their biggest role." Ye Chen did not think so, saying, "They are the world's top scientists, and they have a very advanced grasp. Looking at the world And only I can meet their requirements here. "

A lot of these old experts are the world's top scientists. They are at the forefront of world science and technology and have mastered things too far. That is, they have been out of work for many years and are still ahead of their time.

To meet their requirements, only Ye Chen was here. Who says Ye Chen has the most advanced laboratory support in the world?

"Well." The chief had to agree.

"Furthermore, the country will not suffer. Haven't I and the country been working together?" Ye Chen laughed.

"Good." The head was relieved.

Ye Chenmingming has a system, but instead of eating alone, he chooses to cooperate with the country, which benefits the country immensely. This is the most assured and most comforting of the head.

"Xiaoye, the lunar aircraft and the space fighter are all ready for test flight. When do you decide to do it?" The chief asked.

If it weren't for the relationship between genetic drugs, the lunar aircraft and the spaceflight had already been conducting test flights. How could they wait till now. The head even asked Ye Chen's opinion, this is for Ye Chentian's big face.

"Head, I listen to the country." Ye Chen knew that the country must have arrangements.

"We want to conduct a test flight of the lunar aircraft first, and then go for a test flight of an air-space fighter, from near to far." The chief laughed.

The lunar aircraft is in Fengzhou, and the air-space fighter is not in Fengzhou. It is appropriate to conduct a test flight of the lunar aircraft before flying to the air-fighter.

"Okay. We are ready to prepare for the test flight." Ye Chen was very happy, looking forward to this long time, the lunar aircraft is finally going to test flight, the implementation of the moon development plan is not far.

As I was talking, I saw Guo Yuhao stepping forward and beckoning Ye Chen.

"Head, let me go over." Ye Chen knew that Guo Yuhao had found something wrong with him, pleaded guilty to the head, and walked quickly, saying, "Guo, what's the matter?"

Guo Yuhao didn't speak, but pulled Ye Chen away and said, "Come with me."

"Is there anything I can't say here?" Ye Chen felt strange.

"Can't say it here." Guo Yuhao pulled Ye Chen and came to a house without people. They went in and locked the door.

"Say, what's the matter? Is it so mysterious, which woman have you made your belly bigger?" Ye Chen and Guo Yuhao have never been bigger or smaller.

"Leaf, you don't talk about it here. I tell you, it's your business." Guo Yuhao said solemnly.

This product and Ye Chen have not always been in the right shape, so sincere when not serious. Based on Ye Chen's understanding of him, he must be so serious that something big must have happened. He asked quickly, "Me? What happened to me?"

"It was Wu Shan that happened." Guo Yuhao said.

"Shanshan? What's wrong with her? Hurry up." Ye Chen's hands were like lightning, holding Guo Yuhao's collar, and roaring, like a thunder.

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