Super Scientist

Chapter 89: Your glory

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It wasn't anyone else, it was the deputy prime minister who often appeared on TV. This was a real big man. Ye Chen was really unexpected and surprised him.

If you think about it, it is normal. Our country needs chips too much. It can be said that in order to promote the industrial upgrading of our country, the chip is the top priority, and it can be said to be of decisive significance. Now that Ye Chen has conquered the chip, one of the biggest difficulties has been solved, and the country will definitely attach great importance to it.

"Brother, right?" Then, Ye Chen was a little proud. Not everyone can alarm at this level.

"Good head." Liu Zhilong stepped forward and saluted Vice Premier Tang.

Vice Premier Tang held Liu Zhilong's hand and laughed, "Comrade Liu Zhilong, it's hard."

"Not hard. Contributing to the country is my duty." Liu Zhilong smiled and busily.

"Um." Vice Premier Tang nodded, shook hands with a group of experts, and kindly greeted these old experts who have made outstanding contributions to the country, and asked them if they had a good life, whether there were any difficulties, nothing at all, like The neighbors were greeting each other.

Ye Chen looked in her eyes and especially appreciated that this is quality. It seems that there are some small officials, the officials are not big, the officials are not small, and the officials must be carried wherever they go.

What surprised Chen Chen was that Vice Premier Tang and these experts were very familiar. They didn't need any introduction to recognize them all.

Vice Premier Tang greetings one by one, and soon arrived at Ye Chen. Liu Zhilong was introducing. Vice Premier Tang waved and smiled: "This is no need to introduce, it must be Ye Chen, right?"

"The head is good." At this moment, Ye Chen was really excited. He never dreamed that he would meet with a big man of this level, his voice trembling.

Vice Premier Tang shook hands with Ye Chen, with a smile on his face, and kindly said, "Xiaoye, don't call the heads of the chiefs. It's too natural and too out of the ordinary. I'm not a few years younger than Laozhuang, you call me Tang Lao Come on, be kind. "

Ye Chen busyly said, "I don't dare."

"Don't you dare? If you think Mr. Tang is bad, just call me Grandpa. At my age, when your grandpa isn't taking advantage of you." Mr. Tang said half-jokingly.

There are more than seventy people in Tang Lao, and Ye Chen's grandfather is completely fine.

"Good old Tang." Old Tang felt to Ye Chen, this is not a big man, but an uncle next door, very kind.

"Well. This is the youngest national treasure scientist in our country. I have to take a good look at it." Mr. Tang's eyes widened and he looked at Ye Chen for a while.

Ye Chen was seen a little hairy, and he said that I was not a panda for people to visit. You can't look at me like that.

"It's good. It's very sunny, and a little handsome." Old Tang nodded slightly, greatly appreciated.

"Lao Tang, I'm very modest, and I don't show my advantages easily. I found it for you. You really look like a torch." Ye Chen absolutely did not expect Tang Lao to laugh at him and responded to a ridicule.

"Haha." Tang Laola was happy, patted his left hand on Ye Chen's shoulder, and smiled: "It's kind of humorous, good, good."

After meeting the people who came out to meet him, Tang Lao was surrounded by the crowd, entered the cafeteria, and met with old experts who were inconvenient to greet him.

After being busy, Liu Zhilong invited Tang to sit down. After Tang Lao sat down, Chong Yechen beckoned and said, "Leaf, come here, sit here." Pat the chair beside him.

At the level of Donald, sitting next to him is supreme glory, but it seems inappropriate. Although Ye Chen has achieved good results, he is a younger man, and this man should let him sit down.

"Lao Tang, I'll sit here." Ye Chen prepared to sit with the young expert.

"Xiaoye, come here, I have some questions for you." Tang Lao insisted.

Ye Chen had to walk over and sit beside Tang Lao.

The young experts looked in their eyes, all of them glowed red, so glorious, why didn't they fall on themselves?

As the host, Liu Zhilong naturally assumed the role of host and came to the microphone and said, "Today, our patent office welcomes a very important patent, and the photonic chip has successfully passed the examination. At this moment of celebration, please Tang The Deputy Prime Minister spoke. "

Don Lao stood up and came to the microphone, and said, "I represent the country and express my condolences to the experts present here, especially the old experts who have made outstanding contributions to the country. I also want to congratulate Ye Chen and congratulate you on conquering the photon chip. Modernization has made outstanding contributions! Congratulations, Ye Chen. "


The warm applause sounded, and the people here applauded vigorously. This is the applause given to Ye Chen.

The importance of the chip, they are all clear. Many cutting-edge things in our country cannot be manufactured because there are no high-end machine tools. Such high-end machine tools are not sold, and even chips are not sold. Ye Chen conquered the photonic chip and solved this problem. It is conceivable that these cutting-edge products will be manufactured on a large scale and will promote the industrial upgrading of our country.

Ye Chen listened to the warm applause, looked at the excited faces, could not help but excited, proud.

As a scientist, it is best to be recognized by people. Not to mention, it is such a high level of recognition. There are so many experts, and there is also a high level of Vice Premier Tang. This is the best recognition of Ye Chen's efforts. Ye Chen only feels that he is more comfortable making chips at night, and it's worth it!

"Chip is very important for our country and is one of the biggest limiting factors restricting the industrial upgrading of our country. Now, this bottleneck is gone, and the industrial upgrading of our country will usher in a golden age of vigorous development. This It belongs to Ye Chen's glory! "Mr. Tang's evaluation was very high and very fair.

The chip is too important for a country, it can be said that it is related to national economy and people's livelihood. Because our country cannot produce high-end chips, it has imposed very large restrictions on our country. Many cutting-edge products cannot be manufactured, and we have to spend a lot of foreign exchange to go to other countries for processing. Now, solving the chip problem is equivalent to preparing Kangzhuang Avenue for cutting-edge products in our country.


Donald's evaluation was not excessive at all. On the contrary, it was very pertinent. Experts recognized the evaluation very well, and a warm applause sounded.

Ye Chen's eyes are a little bit moist, and the plants and trees are all autumn, and life is the same. It is worthwhile to have such an evaluation and such achievements!

Donald finished speaking and returned to his seat.

Liu Zhilong said: "Below, we invite Ye Chen to speak."

I speak? Ye Chen was a bit surprised, he was completely unprepared, and this Liu Zhilong was really, so he did n’t tell him in advance, so that he was prepared.

The eyes of the crowd gathered on Ye Chen very eagerly. Ye Chen had to talk without saying anything. He had to step forward and came to the microphone and said, "Stand here, face so many outstanding things for the country. Contributing experts, I think I am very small. Although I have achieved a little bit, compared to you, my accomplishment is insignificant. "


A warm applause sounded, and everyone appreciated Ye Chen's humble attitude.

The photonic chip is a great invention that can change the world. Ye Chen has no merits, no pride, and is very humble. No matter how much you praise this precious quality.

After the applause stopped, Ye Chen continued: "The reason why I can capture the photon chip is inseparable from Zhuang's strong support. Without Zhuang's selfless support, I would not be able to capture the photon chip. Here, I want to thank Zhuang Lao! Say to Zhuang Lao, thank you! "

Without Zhuang's support, even if Ye Chen mastered the optical brain technology, it would not be possible to make a photonic chip. How to make it without equipment and materials? These things are particularly expensive. For Ye Chen, the grassroots, this is an insurmountable obstacle.

It is precisely because of the support of Zhuang Lao that these are not problems. Ye Chen created the photonic chip.

At this moment, Ye Chen was very sincere and thanked Zhuang Lao very excitedly.

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