Super Sect Development System

Chapter 1601: Followers’ Self-awareness

Half a day later,

several more powerful rays of light descended from outside the Jiangyin Continent, and landed in a place with a strong underworld energy inside Jiangyin City. Google Search Reading

Li Qingyun and his group, who had been hiding in the restaurant, felt this clearly.

Half an hour later.

Ding Tian nodded: "These strong men are from the Holy Realm, and there is nothing unusual after they landed in the cave arranged by Jiangyin City."

"Let's go there too."


The holy power emerged, and everyone disappeared from the restaurant and headed towards the cave.

Before everyone landed, looking down from the sky, the buildings below looked like stones, but now when they shuttled through the city, they also found that the buildings in Jiangyin City were unusually tall, about twice as tall as the buildings in the same size city in the underworld.

Although it is completely different from the style of the underworld, all the decorations come from the main material of the building itself, and the fine carvings are almost non-existent, but it does not look very rough, but a strange feeling.

The group fled at a very fast speed and soon reached the inner city of Jiangyin City, stopping in front of a high tower.

Even though this tower was full of tall buildings, it was ranked first and was the tallest building in the city.

"This should be the cave house arranged for us." Ding Tian said lightly.

Everyone was full of novelty.

With their cultivation, they often lived in cave houses in small worlds or in the space opened up by formations in the spirit world.

Like the underworld, living directly on this tower is really strange.


Soon, the formation in front of the tower flickered, and an old man from the underworld walked out of the tower and walked towards everyone with a smile.

"You elders are Taoist friends from the spirit world, right? Welcome, welcome."

The old man saluted everyone with human etiquette, and at the same time, he activated the formation plate in his hand to open the ban outside the tower.

The door under the tower opened with a bang, and at the same time, the distance between everyone and the tower was instantly shortened, and they came to the front of the tower.

Because it is a tower, it looks very slender from a distance, giving people a feeling that the space inside the tower is narrow. However, when you get closer, you will find that the narrowness of the tower is only relative to its height. In fact, it is very wide, like a small square.

"According to the decree of the high priest, you will live together with the Saint Realm and a few demon world geniuses, all living in the cave on the top floor. You will wait for the exchange to begin in Jiangyin City within this month."

The old man of the Hades invited everyone into the tower and introduced them to everyone.

Ren Ren smacked his lips: "We have lived together for a month, and the formal exchange has just begun?"

The old man of the Hades smiled on his old face: "These are all the rich information of the high priest. How dare I speculate?"

"Are you from Jiangyin City?"

Suddenly, Li Qingyun, who had been walking at the end of the crowd and standing with the followers, asked.

"That's right."

At this time, Huang Siyuan turned around again and glared at Li Qingyun, his eyes full of warnings.

Li Qingyun was startled. It seemed that he had "rebelled against his superiors" again.

He shook his head and smiled bitterly, no longer looking at Huang Siyuan.

As the formation in the center of the tower was activated, everyone went up from the bottom of the tower and soon reached the top floor of the tower.

This high-rise space is very large, each of which is as big as a square. There are four areas distributed in the four directions of the square. There are many caves in each area. It is roughly estimated that there are more than a thousand of these caves, which means that even if one person lives in one, it can accommodate a thousand people.

"This is where you live here."

The old man of the Hades pointed to the east area.

A light curtain appeared outside the east area, and a word [Spirit] was written on it.

The word [Nether] was written in the north area.

The west area [Saint].

The south [Demon].

The four big characters are all written in the common characters of ancient times, and everyone understood at a glance.

It seems that the underworld has already allocated it for everyone.

Li Qingyun felt a little relieved. If there was another fight for a cave, it would be too troublesome.

"Fellow Daoists from the Spiritual Clan are here!"

When the old man from the Underworld Clan was introducing the cave to Li Qingyun and others, several figures appeared in the area where the Saint Clan was located on the west side, and a surprised voice came.

Ding Tian and the other two immediately shook their bodies and looked at the strong men from the Saint Clan with a smile: "Fellow Daoists from the Saint Clan, it's a pleasure to meet you!"

Whether it was an agreement or a tacit understanding, the Saint Clan also sent three saints. These three saints were also at the peak of saints like Ding Sansheng.

The difference was that behind the saints of the Saint Clan came more than a dozen Tianjiao, and the momentum was much greater than that of the Spirit Realm.

But these are easy to understand,

because not all of the Spirit Realm agreed to unite with the Underworld, and the strongest place, Zhongzhou, even drove the Underworld away directly.

The three people sent, An Shuyao, Sikong, and Huang Siyuan, were already found by the six sects including the Shenhuang Sect with all their efforts, and it was naturally difficult to compare with the Saint Realm in terms of number.

An Shuyao had a charming appearance, a gentle temperament, and was always well-mannered. At this time, she smiled and nodded to the dozen Tianjiao from the Saint Clan standing opposite.

The saints on both sides were still exchanging pleasantries. As juniors, it would be rude for them to communicate directly without the permission of the saints. An Xinyao smiled and indicated that this was the best way to deal with it.

After all, it would be a bit silly to just stare at them without saying anything.

For example, Ren You and Byron were like this at this time.

"Brother Li, why do I feel that these saint world prodigies are stronger than the three people in front?"

Ren You stared hard to make himself look more majestic, but at the same time sent a message to Li Qingyun.

Li Qingyun sent a message and replied: "Don't judge rashly. Although these people are the geniuses selected from the entire holy world, it is normal for them to be better than the three of them. But now we are dealing with these three people and these saints." The clan members know very little about it, and it would be too reckless to judge strength based on cultivation alone.”

Ren Yi was startled: "Indeed."

Finally, Sansheng Ding finished his greetings with the three saints in the holy world, turned around and smiled at the junior behind him: "There is a place for spiritual practice and discussion in the center of these four caves. You can get to know each other here."

After that, the six saints nodded to each other and disappeared from the place at the same time.

It seemed that they had something important to discuss and left again.

"I have long admired the name of the genius of the spiritual world. Fellow Taoists, please come here."

In the center of the Holy Clan's genius, a short male Saint stood up, gently waved his hand, and invited everyone to go to one side, where there was a small dojo set up here.

Everyone is preparing to follow,

However, Huang Siyuan did not make any movement, and stood quietly on the spot, saying: "Fellow Daoist An, Fellow Daoist Sikong, and Fellow Daoist Ren, the followers are not qualified to listen to the exchanges between our geniuses, so we should let the followers enter the cave to sort things out first. "

"That's fine."

Sikong turned around and waved his hand, and the followers behind him immediately headed towards the east area.

An Shuyao smiled softly at the attendants. Xiaoyi beside her also patted the attendants beside her, and the attendants immediately retreated.


Huang Siyuan looked at Li Qingyun and the others behind him: "What? Don't you three have any sense of being followers?"

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