Super Sect Development System

Chapter 2269: Standing on the Side

Although the formation did not make any noise, the Chaos Star inside was frightened.

The Lord of Chaos Star Hall immediately went out to check and saw that it was a very magical monkey stepping on the formation. He immediately stood up and came to the front of the monkey and looked at each other across the formation.

"Senior, what's the matter with you coming to Chaos Star City?"

The attitude of Chaos Star was neither humble nor arrogant, which made the monkey stunned for a moment.

He looked at the calm temperament of the Lord of Chaos Star Hall and fell into deep thought again.

The temperament of the kid from the Holy Meteorite Continent was really extraordinary, but the Lord of Chaos Star Hall was no worse.

If there could only be one controller in the four major domains of Beiling, and the monkey was asked to choose, it would be difficult to make up his mind for a while.

According to the result of the deduction of the guy in the Monkey Clan, the four major domains of Beiling in the future were the most critical places in that matter, and the Monkey Clan must carefully choose the team.

Otherwise, it would be a disaster for the extinction of the clan!

But after the field investigation, the Monkey Clan was in a dilemma.

Both Qingshan Sect and Chaos Star City surprised him.

They all look like they have the ability to control the four major domains of Beiling!

The spirit monkey looked up at the Lord of Chaos Stars, who was still very respectful and folded his hands waiting for the spirit monkey to reply.

The spirit monkey simply asked: "Boy, what do you think of Qingshan Sect?"

The Lord of Chaos Stars was obviously stunned when he heard this.

I didn't expect that this spirit monkey came with such a fierce momentum, but it was because of Qingshan Sect?

The Lord of Chaos Stars turned around and looked around. The army of the Yellow Wolf Clan and the Spirit Python Clan and the Spirit Monkey Clan surrounded Chaos Star City together.

It seems that if a reasonable answer is not given, these guys will not end well.

After thinking very calmly, he calmly replied: "To answer the senior, Qingshan Sect rose as fast as a meteor, and the sect master is indeed amazingly talented, rare in the world."

The spirit monkey was not surprised by the Lord of Chaos Stars' answer, but he didn't expect that he would have such a high evaluation of his mortal enemy.

"It's just..."

The Lord of Chaos Stars changed his voice.

"The Qingshan Sect rose rapidly, but it has only been thousands of years since then, and its foundation is insufficient after all."

"Although the leader of the sect is also a calm person, he always reveals a unique arrogance of youth."

"In the eyes of the younger generation, the leader of the Qingshan Sect will definitely make a wrong decision in a certain event, which will lead to his own death!"

The spirit monkey frowned slightly when he heard this, and it was obvious that the words he said later were more inclined to the original intention of the leader of the Luanxing Hall.

However, according to the spirit monkey's understanding of the contradiction between the Qingshan Sect and the Luanxing Hall, he can roughly guess what Luanxing's intention is.

After all, in the eyes of the spirit monkey, an outsider, Li Qingyun also had a hard time getting over the visit of the Ancient Flame Saint.

If Luanxing, an insider, evaluates it, the demise of the Qingshan Sect is almost a foregone conclusion.

The answer he wanted has been obtained. The spirit monkey directly used the cave magic weapon to put away the spirit monkey square formation and turned to escape in the direction of the Qingshuang domain.

The two tribes of Yellow Wolf and Spirit Python who stayed in the original place saw him leave, and simply went down the stairs.

If even the spirit monkey could not easily break the formation of Chaos Star City, then it would be difficult for him to break it before Gu Yan arrived.

The Lord of Chaos Star Hall looked at the figures of the three tribes leaving, and a sinister look flashed in his eyes.

"Qingshan Sect... OK..."

After saying that, the Lord of Chaos Star Hall looked at the position attacked by the spirit monkey. The formation had cracked a tiny gap, which was really hard to find if you didn't look carefully.

If the spirit monkey was allowed to step on it a few more times, it was not certain whether the formation would be stepped on...

The Lord of Chaos Star Hall snorted coldly and took out a formation of a higher grade to replace the broken formation plate.

After returning to Chaos Star Hall, he called a few confidants, and after a few simple instructions, he opened the formation covering Chaos Star City.

There were less than ten days left before Gu Yan came here, and most of those spirit beast masters had also retreated.

If Luanxing doesn't come out to clean up the mess at this time, the reputation of Tianji Pavilion may be damaged!

The last time the special envoy came, he just said that he wanted the Lord of Luanxing to control the entire four major regions of Beiling. If he loses the support of the people at this time, I am afraid that the subsequent arrangements will also be changed.

Luanxing only needs to handle and perfect the work as soon as possible, and with a little operation, he can let Tianji Pavilion win over the people's hearts again and turn the power of faith back to the right direction.

It's actually very simple. The main hall of Tianji Pavilion is busy with meetings, and objectively, the Lord of Luanxing Palace can't really solve the problem of the rampage of spirit beasts.

If he plays a little bit of misery, he will definitely get the sympathy of many cultivators, and then forgive the Tianji Pavilion for its dereliction of duty.

On the other hand, the two tribes of yellow wolf and spirit python that attacked the army returned in defeat, and they retreated without taking action.

The second Huanglang frowned: "No, if we do this, won't we lose our sincerity in front of Qingshan Sect?"

The Huanglang clan leader waved his hand and said: "It doesn't matter. Even a force like Qingshan Sect has to give some face to Luanxing City. It may not be a bad thing that we didn't take action."

Ling Bo also said: "Although we are in an alliance, the outside world doesn't know it yet. Isn't it better to spread the news after solving the problem for Qingshan Sect for the first time?"

The strong men nodded together and stopped talking.

The two clans returned to the Holy Meteorite Continent in disappointment and went directly back to the cave near Qingshan City.

At this time, in Qingshan Sect, Li Qingyun was still practicing, refining the power stored in Qingshan Dharma.

Zhou Yaoqiao was trying to get familiar with his blood power, and Nangong Wan taught the disciples the experience of practicing as usual.

Among the group, only Ren allowed himself to be locked in the cave and refused to respond to anyone's call.

At this time, he not only closed the stone door of the cave, but also cut a path through the void and drilled in.

In the void, Ren You's face was pale, and he would spit out a small mouthful of blood every once in a while.

After all the blood was spit out, Ren You breathed a sigh of relief.

"Huh, I've finally spit out all the blood. It's all because of those bastards from the Xing Ci Sect..."

It turned out that when Ren You was surrounded by the Xing Ci Sect, the leaders of the Xing Ci Sect scolded him.

At that time, Ren You couldn't help it and jumped out to punch them.

In addition, he was already at a disadvantage, so he didn't know who attacked him in the chaos.

In addition, Ren You took the initiative to detonate the blasting pill, and the spatial vibration affected the injury again, gradually forming that injury.

However, although he was injured, Ren You couldn't help but feel a little refreshed when he thought of the scene where the Xing Ci Sect leader took his punch.

And even if he cared about it, those leaders were already dead, right?

After dealing with this bruise, Ren You finally opened the stone door and went to the dojo to train his secret skills.

As soon as he arrived here, he saw Li Qingyun madly outputting to a trial stone over there.

The trial stone was golden in color, and Ren You recognized it at a glance. It was the product condensed by the Xinbing Dao Fa.

At this moment, Li Qingyun's Dharma image attracted Ren You's attention.

The Qingshan Dharma image was solemn, and the whole body exuded a faint white light belonging to the spiritual power seed.

What surprised him most was that there were meridians like a human inside the Qingshan Dharma image!

Upon closer observation, there was actually a spiritual power running continuously in it!

Ren You was also a member of the Qingshan Sect, and he recognized the running law at a glance.

"This dead pervert, how can even the Dharma image practice the Qingyun Jue?" Ren You muttered in a low voice.

As he was talking, the Qingshan Dharma image suddenly raised an arm and slapped Ren You straight over!

Ren You glared and ran away: "You pervert, how dare you attack me, your brother!"

From behind, Li Qingyun's voice came: "Don't run, let me try!"

Ren You turned his head and shouted: "If you don't run, you're a fool!"

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