Super Sect Development System

Chapter 391: Forbidden Technique?

One hundred monks had ferocious faces and were full of fighting spirit.

At this time, two rays of light fell from the sky and smashed down from mid-air.

First, there was purple, a noble purple light that flashed by, like a noble immortal.

Then, there was a dazzling white light, which was extremely sharp. It was the sword energy, the overwhelming sword energy...

The sword energy swept from the front like a harvest, and the monks before the sword energy no longer had any ferocity on their faces. They turned pale and fled in panic.

Without exception, no one dared to confront the sharpness of this sword energy.


The sword energy exploded, and the place where the one hundred monks were originally located was exactly where they were.

And below the explosion, there were one hundred stunned monks with cold sweats. They kept swallowing the saliva in their hands, holding down their slightly trembling thighs, and looking at the figure in the air... the figure in the green robe!

"Didn't you say that the Goose Formation is very powerful? Why did you disband before my attack arrived?" A voice with a hint of teasing came down lightly.

The entire Tianji Pavilion was terribly quiet at this time, and no one dared to answer. The young man who looked harmless was like a sinister demon in their eyes!

They really couldn't figure out why when they faced this person who had just burst out his cultivation, the Yuanying in their bodies would be involuntarily afraid, and the speed of spiritual power operation dropped by as much as 30%!

This sudden change almost made them feel a fatal threat. Next, facing his equally powerful sword energy, they no longer dared to resist and turned around and fled.

Not only did the one hundred cultivators not understand.

The more than seventy people watching the battle behind Li Qingyun also didn't understand.

They just watched the whole battle. At the moment when Li Qingyun's cultivation burst out and the purple light flashed around him, even they felt a terrifying suppression force, and their strength was also suppressed by at least 20%!

This feeling was so unforgettable that it even cast a shadow in their hearts, so that the amazing sword energy that appeared later was not so noticeable.

"What kind of magical power is this..." One person murmured, "Or maybe it's not a magical power, but a forbidden technique above the magical power?"

"This feeling is so terrifying. I even feel that my Nascent Soul is screaming. If it continues for a while, my Nascent Soul will even be permanently injured!"

More than seventy people began to communicate secretly through voice transmission.

As for the one hundred people, there was a dead silence.

Li Qingyun slowly landed in front of Shi Jinsong, who was in the center of the one hundred people.

Shi Jinsong's eyes flashed with fear, and he stood up and looked at Li Qingyun: "You... what was that move you just made?"

Li Qingyun looked around at the scattered monks on the ground. They were all shocked, as if being defeated by him was no longer the most important thing. This kind of soul-shaking curiosity was the problem they wanted to solve urgently.

Li Qingyun nodded slightly. As expected of some cultivators who have been trapped in the Heaven Realm for a long time, their desire for practice and breakthrough is indeed incomparable to that of the outside world.

"The move just now is a sword move I created myself, called the Sun-piercing Move."

Shi Jinsong stared at Li Qingyun: "It's not the white sword light, it's the purple light, what is that!?"

Li Qingyun looked at Shi Jinsong, who had red eyes at this time, and seemed to be extremely eager for this matter. He smiled, tightened his face, and said seriously: "I won't tell you."

Shi Jinsong's eager eyes froze in place, and he almost spit out a mouthful of old blood.

"You... you should stop being proud!"

Li Qingyun was surprised and said, "Why shouldn't I be proud? I beat 100 of you by myself, can't I be proud?"

Shi Jinsong said stubbornly, "You just disturbed us with the power of forbidden techniques!"

Li Qingyun stopped talking to Shi Jinsong and flew into the air again. Looking at the 100 people below, he said calmly, "I declare that I will forcibly recruit you as menial disciples of my Qingshan Sect."

"You are talking nonsense!"

"You are going too far!"

"Menial disciples? When have I ever been insulted like this?"

"I would rather die than obey!"

"If you want to do it, please do it, but we can't stand such humiliation!"

When the people below heard what Li Qingyun said, they were originally silent, but suddenly they exploded. It would be better to kill them directly than to let these elites among the heavens be menial disciples.

"Violators... die!"

With the word "die", the noble but extremely terrifying purple light rose again around Li Qingyun.

At this moment, everyone below felt cold all over again, and a chill rose from their backs, and their spiritual power seemed to be blocked again.

In an instant, none of the one hundred generals above the sixth rank dared to speak out against it.

They knew that the man in front of them really had the courage to kill them and the terrifying power to slaughter them.

Li Qingyun threw a blood-red jade talisman from the storage space and threw it into the hands of everyone below, saying: "This is a blood contract. If you sign it, you can become a chores disciple of my Qingshan Sect and avoid death."

The people below took the blood contract in a daze and asked: "May I ask, is there a time limit for chores?"

Li Qingyun said coldly: "Shouldn't you worry about your own lives now? What about chores is a later story."

"But as long as you are a member of Qingshan Sect, you have the opportunity to have your attributes purified by this sect master."

At this time, Lu Hen appeared at the right time and said to the people below: "I believe you all have a new understanding of our sect master now. As you can see, the sect master is not only gifted with amazing talents, but also has the powerful ability to help us purify the mixed attribute power."

"Please look!"

After saying that, Lu Hen burst out with his cultivation, causing the monks below to look at him sideways.

"I say, Lu Hen, why do you feel that your attribute fluctuations are still weaker?" Many people are familiar with Lu Hen, and naturally feel that Lu Hen is different from before.

But Lu Hen showed a proud smile on his face and said: "Everyone, feel it carefully."

Soon, someone found the difference.


"I can feel that his fantasy attribute power seems to be more condensed and more powerful than before!"

"Can it really purify attributes?"

"This, this, this... This is a great opportunity..." The people below soon realized that this was a great opportunity. There are ways to purify the attributes in the body, but only heaven-level spiritual medicine can have a purification effect, and the price is frighteningly expensive.

No wonder Luhen and the others were willing to follow Li Qingyun wholeheartedly...

Thinking of this, these people were also decisive. They picked up the blood contract in their hands and carefully sensed it. They found that the conditions in the blood contract were not dangerous, so they looked at each other and signed the blood contract.

A moment later, ninety out of the hundred people signed the blood contract.

And Li Qingyun also received the reward information from the system:

"This time, a total of ninety celestial elites were accepted, and the genius points and reputation points were +"


But Li Qingyun knew that there was a bigger reward waiting for him. He didn't know how much free distribution attribute power these people could let him extract...

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