Super Sect Development System

Chapter 541: Li Qingyun in Bobang's Eyes

The 40th city.

In the center of the city, opposite to the military hall of the human race, the Hades also has a hall for commanding military affairs, but they call it the Hades Hall, which is the key place for the Hades’ high-level officials to discuss military affairs.

At this time, all the high-level officials of the 40th city gathered at the top of the Hades Hall.

Commander Bobang and his 20 Hades’ generals gathered here.

The 40th city was originally controlled by the human race. Later, the Hades obtained the king-level star disk and advanced from the 54th city to the 10th city. Although the Hades captured the 20th city, they had not yet taken the star road above the 20th city. Because the Hades announced a retreat of 20 cities, they withdrew quickly, so the Hades did not gain a firm foothold there.

As the only fortress that was recaptured, the 40th city was naturally poured with huge military forces by the Hades.

Commander Bobang's cultivation is in the middle stage of the Hou level, which is equivalent to the second level of the three realms of the human race, the great cultivator of the Pure Realm, and his cultivation is even higher than Pan Xi's.

Pan Xi's responsibility is to maintain the defense and attack of some cities on the Star Road, while Commander Bobang is a strong man who specializes in guarding the Star Road. For tens of thousands of years, in the war between the Hades and the human race, the Hades have captured the 40th city of the human race countless times. Every time, he was stationed on the main Star Road at the top of the 40th city.

On this Star Road, there are no less than five human race strongmen who died in his hands, including the former head of the eighth city, Zhang Cangfeng.

Therefore, as a strong man in the Hou level, Bobang's generals are not ordinary Wanfu leaders, at least they are strong men above the middle stage of the general, and half of them are equivalent to the Taiyin realm strongmen of the human race.

But in addition to Bobang and his generals, there is another person in the center of the high-level. This person sits side by side with Bobang, sitting right above the hall.

This person is wearing a dark red robe and looks like a handsome human youth. The most eye-catching thing is naturally the pair of bright red pupils in his eyes.

It is Yue Yan.

At this time, the atmosphere in the hall is a bit depressing. Everyone is silent and no one speaks.

After an unknown amount of time, a young commander stood up and said respectfully: "My two commanders, since the news has been confirmed that the human race has mastered another king-level star disk..."

"I think the human race's counterattack will start at any time. Now the power of our Hades' king-level star disk is exhausted and cannot be restarted in a short period of time. If the human race comes back at this time..."

"We are very clear about the power of the powerful king-level star disk, so we can't defend the 40th city!"


"I dare to suggest... We immediately withdraw from the 40th city and abandon all cities between the 40th and 60th cities.

"Concentrate all forces in the 60th city to defend against the human race's attack!"

This young commander is named Numutu. He is the youngest among these Hades, but in the eyes of others, he also means the most impatient one.

As soon as he finished speaking, other Hades commanders immediately retorted: "Withdraw from the 60th city?" "It's easy to say! "

"My Hades has been confronting the human race on this Zhulong Star Road for endless years and has always had the upper hand. Now if we give up 20 cities again, we will fall completely to the bottom. How can we explain to the great Hades Emperor?"

"Yes, even though the situation is tense now, we must stay in the 40th city to reach the human race and never retreat."

"I support Numutu's words. The situation is different now. The human race suddenly has an extra king-level star disk, which will not only completely defeat Commander Pan Xi, but also pose a huge threat to us. It's always right to be cautious."

"Otherwise, even if we die, we will not be ashamed to say that we sacrificed for the Hades Emperor. ”


The Hades generals below spoke one after another, and within a short time, they were divided into two groups, one group insisted on fighting to the death, and the other supported retreating to preserve strength.

Bobang looked at his subordinates who were quarreling below, his face was calm, but a huge wave was set off in his heart.

It has been 50,000 years since he received the order from the Blood Hunter Lord to come to Zhulong Star Road from the Hades to garrison. In these 50,000 years, he has experienced countless battles, big and small, but in these battles, no matter what, the Hades always occupied the upper hand, forcing the human race to fight, and the human race always just lingered and resisted stubbornly.

If it weren’t for the fact that the Venerables could not descend on Zhulong Star Road, the human race would have been destroyed by the Hades long ago.

Therefore, no matter what, the Hades generals are always arrogant towards the human race.

Like the current situation, hundreds of thousands of The army of the Hades besieged the fortress, and all of them, including the commander, were killed; half of the generals were already terrified and asked to retreat when discussing military affairs on the top floor of the Hades Hall; all the generals looked unnatural, and no matter what they supported, they were already panicked... Such a situation has never happened before!

And all of this was because of one person.

The leader of the Qingshan Army... Li Qingyun!

This person not only has an impressive talent, but also leads a small army to harass the rear of the Hades with his Jindan cultivation, completely disrupting the battle plan of the Hades. He also has extremely strange means... He can even repair the scrapped king-level star disk...

The young generation, the human race has such a person, which is definitely a blessing for the human race...

But for the Hades, this is another potential huge threat.

No, it is no longer a potential threat. Now he has mastered a king-level star disk. The threat is even comparable to that of Hu Yanzhuo, the Taoist master whose strength is unknown. The situation of Zhulong Star Road has been reversed because of him!

If he grows up, maybe the entire underworld will be driven out of Zhulong Star Road...

Thinking of this, Bobang clenched his fists.

He stood up slowly, feeling a little heavy, but still ready to announce the decision to retreat collectively.

But at this moment, the communication token on his waist suddenly shone brightly:

"Report to all the commanders, just got the news that the human genius Li Qingyun has been detained by Zhang Tiancheng, the patriarch of the Zhang family. The human commander suspects that he is a spy and is preparing to hold a high-level meeting to try Li Qingyun and force him to hand over the king-level star disk."

Bobang was stunned for a moment, as if he did not expect such news to suddenly appear. Then, with a look of ecstasy on his face, he laughed out loud:

"Everyone listen to my order!"

"Quickly assemble the army, integrate the remnants from the 33rd city to the 39th city, and prepare Fight!"

"It would take at least three days for Li Qingyun to control the King Star Disk, even if he is a genius. Now, he is being held captive by those idiots of the human race, so he has no time to learn how to control the King Star Disk."

"Therefore, this period of time when Li Qingyun is being held captive is the best time for our Hades race to counterattack!"

"Seize this opportunity, while Li Qingyun is disheartened, and severely strike at the morale of the human race. Then our Hades race can completely take over the Zhulong Star Road!"

"If we miss this opportunity, when the human race regains control of the King Star Disk, the situation on the Zhulong Star Road will completely fall to the human race!"

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