The 108th city on Zhulongxing Road is also called Zhulong City.

At this time, half a month had passed since the Little Holy Road trial, which was the focus of all parties in Zhulong City, ended. Although both the Sang family and the Wu family tried their best to block the news, in the end, the news spread from the mouths of various trialists.

Almost half of the people in Zhulong City already know that this time the Sang family and the Wu family not only did not get the benefits that their big families "deserve", but instead gave a large amount of treasures to the many helpers they were looking for temporarily, resulting in huge losses.

What’s even more strange is that the person who finally won the third Little Holy Road, the captain of ten thousand men named Xiaqiu, seemed to have evaporated out of thin air after receiving the reward of the Little Holy Road. No news about him can be found anywhere. .

Regarding this situation, most people logically believed that this axis hill had benefited greatly from being in the Little Saint Road, and was temporarily hidden in order to avoid the Wu family and the Sang family.

This guess is very reasonable. Under normal circumstances, this guess would be correct, but this time, it is obvious that... it is not a normal situation.


Not far outside Zhulong City, the sound of huge rolling wheels could be heard, and dozens of beast carts pulled by giant beasts were walking on the road outside Zhulong City.

This is a large-scale caravan, with at least 500 Hades escorting this cargo.

All of their faces were filled with satisfied smiles, because Zhulong City was just ahead, and after days of traveling, they were about to reach their destination.

At the end of the team, there were three ordinary-looking Nether Clan, one was as thin as a bamboo pole, one was tall and burly, and the other was well-proportioned, with an expression on his face that was many times happier than the other Nether Clan.

They were Ren Ren, Bai Lun, and Li Qingyun. After half a month of hard work, they used the magic weapon of transformation given by Hu Yanzhuo and changed countless identities. They finally took advantage of the opportunity of infiltrating the Uzi caravan and came to Zhuzhou. Dragon City.

"Hey, Brother Li, I always feel like something is wrong?" Ren Ren seemed to be concentrating on his way, but he sent a message to Li Qingyun.

Li Qingyun asked: "Why is something wrong?"

Ren Ren scratched his head: "When promoting this chamber of commerce, it claimed to be the largest chamber of commerce in Candle Dragon City, and it was also connected to the Blood Hunting City in the underworld..."

Li Qingyun muttered: "Okay, since you feel something is wrong, we should quickly leave this caravan after entering the city and change our identities."

After Ren Ren and Bai Lun heard this, they nodded and agreed with Li Qingyun. Just in case, sometimes monks have to trust their own intuition and switch identities at any time. They have used it countless times along the way and are already familiar with it. .

"Who is coming?"

With a long voice asking.

The caravan stopped, and the leader replied: "Sir, we are the caravan of the Uzi Chamber of Commerce."

Li Qingyun and the other three raised their heads, looked at the tall city wall that almost covered the sky and the sun, and looked at each other happily.

Zhulong City has finally arrived.

"Okay! It turns out to be the caravan of the Uzi Chamber of Commerce, let it go!" The soldiers stationed under the city gate heard this and said in a long voice.


A roadblock rumbled open ahead,

The caravan slowly entered the huge Zhulong City.

Li Qingyun and others naturally followed at the end and entered Zhulong City.

"Get ready, as soon as we enter the city, we will flee in all directions." As the team passed through the city gate, Li Qingyun directed Ren Ren and Bai Lun.

"Okay!" Ren Ren replied calmly.


The cargo on the beast cart is too heavy, so it makes a dull and loud sound no matter where it is.


Finally, the convoy completely passed the city gate.

"Alright...huh?" Li Qingyun was about to burst out and escape to both sides, but stopped suddenly.

Because at this time, a Hades man wearing orange armor fell from the sky and landed in front of the caravan.

"It's over!" Ren Ren screamed, "Brother Li, aren't we discovered by this commander?"

Li Qingyun said calmly: "Don't be afraid, observe and observe first..."

The former leader of the caravan, who had the strength of a seventh-level general and was also the strongest member of the caravan above all else, walked forward quickly and said respectfully: "Sir, all the goods you need have been collected from the 100th level. Zero Six City came here, all escorted by beast carts, without a single shipment of space magic weapons."

"Well..." The orange-armored commander gave a gentle blessing and said calmly: "I can rest assured that your Wuzi Chamber of Commerce is doing its job. Please escort these goods to my mansion now."


"Huh? Is there any problem?" Hearing this, the orange-armored commander was a little surprised that the little general in front of him did not obey his words.

"I hope you will atone for your sins. Although you entrusted me with this cargo, I cannot hand it over to you from the hands of a lesser person." said the leader of the caravan.

"What does it mean?"

"You purchased the goods from the Wuzi Chamber of Commerce. You should take the goods from the adults in charge of the Wuzi Chamber of Commerce. The small people are just responsible for escorting the goods from the 106th City to Zhulong City. They are not qualified to deliver the goods to you. In your hands." The leader of the caravan said without being humble or arrogant:

"What I should do now is to send these goods to the warehouse of the Uzi Chamber of Commerce, and let the adults in charge of the warehouse do an inventory."

"I really don't understand the logic of you businessmen..." Commander Cheng Jia seemed to have a headache when he heard this: "Then leave quickly and pay your errand. Don't waste my time!"

"Yes Yes Yes!"

The leader of the caravan said yes several times, turned around and said loudly: "Everyone, speed up!"

Just like that, the caravan moved forward quickly, and in front, there was an extra commander following...

Li Qingyun, Ren You and Byron looked at each other helplessly.

There is an extra commander nearby,

How can they run?

"Let's go, we can only follow them to that broken warehouse first."

This Uzi Chamber of Commerce, I don't know what the origin is, it can make a commander-level big shot give in to their rules, which makes Li Qingyun feel a little uneasy.


The giant beast speeded up, and the beast car caravan moved quickly, passing through several wide roads, and finally arrived at a secret warehouse after an incense stick.

Someone had been waiting here for a long time, and saw an old man of the Hades in red clothes quickly stepped forward. He obviously saw the commander who followed the caravan before, and respectfully saluted the commander, then took a special jade slip from his hand and shone it on the whole caravan.

All the goods on the animal carts suddenly emitted white light.


this white light,

not only shone on the goods, but also covered hundreds of people including Li Qingyun and the other two.

In this team, everyone had a layer of green or white light on their bodies, which showed their strength at the general level or soldier level.

The leader of the caravan was at the seventh level of the general level, so the green light was more intense and more conspicuous than the people around him.

But at this time, no one looked at him,

because at the end of the caravan,

the green light emanating from Ren Ran's body was like a small sun,

while Li Qingyun and Byron were surrounded by a rich purple light...

the purple light showed the strength of the general level!

"It's over... who knew that the jade slip in this old man's hand was so thief..." Ren Ran screamed with his eyes wide open.

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