Super Security in the City

Chapter 1222: Big cleaning

Master Dacci retreats! At the same time, the sword light like a horse to cut forward, this is to prevent Luo Jun from continuing to attack. The demon sword burst out with a terrifying killing intent, and it was cold and shocking.

But Luo Jun was not afraid at all, and followed his footsteps like a shadow. He leaned back at the same time, avoiding this mortal knife, and then slammed away again.

Master Daqi retire again!

Luo Jun rushed to follow up again, Master Da Qi suddenly stopped, and the Demon Sword in his hand was suddenly pulled horizontally, and it was so violently pulled towards Luo Jun's belly. Luo Jun snatched in with one hand, and Yunlong probing claws grabbed Master Daqi's wrist. This is a dangerous move to take chestnuts out of the fire, but Luo Jun just solicits risks, which is hard to prevent.

Master Daqi was very annoyed, and felt that the boy in front of him was too weird. This boy is so young and has such attainments in his style of play. How can he get it in the future?

Master Da Qi was approached by Luo Jun, and in desperation, he still had to retreat. The power of his demon sword has not really been shown.

"Bang!" Luo Jun approached, then punched him.

Master Daki's eyes were cold, and he hit him with a punch.


The fists of the two collided, each taking three steps back. But Luo Jun didn't wait to stand firm, but he attacked again, killing him with three punches in a row.

Master Daqi's power is above Luo Jun, but Luo Jun has not given Master Daqi the chance to give all his luck. And after a few consecutive punches, Master Daqi felt the severity of the matter.

That's because the wound on his face began to gush blood.

This is because Master Daqi's whole body qi and blood flow too much, like it is in a closed water tank, no matter how shaken, the water in the water tank is still in the water tank. But if there is a leak in the water tank, the water will break through the leak as a breach.

Master Daki’s face was originally a small wound, but under the Luo Jun attack, the small wound was also turned into a big wound.

The blood is really entangled in loopholes, this is a very serious matter.

The power of Master Daki naturally had loopholes. If it continues like this, it is possible to shatter the arteries.

Master Daqi gave birth to a retreat at this moment. He suddenly turned around and fled. Luo Jun slapped Master Daqi's back with a palm.

Master Daqi snorted and ran away without looking back.

If Luo Jun's cultivation is comparable to Master Da Qi, then at this moment, Master Da Qi is definitely a dead end. Just like the battle between the leader of the dull sky and Chen Ling, if anyone retreats, then it is definitely a disaster.

Luo Jun didn't chase Master Da Qi either, he turned around and took the gun in the hands of the dead guard Xiao Zhang.

"Uncle, leader, please stop both of you." Luo Jun said.

"Huh?" Chen Ling was slightly startled.

The leader of Duntian felt the crisis, and mortal guns were nothing but decorations in his eyes. But at this time, Luo Jun's gun made him feel dangerous.

Chen Ling knew that it was not easy for him and the leader of Dutian to kill each other. Moreover, to a large extent, the leader of the blunt sky also restrained the god-making base and other masters. Moreover, the leader of Duntian was not a bad person, and Chen Ling did not want to kill the leader of Duntian.

"Quit, boss, I have something to say." Chen Ling suddenly drifted back.

Leader Duntian knew that he couldn't please, so he stopped chasing Chen Ling.

Luo Jun breathed a sigh of relief and pinned the gun in his hand to his waist.

"What do you want to say?" Leader Dutian asked.

Chen Ling said: "I know the answer you want, the leader. Please go back to the base of the gods first. After allowing me to have time, I will visit Xiangshan again."

Chief Duan stared at Chen Ling and said, "Is this true?"

Chen Ling said, "Chen dared to speak in blank words in front of you."

The leader of Duntian took a deep look at Chen Ling, and then said, "Okay, I'll be waiting for you at the God Creation Base for a month." Then, he turned around and quickly disappeared into the night.

After the leader of Dutian left, Chen Ling breathed a sigh of relief. He turned to look at Luo Jun, and at the same time saw the tragic death of Xiao Zhang. He knew everything that happened to Luo Jun just now.

Chen Ling was a little sad about Xiao Zhang's death. But he was not good to show it at this time, but first took out his cell phone and called his hand to deal with this.

Afterwards, Chen Ling came to Xiao Zhang. He looked at Xiao Zhang’s body and muttered: "Don’t worry, Xiao Zhang, I will take care of your family properly. Your hatred, the ends of the world, I will help you kill Dach This old dog!"

While waiting for his subordinates to come over, Chen Ling glanced at Luo Jun and said, "Unexpectedly, you can even force Dach to leave."

Luo Jun was a little guilty and said, "I'm sorry, uncle, I couldn't protect your guard."

Chen Ling said: "You can't be blamed for this. The opponent's chess moves are beyond my expectation. If it weren't for them to count you, I'll have to die both times."

Chen Ling was right. For the first time, Miao Jia was definitely arrested. This time, if they hadn't mistakenly underestimated Luo Jun again, then after Master Daqi caught Luo Jun, this would cause fatal damage to Chen Ling.

At this time, Chen Ling and Luo Jun couldn't help thinking of one thing at the same time.

That is, if there were no Luo Jun, how would things go?

Even if Luo Jun did not appear, Chen Ling had already discovered the clues of the Chonghuang people. But he would definitely fall into a passive situation because of Miaojia's capture, and the leader of the dull sky also appeared, which was fatal.

But all this, because of the appearance of Luo Jun, a little butterfly, changed everything.

Soon, police officers came. Chen Ling briefly handed over, then drove into a police car and took Luo Jun to meet with the leader.

As the car drove out, Luo Jun sat in the co-pilot. He said: "Uncle, in your heart, do you really believe me?"

Chen Ling was startled slightly, and then said: "I dare not believe it all, I dare not believe it. Even if I take you to meet the big leader, he may not fully believe your words. But it doesn't matter, the important thing is that we There is indeed a problem within the senior management. If this problem is not resolved, it will be a disaster. So this is the top priority right now."

Luo Jun said, "I understand, uncle!"

What he thought of, then said: "When the time comes, how are you going to talk to the leader of the duntian?"

Chen Ling said: "This is indeed a thorny problem. If you tell him what you say, the consequences will be very serious."

Luo Jun said: "I understand what you mean. He is very likely to really cooperate with the Insect King and break the rules. Because in the mind of the leader of the duntian, good and evil are not so clear, he just wants to pursue his Avenue. For his avenue, he doesn’t care about many other things."

Chen Ling said: "Yes!"

Luo Jun said: "But even if we don't tell him, the insect emperor may tell him."

Chen Ling said: "These are all difficult problems. Let's take it step by step." He paused and said, "Also, don't participate too much. If you become a target of public criticism, it will make you difficult. At least, I have to wait for you to become stronger."

Luo Jun said, "I understand, uncle!"

The place where the leaders met Luo Jun and Chen Ling was in a dotted courtyard. Most of the courtyards were filled with elderly people. When these old people were in power, they were once influential figures. The security level of this courtyard house is even more frightening!

The land of Gyeonggi has never allowed demons to be rampant.

In Luo Jun's life, there were immortals and demons, but the land of Gyeonggi was protected by the ancestral dragon's energy.

But right now, there are no masters of immortal demon here, and there are a large number of masters defending the capital. The military **** Chen Ling guards Gyeonggi! Neither a formidable foreign enemy nor Xiao Xiao can do whatever they want in this land.

Chen Ling stopped the car outside the courtyard. When he and Luo Jun entered, they were also subjected to a simple security check by the guards. After that, Chen Ling and Luo Jun entered the alley outside the courtyard.

The street lights in the alley were bright, and Luo Jun walked among them, and he also felt the faint Feng Shui formation. People walk in it, but it is very comfortable, only to feel the wind blowing on the body, making people all sick.

This is a smooth formation!

Later, Luo Jun and Chen Ling came to the front of a house.

There are also expert guards around the house, both bright and dark. Chen Ling and Luo Jun entered the house smoothly. Inside the house, two old people were already waiting for Luo Jun and Chen Ling.

This night, no one knew what Chen Ling and Luo Jun were talking about in the house. But after that, Chen Ling began a series of operations, and began to conduct a large-scale investigation in the military and the high-level.

What happened after that didn't seem to have much to do with Luo Jun.

After half a month, the nervous Yanjing began to ease. In the past half month, Luo Jun did not come into contact with the outside world, and Tong Jiawen and Chen Miaojia have been trapped in the villa.

Tong Jiawen and Chen Miaojia are a little boring, but Luo Jun has a rare moment of cultivation. Chen Ling prepared enough nutrients for him, including ginseng, bird's nest, ganoderma lucidum, fleece-flower root, and some Taoist pills.

Luo Jun broke through to the initial cultivation base of Jin Dan in half a month.

His body is extremely round, the spring breeze and drizzle, and the moisturizing is silent. This is the current state of Luo Jun.

Luo Jun also breathed a sigh of relief in his heart. Fortunately, fortunately, there is an uncle! Only with the uncle's presence can you go directly to the sky to listen, and then you can do all this in a short time.

In the early hours of this morning, Chen Ling came back from the outside very late, and he came to Luo Jun's room.

Luo Jun stood up and opened the door. Chen Ling was wearing a military uniform. He looked serious and majestic.


General Luo Jun took off his cap and said to Luo Jun: "Sit down!"

Luo Jun said: "Yes, uncle!"

The two sat opposite each other.

"Xiao Yang, you have done a great job this time. The chief above has already told me that I want to thank you very much. You can talk to us if you have any requirements or needs." Chen Ling said.

Luo Jun was overjoyed and said, "Speaking of which, uncle, you have confirmed that there are parasitic beasts in this world?"

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