Super Security in the City

Chapter 3879: Break the land pressure

Luo Jun and the Taoist Lu Ya's palms smashed and killed one place, and at that moment only felt the power of each other rushing to the sky, like ten thousand stars bursting together. There was an illusion in my heart that there was no power in the world to counter this divine power.

At the same time, Taoist Lu Ya also felt that Luo Jun's power was like a tsunami of heaven and earth, fiercely fierce, and seemed to drown everything in the world.

His sacred power was sent out along with the palm power, and the sacred power could have broken all the rules under the sacred power. But in the opponent's power, it seems that there is a power that transcends the holy power.

Taoist Lu Ya's divine power finally surpassed Luo Jun. Luo Jun stepped back on the spot, then his throat sweetened and he spouted blood.

Even so, Luo Jun found that he was not injured, but his vitality was a bit more depleted.

As for Taoist Lu Ya, he also took a step back. Just feel that the blood in the body is rushing, it is difficult to suppress.

"What a wicked thief!" Lu Ya was secretly startled, but didn't hold his hand. Knowing that he had the upper hand, he suddenly had two palms, and he shot two powerful palms directly towards the Luo army.

Luo Jun's vitality was greatly damaged, and he ate a hundred longevity fruits in one breath during the crisis.

Before the decisive battle, he had already hid part of the longevity fruit in the ring beard, and he also hid the ring beard in his belly. At this time, directly transport the mana and move out the longevity fruit.


The medicinal power of the longevity fruit was quickly exerted, and it was quickly absorbed by his body and the nine snow mountains.

As a result, vitality quickly recovered!

When the killing general Lu Ya came up, Luo Jun also raised his palms to kill him.


In the next second, Luo Jun flew out all over, spurting blood, like a dead dog.

In fact, he was still not injured, and he would not have been beaten so badly by Lu Qian.

After the Tiandao Pen absorbed the longevity fruit, it quickly helped Luo Jun.

The combination of Tiandao Pen and Luo Jun's divine power is the supreme divine power. Coupled with Lu Ya's quick shot, he couldn't get his full power. But how refined Luo Jun is! There is Yuan Yuxian next to him, and his performance is too strong, it is likely to make Yuan Yuxian suspicious, what if this woman deliberately wants to see how many tricks she can handle?

So, it's better to get down first!

Lu Ya hated Luo Jun the most. Seeing Luo Jun was finally defeated, there would give Luo Jun a chance to breathe. The figure flickered, and Xiang Luo Jun was smashed frantically. The big mudra has already been issued before the person arrives!

The big mudra slammed towards Luo Jun's front door, seeing that Luo Jun was about to die on the spot.

Luo Jun pretended to be sluggish and unable to fight back. He is a master of heart attack, sure Yuan Yuxian will not watch him die.

Yuan Yuxian and Lu Ya played against each other with great difficulty. When she was most struggling, Luo Jun shot, when Lu Ya and Luo Jun fought. Yuan Yuxian finally got a chance to breathe, she quickly took the pill to regain her vitality.

When Luo Jun and Lu Ya held several palms, Yuan Yuxian was secretly surprised. She knew that Luo Jun was very strong, but she didn't expect to be so strong. At that moment, she was indeed moved, wanting to see how long Luo Jun could last. Where is the limit...

She didn't expect Luo Jun to lose in an instant.

At this time, he also had to make a move, his body flashed quickly, and he stopped in front of Luo Jun, and after a split with his bare hand, Taoist Lu Ya's palm was resolved.

Luo Jun sat cross-legged quickly, while quietly eating the longevity fruit, while taking the pill on the bright surface.

Taoist Lu Ya also took some pills, and then fought Yuan Yuxian again.

The two of them strangled in the holy realm, and slapped each other at the same time.


Yuan Yuxian and Lu Ya smashed them with palm strength, but both sides did not distinguish Xuanzhen. This is mainly because Lu Ya had previously consumed a lot of mana by Luo Jun. And there has been no chance to breathe, Yuan Yuxian took a short intermission.

Taoist Lu Ya felt that this was not a solution, so his figure flashed before disappearing in front of Yuan Yuxian and Luo Jun. He hid in the depths of the Zhanxian Saint Realm and began to regain his vitality cross-legged.

Yuan Yuxian quickly searched for Lu Ya, and she also knew that she couldn't escape right now, she could only bite Lu Ya firmly and attack him all the time. Only then can we win...

Yuan Yuxian quickly shuttled through the Saint Realm of Zhanxian with the Qi of Tianyuan, and found Lu Ya in the blink of an eye. Lu Ya was able to breathe for a moment, and he took a lot of pill, and he had recovered a lot of vitality. Seeing Yuan Yuxian biting him to death, he jumped up immediately, with a fierce look in his eyes, and said, "Pan Dao and good things are in front, and I have given you a lot of opportunities for the girl. But girl, you insist on seeking death, but you can’t say that, Pang Dao has to move. It's killing me."

After that, quickly shrink and cut the fairyland!

That Zhan Xianxian Holy Land turned into a thick fog, covering a radius of ten kilometers.

As for Luo Jun, Luo Jun is still in the Sacred Realm of Slashing Immortals, but is trapped in the laws of space.

Taoist Lu Ya thought that Luo Jun was in heavy rules, he couldn't see everything around him clearly, and he couldn't find him and Yuan Yuxian. He didn't know that Luo Jun was already clear about the Sacred Realm of Slashing Immortals, and he could shuttle almost arbitrarily.

Luo Jun didn't do it, but continued to recharge his energy!

He is a person with countless hole cards, and likewise, he also firmly believes that Yuan Yuxian definitely has a life-saving hole card, and it is impossible to be easily taken care of by Taoist Lu Ya. If so, Yuan Sheng would not send Yuan Yuxian...

He needs to wait patiently!

Lu Ya and Yuan Yuxian slayed fiercely again. After Lu Ya recovered some vitality, he attacked Yuan Yuxian fiercely. The palm wind slashed, and countless mysterious red fierce beasts also bite the Heavenly Origin Saint Realm.

Yuan Yuxian is already on the left and right, and it is difficult to deal with it!

And from beginning to end, Taoist Lu Ya hadn't displayed his most powerful...Zhanxian Flying Sword.

Taoist Lu Ya was advancing steadily, but he was also afraid of Yuan Yuxian's mortal counterattack!

Suddenly, he slashed out another palm.

Yuan Yuxian sacrificed the Heavenly Origin Divine Sword to kill, and Lu Yi's palm power changed and turned into a holy claw!

Sacred Claw grabbed the Yuanshen Sword that day, and fold it once, and immediately smashed the Tian Yuanshen Sword. After that, his holy claws turned into palm strength and smashed towards Yuan Yuxian's chest.

Yuan Yuxian also slapped!


Yuan Yuxian stepped back a hundred meters away in an instant, followed by spitting out a mouthful of blood, her beautiful face was first flushed and then turned pale.

Taoist Lu Ya, like a shadow, came quickly, and followed... I saw a purple gourd in his hand!

Then, a white light appeared in the gourd's mouth!

The white light is extremely dazzling.

Yuan Yuxian caught a glimpse of the white light, only to feel that the entire brain was suddenly white, and he could not see or feel anything.

At the same time, a little light appeared in the gourd's mouth!

The slightest light is...Zhan Xian Fei Dao.

Taoist Lu Ya acted cautiously. Although he had said all the good things before, he advised Yuan Yuxian not to be nosy. But since I can't persuade me, once I do it, it's absolutely cruel.

Yuan Yuxian had always known the Daoist Lu Ya's Zhanxian Flying Sword, and when the white light appeared, she knew that her opponent had taken the sword.

And she has been waiting for this moment.

When the Jedi strikes back...

She just didn't expect that this white light was so powerful.

At the very moment, Yuan Yuxian quickly grabbed a pure gold Yuan Ruyi in the magic treasure bag!

This Yuan Ruyi means that Yuan Sheng has poured a powerful and unmatched power into it, which can help Yuan Yuxian block all attacks, and at the same time, it can also retaliate against the opponent. She quickly crushed Yuan Ruyi... Yuan Ruyi instantly turned into a powerful golden dragon!

Jinlong quickly entangled Yuan Yuxian, sending out golden light of body protection!


In the next second, Zhan Xian Fei Dao penetrated the golden light and shot the golden dragon.

Yuan Yuxian's brain returned to normal, and he immediately felt that the Flying Sword of Immortality penetrated Jin Long's body and attacked and killed her.

"How come?" Yuan Yuxian was extremely shocked, quickly twisted his figure, and transported all the mixed holes to block the flying sword of Zhanxian.


Zhan Xian Fei Dao directly penetrated the hole and shot her left hand.

After Zhan Xian Fei Dao entered its left hand, it burst directly, and countless terrifying sword energy quickly wandered away.

Yuan Yuxian was shocked, and lightning cut off his left hand.

In spite of this, countless sword qi rushed into her body. She quickly forced the mana to suppress the remaining Zhanxian Dao Qi.

At the same time, the Golden Dragon left Yuan Yuxian directly and headed towards Lu Ya.

Taoist Lu Ya only felt that the golden light was dazzling in front of him, and after that, the powerful and extinct golden dragon had already smashed over. He snorted coldly, and said: "Small bugs!" Then he waved a palm.


The golden dragon shattered instantly and turned into countless pieces.

Taoist Lu Ya flew out with his whole body.

The power of the Golden Dragon was incredible. Lu Ya didn't block the power of the Golden Dragon for a moment. The moment a person was in the air, he felt the blood in his body tumbling and it was difficult to suppress, and he spit out a mouthful of blood.

It's not over yet...

At this moment, Luo Jun looked at the opportunity and finally made a move.

Before he shot it, he communicated with Tiandao Pen, "If you don't want to die, do your best!"

The nine snow-capped mountains of Tiandao Pen are also really powerful, quickly launched, and merged with Luo Jun's divine power.


Taoist Lu Ya couldn't help but be dead, and in the midst of the crisis, he quickly drove the mysterious red mist to wrap Luo Jun's palm.

Luo Jun split it into pieces with one palm, and continued to attack and kill with palm strength.

Taoist Lu Ya had no choice but to wave his palm again in a hurry.


With this palm grasping, Taoist Lu Ya only felt that his internal organs had shifted, his body's mana rushed, and all meridians began to turbulently. Venus danced wildly in front of him, almost before fainting, and spurting blood violently.

The eyes, nose, and ears were all filled with red blood spilling out.

The whole person fell heavily to the ground, like a blood man.

Luo Jun also took advantage of his illness and killed him. At this time, he couldn't talk about benevolence and morality. He rushed forward quickly to kill Lu Ya.

Taoist Lu Ya can't move...

At this moment, a person suddenly ran out of his magic bag.

It was the true monarch of the poisonous corpse.

True Monarch Poison Corpse hit Luo Jun with a palm.

Luo Jun didn't even think about it, he also slapped a palm to kill him, hit a place with his palms, and banged...The Poison Corpse King flew out upside down.

Luo Jun also stepped back.

At this time, Taoist Lu Ya waved his hand, and sent out a handful of black mist to cover Luo Jun. Luo Jun broke free...

It was just this one who broke away, but the figures of True Monarch Poison Corpse and Taoist Lu Ya disappeared.

"If you want to escape, it's not that easy!" Luo Jun knows that if Taoist Lu Ya is not eliminated today, he will rarely find peace in the future...

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