Super Security in the City

Chapter 3910: Alone

Xiu Fei broke into a cold sweat, and quickly knelt down to beg for mercy.

Luo Jun said coldly: "I think you are not easy to practice, and doing evil here is not my intention, so I won't kill you for the time being. Right now I want you to guard the women here first, and wait for my friends and I to be alone. Once the solution is over, we will resettle them again. Don't let them have problems again, understand?"

When Xiu Fei heard that the other party was willing to save his life, he was overjoyed and said again and again: "Understand, the villain must do the job well!"

Luo Jun said to Bai Qing again: "Let's go!"

Bai Qing nodded, and then left this world purgatory with Luo Jun.

The two flew all the way to the capital of the proud country, and arrived above the palace in about an hour.

There is no enchantment in the palace.

Because there are many courtiers in this palace, and the maids and so on are all mortals. After setting up the barrier, they have a warrant, and getting in and out is troublesome. The palace is not a place for cultivating...if a barrier is set up, it will easily attract the attention of other cultivators.

Luo Jun and Bai Qing Shennian scanned the entire palace, but they did not find Dugu Bai Ren.

Instead, I scanned some of Dugu Bairen's doglegs. Among these doglegs, the highest cultivation level was the Eighth Layer of Creation Realm, who was worshipped by Dugu Bairen as a national teacher.

The national teacher is called Bailiben.

Luo Jun asked Bai Miaoying in the magic treasure bag where she was alone.

Bai Miaoying said: "If the palace is not there, then he must be in the secret room in the palace. He has specially created a secret room for him to practice and enjoy beautiful women and food. In front of people, he has always kept like a secret room. Renjun. This is why every time he looks for a woman, he asks me to go outside to look for it!"

Luo Jun said: "Okay, I get it."

After that, he and Bai Qing locked in the dormitory of Dugu Bairen.

The two of them flashed, and they shuttled through the door of the void to the palace of Dugu Bairen.

In the eyes of the two of them, this kind of palace is like their own back garden, and there is no problem in coming and going freely.

The palace was guarded outside the palace.

But there is no one inside.

Luo Jun perceives it carefully, and immediately perceives the existence of the secret room behind the palace.

The secret room was built in a mysterious space, not combined with the real object. If you don't know in advance, it will be difficult to discover the mystery if the divine mind swept through it.

Bai Qing also noticed the existence of the secret room, glanced at Luo Jun, and said, "Big brother, rush in?"

Luo Jun didn't know how Dugu Bairen's cultivation was, because Bai Miaoying couldn't feel it.

But Luo Jun always felt that Dugu Bairen should not be half-sage... Moreover, even if he is half-sage, he is not afraid of himself and Bai Qing's cultivation.

He nodded to Bai Qing and said, "Okay!"

The two of them flashed, and instantly penetrated the secret room barrier and reached the secret room.

However, at this time, there was no trace of Dugu Bai Ren in the secret room.

The secret room is quite wide, and in fact it can no longer be called a room. To be precise, it is another palace.

The nephrite jade is warm and fragrant in the hall, and there is a super big bed.

There are many beauties on the bed, all wearing only tulle, and their graceful white bodies are looming.

Luo Jun glanced at him, but he didn't think it was a big deal. Bai Qing was flushed, and immediately turned around, not daring to look again.

Luo Jun looked closely at the women, and they all seemed to be in a drunken state, confused.

"Hey!" He sighed, cast a spell slightly, and then extracted all the medicinal power from the women's bodies. The girls immediately regained their sanity, and each of them looked terrified.

"Hurry up and put on your clothes!" Bai Qing said to the group of women without turning around.

The girls quickly got up and looked around for their clothes. Embarrassingly, there was no clothes for them to wear. When they act this time, the house is full of spring.

Luo Jun also turned his back. Although he likes women, he will not take advantage of others.

Not to think about these poor women.

Seeing that they could not find the clothes, Bai Qing began to shoot around the palace, and finally found a place for storing clothes, so he reached out and grabbed a large number of clothes through the door of the void.

Those women hurriedly searched for clothes and put them on.

After they were all dressed, Bai Qing's expression became natural.

"Brother, when we first came in, I felt energy fluctuations in this room. If I guessed right, Dugu Bairen felt the danger and escaped early." Bai Qing said.

Luo Jun nodded and said: "He has set up a teleportation array in this secret room long ago, so he can escape under our noses."

Bai Qing said: "This is terrible, if he can't avoid it for a long time, we and him can't afford it."

Luo Jundao: "I am not afraid of not being able to find him. I am now a little worried that this guy will run outside of Aodu and kill those pregnant women."

Bai Qing faded immediately, and said, "We'll go right away."

Luo Jundao: "Catch the national division first before going!"

The two of them flickered, quickly locking onto the national teacher Baili Ben.

The national teacher Baili Ben lived in the hanging hall, and was meditating cross-legged in the palace at the moment.

At this moment, the door of the void suddenly appeared in front of him.

"Oops!" Bailiben felt the terrifying crisis, and immediately opened a door to the void to escape.

But he can escape from there, Luo Jun and Bai Qing have already come over.

Bai Qing stretched out his hand and grabbed it, and the big handprint came out, and he went straight into the door of the void opened by Bailiben.

Poor Bailiben had already entered the molecular channel and was about to move away. At this time, he grabbed it with big hands from the rear, and he fate to turn mana, and slashed away with his backhand.

His palm strength met the large handprints behind, and it was like moths fighting the fire. Only felt that the handprint contained the heaven and earth oven, melting all his mana. After that, he was caught by the other's handprints, and then he was abruptly pulled out of the molecular channel.

In this scene, Luo Jun has a panoramic view.

He has carefully observed Bai Qing's shots several times, and the conclusion is...unfathomable.

Every time this Bai Qing makes a shot, he is calm and gentle.

Luo Jun couldn't help wondering, this kid has such a high level of cultivation, he can clearly solve the problem of Dugu Bairen by himself, why should he look for me?

Also, the story of Dugu Bairen is very secret, how did he learn about it?

Intuitively, he felt that this kid was not a bad person, and he had no malice towards himself.

At the moment, I simply don't bother to think about it.

After catching Bailiben, Bai Qing didn't bother to interrogate Bailiben, first stunned Bailiben and threw it into the magic treasure bag. Then he said to Luo Jun: "Brother, let's go!"

Luo Jun said: "Okay!"

At this time, it is indeed not suitable for separate actions, because it is uncertain how high the cultivation base of Dugu Bairen is, and Bai Miaoying also said that there is a more powerful ancestor behind Dugu Bairen. Luo Jun also felt that it was understandable for Bai Qing to find herself, because what she had to face was not alone. There are too many unknowns.

When he was about to fly away, Luo Jun remembered something and said to Bai Qing: "These women may also be killed, so let's take them together. After they are safe, let them go."

Bai Qing praised: "Big brother is still thoughtful."

Luo Jun smiled, and then captured all the women into the magic treasure bag. At the same time, he also placed an enchantment in the magic bag to ensure that Bai Miaoying would not cause harm to these women.

After doing all this, Luo Jun and Bai Qing immediately flew towards Na Ao Du outside.

After another hour, he came to the enchantment in the forest.

Entering the enchantment, he immediately felt the smell of blood permeated.

Wherever his eyes touched, he saw corpses all over the field.

All the women, pregnant women, babies, including the guards and Xiufei...all died.

The blood stained the green grass...

Rao Jun was accustomed to the big scenes. At this moment, standing in the Shura field, he couldn't help shaking his whole body, his eyes fell into blood red.

Bai Qing cried even more yeah, and said, "I should have brought them along, eldest brother, I killed them! I am guilty, it is all my sin!"

His eyes were red, and his tears rained down.

It can also be seen that his grief and pain are by no means pretending...

He doesn’t have to pretend...

Luo Jun's heart is extremely heavy.

He has never been able to regard sentient beings as ants. He respects and cares about all living beings. Even the ants, he didn't want to trample to death.

"Their death is indeed your and my sin!" Luo Jun said painfully.

After a long while, Bai Qing's eyes were blood red, and he gritted his teeth and said: "When I catch Dugu Bai Ren, I will definitely break his body into pieces!"

It was originally intended to rescue these poor people, but in the end it accelerated their deaths. This kind of result is unacceptable for Luo Jun.

When he began to intervene in this matter, he held a relaxed attitude. It's not that I don't feel sympathy for these people's experiences, but I feel that it is not difficult to solve this matter, and it can be done by just moving your fingers.

Therefore, Luo Jun did not carry out such a thorough and detailed plan.

He fell into deep self-blame, and felt that as long as he was more careful and careful, he would not let these people die in vain.

After a long time, Luo Jun asked Bai Qing to free the national division for hundreds of miles.

Bailiben saw the corpses in the field all over the field, and thought that these people were killed by Luo Jun and Bai Qing, and suddenly turned pale, saying: " are so brave, these pregnant women are the things of our king, you How dare..."

"Shut up!" Luo Jun snorted coldly, and said: "These people weren't killed by us, but your king fled after knowing the danger, and then came to kill people."

"Huh?" Bailiben paled again.

Bai Qing gritted his teeth and said: "Take us to find Dugu Bai Ren. If he can't be found, I will kill you immediately!"

Bailiben finally fully realized his situation, and immediately knelt down and begged for mercy, saying: "The two gods are forgiving, and everything they do underneath, they are all fighting each other!"

Bai Qing said: "I don't want to repeat what I said, take us to find Dugu Bairen!"

Bailiben cried and said with a mournful face, "I'm afraid he has already gone so far. He should not dare to stay in the previous residences?"

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