Super Security in the City

Chapter 3937: Natural sign

Bai Qing's situation became more difficult, and the palm prints from all directions were overwhelming.

Each palm print contains powerful and majestic divine power.

Bai Qing didn't dare to let the Eternal Demon Lord bear such power, and the Eternal Demon Lord definitely couldn't bear it.

In the crisis, she sat cross-legged, turning the secret to lead the big array.

The Inner Demon Sacred Realm merged with the Great Array, and countless black waves appeared around it.

Many palm powers were all killed on the black wave, and the black wave was hit by the palm force and immediately turned into countless black particles, and the particles turned into fierce beasts to counterattack and kill them.

The Eternal Demon Lord, as the eye of the battle, couldn't help vomiting blood at this time.

Without his help, Bai Qing would definitely not be able to stop so many attacks.

Bai Qing is fine, he is able to support himself with the big formation.

But if the eternal demon fell, he would also be finished.

The eternal demon's mental skills have been exerted to the extreme, the whole person is connected with the universe, and his heart pulse is connected with the magic of the universe. Although he vomited blood, it was difficult to knock him down.

At the same time, the heavenly secret dragged the large array to absorb the terrifying energy, and after being transformed by the eternal demon, it quickly applied to Bai Qing's body.

Bai Qing slapped several palms with his backhand!


The ice emperor and the ancestor Baiyun jointly took over Bai Qing's palm.

The magical powers of the two sides have been exerted to the extreme, the energy is tumbling, and the fragments are all over the sky.

The black heart demon roared in the air again and again, and made a terrifying sound.

The ice emperor's ice holy realm emits infinite ice power, causing the entire formation of the heavenly secret to be covered with a layer of hoarfrost.

The ancestor Baiyun’s Vientiane Prajna Holy Realm was also rampant, turning into a miraculous sword, slaying the demons madly.

The battle between the two sides has reached a feverish state!

The ancestor Baiyun originally thought that he could secure the victory, but he didn't expect that this battle would be so difficult.

The Tianji pulling the big array absorbed more energy.

The Eternal Demon Lord was suffering inhumanly, but he showed no sign of falling. Bai Qing felt that the large formation behind him provided him with inexhaustible power.

Binghuang and Baiyun ancestors can't have the slightest advantage.

"They must not last!" The ancestor Baiyun said to the Bing King: "Their attack like this definitely cost a certain great price. As long as we persevere, they will definitely lose!"

The Ice Emperor already regretted coming to this muddy water in his heart, but the matter was already here, and he couldn't give up halfway.

Luo Jun has been watching this battle in the formation, he arranged the formation, and he clearly knows where the limits of the formation are. I also knew very well that if this stalemate continued, once the Eternal Demon Lord couldn't hold it, he would be a dead end on his side.

He wanted to help too, but with such a tyrannical force duel, after he went up, he was only beaten up. If it had been before, in his heyday, under the leadership of heaven, he would have helped Bai Qing send these people to Xitian together.

But now, it doesn't work!

So he warned: "Xiaobai, big brother can't support it for too long. No matter how strong his conviction, his body is about to collapse. It must be solved quickly, otherwise the consequences will be disastrous!"

Bai Qing nodded, and said: "I see, second brother!" After saying that, he sacrificed a charm that Taishang Dao Ancestor gave him alone!

This talisman is called natural talisman!

Natural talisman can be natural and ever-changing.

Once displayed, it will attack with the enemy's attack and change with the caster's mind.

This natural talisman was refined by the great ancestors of Taoism, and it was the essence of the natural way.

Bai Qing has always been reluctant to use this talisman, but at this moment, he really has no way or retreat!

The Ice Emperor and his subordinate Chu He are closely condensing the formation, and send out the cold ice palm with the cold ice holy realm. The palms were majestic and ice-cold, hitting the black ripples with palm after palm.

Seeing that the black ripple was almost unbearable, at this moment, a black and yellow rune suddenly appeared in the black ripple.

That rune quickly turned into a palm print to kill the general.

The Ice Emperor didn't feel anything wrong, and continued to resist.


The palm of Rune Yin quickly turned into the air of cold ice, which was magnificent and magnificent, and instantly drowned the palm of the ice emperor.

The ice emperor felt that the pure sacred power he had been yearning for all his life was in the air of cold ice!

At this time, he finally felt fear.

His cold ice palm was quickly absorbed by the rune of cold ice, and then, the rune turned into a cold ice palm and attacked him again.

The ice emperor was shocked and quickly urged the Frozen Holy Realm.

In front of him, the ice holy realm formed a vortex of ice.

After the rune palm entered the ice vortex, it immediately merged with it.

Not long after, the icy vortex actually formed the icy palm.

The Ice Emperor couldn't feel his own ice holy realm...At this moment, he was horrified, and for the first time he had the idea of ​​wanting to escape.

I just want to escape, but it's too late!

Rune God Palm continued to kill him.

The Ice Emperor led Chu He back again and again. At this critical moment, he gritted his teeth and opened his mouth to spit out a cold ice god.

This ice **** orb is the ice crystal stone he obtained when he originated.

The greatest opportunity of his life comes from the ice crystal spar, which has been integrated with his body after years of tempering.

Finally, he refined the ice crystal stone into the ice **** orb.

As soon as the ice **** orb came out, it immediately froze the surrounding air and magnetic field.

The rune **** palm was killed, and was frozen by the ice **** orb.

Everything is frozen, including time!

But soon, the rune **** palm got used to the habit of the ice **** orb, the rune **** palm began to soften, and finally merged into the ice.

This is the horror of natural talisman!

He arbitrarily let him arbitrarily, I am blowing the river from the breeze!

If you are ever-changing, I will change with you.


Suddenly, in the cold ice, the Rune God Palm broke out of the ice again.

At this moment, Rune God Palm actually grabbed the Frost God Orb in his hand.

The ice emperor felt that his heart seemed to be held by the opponent, suffocated, uncomfortable...

"Roar!" He roared again and again, desperately using his divine power.

The Ice God Orb struggled fiercely, and with a final blow, the Ice God Orb burst directly...


The bursting ice orb finally shattered the rune **** palm.

In the air, the palm of the rune-printed **** returned to its original shape, turning into countless pieces of black and yellow colors, falling one after another.

The ice emperor's internal organs were severely damaged, and he spit out a huge mouthful of blood.

At this time, he had completely lost his combat effectiveness.

At the same time that Bai Qing issued the natural talisman, he began to violently suppress the ancestor Baiyun.

The ancestors of Baiyun and Canfeng are very tough, and they have resisted stubbornly.

Bai Qing had long been thinking about it, and at this moment, when the ice emperor was seriously injured and incurable, he secretly stored his strength and immediately issued the heart demon sword.

This Heart Demon Sword was carefully brewed by him absorbing the celestial secrets and pulling the aftermath, fusing the Heart Demon Holy Realm.

If it is not for the last moment, I would never use it!

Everyone has their own cards and killer moves.

Bai Qing has it too!

The Heart Demon Sword was pitch black, and when it was sent out, it was silent. Suddenly came out, the murderous intent fell sharply!

With a chuckle, the Heart Demon Divine Sword shuttled through the void and came directly in front of the Ice Emperor.

The Ice King was extremely shocked...

At this time, Chu He didn't react in time.

The ice emperor put together the remaining strength to form a cold ice shield to resist.

However, it doesn't work at all!

In the next moment, the Heart Demon Divine Sword shot through the ice shield, and then penetrated into his brain.

At that moment, the ice emperor didn't feel any pain.

He thought of a lot of things, thought of his conscientious work all his life, just to get a big increase in his cultivation. Later, he had gone through untold hardships and finally reached the semi-sacred realm.

He has a rich family wealth and a reliable brother!

Everything is satisfied for him.

He vowed that he would never take risks again.

It is better to be able to reach the quasi-sage further. If you can't reach it, don't force it. Every step must be steady and steady.

At this time, he saw his wealth, his brothers all turned into a cloud of smoke.

Seeing that all his cultivation base has turned into a cloud of smoke.

Seeing my body, it will also turn into a cloud of smoke.

He didn't understand, why he was so cautious, but in the end he lost everything like a gambler?

He didn't want to stud, why did he end up like this?

Could it be that this is fate? No matter how careful you are, your fate is inevitable in the end?


The ice emperor's body turned into countless fragments, followed, dissipating between heaven and earth.

The Half-Holy Sovereign still killed him!

He had nothing to do with this calamity, but he became the biggest victim!

The world is impermanent, who can think of it?


At this moment, when Na Chuhe saw his master's body fell, he went mad and killed him fiercely.

The ancestors of Baiyun and Canfeng desperately killed them.

Although Bai Qing killed the Ice Emperor, he did not feel that the pressure was relieved. The mana consumed by him and the eternal demon is too huge.


In the next second, Bai Qing resisted their attack.

But the eternal demon finally couldn't bear it anymore.

His whole body shattered and his eyes broke open since then...

Luo Jun quickly put the fragments of the eternal demon's body into the magic treasure bag. He knew that the eternal demon would not die, and these bodies could be gathered and recovered. It just takes some time...

When the eternal demon left the battlefield, the celestial mystery led the great formation also broke down!

The ancestor Baiyun had blood red eyes, and desperately killed Bai Qing.

The ancestor of Can Feng, Chu He is the same.

Bai Qing's mana had already consumed more than half, and now it was even more unbearable to lose the celestial secret to pull the big formation.

At this moment, Luo Jun quickly handed the puppet talisman to Bai Qing.

Luo Jun had always been behind Bai Qing, so this time he handed it out, unconsciously.

This is the most critical moment...

Luo Jun doesn't know where he is going next?

He has experienced too many moments of life and death, so he doesn't know if he will die here this time?

He believes that once, he will truly die.

But he doesn't know if this time...

The only thing he knows is that no matter how bad the situation is, never give up unless there is really no resistance left...

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