Super Security in the City

Chapter 3966: Black hole spar

Luo Jun told Sumiko with great heart, persuading him not to do anything. He finally said: "The subordinate feels that he may be a bait now, and everything is their conspiracy."

After a long while pondering, Sumeiko said: "Okay, we already know what you said. You can go with peace of mind now. How we do things here will naturally have our consideration."

Luo Jun helplessly said: "Yes!"

After that, Luo Jun left.

After Luo Jun left, Xu Mizi looked embarrassed and said, "Mr. Black Corpse, what Xuanyuantai said is not unreasonable. It seems that it is very unwise for us to do it anymore. Why don't we just go back?"

The black corpse glanced at Sumiko and said faintly: "Continue to act according to the original plan. You can do your best and leave the rest to me."

Sumiko said: "I'm worried..."

The black corpse closed his mouth and stopped talking.

Sumeiko knew that he had no room for resistance.

He can only listen.

The next day, Luo Jun and Bai Qing flew over the vast sea.

It didn't take long to fly, and the black clouds in the sky crushed the city.

The breath of death swept across in an instant, originally it was still sunny and white, and suddenly it was like a gloomy hell.

There is no light around.

The air of death and the air of the undead look the same in form, but there is a big difference in essence.

When Luo Jun saw the air of death coming, he knew that it was the black corpse and Sumeko.

At the moment, he immediately transmitted to Bai Qing: "Be careful!"

Bai Qing understood, and said, "Second brother, don't worry!"

When the air of death came, it also isolated Luo Jun and Bai Qing. In this way, Luo Jun didn't need to do any more drama.

He is also considered tired enough to do dramas in all aspects.

Think about it, if this is not isolated. When meeting now, is he going to help Bai Qing kill the enemy, or help the black corpse to deal with Bai Qing?

The life of being a double-sided undercover agent is really not a human life!

But right now, Luo Jun is still uneasy, afraid that after the play, Bai Qing is really in danger, what to do?

The only thing that reassure Luo Jun is that Xiao Ling and Fairy Qionghua have been staying nearby. Moreover, there is a certain connection between Bai Qing and Xiao Ling. When Xiao Ling is about to appear, Bai Qing will send out a signal.

If the signal is broken, Xiao Ling will also appear at a certain time.

They come, the security.

Luo Jun was not overly anxious at this time, but began to slowly realize the death air around him.

He knew that the power of darkness in front of him was the death sanctuary of the black corpse.

This is the holy realm of a saint... and it is also the first time he has realized the holy realm of a saint.

This is a rare opportunity!

The fog of death is cold and does not contain any emotions. It's like the touch from the dead body. Luo Jun has realized that kind of undead aura, the undead aura is extremely cold, the cold is unbearable.

After careful understanding, Luo Jun noticed other differences.

Although the fog of death has no temperature, there is a world of death in the fog. Once this power of death closes and breaks out, it can communicate to a huge world.

"What is after death is unknown. But everyone's death will bring out a kind of qi, forming a world of death. Although there are no ghosts and souls in this world, there is a unique qi." Luo Jun secretly said. : "That's how it is, that's how it is!"

At this moment, Luo Jun had a new understanding of the qi in the world.

The relationship between qi and people, the relationship between people and Tao.

Qi, runs through the entire universe!

All creatures have breath!

People live, breathe, breathe, and breathe!

So people died for it!

The same is true for other creatures. Without this tone, they are not called alive.

Qi, the air of the undead, the air of death, the air of life, etc.

There are also Sanqing Qi, Hongmeng Ziqi and so on!

"Qi is the root of man and the root of Tao!" Luo Jun secretly said: "I have to work **** this qi."

At this moment, Luo Jun felt that he had mastered something, but he couldn't tell the specifics.

And what is Bai Qing experiencing at this time?

After Bai Qing fell into the Death Sacred Realm, he immediately sacrificed the Inner Demon Sacred Realm. He also heard Luo Jun's warning and knew that his big exam was coming. I also know that Luo Jun's safety is all tied to him. So in this battle, he must fight beautifully.

Sumeko soon appeared in front of Bai Qing, but Sumeko did not reveal his true face at this moment.

Although you know me and I know you, you just can’t see each other in true colors.

Sumeko wore a mask and black clothes.

He was in the shape of electricity, and quickly charged towards Bai Qing.

The moment when he rushed over, the Explosive Flame Holy Realm also unfolded.

The Explosive Flame Saint Realm and the Heart Demon Saint Realm immediately strangled together.

The Explosive Flame Saint Realm turned into an infinite flame beast, strangling Xiang Baiqing. Countless black mist particles appeared in Bai Qing's Inner Demon Holy Realm.

These black fog particles look similar to the black fog particles of the air of the undead, but in fact they are quite different.

The black mist particles turned into the beast of the heart demon and strangled with the beast of flame, swallowing each other.

Both sides are semi-holy cultivation bases, it is impossible to decide the victory or defeat at this moment.

Bai Qing quickly condensed the sword of the heart demon to kill Xiang Xumizi, and Xumizi was unwilling to show weakness, condensing the Explosive Sword. Both sides will give full play to their strengths.

Two divine swords slashed fiercely in the air!

It's still equally equal!

There was a cold light in Bai Qing's eyes. He was here to frighten these people. If even Sumiko couldn't hold it, how could he prove that he was Luo Jun?

He will not easily display Luo Jun's fame stunts and so on right now, and must be forced to display them when he can't bear it.

Under Bai Qing's mobilization, the sword of the heart demon quickly turned into countless tentacles of the heart demon.

Sumiko also immediately activated the Explosive Flame Sword, turning the Explosive Flame Sword into a thousand sword-blade storm slaying the tentacle of the heart demon.

The heart demon was quickly twisted into it by the Explosive Divine Sword, and refined.

Bai Qing sneered, and suddenly converged all the heart demon sacred realm to his fingertips, and then his figure was fixed, and he pointed to the center of Sumiko's eyebrows.

Sumiko was slightly startled, only to feel a black light slamming towards the center of his eyebrows.

This black light blocked all the light, making him feel a kind of primitive fear.

Sumeiko's heart was shaken immediately, and he immediately realized that it was the other party's demon who was at work. "The old man has gone through many battles, and has gone through countless lives and deaths. What kind of scenes have not been seen. He will be affected by this kid's demon...How can this kid have such a breathtaking ability at a young age? Really a hero? Boy! I'm really old in this generation."

In the face of a powerful young man like Bai Qing, Xu Yazi inevitably felt a sense of sadness in his heart. At the same time, he was already very clear in his heart that relying on his own ability, I was afraid that he was really not Bai Qing's opponent. It’s even more impossible to force the opponent’s hole cards out...

Bai Qing's Inner Demon Holy Realm has been smoothly integrated into Sumeko's Holy Realm. At this moment, Bai Qing took advantage of the victory and pursued it, and it was time. The fiercer the next fight, the more the heart demon can unwittingly control Sumeko, thus breaking all of Sumeko's profound meanings and laws.

However, just as Bai Qing was about to take advantage of the victory and attack, the air of death suddenly became strong in the void. The breath of death forms an endless sea of ​​darkness.

As soon as Bai Qing's heart demon pointed into the sea of ​​darkness, it entered the sea like a mud cow without any reaction.

Bai Qing suddenly knew that it was the black corpse who had acted.

Xu Yazi escaped Bai Qing's attack and immediately got a breathing opportunity, and quickly tempered the inner demon in the Explosive Flame Saint Realm. At the same time, he shouted loudly, running the Explosive Flame Saint Realm, and condensed into the Explosive Flame Palmprint.

In the palm of Explosive Flame, the small flame rolls, and the palm seems simple, but it condenses the world of flames, the world of mixed holes, and so on!

The power of this palm can easily shatter the stars!

Bai Qing didn't dare to underestimate it, and immediately moved the Inner Demon Sacred Realm, as well as his own mixed hole to greet him.


When the palms collided, he and Sumiko fought a match, and each backed a few steps.

At this moment, a man in red suddenly appeared.

The man in red is the black corpse, and the black corpse also changed his costume.

The black corpse faced Bai Qing's face with a palm, and this palm came without a sound, but it also implies death thunder!

What a cultivation base of the black corpse, he suddenly shot it, absolutely shocking!

With this palm, the black corpse has not yet exerted its full strength.

All he can do is to directly kill Bai Qing.

Killing Bai Qing directly is not what the black corpse wants...

Bai Qing didn't know that the palm of the black corpse was showing no mercy. At that moment, he felt that everything was gone in the stars of the universe.

The only thing that exists is this palm!

This palm comes from the darkness, from the hell, and carries the supreme death aura in the world of death.

This palm can despise all rules.

Bai Qing was shocked, and in the midst of the crisis, his figure quickly retreated.

But you can't retreat, and you can't avoid it.

At that moment, the black hole spar unfolded involuntarily.

The river of black holes...

Bai Qing has always felt that Luo Jun's black hole river is extremely delicate, but Luo Jun's cultivation has been relatively weak, so he can't exert the power of black hole river.

The river of black holes formed instantly, just like the great wall of black holes.

Although the palm power of the black corpse is devastating, it will take some time to destroy the entire river of black holes.

Bai Qing used this time difference to quickly change his strength and restore his strength.


The river of black holes is completely shattered.

Bai Qing then sacrificed the black hole vortex.

When the black hole spar appeared, Sumeiko was already excited by the side.

Although he hadn't really seen the black hole spar, he knew about the black hole spar. They have studied a lot of Na Luojun...

"It's a black hole spar, it's really a black hole spar, haha, it's really nowhere to look for it through the iron shoes, it doesn't take any effort to get it!" Sumiko excitedly said: "He is really Luo Jun, he is really Luo Jun!"

The black corpse was so calm that he ignored Sumiko at all.

After the black hole vortex appeared, Bai Qing performed the Great Devouring Spell.

Bai Qing's black hole vortex is stronger than Luo Jun's black hole vortex, because Bai Qing's cultivation base is stronger, coupled with the black hole factor in the black hole spar, soul power, and so on. So that the black hole vortex becomes as vast as the sea...

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