Super Security in the City

Chapter 4129: wake up eve

The three of Xuan Zhenghao spent about half an hour in the Demon Obstruction, and then left in a hurry. The three of them appearing together in the Demon Obstruction will indeed make the resistance of the Demon Obstruction more intense!

After returning to the secret place of the human race, Xuan Zhenghao began to conduct research again.

He is a research-oriented character, and has a strong research interest in mysterious and novel things.

So after coming to Immortal Realm, he really felt like a duck in water, and he showed his talents to the fullest!

Xuan Zhenghao came to a conclusion after three days of research.

He came to Bajing Palace and had a deep talk with Taishang Daozu. Xuan Zhenghao said: "The obstructing of the demons is a protective mechanism for the qi of the celestial demons. It is necessary to ensure that the qi of the celestial demons does not diffuse out of the planet. Because the qi of the celestial demons diffuses too much, it will also be detrimental to its development. They are like this. If it continues to develop, the entire planet will become a magic ball, and at that time, the energy of the devil will be able to hijack the planet and go to other places."

Taishang Daozu was surprised and said, "That is to say, they will continue to infect other planets? Then they will gradually become stronger. In the end, wouldn't they have assembled a terrifying planetary army?"

Xuan Zhenghao said: "The theory is true!"

Taishang Daozu said: "If this is the case, we really can't just walk away like this."

Xuan Zhenghao said: "It now seems that we have to use stupid methods to slowly heal this planet. But there are two problems... The first is that the area is too large, and it will be very slow to absorb grass seeds. Fortunately, we also have a lot of time... The second problem is the most difficult problem!"

Taishang Daozu said: "I would like to hear the details!"

Xuan Zhenghao said: "It's the root of the disease, there is a reason why the qi of the devil suddenly became so powerful. It was the combination of the tears of death and the qi of the undead, which triggered the qualitative change of the qi of the devil. The qi of the devil was originally The inner demons and resentment of hundreds of millions of living beings... Now in this immortal world, resentment has become more prosperous, everyone has inner demons, and those undead armies are also the energy source of demonic energy. Therefore, while we are eliminating some demonic energy, It is very likely that more demonic energy will continue to be born. This is the most difficult... If this is confirmed, then we will not be able to eliminate the demonic energy at all."

Taishang Daozu said: "To break the barriers of the devil, we must first break the spirit of the devil. If the spirit of the devil cannot be broken, then we can only be trapped here forever."

Xuan Zhenghao said: "There are even more terrifying things to come. There is a saying that Dao eliminates demons! As time goes by, the demonic energy in the planet is getting heavier and heavier. Many human races on our side will gradually suffer from it. Influence. Including us, if the years are too long, one day, maybe we will all be demonized!"

Taishang Daozu said: "It is indeed possible." There was a look of worry in his eyes, and he said: "It's not the way to go on like this! Is it really impossible to crack?"

Xuan Zhenghao smiled slightly and said, "Don't worry too much. There must be a reason why things have progressed to this point. Didn't the ancestor also say it? Immortal world can be destroyed, human race can be destroyed, and the universe can also be destroyed! We will try our best to do our best. Find a way, and let it flow!"

Taishang Daozu was stunned, and then said: "That's true!"

Time flies, and in the blink of an eye, half a year has passed...

On this day, in a hidden cave, a figure flashed past in the void, and in the blink of an eye, he entered the cave.

That figure was Ye Qingming. After Ye Qingming came to the cave, she soon saw the person she was looking for.

The man was wearing a black long gown, sitting cross-legged, with a handsome face…

It is... black corpse!

Ye Qingming came to the black corpse. When the black corpse looked up to see Ye Qingming, he couldn't help being surprised and said, "Is it you?"

Ye Qingming said lightly, "It's a surprise?"

The black corpse said: "You and my fellow practitioners have the aura of death. When you approach me, I should be able to feel it. Why can you come quietly?"

Ye Qingming said: "I don't need to explain anything to you, the only thing you need to know is that today is your day of death!" After speaking, he stopped talking nonsense and started.

Ye Qingming's move is very simple, just one punch!


The fist power is surging, like a shocking wave!

The black corpse suddenly felt that all the aura of death in the world of death broke through the wall, and it all condensed into Ye Qingming's punch.

"How is it possible? How is this possible?" The black corpse was terrified, but he couldn't care about anything else, he could only run all the holy power and slam it out!


The two fists smashed together, and the mountain shook suddenly, the whole mountain began to shatter, and the earthquake cracked and killed...

The black corpse stepped back, and then spit out a mouthful of blood.

Ye Qingming took another step forward and punched again.

Still so ferocious!

The blood of the black corpse has been slightly dissipated. At this time, he can't care about anything else, so he will burn the source of death's divine power regardless of everything, and explode in the past!


The fists smashed together again.

This time, Ye Qingming did not take advantage.

But Ye Qingming didn't suffer, and he quickly punched again.

The black corpse can only keep burning the original divine power of death...

The two sides fought fiercely, and the ground vortex smashed and collapsed.

They are in the void, and they will not give in to each other.

After another ten punches, Ye Qingming suddenly stopped.

The black corpse only felt that his body was collapsed, and his death source divine power had been exhausted.

The whole person grows old quickly.

"I don't understand...why..." The black corpse looked at Ye Qingming with puzzled eyes. But soon, his pupils suddenly became bigger... as if he understood something. "I know, I know, you..."

Ye Qingming did not give him a chance to continue, and waved his sleeve robe lightly.

The body of the black corpse was hit by the divine power of the sleeve robe and instantly turned into countless fragments.

Ye Qingming took all the fragments in his hands.

At this moment, the black corpse has been declared dead! He exhausted all his vitality, and even in the world of death, he was nothing but useless and rotten dust.

It is impossible to be resurrected again, and it is even more impossible to come out of the world of death.

Let's say that in Xuan Zhenghao's Jie Xumi, Luo Jun finally began to have consciousness in the chaos.

He didn't know how long he had slept, only vaguely remembered that the fire was fierce, burning his body, unable to escape, unable to escape... Then he lost all consciousness.

"Am I not already dead?"

Soon, many memories began to fill in his brain!

It's like having countless messages written down quickly on a blank piece of paper.

Countless complex information poured into his mind, his lover, enemy, all flashed in his mind.

The Great Chinese Emperor, God Emperor, Father, Younger Brother, Susu, Linger and more!

Countless escapes, entanglement of fate, King of Destiny and more!

Until the battle of the Holy City, the robbery burned his body... Then he also saw that Tian Wudi protected his essence by relying on the sacred tree of the Wugu Sheji and the divine power of Tiandao. After the robbery fire burns, slowly resurrect from the robbery fire. He saw that the flesh and blood on Tian Wudi's body was slowly growing...

The Primordial Demon Mosquito was completely burned to death in the fire!

I also saw Tian Wudi go to the secret place of the human race and so on!

"Bai Qing is Xiao Yu? Xiao Yu was killed by the ancestor of the undead and Yuan Yunzhong?" Luo Jun couldn't help being stunned when he saw this memory.

At that moment, my mind went blank.

He thought of the six-year-old girl, looked at him with confidence, and called out to godfather...

He could not forget that the old man Hongchen was forced to come, and she bravely replaced Ruoran and went to the fairyland with the old man Hongchen.

"Xiaoyu..." Luo Jun's heart was bleeding. "That parting, is it actually a goodbye?"

Tears fell from the corners of his eyes.

He wanted to roar, shout, and find Xiaoyu, but how could he find it?

Endless regret, hatred stirred in his heart.

All the memories appeared in his mind...including Tian Wudi's final death by Xuan Zhenghao.

When the memory reaches the place where Tian Wudi died, it is completely gone.

Luo Jun was immersed in sadness, unable to extricate himself.

I always feel that I owe a lot of small words in my life...

"I never found out that Bai Qing is Xiaoyu. She has such a holy state of mind and demon, what has she experienced all these years? I thought that she was happy growing up under my protection, but now it seems that she She is in pain all the time. If not, how could she cultivate into such a holy realm? She went to the ancestors of the undead and wanted to avenge me, but in the end she gave her life! What I killed, Luo Jun, Luo Jun, you are a great sinner!"

In this decadent sadness, he immersed himself for three months.

In the end, he felt he couldn't go on like this any longer.

"Xiaoyu doesn't have to be dead? She is such a smart child, maybe there is another way to go. I'm going to find out all this, and at the same time, none of those enemies can be let go!"

Thinking of this, the flame of hope ignited in Luo Jun's chest!

Only then did he feel that the whole body was warm and there was power everywhere, but these powers had not been completely absorbed by him. Start absorbing those powers now.

Pure chaotic divine power poured into his brain, blood orifices, and meridians.

At the same time, he could also feel the sacred tree of the Wugu Society, and the nine snow-capped mountains of Tiandao Brush were all integrated into the bloodline.

Including the power of Chaos Spirit Vine!

Everything, everything has been fused into one, deep into his flesh and mana.

This made him feel the divine power in his body, as if he had endless power, and he could absorb the chaotic divine power of the chaotic world when he swallowed it casually.

The divine power of the Heavenly Dao also operates at will... and there is no longer the restraint of the Heavenly Dao Pen.

"It seems that I got a blessing in disguise!" Luo Jun secretly said.

Following that, he also felt a very powerful and pure holy energy flowing in his body...

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