Budo still held Yiyu upright, but there was some doubt in his eyes: "Asami Ryūya?"

Ⅲ The end of Lundaz (Mirai Sentai): [New] Chapter 230 Asami Ryuya’s Infernal Affairs is about to take place

Wu Dao's doubts did not last long, because after the doubts came undisguised anger.

Especially the four guys of different colors behind Asami Ryuya who have not yet taken off their enhanced suits and look wary.

"What exactly is going on? Why did you leave your post without permission? I informed you and Naoto Takizawa of today's work two days ago. Why did you come here now? And who are those people behind you?"

Facing Budo's angry questioning, Asami Ryuya showed an embarrassed look, raised his hands to signal Budo to calm down, and said: "President, I will write a report to you about the specific situation when I get back, but I will put my questions aside for now. Excuse me, how is President Hiyama doing? Is everything okay?"

Perhaps Asami Ryuya's calmness satisfied Budo, or maybe the other party's concern for Samba Xiu soothed Budao's anger. Budao answered Asami Ryuya's question: "I temporarily transferred the Void Eight and Raging Wave warriors, nothing happened. thing."

As soon as he finished speaking, Asami Ryū breathed a long sigh of relief, and the four people behind him also relaxed their tense postures and relaxed a little.

Seeing this, Budo frowned and asked: "Asami Ryuya, do you and these guys have any additional knowledge about Hiyama's assassination?"

Asami Ryuya was stunned for a moment, then subconsciously turned to look at the woman wearing pink enhanced clothing behind him.

After receiving Asami Ryuya's gaze, the man also removed his enhanced suit and stepped forward slowly.

Wu Dao looked at the cold-faced woman wearing a light brown leather jacket in front of him, slightly surprised. Based on the unified appearance of the five of them, Budo guessed that the opponent was the new super team that would take over from GOGOV to protect the earth. Based on his observation of the previous two super teams, he subconsciously thought that his subordinate Asami Ryu was also from this team. captain, but obviously, the woman walking towards him is the real leader.

Is the leader this time pink? It's really strange.

Wu Dao sighed secretly in his heart and asked the woman walking towards him: "What is this lady's name?"

"Yuri." After simply announcing his name, Yuri grabbed Asami Ryuya's hand and took off the transformer from his wrist.

"Wait, is this transformer just taken away?" Asami Ryuya said in disbelief.

"The transformer only requires face authentication when it is unlocked for the first time. Thank you very much for your help." Yuri ruthlessly exposed the fact that Asami Ryuya was a tool man, and then looked at Budo, "The person who assassinated Mr. Hiyama Kage The assassin was a criminal from Londaz prison."

"Londazi Prison?" Wu Dao thought for a moment and had some guesses in his mind.

Is it possible that this Lundaz Prison is the new villain who "takes over" the Disaster Demon?

Seeing that Budo was lost in thought, Yuri did not expand on the meaning of "Lundaz Prison", but nodded to the other three partners who had not yet released the transformation, and left.

Budo looked at the backs of the four people leaving, and then looked at his subordinate Asami Ryuya, well, this kid didn't join the team at all, let alone the captain.

"Asami Ryuya, there's no need to write a report. I'll explain everything you encountered since you went out for exercise this morning."

"Yes, President!" Asami Ryuya was startled by the sudden increase in the volume of the martial arts, and hurriedly recalled what he had experienced this morning, "I originally went out for a morning jog according to my past habits, but when I passed by a beach I found them unconscious and some damaged machinery. I was worried that there would be a secondary explosion in the machinery, so I woke them up first. But as soon as I woke them up, they teamed up to subdue me. It must have been caused by someone who looked exactly like me. Their accident, I had to talk hard to make them believe that I was not the culprit of all this. Just when one of them untied me, I heard them say that someone wanted to assassinate President Hiyama, and their mission was to protect President Hiyama. Then, in order to unlock the transformation equipment, they took me to transform together, and after that, I..."

Hearing this, Budo's anger, which had calmed down a little, rose again: "So you just brought the four of them here? What if the four of them are lying? Asami Ryuya, you are too reckless!"

Hearing this, Asami Ryuya's expression became a little embarrassed. He didn't know how to refute for a while, and he raised his hand and scratched the back of his neck.

Hearing this, Naoto Takizawa in the distance cast his gaze unconsciously.

Then he heard Budo sigh and said to Asami Ryuya: "You are fired."

"Ah? President..." Asami Ryuya, as a second-generation rich man, had never been fired before. He was stunned for a moment, his head dazed.

Seeing this, Naoto Takizawa quickly walked towards Budo, intending to intercede for his friend.

However, before he could speak, Wu Dao continued: "I'm not really expelling you, I'm just giving you a special task. I want you to find a way to get close to those four people, find out their details, and pry out Long from their mouths." Information about Daz Prison.”

"This..." Qian Jianlong was suddenly surprised, and a trace of confusion flashed in his eyes.

Seeing this, Wu Dao asked directly: "Aren't you willing?"

With one word, Asami Ryūya's hesitation was dispersed.

After all, the City Guard is one of the few places and opportunities for him to escape the control of his family.

After thinking about this clearly, he no longer struggled or hesitated, nodded, and agreed to be the spy for Wu Dao.

And just when he was about to turn around and catch up with the four Yuri people who were leaving, Samba Xiu, who had been watching him and martial arts for a long time, spoke: "Asami Ryuya."

"Chairman Hiyama?"

I saw Samba Xiu handing out a green bracelet and a red crystal ring: "These are the things found on the corpse of the assassin just now."

Although judging from the current information, the plot of "Mirai Sentai Time Linker" has probably undergone great changes, some of the main characters still exist. The time fan is still the cold short-haired beauty Yuri, and Madbraster also wears the green bracelet, so at least one thing that is certain is that the background story of time fan Yuri has not happened much. Change.

Naturally, in addition to being the killer hired by Don Dornello, Mard Brast is still Yuri's father-killing enemy.

Yuri, a time fan, comes from the future of the 30th century. His father is a hateful investigator. He once incurred revenge for investigating Torunello and was assassinated by his hired killer Mad Braster. Out of his personal habit of collecting trophies, Madbraster took away Yuri's father's green bracelet as a trophy. In order to prevent Don Dornello from killing the donkey, Mad Braster used an instrument to record the image commissioned by Don Dornello. The red crystal ring was the device that recorded the image.

"Since they are here for the assassin, these two things can probably assist you in your work."

"I understand, thank you, President." Asami Ryuya took the bracelet and ring and stepped towards the direction where Yuri and others left.

Budo glanced at Asami Ryuya's leaving back, dismissed the surrounding men, and put forward his guess to Sambaxiu: "Sambaxiu, are those people just now the new super team to succeed GOGOV? And that Ryuu Is Daz Prison the new evil party? "

"Well, probably in the next year or so, the earth will be the arena where the two of them compete." Samba Xiu affirmed.

There was a coldness in Wu Dao's expression: "It's a pity that your original plan was in vain. Those guys actually tried to assassinate you. It seems that we need to take action first and send those guys to hell."

Hearing Wu Dao's plan, Sambaxiu quickly stopped him: "If you don't want to rush into action, at least find out their reasons for assassinating me. In case they are not the masterminds, even if the criminals in Lundaz Prison are solved by then, there will still be others. Other villains."

Worry about Sangbasiu forced Martial Arts to become a little anxious: "What are you going to do?"

Samba Xiu looked up at Asami Ryuya's already very small back, and said: "The first one is naturally hoping that Asami Ryuuya can find out something. As for the second one..."

Sambaxiu took out his mobile phone: "Since the criminals in Rondaz Prison are trying to assassinate me, they will naturally not give up. There will be a second and third time. Someone notified me in advance last time, so maybe the next few times There are also people who have tipped off the news, and the person who tipped off the tip is also in the direction of a breakthrough.”

As soon as he finished speaking, Sambaxiu's cell phone rang.

Ⅲ The End of Lundaz (Future Team): [New] Chapter 231: Governor of Earth

Following the route in his mind back to the beach where he met Yuri and the other four, Asami Ryuya happened to see the four of them picking up the parts of the broken machine that could still be used under the command of a blue mechanical bird.

As an old antique from the 20th century, Asami Ryuya had naturally never seen the trendy gadgets from the 30th century, so he immediately exclaimed: "It's amazing."

After successfully attracting the attention of Yuri's four people and the robot bird, he smiled brightly at them in an attempt to ease the embarrassment.

"Is there anything else?" Yuri asked politely.

Asami Ryuya nodded and said what he had drafted many times on the way here: "I want to know more information about the guys from Lundaz Prison."

Yuri frowned slightly, then politely refused: "Those guys are not people that ordinary people can mess with. We will find a way to deal with them. You should go back and continue your previous life."

Asami Ryuya had already expected Yuri's rejection. He shook his head: "I can't go back. I was fired because of my absence this morning."

Hearing this, the four people present felt guilty.

As a team leader without a position, Yuri apologized to Asami Ryuya on behalf of the four of them: "We can compensate you for a trip and prove to your boss that it was all our fault that prevented you from getting back to work in time."

Asami Ryuya continued to shake his head: "It's useless, I have already explained it, but President Hiyama is not only my boss's boss, but also my boss's good friend. My absence is no less than an athlete dumping the referee after the game starts. A slap in the face."

Hearing this, the muscular man named "Tumen" wearing a white knitted hat sighed in surprise: "That's really serious."

The blue-haired boy named Ziyin standing next to him asked in a low voice: "So are you here to ask for compensation?"

"No, I want to find out the mastermind behind this assassination, and then find a way to kill him and make meritorious service, so that I can go back." Asami Ryuya said.

"Are you some kind of general who lost the battle?" A handsome man with long hair and a leather jacket complained behind Yuri.

"Ayase," Yuri glanced back at the long-haired man, suppressed the urge to complain about him, and asked, "Why are you so obsessed with that company? With your ability, it shouldn't be difficult to find another job of similar nature."

"I'm sorry, there are really no competitors for the Budo Security Company here," Asami Ryuya scratched his head and continued, "and my situation is more complicated. If I can't go back, there will be a lot of trouble."

Hearing this, Yuri was immediately in trouble. On the one hand, Asami Ryuya's unemployment was closely related to them, and on the other hand, fighting against Longdaz was an extremely dangerous thing.

After struggling, even as decisive as Yuri was, he had to turn around and ask for his companions' opinions.

"Hey, don't treat the guys from Longdaz as ordinary criminals. Most of them are extremely vicious superpowers. If you are not careful, you will lose your life!" Domon bypassed Yuri and put his hands on Asami Ryuya's shoulders, trying to scare Asami Ryuya with a frivolous tone to make him give up the idea of ​​being an enemy of Longdaz.

But Asami Ryuya is not a timid person, not to mention that he has martial arts orders at the moment, so it is impossible for him to retreat. Therefore, even if the other three tried to make Asami Ryuya retreat by describing the horror of Longdaz, it would never work.

"No matter how exaggerated you are, you can't hide the fact that an assassin has been solved by the city guards, which means they are not invincible."

After feeling Asami Ryuya's awakening, Domon and his friends no longer wanted to persuade him: "Yuri, since this guy wants to take risks, let him join. Besides, the enhanced suit requires five people to exert its full power."

Exhaling a breath of pressure, Yuri emphasized again: "Are you sure you want to join us?"

Asami Ryuya nodded heavily.

Yuri picked up the time transformer that she had taken away before and put it into Asami Ryuya's hand again: "Yuri, welcome to join."

Then the other three also reported their names.

In addition, the blue robot bird spread its wings and introduced itself: "My name is Tucker."

"Asami Ryuya, please teach me." After putting on the time transformer again, Asami Ryuya took out the bracelet and ring that Samba Shu had handed to him before, "By the way, this is..."

However, the moment Asami Ryuya took out the green bracelet, Yuri grabbed the bracelet and stared at him excitedly: "Where did you get this bracelet?"

Asami Ryuya didn't expect Yuri's reaction to be so big. After a while of surprise, he replied: "I picked it up from the scattered bodies of the assassin just now."

Hearing this, Yuri fell silent.

Perhaps because Yuri had his back to the other three people at this moment, the other three did not notice Yuri's emotional changes, but were attracted by the red crystal ring that Yuri ignored.

Domon picked up the ring, observed it for a while, and muttered: "This looks like a portable device that can record images."

"Let me see." Ziyin took the crystal ring and fiddled with it for a while.

Suddenly, a shadow appeared above the ring, and a short, fat, blue-black whale-like monster suddenly spoke: "Mad Blaster, there is a haunting investigator who has been investigating me recently. You go and kill him. After the matter is done..."

"This guy is... Dong Dorunero!" Domon recognized the identity of this weirdo, who was the leader of the largest gang organization in the 30th century.

"It seems that Dong Dorunero has asked this guy to do something similar for the first time." Ayase sighed.

Suddenly, Domon seemed to think of something and said to Asami Ryuya: "Ryuya, you are taking these things out now because you plan to go and cause trouble for Longdaz yourself if we don't agree to your joining, right?"

Asami Ryuya smiled awkwardly, which was considered to be an approval of Domon's guess.

Then he looked at Yuri, who was obviously in a bad mood, and asked with concern: "Yuri, what's wrong with you?"

Yuri did not respond to Asami Ryuya's concern.

And her silence also attracted the attention of the other three people, who all cast concerned eyes.

Even though everyone was paying attention to him, Yuri remained silent.

Finally, Tucker answered everyone's questions after looking through the information in his database: "Yuri's father was an investigator who was responsible for investigating Dong Dorunaro, but later he was killed for some reason. Now it seems..."

Tucker didn't continue, but everyone knew it.

Asami Ryuya thought for a moment and said, "Yuri, now we have a common enemy, Dong Dorunaro, let's defeat him together!"

Yuri nodded and said nothing.

Although the three people on the side wanted to say that lynching was prohibited, they were very tactful and didn't speak.


At the same time, in the remote and quiet mountain forest, a huge thumbtack-shaped building was inserted diagonally into the ground, with thick white smoke, as if it was an alien spaceship that fell from the sky.

And this is the Londa Prison where the superpower criminals of the 30th century are imprisoned.

After Don Dorunello and Keane seized control of the prison through internal and external means, they used the time and space of the Time Protection Bureau to travel to the 20th century and used it as a base to plot a despicable conspiracy.

At this moment, Don Dorunello sneezed loudly in the Londaz Prison, making his already bad mood even worse.

As for why he was in such a bad mood, on the one hand it was because of the failure of the assassination operation, and on the other hand it was the dispute between his companions caused by this failure.

"I said Keane, who are the people you picked? Why did you hand over the first assassination to this kind of guy in 1999? It doesn't matter if you didn't succeed in assassinating the target. You didn't even kill an ant. What a good start." A tall, pink-haired beauty with bright facial features spoke in a frivolous tone, speaking in a somewhat cynical tone to the alien-looking golden-haired man next to her.

This pink-haired beauty is Lila, the leader of the Londaz family that will be established in the future.

The slightly sinister and wretched golden cyborg was another member of the Londaz family, Keen.

After hearing the other party's ridicule, Keane raised his left hand with only three hooks and counterattacked: "So, dear Lila, have you done your job well? I remember when you came to meet us, You said you had eliminated those bastards from the Time Protection Bureau, but why did they still arrive at the scene?"

Although the conversation between the two was not even considered a quarrel, the animosity and questioning between the two still made Dong Dorunello irritated.

He patted the instrument on the side and said in a serious tone: "Don't fight among your companions. Don't forget why we have to go all the way from the 30th century to the 20th century. It's not to change the venue for the quarrel, but to change the venue." That damnable Governor of Earth strangled him before he was even born!"

Seeing that Dong Dorunello was angry, Lila, who was accustomed to watching his words, immediately got down the slope, leaned towards him with a bit of a sweet smile, and echoed with a bit of flattery: "Wait until we kill that cruel guy. Governor of Earth, let the 30th century return to violence and disorder, Dorunello, you have to make a lot of money for me, and I want to spend a lot of money."

Keen did not express his desire as straightforwardly as Lila did. After imagining the chaotic situation after losing the Governor of the Earth, he just let out a charming chuckle: "As long as we kill that guy, we can... …”

Looking at his companions who were filled with thoughts by the pie he drew and no longer quarreled, Dong Dorunello patted his huge belly with satisfaction and said: "It's time to prepare a new assassination plan. "

Hearing this, Lila no longer relied on Dong Dorunello's shoulder, but walked to a display cabinet.

Opening the cold display cabinet door revealed neatly arranged compressed capsules as thick as a forearm.

These compressed capsules contain criminals who have been compressed and frozen. Although they retain consciousness, they are unable to move. They were the main method used to imprison criminals in the 30th century.

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