"Yes. Leader."

Gurinji would not object. He was originally a backup for Sambashu. Facing Sambashu's order, he just changed his way to hide himself.

After sending Gurinji, who had turned into Yadodo, out of his room, Sambashu, who had been running around for a few weeks, lay down on the bed without any image and sighed, "I have to start acting again. I'm so tired."

Ⅰ Barbon's Gunhead (Star Beast Team): [Revised] Chapter 23 Dead Card Monster Neka

After Sambashu changed back to his own appearance, he would feel someone staring at him from time to time. The poorly concealed gaze seemed to Sambashu like a venomous snake spitting out its tongue after its prey.

Are these guys from Wudao unable to hold back?

Sambashu shook his head helplessly and continued to walk swaggeringly.

If the guys from Barbon could use their energy to deal with the Galaxy People, the Galaxy People and Star Beasts would have been packed and sent to heaven long ago.

The same thing happened during the previous joint operation. He had clearly asked Meiduomeiduo to explore the current hiding place of the Galaxy people, but Gulinji said that the other party had no results.

"You can't even find an ordinary horse farm. You can't tease a child like this."

However, Sambaxiu misunderstood Meiduomeiduo. Although the Galaxy people are currently hiding in an ordinary horse farm, because the tree of wisdom Mok has been planted, there is a force field around the horse farm targeting the Balbang monsters, which can perfectly isolate the Balbang monsters from exploring.

But even if he misunderstood Meiduomeiduo, it did not prevent Sambaxiu from feeling the sight coming from every corner of the ship every time, and he was more and more fortunate that he had started to arrange his plan to escape from Balbang early.

"Really, calling me over so early must mean that he is not in a good mood." Sambaxiu glanced at the sky outside, which was still dark.

Although he could feel a hint of coolness from the sea breeze, it was not enough to make Sambaxiu sober.

He naturally knew why Qihabu chose to call him over so early.

First, Qihabu showed his attitude as the captain. Although Qihabu didn't know that Sambashu had only returned to Balbang a few days ago, he did witness Sambashu's failure in another battle. For the consecutive failed battle commands, Qihabu needed to make some statements, so that the crew could not think that he was a good guy.

Second, give Sambashu some warnings, and hope that Sambashu can be more serious. To be honest, after that heat absorption battle, he actually admired Sambashu a little. But after that battle, he was a little dissatisfied. Simply sending out the demons, as if completing the target, gave Qihabu a feeling that he didn't take the battle seriously.

It would be a pity if he was unable to recover just because he was tripped by the tripping set by Wudao and others in the previous battle.

But no matter what reason Sambashu has, the failure of the battle is a failure.

And the loser will not be treated any preferential treatment on the Balbang ship.

"Sambashu, I didn't let you be the action captain just for fun."

As soon as Sambashu entered the door, Qihabu started to scold him.

His tone had long lost the initial encouragement and appreciation, and was more dissatisfied and disappointed.

"Sambashu, my patience is almost at its limit now."

As he said that, Qihabu drew out the scimitar hanging on his waist, and pointed the tip of the knife straight at Sambashu's head.

Full of murderous intent.

It seemed that as long as Sambashu showed something that he was not satisfied with, the knife would appear between Sambashu's body.

"Sorry, Captain. Please give me another chance, this time I will definitely revive the monster Daitanix."

Seeing Qihabu so angry, even though Sambashu had done enough psychological preparation before coming, he still felt a little scared.

The big boss-level guy is really incomparable to ordinary weirdos, and this aura alone is a bit difficult to bear.

Fortunately, Sambashu was not going to play a chaste heroine. He just needed to play a poor little girl trying to survive by taking advantage of the murderous aura emanating from Qihabu.

"It's not good to brag, Sambashu." Shelinda stood aside, coldly admiring what she thought was Sambashu's last performance.

"Yes, yes, we have heard your bragging too many times."

Bukladis would naturally not miss any opportunity to kick someone when he was down, not only to avenge the pain Sambashu had caused to Disphias, but also to suppress Sambashu for his niece Ilias.

"I'm so annoyed. Aren't you just talking nonsense on the side?"

Ahaha, Sambashu was submissive to Qihabu, but he hit hard against ordinary cadres.

After yelling at Shelinda and Bukladis who were watching the show, Sambashu turned his head and looked at Qihabu.

He pleaded in a very humble tone.

"Captain, give me one more chance, the last chance. Please."

Sambaxiu clenched his fists, as if he was a devout believer praying in a church.

The sky was still dark at this moment, and the clouds were thick.

Suddenly, there was a flash of lightning, followed by a loud bang.

The blue-white light of the lightning hit Qihabu's fiery red face, making his face more hideous.

His knife was still hanging above Sambaxiu's head.

But looking at Sambaxiu in front of him, he seemed to feel some sincerity.

"Okay, I'll give you another chance," Qihabu raised the knife, but did not put it back into the sheath. He looked at Sambashu, "If you fail, just wait to be thrown into the cold sea."

What Qihabu meant by throwing you into the sea was not simply throwing you off the ship.

Instead, they tied your hands and feet with huge iron chains, then tied a huge iron ball, and then threw you into the sea.

"I hope this sea will not become your grave."

"Yes, Captain, I have realized it a long time ago."

Sambashu raised his head, looking as if he had been pardoned, and patted his chest confidently.

"It's time for me to show my trump card."

That being said, after Sutogi was also defeated by the Galaxy, Sambashu actually had no choice.

Perhaps this last weirdo was indeed a trump card for the original Sambashu, but for the current Sambashu, he was just an unlucky guy who was sent to the execution platform by his own hands.

"COME ON, Neka!"

"Here I am, leader, you finally called me."

Accompanied by Sambashu's shout, a wasp-like weirdo emerged from the door, which was different from many weirdos in Sambashu's demon group.

Neka's weapon was not an old gun that looked a little old, but a brand new Western rapier.

"Use your sword to pierce those guys in one fell swoop!"

This can be said to be the last time Sambashu showed his acting skills in Balbon.

So inevitably, Sambashu's tone sounded a little excited.

But everyone just thought he was a surprise after surviving the disaster, and didn't feel strange.

"Leave it to me."

Neka also cooperated and put the sword in front of him, just like a master of swordsmanship.

But he didn't know that no matter according to the original plot or Sambashu's current calculations, he has always been just a poor pawn of Sambashu.

Ⅰ Barbon's Spearhead (Star Beast Team): [Revised] Chapter 24 Sambashu, attack!

The alternation between night and day often takes only a moment, just the time to bow your head and mourn for Neka.

A hint of dawn emerged from the eastern coastline.

Sambashu never thought that the light would come so quickly.

However, for the next part of the plot, Sambashu did not intend to follow the original script routine.

Everything was coming to an end just as he planned. Perhaps for Sambashu, the safest way was to honestly follow the plot and slowly perform his "death".

But since Neka's attack, the situation was already under his control.

In the end, he chose to quickly end the performance that he was already a little tired of according to his own ideas, which was also within the scope allowed by the plan.

All the necessary props were ready.

"Captain, in addition to Neka, I will also participate in this battle."

"Wow~Is Balbon's gun going to take action? It's really exciting."

After hearing this, Qihabu looked at Sambashu carefully.

And Sambashu also met Qihabu's scrutinizing eyes directly.

"Very good, this is the kind of eyes, Sambashu, you go."

He had no reason to reject Sambashu, because from Sambashu's eyes, Qihabu saw the serious eyes in the previous heat battle.

Sure enough, only by threatening his life can Sambashu's fighting spirit be stimulated.

Qihabu sneered, obviously admiring this kind of punishment-style encouragement.

But he is not a captain who only knows how to punish the crew. Big stick and sweet dates, for these two props, no matter how to use them or when to use them, Qihabu is very proficient.

"Sambashu, if this operation can really succeed, I will let you be the vice-captain!"

"Yes, Captain." Although he didn't understand why Qihabu would say such a thing, Sambashu still cooperated and showed excitement.


"Captain, isn't this decision a little too hasty?" Seeing that Shelinda also opposed Qihabu's decision, Bukladis quickly followed up with his questioning.

"Sambashu's operation hasn't started yet, does the captain trust him so much?"

Shelinda's words were a bit bitter, as if she was dissatisfied with Qihabu's care and trust in Sambashu.

Unlike Bukladis who wanted to fight for power for his niece, Shelinda was just a little concerned about Qihabu's trust in Sambashu.

"You two don't need to say anything more. This is my decision, Sambashu. If you can really revive the monster Daitanix this time, then you will be the vice-captain of Balbon in the future."

Qihabu was a little unhappy after being questioned one after another, so he repeated his previous speech again.

Not only did he warn Shelinda and Bukladis to be careful about their identities, he also hoped that Sambashu could feel his trust in him.

But at this moment, Sambashu was not touched by the little interest in Balbang.

After pretending to be moved by the fact that a man would die for his friend, he rode his motorcycle and led the Yadodo of the team to the city where Neka was.

Although he went out this time to perform the last stage of his fake death plan.

But at the same time, Sambashu also wanted to take this opportunity to confront the Galaxy again.

He wanted to know whether he, who had been upgraded, could grasp the rhythm of the battle when facing the grown-up Galaxy.

"Neka, how are the earthquake needles arranged?"

Riding a motorcycle, Sambaxiu came to Neka's side, looking a little serious.

"Leader, all the arrangements are perfect, but if we want to wake up Daitanix with an earthquake, the current earthquake needles are completely insufficient."

Neka's ability is to emit a thick needle from his mouth. After hitting the ground, this needle will sink into the ground and automatically move towards the bottom.

After establishing a connection with the ground vein, the earthquake needle will drill out of the ground from the bottom, and at the same time form a half-human-high lump on the surface.

This lump is like an immature acne on a person's face, and it only takes a little stimulation to cause the earth to tremble.

"Well, since the suburbs are almost arranged, let's go to the city."

Sambaxiu nodded. Although his ultimate goal of this operation was not to wake up Daitanix in this way, he still gave Neka a look of approval and patted Neka on the shoulder.

"Yes, leader!"

Neka is like a young man who has not experienced much of the world. He is a young employee who has just joined the company. After being simply encouraged by Sambashu, he is full of energy.

This is not because Neka is easy to deceive. It's just that in Neka's opinion, he is the only weirdo who can be used by Sambashu now. This is his best opportunity to make merit in front of Sambashu.

He heard it from Yaduo.

As long as this operation goes smoothly, Sambashu can become the vice captain.

"When the leader becomes the vice captain, I can at least become the leader of the demon group, and then I can form my own demon group."

However, Neka said this quietly in his heart. He didn't want Sambashu to think that he was too arrogant.

With a happy mood, Neka quickly entered the city, watching Yaduo driving away humans while spitting earthquake needles at the ground.

"Barbon, what conspiracy do you have?"

Damn, it's the Galaxy.

Looking at the five humans who suddenly appeared in front of him, holding the Star Beast Swords, he knew without a doubt that they were the Galactic people who had been obstructing their efforts to resurrect Diatanix.

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