Qihab's expression finally solidified in indifference. He suddenly drew out his machete and stabbed Hakaku in the neck.

In an instant, an orange head rolled on the slightly tilted deck.

"Captain, what are you doing?" Butbas was confused by Qihab's behavior and quickly asked the reason.

But Qihab did not answer his question immediately. Instead, he wiped the blood on his sword unhurriedly.

Helpless, Batbas could only turn to Sherinda, hoping that the other party could give him some explanation.

But at this moment, even Xuelinda had a look of surprise on her face.

"But Bass, what can we do even if we know that Wu Dao was wrongly accused? In this situation, even if Wu Dao was framed, he is still a traitor."

"Captain, I don't understand what you mean."

Qihab sighed and looked at Bartbas with a bit of suspicion, as if asking the other party whether he really didn't know or pretended not to know: "The light of the Galaxy has fallen into the hands of the Galaxy people, and it can no longer be taken." Back."

Bartbas said eagerly: "As long as the owner of the Galaxy Light is eliminated, the Galaxy Light will appear again. The Galaxy Light can still be taken back."

"Bart Bass, martial arts is just about seizing this last hope. You are also deceiving yourself and others. You have never seen how obvious the light of the Galaxy can improve combat effectiveness. The Raging Wave Warrior is a typical example. If it weren't for Elise The arrangement may really allow the Raging Wave Warriors to wipe out all the Galaxy people. Do you think the Galaxy people who have obtained the Galaxy Light are so easy to deal with?"

"But Captain, the strength of martial arts is not bad." But Bass also wanted to win a few words for martial arts.

However, Qihab raised his hand to stop Batbas from continuing to speak: "So what if Martial Arts really takes back the Light of the Galaxy? Should we make him the deputy captain? Not to mention whether the current situation of Martial Arts Legion can deter them. Others, can you be convinced?"

Batbas knew that he could not lie in front of such a problem, otherwise his image in Qihab's mind would collapse.

He shook his head, acquiescing to Qihab's statement.

However, Qihab had no intention of stopping and continued: "But Bass, you have to know that Elise has always been responsible for maintaining the agitation in Titanic's body, and now she has thought of solving the seal. "Method, do you think it is necessary for me to offend Elise, who holds the key to Titanic's resurrection, for a martial art that cannot make waves?"

"I understand." Butbass no longer hesitated, grabbed Hakaku's body wisely, and left the cab in disgrace.

After he left the cab, Xuelinda simply cleaned up the blood stains in the cab and asked: "Captain, there may be other reasons why you don't clean up Martial Arts' grievances."

Hearing this, Qihab asked without comment, "Then what do you think?"

"I would rather lose a martial arts that is still valuable than let Butterbass gain the favor of martial arts in vain. I am right, captain."

Ⅰ Balbon’s Spearhead (Star Beast Team): [New] Chapter 63: Giving up on martial arts, the drama of fake death will be staged again

Onimaru returned to the small temple where the martial arts lived.

When the dilapidated old wooden door was opened by Onimaru from the outside, making a harsh creaking sound, the impatient Anmaru jumped up from the side of Martial Arts and rushed to Onimaru: "What did the captain say? The Martial Arts Legion still has a chance. ”

However, Onimaru's silence was the answer.

Only then did Anmaru notice that Onimaru's expression was so solemn, as if there were two kilograms of weight hanging from the corner of his mouth.

Budo did not stand up. It was not that he was showing off as a "general", but after seeing Onimaru's gloomy face, he was already prepared for disappointment: "Onimaru, tell me what the captain thinks." ”

"Admiral Yu, Captain, he gave up on us. Even though he already knew that we were wronged, he still gave up on us. He personally chopped off Yadodo's head. He was eliminating criminal evidence for Elise."

Onimaru was released from the grievances he had suppressed all the way, and he spoke very quickly to vent his unwillingness.

Budao looked at Onimaru who was losing his composure and suppressed his inner trance: "Speak carefully about what you saw and heard."

Hearing this, Onimaru stopped his somewhat collapsed emotions and recounted the entire process from persuading Hakaku to find Batbas until Hakaku's head fell to the ground, emphasizing the words of Qihab and Sherinda.

After hearing this, Wu Dao's heart was like a rootless driftwood floating on the sea, ravaged by endless storms and waves, and turned into debris.

Suddenly, he stood up silently and walked straight out the door.

"Wudao, what are you going to do?" Sangbasiu was still sighing at Qihab's ruthlessness. Seeing Wudao's strange behavior, he stopped thinking in an instant and hurriedly stepped forward to stop him.

"There is no place for the martial arts legion in this world. Since the name of a traitor cannot be washed away, then at least let me die as a warrior!" Martial Arts lifted the Yiyu on his waist, as if to use this method Show your determination to Samba Xiu.

Sangbasiu just thought it was ridiculous: "Where is there no place for you? The earth is so big, can't it accommodate a small martial arts? Come with me, I have already made arrangements for you."

But Wu Dao just raised his eyes and looked at Samba Xiu, his cold eyes seemed to push Samba Xiu away.

Seeing him acting like this, Sangbasiu didn't bother to say anything more and scolded directly: "Martial Arts, do you really like to be other people's dogs?"

The cold face that Wudao had maintained until now collapsed instantly, and he shouted angrily: "Samba Xiu, don't insult the pride of a warrior."

"You have no pride at all, you are just a dog that can only whimper with a broken spine," Samba Xiu ignored Wudao's anger and took a step forward to face the swords of Guiwan and Anwan, "Don't forget, you joined Balbon because you were defeated by Qihabu, and you were defeated miserably."

Wudao put his right hand on the handle of Yiyu's sword, as if he was going to pull it out in the next second. He squeezed out from his teeth: "Samba Xiu..."

Samba Xiu raised his hand to press Yiyu back, holding "Serious Illness Use He continued to curse with the mentality of "Da Yao": "What, calling my name viciously is your pride as a warrior? You called Qi Habu in this tone. Do you think I don't know what you want to do? Want to fight with the Galaxy people and take back the Light of the Galaxy to prove your loyalty and stupidity. "

"I just want to prove my innocence!"

Hearing this, Samba Xiu raised his hand quickly: "It sounds good, but don't you know whether you are innocent or not? Don't play dumb, you still care about Qi Habu's opinion of you. Wu Dao, are you a cheapskate, you have to find existence in Qi Habu. "

"I didn't." Wu Dao was still stubborn.

Samba Xiu asked directly: "Okay, then let's just assume, what will you do after you take back the Light of the Galaxy?"

Wu Dao was silent, even if it was just a fantasy, he really didn't know how he should deal with the Light of the Galaxy.

He could only reluctantly say: "I just want to fight for it."

"Okay, if you want to fight for it, then use the light of the galaxy to strengthen yourself, and then cut off Qihabu's head yourself! Can you do it?"

Budo stopped and thought carefully about the possibility that Sambaxiu said.

He couldn't give an answer, and finally let out a long sigh: "I'll go with you."

"It seems that you have figured it out," Sambaxiu had already prepared to fight with Budo and use tough physical means to defeat Budo. Unexpectedly, the other party finally woke up, which was also a cause for celebration, "But you can't go with me yet, you have to fight the Galaxy people."

"Sambaxiu, what do you mean."

Anwan said angrily, and was about to step forward but was held tightly by Guiwan.

Samba Xiu didn't mind Anwan's offense, and patiently explained: "Accepting you directly will directly expose the truth that I am still alive. I need you to fake your death, just like I did back then."

Samba Xiu was not worried about Balbon's revenge, but living on Earth protected by the Super Sentai, he always had to consider the Super Sentai's ideas.

"But how do we fake our death?" Guiwan asked.

"Do you still have Balbon essence on you?"

Guiwan and Anwan nodded, and took out the Balbon essence in a small gourd from their arms.

Samba Xiu took it, turned around and took out a bunch of tools to make simple modifications to the two small gourds.

"You two find the right time, pretend to be at the end of your rope and can only make a last-ditch effort, twist the gourd mouth, and a thick explosion smoke will come out, and you can use this opportunity to escape."

"What about General Yu?" Anwan asked with concern.

Samba Xiu raised his hand and touched his body, and a roll of cloth emitting colorful light appeared in his hand.

He handed the cloth to Wu Dao: "This is the Rainbow Anti-Material. With it, you can become anything. I don't think you need me to teach you how to fake your death."

I Barbon's Gunhead (Star Beast Team): [New] Chapter 64 Wu Dao's grievances became Qihabu's handle to control Ilias

Just as some things are only precious when they are lost, some things are only known when they are in your hands.

Wu Dao, who learned how to use the Rainbow Anti-Material under the guidance of Samba Xiu, raised his hand and touched his shoulders, feeling the magical cloth that completely wrapped his body. His eyes were stunned and he couldn't recover from the shock.

"You actually lent me such a treasure directly. Aren't you afraid that I will run away with it?"

Almost subconsciously, Wu Dao stopped looking for the traces of the Galaxy People and stopped to look back at the way he came. Although he had left the shabby little temple for a while and couldn't see the dilapidated eaves, it seemed that Samba Xiu was standing behind him at this moment, smiling and encouraging him.

Although it seems that Samba Shu has passed away, Wudao really doesn't know how to describe the feeling he got when he felt the strange power of the Rainbow Antimatter.

Samba Shu has obviously forgotten the past they experienced together, but why did he feel the friendship after Samba Shu left Balbon again after a long time?

"Could it be that it's really Qihabu's problem?"

Unconsciously, Wudao's last thought about Qihabu also dissipated with Samba Shu's act of giving the Rainbow Antimatter.

"General Yu, what's wrong, did you find something?" As Wudao's personal guards, Guiwan and Anwan have been busy clearing the way in the mountains and fields, but this does not prevent them from paying attention to Wudao's every move. Seeing Wudao stop and look back, they quickly protected Wudao by their side with a vigilant look.

Wudao retracted his thoughts and was about to shake his head to deny it, but a graceful snake-haired female monster walked out of the bushes, it was Meiduo Meiduo.

Wu Dao was shocked and wondered when Mei Duo Mei Duo started hiding by his side. He wondered whether Mei Duo Mei Duo knew that she had heard the conversation between him and Sambashu and whether she knew that Sambashu was still alive.

Quickly, he suppressed his emotions to prevent his expression from appearing rude, and asked accusingly: "You should tell the captain for me now and ask him to give me more time. Why are you here?"

"Martial Arts, your perception is really sharp. It took only three seconds to see through my invisibility. Come out, Yaduoduo." Meiduo Meiduo was in a very relaxed state at this time, and her tone was lazy but full of ridicule, "But Your reaction seems a little slow, don't you understand? You are finished, you have completely fallen into the trap set by mother Elise."

Although Budao had already learned from Samba Xiu that Elise was the mastermind behind framing him, he still put on a shocked expression in order not to expose Samba Xiu's fake death plan for him.

To be honest, Wu Dao's acting skills are very poor, but maybe it's because he always has an iceberg face on weekdays, and no one has seen his shocked expression, so he easily fooled Mido Mido, who was already carried away. .

"It turns out you framed me!" Wu Dao clenched his fists and let out a fierce roar.

"Yes, but it's too late. There is nothing left to prove your loyalty." After saying that, Meiduomeduo casually threw the paper she destroyed forward, "It doesn't matter if it's Balbon or fate." It’s okay, you’ve already reached the point of death. No matter what you do next, it will only increase the accusation of rebellion. In order to avoid an ugly death, accept the punishment honestly and take the role of the new action captain, mother Ilia. The name of Silk!”

In Mido Mido's vision, Budo would fall into temporary confusion, difficulty and unwillingness after listening to her heart-wrenching words, which was perfect for her to attack.

So she took out her own weapon, the snake hair whip, and immediately attacked the martial arts.

However, Martial Arts was not as stunned as expected. After all, Martial Arts had already heard more aggressive words from Samba Xiu. He grabbed Mido Mido, swung his whip, pulled hard, and then A quick and clean slash.


Mido Mido couldn't help but sigh in astonishment.

But this sigh didn't last long before it turned into a painful groan.

She lowered her head, and the righteous rain of martial arts had passed through her lower abdomen, and her blood was gurgling down.

Before losing consciousness completely, Mido Mido heard Budo say: "Thank you for your warm-up performance. Next is a good show starring me."

However, although Mido Mido is dead, Yaduo she brought is still there.

So Budo continued his role-playing, and he turned around with a sad face, and said angrily to Onimaru and Anmaru: "Balbang has no place for the Budo Legion anymore."

"General Yu, what should we do next?" Onimaru asked cooperatively.

Budo pretended to be thinking for a moment, pondered for a moment, and said: "At least let's end it like a warrior. Let's go, Onimaru, Animaru, to find the Galaxy people!"

After that, he left with Onimaru and Anmaru without even giving those Yadodo a look.

The departure of Budao and others was like the starting gun on the field. After he walked away, Yaduo, brought by Meiduo Meiduo, fled the scene instantly and reported to Qihab.

"What? Mido Mido was killed by martial arts?"

In the Balbon Pirates, Elise was busy removing the martial arts barriers and instructing Yaduo to decorate a corner of the cab in her favorite mysterious style. Unexpectedly, she heard this sad news.

"Elise can't even do the small thing of chasing down the traitor. Can she really resurrect Titanic? Captain, I doubt it." Buttbas, who was also in the cab, made an angry sound through his nasal cavity. Never miss an opportunity to speak ill of Elise.

Elise, who has mastered the method of energizing and resurrecting Titanic, is confident that she will not be replaced, but she will not let Bartbass give Zihab eye drops: "Captain, there are so many beautiful things." She is good at fighting, so it is normal for her to be killed by Wu Dao. I can ask her sister to attack, and I will definitely get rid of the traitor Wu Dao. "

"The demons under Ellie are all rubbish. Let me arrange it, captain. I promise to deal with the martial arts matter thoroughly." Butbas pushed away Ellie who wanted to fight for it. Silk, boasting.

"Don't worry." While Batbas and Elise were talking, Qihab had already listened to Yaduoduo's report and also knew Budao's plan to fight the Galaxy people, "Let Budao die on the battlefield. , it’s not too late for you to deal with him after he wins.”

Qihab said, with a bit of kindness on his face, as if his decision was very merciful.

Elise, who didn't want to have long nights and dreams, wanted to fight for a few words, but what she got was Qihab's vicious look: "Elise, there are some things I don't want to say. If you don't want me to expose the bad things to the sun and resurrect Daitan, For the Knicks’ activities, you’d better use your full strength.”


I’m so tired. The company’s National Day holiday has been postponed. I don’t get off until the 1st. It will last for seven days this week. Who has to work on Saturdays and Sundays? It’s me. It hurts. It hurts so much!

Ⅰ Balbon’s Spearhead (Star Beast Team): [New] Chapter 65 Maybe I came at the wrong time

It's like a humble wage earner. When faced with his boss's workplace PUA, even though he has scolded his boss's eighteen generations of ancestors in his heart, he still has to smile in agreement.

Although Qihabu was telling the truth and was far from being a workplace PUA, Ilias still bowed slightly and flattered him respectfully: "Captain, I will go ask Disphias how the Qi is collected."

Seeing that Ilias had given in, Qihabu could not say much, and nodded and watched Ilias leave the cab.

However, Qihabu would not know that after leaving the cab, Ilias did not return to her room to use the crystal ball to contact Disphias, who was working as a security guard at the door of Sambaxiu's company, but went directly to Sambaxiu's villa, wanting to find him to complain about Qihabu.

However, Sambaxiu was secretly observing the implementation of the martial arts fake death plan at this time, and was not at home, so Ilias naturally came to nothing.

Looking at the closed door of Sambaxiu's house, she frowned slightly, folded her hands, and made a dissatisfied sound.

She was about to take out the crystal ball to ask her brother if he knew where Samba Shu was, but a childish voice came from behind her: "Ah, it's the aunt that Uncle Hiyama carried into the house last time!"

Ilias turned around and saw a mother and son holding hands.

The young mother looked embarrassed and repeatedly bowed to Ilias to apologize: "I'm sorry to make you laugh."

But the child she was holding hands with was full of confusion, muttering in a low voice: "Didn't Uncle Hiyama tell me that this aunt had turned over a new leaf and turned herself in? How come she was released so soon?"

These two people were Samba Shu's neighbors, Ozu Miyuki and Ozu Kai.

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