Although Qihab felt unhappy, he still had to consider the mood of Batbas, an old employee, and put away his knife and watched Batbas' performance indifferently.

"Biznera, since you are like this, stop being an arms dealer and come under my command to show off your true talents." After that, he stood up under the grateful eyes of Biznera, "This way Okay, Captain."

"As you wish." Qihab flicked his cloak and turned around.

Seeing that Qihab acquiesced to his decision, Batbas let out a few silly laughs and led Biznera back to his room.

Bartbas casually moved a wine barrel and sat on it. Looking at Biznera who was still frightened, he smiled and said: "Biznera, you are a smart man. You should know why I kept you safe?"

"Please rest assured, Lord Bartbas, I will do my best to advise you." Viznera knelt down quickly to show his loyalty.

Bartbas patted his thigh happily: "Very good, I need you to help me pull Elise off the horse and let me be the operations captain."

Hearing this, Biznera's face became a little more happy.

His performance attracted the attention of Bart Bass: "Why are you laughing?"

Biznera didn't hide it either: "It seems that Lord Batbas and I have the same goal."

"How to say?"

"Lord Bartbas, I suspect that my combat details have been leaked to the Galactic people, and the leaker is Elise."

"Oh!" Butbas suddenly became energetic, "I'll tell the captain right now!"

Biznera stopped the impatient Batbas: "Wait a moment, Lord Batbas, don't act in a hurry. Please tell me everything that happened after the Barbon Pirates were released from the seal. Then I can make a decision." An accurate judgment.”

Although Bartbas was reckless, he at least listened to the advice and immediately told Biznera about the various efforts Balban had made to resurrect Daitanix since the unblocking.

It can be regarded as providing Biznerat with a comprehensive collection of the Star Beast Team.

After listening to Bartbas' story, Biznera sorted out Elise's current status in his mind, and his face instantly became a little bitter: "Lord Bartbas, it seems that we can only swallow this matter. Down."

"What?" Bartbas said for a long time, hoping that Viznera would make a fuss about the leak of combat secrets, but what he was waiting for was this sentence, and he immediately jumped off the barrel and walked towards the door angrily. .

"Lord Bartbas, have you forgotten the result of your previous complaint about martial arts? Although Elise's recent battles have been unsuccessful, due to the previous performance of Samba Xiu and martial arts, the captain's tolerance for her It’s still very high. Not to mention that she still possesses Ji Qi, the key energy to break the seal of Daitanix. Even if she keeps failing, for the sake of Ji Qi, the captain will take it easy. "

"Damn it, are you going to let Elise go just like that?" Bartbas kicked the wine barrel, and the purple wine flowed all over the floor.

"Don't be impatient, be impatient. Since anger is Elise's gold medal for avoiding death, Lord Bartbas, as long as we find a way to destroy this gold medal, it will be fine."

"You mean to find the excitement before Elise?"

Biznera shook his head: "We don't know magic. Even if we find the Ji Qi, we probably won't be able to break the seal. Instead of trying so hard to find the Ji Qi, it's better to find a way with Tanix."

"Are you crazy?" Buttbas quickly covered his mouth and lowered his voice, "Datanix is ​​the captain's most precious thing, how dare you do anything to it!"

"Of course I don't have the guts to attack Daitanix," Biznera smiled, his originally clear voice showing a bit of weirdness, "But we can do a little trick so that Daitanix can't receive it. Excited."

"Haha, sure enough, I knew it was a wise decision to keep you!" Batbas laughed heartily. He grabbed a wine barrel and poured a few sips into his mouth, "Biznera, do that If you need anything, just tell me and I will get it for you.”

"Thank you Lord Bartbas for your appreciation," Biznera bowed and saluted to show respect, and continued, "May I ask when is the next time Elise will inject Ji Qi? I need to feel the energy of Ji Qi up close. Waves can produce corresponding energy guidance devices.”

"Damn it, Elise just injected too much energy into Datanix the day before you came. You can only wait a week for the next time. Biznera, you have to speed up. Datanix is ​​not far away from being unblocked. ”

"Don't worry, Lord Bartbas, businessmen are best at seizing opportunities."


I started to speed up the plot rapidly. It is estimated that the story of the star beast will be over in less than 100 chapters, and then I can start to rescue the emergency. However, I have almost forgotten the emergency plot, and I have to catch up on it during the National Day.

Ⅰ Balbon’s Spearhead (Star Beast Team): [New] Chapter 71 What! Is Daitanix getting a makeover?

A week passed quickly, and Desphias once again returned to Balbon with the passion extracted from Sambash and handed it to Elise.

Elise took the crystal ball filled with aroused energy and felt the energy contained in it. She was like a tax collector who had spent a long time searching for people's treasures but did not meet expectations. She looked displeased and said: "Why are you here this week?" So much?"

"The martial arts security company has just been established, and there are many things that need Samba Xiu's help, so his practice of beast fist has been delayed for a few days."

"He and Wudao really have a deep brotherly relationship," Ilias sneered, with a bit of bitterness in her tone, not knowing whether it was out of envy or jealousy, she waved her hand, "Remember to remind Sambashu when you go back, tell him not to forget the serious things, there are only three demons left under my command, and I have sent Balki Balki out, including me, I can only delay him for another three weeks at most."

Ilias' words were obviously biased, even the unworldly Disphias could hear Ilias's side: "Sister, are you going to stand on Sambashu's side completely?"

Ilias did not deny it, but just complained: "The Galaxy people are really too difficult to deal with."

At first, when she first took the position of the action captain, Ilias only regarded Sambashu as her alternative retreat, because the reward for resurrecting Daitanix was half of Zihab's private vault, far exceeding the 10% she agreed with Sambashu.

But after each battle failed, Zihab would take the opportunity to attack, thereby reducing the amount of rewards that had not yet been issued. So after several battles failed, Ilias had lost countless gold coins without even touching a single gold coin.

Perhaps Zihab wanted to stimulate the greedy Ilias in this way, prompting her to come up with the next battle plan as soon as possible and revive Daitanix as soon as possible.

But unfortunately, the effect was minimal.

"In short, let him accumulate enough energy to remove 15% of the seal within two weeks as soon as possible, that would be the safest way."

After giving another instruction to Disphias, Ilias stood up, holding the crystal ball filled with energy and left the room, ready to inject energy into Daitanix.

Although this week's energy is much less than last week, it can also remove 5% of the seal.

At the same time, at the bottom of the Barbon Castle, where it is connected to the surface of Daitanix's skin, Biznera and Bartbas are hiding stealthily.

"Ilias, why hasn't she started yet? She's so slow. No wonder the battles always fail." Bartbas scratched his head and complained impatiently.

Biznera raised his hand to cover Bartbas' mouth and lowered his voice: "Lord Bartbas, keep your voice down. I've received news that Ilias has already set off. If she hears the noise, she will be alerted."

In order to reduce the loss of the excitation energy during the transmission process, Ilias no longer directly injects the excitation energy into the Daitanix on the deck, but injects the excitation energy into the Daitanix as close as possible.

"I know, I know." As it was about seizing power, Bartbas lowered his voice very cooperatively, waiting for Ilias's arrival.

Soon, Ilias came to the surface of Daitanix with a crystal ball filled with excitation energy, chanted a spell, and injected the excitation energy into Daitanix.

Seeing this, Biznera quickly took out the energy collection and analysis device that he had spent three days to make, and cleverly absorbed a little of the overflowing excitation energy.

However, he did not leave in a hurry. Instead, he waited until Ilias left and quickly came to the place where the excitation energy had just been injected, took out another hastily made machine, and inserted it into the thick epidermis of Daitanix.

He wanted to analyze the principle of how the excitation energy could remove the seal of Daitanix, so that he could come up with a way to break the seal as soon as possible after helping Bartbas to bring down Ilias.

Before coming down, Biznera had told Bartbas about his plan, so Bartbas did not show too much impatience at this time, but calmly and cautiously warned Biznera.

"Strange, what's going on?"

Biznera's surprise attracted Bartbas's attention. He observed the surrounding environment and confirmed that there was no one around and came to Biznera's side: "What did you find?"

Biznera did not answer, but took out a knife with a serious face, ran to the skin where Daitanix was removing the seal, and stabbed it hard.

With a "clang", the knife broke.

What followed was Bartbass's reprimand in a low voice: "Are you crazy?"

"Lord Bartbass, please use your axe to split this place open quickly. There are some things I need to verify." Seeing Bartbass hesitating, Biznera quickly added, "Your attack will not cause much damage to Daitanix. At most, it can only be regarded as a scratch. If you can prove my idea, then Ilias's gold medal of immunity from death will be gone!"

I don't know which sentence gave Bartbass the courage. He gritted his teeth, swung the axe to cut Daitanix's skin, and cut a cut as thick as a forearm.

"Sure enough, just like I guessed, Daitanix is ​​not only removing the seal, but also accepting transformation!"

Ⅰ Barbon's Gun Head (Star Beast Team): [New] Chapter 72 Defection is a compulsory course in life for Barbon cadres

Regarding Daitanix, Biznera and Bartbass went straight to the cab after going up and informed them of their findings.

After listening to the two people's reports, Zihab stood up suddenly: "What? Daitanix is ​​being transformed by the energy?"

He instantly looked at Ilias, who was waiting for the battle report from his subordinates, and the reproach in his eyes was as sharp as a sword. Who let Ilias be responsible for injecting the energy into Daitanix?

Bukladis on the side didn't know the actual situation, but Ilias was his niece after all. After seeing Zihab's bad expression, he jumped out to defend Ilias immediately: "Captain, Warcraft has a strong adaptability. Maybe Daitanix is ​​absorbing the power of the earth to welcome a new evolution?"

As the most knowledgeable person in Balban, Bukradis still has a say in academic matters. Moreover, Warcraft does have the ability to regain a new life through the power of planets, so Qihab's expression softened slightly.

He turned to look at Serinda without giving any instructions. The other party came to the rudder and kicked it hard, causing the rudder to rotate rapidly.

Sherinda is checking the connection between Balbon Castle and the World of Warcraft Daitanix. If Daitanix is ​​indeed actively absorbing the power of the planet rather than passively transforming it, then the control connection between Balban Castle and Daitanix will be Nothing will go wrong.

However, the rapidly rotating rudder stopped suddenly at a certain moment, as if it was stuck by something.

There was no trace of panic on Xelinda's face. She turned the rudder a few times and kicked it again.

The rudder began to spin again, only this time it stopped for only a second.

Xelinda's expression began to look ugly. Although she always had a bad expression, this time she was a bit fierce. After operating the rudder for a while, she looked at Elise: "One hundred and seventy of the two hundred control units cannot be connected. Elise, you'd better explain!"

Perhaps because she had long anticipated the day when she would be exposed, Elise showed extremely natural acting skills and collapsed directly on the ground, looking like she was collapsed: "This, how is this possible? I don't know how to get angry. It will lead to such a result, Captain, I really don’t know, I’m just following orders.”

Regardless of her eyes or her tone of voice, Elise's superb performance deceived everyone present, and everyone was willing to believe that she had no idea that the excitement would transform Daitanix.

However, Qihab would not let go of his fault just because he didn't know anything. He walked up to Elise who was sitting paralyzed and said, "Elise, for the sake of your ignorance, I won't hold you accountable." It's a mistake, but the reward I gave you because of your anger..."

"I...I know, I will send the gold coins back." Elise gritted her teeth and forced herself to say these words. This was not acting, she was really distressed. After all, she had half of the gold coins. Samba had already been repaired, which meant she had to make up for the missing parts herself.

"Do you think this is enough?" Qihab raised his voice, like a judge imposing judgment.

Elise was startled, and her pupils shrank suddenly. Could it be that she had to lose all her wealth?

Fortunately, Qihab did not rest on his laurels, but said: "Elise, the mistakes you have made must be made up for with merit. Please cheer me up for the battle to resurrect Titanicus."

The implication is that he has no intention of removing Elise from her position as operations captain, but Titanic's resurrection will not give any more rewards.

"I, I understand." Elise understood this, but had to agree with a look of grievance. In her heart, she stood more firmly on Samba Xiu's side, because she could only support Samba Xiu. There is a path to choose.

"You go down first." Qihab waved his hand, and his magnanimous look was indeed a bit like a leader.

Elise left knowingly, walked out of the cab and rushed to her room without stopping. She wanted to inform Samba Xiu of the news.

Since Elise had caused such a big trouble, Bukradis was too embarrassed to stay in the cab and left on short legs.

Seeing that there were all his own people in the cab, Bartbas finally couldn't help it anymore and shouted loudly: "Captain, what's going on with you? Why do you let that loser Elise be the captain of the operation? Even Titanicus In this case, shouldn’t we first find a way to restore Daitanix to his previous state?”

"What do you idiot know? I just checked and there is no problem with the control connection of the heart." Sherinda explained with disdain, "The most important thing for Titanic is the heart. As long as the heart has not been modified, then it doesn't matter. How the body changes is still under our control.”

"But what does this have to do with letting Elise continue to serve as the operations captain?" Bartbas asked in confusion.

Biznera also added his own thoughts: "I heard that the excitement was not produced by Elise, but the energy that originally existed on the earth. Titanic once had abnormal movements due to the excitement. It shows that even if there is no Elise to collect and inject, Titanic will be completely transformed by the aura. The top priority should be to minimize the impact of the aura on Titanic. Captain, Lord Bartbas has designed a device that can transfer The agitation device can be produced recently, so Lord Bartbas is more suitable for the role of operations captain."

Zihab was well aware of Bartbas’ abilities and knew that Biznera had given his credit to Bartbas, but he did not expose it: “Butbas, I am very pleased that you can make this device, but I can’t give you the position of operations captain.”

"Why?" Butbas didn't understand why Qihab still didn't agree to let him serve as the captain of the operation even though Biznera had mentioned this.

"If you are made the operations captain, how can we let Elise die?" Sherinda spoke for Qihab again and said the most cruel words.

"You should know what is going on with Elise's immortality, right?" Qihab asked.

Batbas nodded, but didn't understand why Qihab mentioned this: "After Elise's physical body dies, the soul will return and condense into a bright gem. It only takes a while for the soul gem to gather magic power and form She reinvents her body.”

"Elise's soul gem can not only reshape the body, but also protect Titanic's heart from any energy intrusion." Sherinda added.

Qihapu lowered his face and pretended to be angry: "Don't speak too cruelly, Sherinda. If Elise's battle succeeds, we won't need her soul gem."

Hearing this, Xuelinda didn't say anything more, she just snorted coldly.

After all, everyone in Balbon has their own understanding of how troublesome the Galaxy people are.

"Anyway, we have to prepare for the worst. If Elise's battles always fail, we have no choice but to ask her to make some sacrifices for Balban." Qihab looked at Bart with a righteous look. Bass's eyes were full of smiles, "When the time comes, you will be able to show off your talents, Bart Bass."

Qihab said this, so it was natural that Batbas could no longer compete to be the captain of the operation, so he could only move his wrist: "Captain, just wait and see my performance!"

Perhaps it was because of Bartbas's own sense of humor, or perhaps because he thought of Elise's tragic ending, everyone present laughed heartily.

However, what they didn't know was that their conversation was overheard by Bukradis.

After leaving the cab, Bukradis planned to comfort Elise, but Butbas's voice was so loud that he could still hear it even after he walked more than ten meters away.

And because he was already curious about why Qihab didn't revoke Elise's position as operations captain, he turned back out of curiosity after hearing Bartbas's question.

Who knew I would hear such crucial information.

"No, we must tell Elise the news and ask her to escape from Balban!"

But when Bukradis came to Elise's room, the other party was asking Sambaxiu for advice on the precautions for suspended animation.

Ⅰ Balbon’s Spear Head (Star Beast Team): [New] Chapter 73: Elise’s fake death scene begins!

Rushing into Elise's room and seeing the shadow appearing on the crystal ball, Buclades initially thought it was just an inconspicuous soul. After all, Elise has the habit and hobby of collecting the souls of the dead. He is not unreasonable. Know.

It's just that until now, he can still allow Elise to indulge in fun.

Holding down the glowing crystal ball, cutting off the communication magic between Elise and Sambaxiu, Bukradis said righteously: "Elise, the captain plans to use your soul gem to maintain Titanic's heart is unaffected by anger, and he wants to squeeze every last bit of value out of you right down to your soul."

After hearing this, Elise was stunned for a moment, and then breathed a long sigh of relief with a face filled with joy: "It seems that my decision is wise. Fortunately, I just talked with Samba Xiu about the precautions for suspended animation."

"Sambaxiu?" Hearing this name that has become synonymous with losers in Balbon, Bukradis was stunned. He lowered his head and looked at the crystal ball under his palm, "The one just now was not the soul imprisoned by you. , but Samba Xiu? He is still alive?"

"Yes, he is still alive and has gained old nourishment."

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