Bukladis nodded: "With the assistance of the Space Police Earth Department, the progress is much faster than I thought. As early as last week, the Black Knight was able to use the Knight's Battle Axe to split things with the same hardness as the Star's Fate."

"Very good." Samba took out his mobile phone and called Wudao, Ilias and others in turn.

Soon, Samba's office was crowded with people.

After sending the secretary out of the office, Wudao asked directly: "Samba, what happened? Why did you suddenly gather everyone together?"

Samba did not beat around the bush and said directly: "It's time to counterattack."

Hearing this, everyone present was refreshed and their eyes burst into eager light.

Samba looked at Disphias and asked, "Disphias, is everything ready on your side?"

Disphias took out a small package from behind and handed it over: "Everything is ready."

"Very good," Samba nodded with satisfaction and looked at everyone, "Then it's time to ask Balbon for our resettlement allowance."

Ⅰ Balbon's Gun Head (Star Beast Team): [New] Chapter 85 Qihabu's chest has a new wound

In the cab of Balbon Castle, Qihabu sat in his captain's chair, his shoulder armor and navy blue captain's uniform, which looked like an old wooden warship, were taken off and hung on one side, revealing his strong and powerful red body.

There were two long cross scars on Qihabu's chest. Unlike the scars on Samba's chest, the two scars on Qihabu's chest were not marks left by sword fighting, but more like marks left after suture surgery.

Not only that, one of the two scars obviously accompanied Qihab for many years, while the other seemed to be newly added recently.

"Captain, do you feel better from your injury?" Xuelinda came behind Qihab and reached out to gently touch Qihab's chest.

"It's okay, just remove the shrapnel." As for the new scar on his chest, Qihab explained that when supervising Yaduoduo to sort out Samba Shu's armory, he accidentally triggered a grenade, and the operation was performed to remove the grenade fragments that flew into his chest due to the explosion.

In order to prove that there was nothing wrong with his body, Qihab stood up and did several chest expansion exercises in front of Xuelinda.

But after Qihab proved himself, his right hand unconsciously placed on his chest, feeling the energy in his chest, and his eyes became more solemn.

Xuelinda saw that Qihab was in good health, and there was a faint smile on the corner of her mouth.

But after noticing the low pressure emanating from Qihab, she hurriedly came behind Qihab, and while massaging Qihab's shoulders, she guessed, "Captain, are you worried that Decius will not execute the operation after knowing the truth about the operation?"

"Decius," Qihab, who was thinking about the problem, laughed sarcastically when he heard this question. He picked up the shoulder armor and clothes hanging on the side and put them on with the help of Shelinda, "A stray dog ​​who joined Balbon to survive, does he have any choice?"

Qihab could understand Shelinda's idea. After all, the theme of Balbon's operation this time was to inject the energy of the stars into Daitanix.

According to Biznera, when he first came to Earth, he encountered a comet with huge energy, and according to his calculations, today is the day when the comet is closest to the Earth.

And if you want to use this energy to revive Daitanix, you need a giant demon to act as an energy transfer station and use his body to transmit this huge energy to Daitanix.

But no matter whether the operation is successful or not, the demon responsible for executing the plan will die after the operation.

Shelinda nodded, not quite understanding, and asked: "Then... Captain, what are you worried about?"

Qihabu did not answer Shelinda's question, but raised his left hand and knocked on the armrest of the chair, calling in Yaduoduo: "Is there any news about Bukladis's whereabouts?"

"Report to the captain, we have searched the nearby sea area and did not find Bukladis's body!" Yaduoduo stood straight with his legs together, his tone trembling, full of fear.

Because after hearing the news, Qihabu's face was so gloomy that he seemed to want to eat people.

"Captain, what's wrong?" Although Shelinda could keep in tacit understanding with Qihabu most of the time and understand each other's thoughts, since Qihabu had a scar on his chest, Shelinda could not keep up with Qihabu's thinking.

But even if Shelinda is Qihabu's true confidant, Qihabu has a secret that he cannot confess to Shelinda, that is, his body is buried with the Star's Life, and Bukladis is the one who buried the Star's Life in his chest, and he is also the only one who knows how to defeat him.

"Shelinda, you immediately lead a few teams of Yadodo to find Bukladis's whereabouts on land. I suspect he is not dead yet." Qihabu thought of the battle reports sent by Yadodo during the previous battles, in which the new weapon of the Black Knight was mentioned as a battle axe, and a sense of uneasiness surged in his heart.

Shelinda nodded, accepted the task issued by Qihabu, called a few teams of Yadodo, and was about to go out when a vibration came.

"Is Daitanix going to be resurrected?" Qihabu stood up from the chair with a face full of surprise, looked at the trembling Yadodo, and ordered, "Go and find out if the battle was successful."

Yadodo, who received the order, turned around and rushed out of the cab as if he had been pardoned.

Feeling the continuous vibrations under his feet, Qihab stopped Sherinda, who was about to leave to find the whereabouts of Bukradis: "Datanix is ​​about to be resurrected, and you, the helmsman, cannot leave."

"Captain, then Bukradis..."

"It doesn't matter. As long as Titanicus is successfully resurrected, the earth will cease to exist. No matter how much Bucladesh hides, he won't be able to make any waves." Qihab was in a good mood, but for some reason, his inner uneasiness became even more intense. Intense.

A few minutes later, the cab door was kicked open.

I saw Batbas walking in panting. Before Zihab and Sherinda asked about the battle situation, he asked: "Captain, what is going on? The battle has not started yet. What's wrong with Daitanix?" About to be resurrected?"

Hearing this, Sherinda immediately expressed her question on behalf of Qihab: "What? The battle hasn't started yet?"

"That's right, that guy Decius said he had to have a good fight before carrying out the operation, and now he's dragging Galaxy Yellow into a duel? I originally wanted to stop him and let him concentrate on his mission. Who knew that I suddenly felt the movement of Datanix, so I could only let Biznera stare at that guy Decius, and I will come back to take a look myself. "

After Butbas explained the situation on his side in detail, Qihab suddenly felt something was not good: "It's not good."

Pushing away Bartbas, who was still breathing heavily, he ran towards the bottom of the castle and the back of Daitanix.

Seeing this, Xuelinda quickly followed.

"Hey, wait for me." Batbas rushed back in a hurry, barely breathing, but he still had to keep up with Qihab.

However, when Bartbas came to the bottom of the castle and stood on the uneven back of Daitanix, he almost choked to death from inhaling too much.

Because he saw the dead Samba Xiu, Martial Arts, and Elise standing next to Titanic's heart, surrounding it in a circle.

"Sambaxiu, you are still alive!" Batbas couldn't hide his surprise and screamed.

However, Sherinda and Qihab noticed that the crystal ball in Elise's hand was shining and exuding a familiar energy: "That's excitement!"

"Batbas, call your demons quickly to stop Sambaxiu and the others from resurrecting Titanic!" Qihab reacted quickly, drew out the scimitar from his waist and rushed forward, preparing to interrupt Elise. 's spellcasting and buy time for Butterbass.

Serinda also immediately pulled out her accessories and pounced on Elise who was injecting excitement into Daitanix.

However, just as the two of them were about to arrive, Sangbasiu and Budao also moved.

I saw Samba Xiu taking out a machine gun from somewhere and pointing it at Qihab with a burst of violent fire.

Martial arts, on the other hand, used complicated sword techniques to fight with Xuelinda.


It's appropriate to add some drama to Qihab. After all, it would be a pity if Samba Xiu couldn't defeat the boss with his own hands. As for not matching the introduction, it shouldn't be a big problem, hehe.

Ⅰ Balbon’s Spearhead (Star Beast Team): [New] Chapter 86 A one-way ticket for Qihab

Qihab's head turned quickly. When he saw Sambaxiu and the others for the first time, he understood that Sambaxiu and Martial Arts were just pretending to die before, and the soul gem he got from Bukradis was just a piece of stone. Counterfeit.

And when Zihab saw Elise using the crystal ball in her hand to continuously inject exciting energy into Titanic's heart, he understood even more that the so-called exciting energy was not a special energy sealed all over the earth. Energy, but the handiwork of Samba Xiu. Sambasio's plan had already begun when Elise first injected energy into Titanicus.

"Elise, you guy, have you already betrayed me before you became the captain of the operation?" Qihab's ferocious red face was full of sternness, and his voice was low, like a strong wind passing through the canyon, With anger and hidden roar.

When Elise heard this, her tone was playful: "Captain, this greedy bastard of mine is just betting on both ends. Besides, the prerequisite for betrayal is loyalty. Captain, I am not a martial artist. I have only done it for money from the beginning." Join Balbon."

Qihab didn't know how to refute Elise's shamelessness, but when he heard her mention martial arts, Qihab avoided Sambaxiu's shots while turning his attention to martial arts who was fighting with Sherinda: "Martial Arts, is this your loyalty?"

The martial arts was not affected by Qihab's sharp gaze like a sharp knife. He continued to chop, chop, pick, and stab at a rapid pace, forcing Sherinda to retreat continuously: "Good birds choose trees to roost, and virtuous ministers choose trees." It’s all about the Lord. Qihab, how do you respond to my loyalty?”

Wu Dao's words made Qihab feel a little guilty, but he quickly adjusted his mentality and said sternly: "It is an indisputable fact that the Raging Wave warriors stole the light of the galaxy and led to the failure of the battle."

"You know the truth in your heart." After saying that, the slash from Yiyu in the martial arts hand became sharper.

And Samba Xiu's voice came out at the right time: "I tell you, captain, it's best not to be distracted when fighting."

Qihab stopped questioning Martial Arts and Elise, and when he came back to his senses, he saw Samba Xiu looking at him with a half-smile. When he was about to step forward, he kicked something with his foot.

When he lowered his eyebrows and looked down, he saw a circle of square boxes surrounding him, glowing with red light.


There was a loud noise, and a huge explosion occurred at Qihab's feet.

However, as the leader of Balbang, Qihab's strength should not be underestimated. Although the explosion caused a big noise, it only damaged Qihab's clothes and made him look a little embarrassed.

Looking at Qihab's still healthy health bar and the 98.5% mark on the back of the blood bar, Sambaxiu sighed in his heart about the opponent's strength as a BOSS, and became more determined to throw Qihab, the hot potato, to him. Ideas in the hands of galactic people.

At this moment, Butterbas's triumphant laughter sounded, and he came with the remaining demons, all of whom were elite.

Therefore, Butbas was extremely confident at this time. He ran a few steps quickly, used an iron mountain to push away the martial arts, and joined the battle.

And the demons under him also walked forward quickly, protecting Qihab's body, each one showing extremely loyalty.

"The momentum is good," Samba Xiu praised, with a bit of yin and yang in his tone. He looked at Martial Arts and shouted, "Martial Arts, we can take a rest."

Hearing this, Wu Dao dodged and distanced himself from Butbas.

Then, two figures sprang out from the darkness and quickly passed by Qihab and others.

"Who?" Batbas looked around, extremely wary.

"What is this?" Xuelinda was the first to notice the abnormality. She touched her shoulder, and there was a piece of paper covered with spells stuck there.

At this time, the two brothers Anmaru and Onimaru walked out of the darkness.

With a smirk on his face, Anmaru answered Xelinda's question: "Tickets."

Onimaru echoed from the side: "Just a reminder, it's a one-way ticket."

As soon as he finished speaking, Desphias was seen slowly walking out from behind Elise, reciting an ancient spell.

The white paper on Qihab and others also lit up with a dangerous red light.

"Tear off that paper quickly!" Qihab reacted quickly and threw away the white paper before Sherinda noticed its existence.

However, when Qihab and others tore off the white paper, a golden magic circle rose under their feet.

Disfias poked the staff on the ground, and the golden magic circle covered Qihab and others from bottom to top.

"No, this paper is just a cover!"

How could Qihab fail to react? This blank piece of paper was clearly just a cover for the magic circle.

It's a pity that even if Qihab reacts, it will be useless, because the magic circle is already in effect at this time.

A bright light flashed, and he, Serinda, Bartbas and others were no longer on Daitanix's back, but in a remote suburb of the city.

"Damn it, cunning Sambaxiu, he tricked you!" Qihab clenched his fists angrily and said to the men behind him, "Go back to the castle quickly! Otherwise, it will be too late."

"It's just Captain, is it too late for us to go back now?" Xuelinda frowned, her eyes full of sorrow.

But Bass said categorically: "It's too late. Just in case, Biznera implanted an excitation absorption device in Daitanix's heart. This can buy us enough time."

"Very good, Bartbas, your decision to keep Biznera was right." Qihab nodded with great relief.

He was about to set off to rush back to Balbon, but the roar of the Galactic people came from behind him.


"Galaxy people? How come they are here?" Sherinda asked in confusion. It stands to reason that the Galaxy people should still be busy solving Decius's affairs at this time. How come they are here?

At the same time, on Daitanix's back.

"Thank you so much, Director Dochikuruga." Sambaxiu hung up the phone and sighed to everyone with a smile, "The space police are different. They work much more efficiently than those tax thieves. The crowd was evacuated two hours ago and the news was sent to the Galaxy people."

"Would it be a bit too forced to let the Galaxy people fight against Qihab, Sherinda, Batbas and four demons at the same time?" Martial Arts was really worried about the Galaxy people.

"It's okay. With their strength, it shouldn't be a problem to hold on for five or six minutes. Besides, there are other super teams taking care of them. We don't need to worry about some things. After Titanicus is resurrected, how can we loot all of Barbang?" Something we should consider.”

Seeing the evil smile on Samba Xiu's lips, Wu Dao always felt that the last sentence was the key point: "You guy, there is a good knife in Qihab's treasure house, remember to leave it to me."

"You can go get what you want when the time comes." Samba Xiu was in a good mood and came to Elise's side. "How is the progress, Elise?"

However, Elise's expression was solemn: "The speed at which Titanic absorbs the excitement is wrong. It will take at least ten minutes to unblock it. It should be because Qihab and the others have done something to Titanic's heart. "

"Huh? I'll go take a look."

After that, Sambaxiu jumped down from the hole and went to the heart of Daitanix to find something strange.

Ⅰ Balbon's Spearhead (Star Beast Team): [New] Chapter 87 The magician punches!

Braving the fishy and rotten stench, enduring the blood and nausea, Sambaxiu rummaged through Daitanix's chest for a long time, and finally found the agitation absorption device installed in Daitanix's heart by Viznera.

Taking out his pistol and pulling the trigger, Sambaxiu destroyed the device neatly, jumped out of Daitanix's chest with a bit of embarrassment, and returned to Daitanix's back.

Considering the unpleasant smell that he had been exposed to, Sambaxiu did not approach Elise and just asked from a distance: "There is a strange device in Titanic's heart. It has been removed. How is the situation now?"

Ilias had a cold face, and the crystal ball in her hand had lost its light: "The energy is used up, but the heart of Daitanix is ​​only 80% unlocked."

"It shouldn't be," Disphias pointed at Ilias's crystal ball, looking surprised, "The energy accumulated by the leader during this period is enough to revive another Daitanix, how come 20% of the heart is still not unlocked?"

"It can only be because of that thing," Ilias looked at the hole leading to Daitanix's chest with some self-blame, "It's my negligence."

Sambaxiu comforted: "Fortunately, it's only the heart that is still 20%, not that Daitanix's entire body is only unlocked 80%. I can unlock this seal by practicing the beast fist a few times."

"You're too late, Sambaxiu!"

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