After commanding the Yadodos to organize Balbon's treasures into categories, Budo received a notification from Onimaru.

"General Yu, I have received my lord. He is seriously injured and needs medical treatment."

It was naturally impossible for Martial Arts to let Anmaru twist Samba Xiu to the hospital, so he immediately looked at Elise.

Elise reacted quickly, took out her mobile phone and dialed Bukradis, who was waiting for news at the Space Police Earth Bureau, and called the learned little old man to Sambaxiu's home.

She and Budao picked up the Star Fate and used Disfias's teleportation magic to go back first to prepare the things needed for the operation.

Onimaru moved very quickly, and soon he brought Samba Xiu, who was only half alive, into the room.

Looking at the shocking scars on Samba Xiu's body, Bukradis, who rushed here, was stunned for a moment, and felt even more guilty. In his opinion, Samba Xiu suffered such a serious injury entirely because he was not doing his job. Get it right.

Sangbasiu had obviously warned him that Qihab might move the location of the Star Fate, so as a scholar, he should have considered the possibility of Qihab inserting a second Star Destiny into his body.

With such guilt, Bukradis carefully selected for a long time, and selected a black Star Life with the best color and the most suitable one for Samba Xiu from a number of Star Life of different colors.

Then, with the assistance of Martial Arts and Elise, the star's destiny was installed on Samba Xiu's chest.

In an instant, the wound that still had the aftertaste of "Black Flash" began to heal, scabbing and falling off at a speed visible to the naked eye.

"Is this so fast?" Elise couldn't hide her surprise and screamed.

Bukradis also frowned. Although the Star Fate in his impression was powerful, the speed of healing the body was not exaggerated to this extent.

Wu Dao had a solemn look on his face, mainly because Bukradis's expression gave him a great sense of insecurity: "Old man, Samba Xiu..."

Before Wu Dao finished speaking, Samba Xiu sat up straight and covered his chest: "It's Daitanix. Daitanix is ​​in my body and helps me accelerate the transformation of energy."

" in your body?" This was beyond Bukradis's knowledge, so he subconsciously read it again.

Elise was also shocked and speechless by the news. After a while, she finally spoke: "I thought you asked Titanicus to hibernate at the bottom of the sea first."

Martial Arts looked worried. After asking about Sambaxiu's physical condition, he continued: "This is too dangerous. Why don't you separate Daitanix?"

Sambaxiu shook his head: "Ditanics has become my Energized Beast, and we can't be separated for the time being. However, I don't feel any discomfort. It should be fine. At most, I will go there in a few days. Ask Master Xia."

After delivering another bombshell news with a calm face, Samba Xiu looked at Martial Arts and Elise: "Let everyone pretend to be the star. You have worked hard this time."

As soon as he finished speaking, Martial Arts objected.


I finished typing on my phone last night and fell asleep. I forgot to post it. I’m so sorry.

Ⅰ Balbon’s Spearhead (Star Beast Team): [New] Chapter 95 The Deal from Hell

"Sudden expansion of strength will induce unnecessary ambitions, Sambaxiu, don't forget that we were once a group of pirates."

Hearing this, Elise had a relaxed look on her face. She didn't need to make excuses this time. She crossed her arms and looked forward to Sambaxiu's answer.

"Martial arts, I am not Qihab."

Samba Xiu's answer was this simple one.

But he was able to block many of the words Wu Dao wanted to say. Wu Dao hesitated and opened his mouth again and again.

Seeing this, Elise loosened her hands from her chest and raised her forehead. In the end, she had to be the right one to play the bad guy.

"Leader, being different from Qihab doesn't mean you can be kind. We are your subordinates, not..."

Before he finished speaking, Sangbasiu spoke and ended the conversation with a sentence: "To me, you are not just subordinates, but also companions who live and die together. It's not that I haven't considered what you are worried about, but instead of worrying about it, Beware that every companion will eventually become another Qihab. I would rather believe in the friendship of escaping hell together.”

Elise chuckled helplessly, obviously she was no better than martial arts: "Yes, leader."

The matter of installing the Star Fate for everyone was decided. It was just six consecutive surgeries, but the little old man Buclades was exhausted.

A few days later, Samba Xiu was lying on his side on the sofa, while his eyes glanced at the newly added [Street Fighter Gulinki], [Assassin Anmaru], [Ninja Onimaru], and [Dimension Walker Diss] in the adventure group. Fias], while looking at Elise and Martial Arts, whose chests were covered with bandages, he asked with concern: "How is your recovery going?"

"Seven, seven, eighty-eight, it doesn't affect the movement anymore. It is expected that it will return to normal in two days." Wu Dao said, moving his shoulders a few times.

Feeling the powerful life fluctuations of the star destiny in her body, Elise asked Sambaxiu a question that had troubled her for several days: "So how did you defeat Qihab, who has the star destiny?"

It was only later that Elise learned from Bukradis that Chihab had buried two stars in his chest. After experiencing the power of the stars, she naturally had a little more respect for Samba Xiu.

Sangbasiu didn't hide it: "Is this all thanks to you?"

"What does it have to do with us?" Budao first asked the question that Elise also wanted to know the answer to.

Sambaxiu did not reply directly, but continued to ask: "After you defeated Sherinda and Bartbas, your professions have reached level 50, right?"

Budo and Elise nodded.

"After you reached level 50, I also acquired your skills at the same time. It is precisely because of these skills that we made up for the skill gap between Qihab and me."

Having said that, Martial Arts and Elise's awe for Samba Xiu has not diminished at all.

But when it came to skill sharing, Sambaxiu thought of Dark King Kil.

"Elise, could you please release the level 45 Summoned Elf King for me to take a look at? My skills seem to be somewhat different from the description."

Naturally, Elise would not refuse this small request. She stood up and first used the two skills [Elf Summon: Adyan] and [Elf Summon: Ice Ness] to summon a ball of fire and a piece of ice, and then Then he used [Elf Summoning: Igabella] to summon a humanoid elf.

"Why is it so troublesome?" Samba Xiu frowned in confusion.

"Summoning the Elf King is such a troublesome thing to begin with, so why are yours different from mine?" Elise asked in return.

Sambaxiu nodded and stood up. As soon as he released his [Elf Summon: Iga Bella], he found that although the icon was still the "Hexagram + Crown" icon, the skill name had changed to "Hell Summon:" Dark King Kil].

Just like when this skill was released in Balban's cab before, a door made of bones rose from the ground.

Then it slowly opened, and Dark King Kil slowly walked out.

"Summoner, are you ready to talk to me about the transaction?" Kil first glanced at Samba Xiu, then pointed at Elise and Martial Arts, and asked, "The enemy this time is this How many?”

There was a bloodthirsty smile on Kil's face, as if he could tear Martial Arts and Elise into pieces with just a nod from Samba Xiu.

"They are my companions. On the one hand, I want to summon you to find out the connection between you and me, and on the other hand, I want to talk to you about the transaction."

"Okay," Kil was not polite, pulled the small table and sat down in front of Samba Xiu, "I like a cheerful guy like you. Now that there is still time, let me answer your questions first."

Kil's face was kind, although this kind of kindness seemed a bit awkward because of the scars on his face: "My answer is I don't know, and I don't know why I got in touch with you. I just remember that a picture suddenly appeared in front of me. Paper, although I can't understand what is written on it, I can understand the content on the paper. It says that as long as I sign a contract with you and become your summon, I will gain powerful power and be able to defeat the great witch Grandinu. strength."

"Great Witch Grandinu?"

Elise’s question gave Kil the opportunity to continue.

"In a year and a half, when the planets in the solar system are arranged to form a grand cross with the earth as the center, the earth will become the gathering point of negative energy in the entire universe. The great witch Grandinu who destroys the world will come and bring disaster and disasters. Despair spreads.”

Xu Shigeer's tone when giving the background introduction was somewhat resentful, which made Wu Dao mistakenly think that the other party was a good person who hated evil. He showed a somewhat appreciative look: "So you want to stop her?"

Kil smiled contemptuously, as if he was mocking the naivety of martial arts: "I don't care about that kind of thing. If the world is destroyed, just destroy it. I just want to send my mother to hell with my own hands."

Even though Sambaxiu had long known about the "deep mother-son love" between Kil and the great witch Grandinu, he was still a little shocked when he heard Kil's declaration of matricide with his own ears.

Elise's reaction was even greater. She had been raised by her uncle since she was a child, but she longed for the affection of her parents. Naturally, she couldn't understand what Kiel was thinking: "Grandinu is your mother? Is there any misunderstanding between you and her?" ?”

"Misunderstanding? I don't think there is any misunderstanding in throwing my newborn biological son into the dark hell. She just saw my potential and was worried that I would ban her from becoming the true leader of the disaster demon clan, so she wanted to use this method Kill me! There is no misunderstanding between me and her!”

After saying that, Kil looked at Samba Xiu: "Summoner, make a deal with me. You help me obtain the power to defeat the great witch Grandinu, and I will clear all obstacles for you."

Sambaxiu shook his head: "I don't need you to clear any obstacles for me."

"You mean the deal doesn't work?"

Instantly, the atmosphere in the room became tense.

Sambaxiu shook his head at the right time to ease the atmosphere: "The deal is established, but I want to change the content of the deal. What you need to do is not to clear the obstacles, but to leave the dark hell and control the inner impulse and desire for destruction. Join my company after defeating the great witch Grandinu.”

Now that the contract has been signed, Sambaxiu feels that he cannot get rid of Kil. Instead of letting the other party come to the ground to do evil in a year and then be defeated by the Galaxy and GOGOV, it is better to let the other party try to restrain himself and absorb the other party to become his own strength.

No matter what Kil said, he was also the child of the great witch Grandinu, and the blood flowing in his body was thirsty for destruction and destruction. Therefore, after listening to Sambaxiu's request, the corner of his mouth twitched: "Are you serious?"

"I agree that the deal will be established, but I don't agree that the deal will fall through. In short, the choice is yours."


After finishing the plot of Electromagnetic VS Star Beast, you can officially start the rescue plot.

Finally, the heroine can have a role.

Ⅰ Balbon's Spearhead (Star Beast Team): [New] Chapter 96 Decius

Because Sangbasiu persisted in sending Barbang's laid-off employees to Beast Fist, Xia Fu recognized Sangbasiu's ability to recruit new employees.

But even Xia Fu, who has rich experience, believes that "international friends" like Elise and Desphias are already the limit of Samba Xiu's promotion of Beast Fist.

But when he saw Keir standing in front of him, transformed into a human, the feeling of absurdity still spread uncontrollably in his heart.

"Why did you even bring zombies here?"

Yes, in Xia Fu's eyes, Keir is a walking corpse.

This is not because Xia Fu has any grudge against Kil, but because Kil's death energy from the dark hell gave Xia Fu wrong information, leading to a misjudgment.

Xia Fu looked at Sangbasiu, and for the first time he showed a shaky expression: "Jing, this friend of yours..."

"Master Xia, just try your best. Kil is not an unreasonable person." Although Sangbasiu was surprised by Master Xia's answer, he also expressed his understanding.

No matter how low the threshold for practicing Beast Fist is, it is not omnipotent after all.

Taking into account Kil's spontaneous violent temper without guidance, he couldn't help but turn his eyes to Kil on the side, ready to take action to stop the other party's possible excessive behavior.

But after hearing this, Kiel did not show the slightest eagerness or anger. Instead, his eyes were firm and he said confidently: "Humph, I want to see how difficult it is."

With just this sentence, Xia Fu had a rough grasp of Kil's character. Without saying anything more, he guided the other party to start the enlightenment of Beast Fist.

After skillfully guiding the other party to find the beast in his heart, Xia Fu came to Samba Xiu who was practicing Kung Fu and asked about Kil's situation: "Kil's anger is a bit distorted, and this child is a little lacking in love."

Excitement can convey emotions. The enlightenment process just now not only allowed Xia Fu to discover that Kiel was a living person, but also allowed Xia Fu to sense a corner of Kiel's lonely heart.

"Is his family situation not very optimistic?"

When he said this, Xia Fu glanced at Keir like a scout and kept his voice low.

Sambaxiu nodded, not knowing how to answer.

Adding a mother who would throw her own son into a dark hell, even describing such a family situation as "bad" is a bit understatement.

However, compared to several of his other brothers, Kil was relatively lucky. He was just abandoned, while the others were completely used from soul to body.

Like Pluto Kilfissa and Dragon Prince Salamandis, even after they died, they were made into combat puppets to fight against GOGOV.

Therefore, Sambaxiu's view on "Great Witch Grandinu" is that this is a term that is more offensive than that of an animal.

"What a poor man."

Xia Fu stroked the cat's whiskers, suddenly opened his eyes wide and his pupils shrank.

"What is it this time?"

Probably because Kiel has been in a free range state all year round, and the wildness in his heart is like a scorching flame, so Kiel quickly found the beast in his heart.

It was a pitch-black monster with a stooped body, a bulging back like an open umbrella, and no legs visible from the lower body, all supported by tentacles like the roots of an old tree.

Dark Beast, the hell monster that appeared in "Star Beast Sentai Galaxy Man VS Emergency Sentai GOGOV", requires a blood sacrifice to appear. The purpose of Geel's action in the original plot was to summon this monster and destroy everything. For this reason He also gave his own life.

"I don't know if it's genuine?" Samba Xiu rubbed his chin, wondering if the other person's situation was the same as his own, and he needed to absorb the true master into his body in order to exert his full strength.

"It's a real dark beast. I can feel it lurking in my body, although I can only control a small part of it at the moment..." Kil walked to Sambaxiu's side and looked at Sambaxiu with a depressed look in his eyes. Lived with joy and surprise.

"Congratulations then." Samba Xiu applauded in unison.

Xia Fu on the side took out the training strategy that he had formulated in just a few minutes.

"Master Xia, you..."

"Practice makes perfect." Xia Fu stroked his beard and said modestly, "Keir and Elise both need to strengthen their inner training."

"I understand. I'll take him to Master Zhen Zishan in a few days."

Xia Fu shook his head and took out a piece of paper with an address from his pocket: "Zhen Zidan's character is too rigid and not suitable for Keir. You can take Keir to find him when the time comes."

Sangbasiu took the note and looked at the "Hong Jin Bao" written on it, feeling a familiar feeling of rawness rushing over his face.

Kil suddenly leaned into Sambaxiu's ear and whispered: "My summoning time is coming."

Hearing this, Samba Xiu looked at Fu Xia without changing his expression: "Master Xia, since Kiel's beast fist enlightenment has ended, we will go back first. There are a lot of things today, and we have to go to the transmission research later. A trip to the center.”

Samba Xiu didn't lie. He really had to go to the Transmission Research Center and send a piece of Star Life to Dr. Sakurada, otherwise the research and development of Energy Creation wouldn't be able to start.

Xia Fu nodded: "Don't take the passenger elevator when you go down later, take the freight elevator instead."

"What's wrong, Master Xia?"

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