
Seeing that Dr. Sakurada had not recovered from the shock, Sambaxiu looked at Goro Hoshino again: "How are you? Are you interested in cooperating?"

Hoshino Goro nodded and said: "The Earth Defense Force will do its best to provide equipment support and personnel support for new energy research and development. After the new energy comes out, the Earth Defense Force will be responsible for the promotion and popularization of new energy and infrastructure construction. After the new energy is put into mass production, Forty percent of the output will be owned by the Earth Defense Force, and priority will be provided. I wonder if Mr. Hiyama agrees."

"Forty percent," Sangbasiu was ready to split half of it, but he didn't expect that the price offered was even lower. He extended his hand and said, "Happy cooperation."

Hoshino Goro held Samba Xiu's hand: "Happy cooperation!"

Dr. Sakurada finally recovered and suggested: "Mr. Hiyama, without further ado, the research and development work can begin now."

"Okay." Sangbasiu liked this enthusiasm very much, so there was no reason to stop him.

Dr. Sakurada moved quickly, picked up the Star Fate, and called a group of researchers to go to the experimental center to work on the Star Fate.

The testing center suddenly became quite deserted.

Seeing this made Sangbasiu want to laugh.

After chatting with Goro Hoshino for a few more words, Sambaxiu left the Transmission Research Center.

The pace is brisk and the mood is good.

Hoshino Goro did not stay at the testing center, and soon took a bus back to the Earth Defense Force, preparing to inform him of the news of the cooperation with Samba Xiu and the information about the Star's destiny.

And just after everyone left the testing center, the supercomputer that had been shut down by the researcher was started again.

Various indicator lights flashed, like dormant beasts or embryos still gestating.

Ⅰ Balbon's Spearhead (Star Beast Team): [New] Chapter 99 The gears of fate begin to turn!

After leaving the Transmission Research Center, Samba Xiu drove to the Space Police Earth Agency Medical Center to fulfill his agreement with Sunda Matsuri.

As soon as Sangbasiu drove the car to the entrance of the medical center, Xunji, who had already changed into regular clothes, walked out of the medical center.

"Thanks to Miss Sundanji's good luck, I don't have to look for a parking lot." Samba Xiu took the opportunity to joke while opening the back door for Sundanji.

In exchange for Tatsumi's flattered wave, she sat on the back seat and said, "Hiyama-san is joking."

Sambaxiu closed the rear door, walked back to the driver's seat, fastened his seat belt, and started the car with a smile.

Although due to Samba Xiu's deliberate efforts, he and Xunji are relatively familiar with each other, because the two people's daily lives really have little intersection, so the two of them did not have much interaction from the Space Police Earth Agency Medical Center to Xun's house. say.

Until Sambaxiu's car stopped in front of Tatsumi's house, Tatsumi got out of the car and warmly invited: "Mr. Hiyama, can you come down and sit for a while?"

Sangbasiu didn't refuse. He found a place to park the car and followed Xun Ji into Xun's house.

Xu heard the sound of the door opening. When Sangbasiu and Tatsumi entered the house, a man with long hair poked his head out of the kitchen: "Welcome back."

It was Xun Liushui, the second eldest brother among the Xun brothers.

Seeing clearly that it was his gentle sister who entered the door, Xunliu Shui subconsciously asked: "Ji, come and help..."

When he saw Samba Xiu following Tatsumi, Tatsumi's eyes were filled with surprise and excitement: "Mr. Hiyama!"

There was a crisp sound coming from the kitchen, as if a spatula fell to the ground. Xun Liusui, wearing an apron, ran out of the kitchen in a panic, rushed to his tea cabinet, and hurriedly tried to make some sambac. Tea.

When Xunji saw his second brother like this, he looked at Sangbasiu with some embarrassment.

But he saw surprise written on Sangbasixiu's face.

Sangbasiu clearly remembered that the previous few times he came to the Xun family, the attitude of the four Xun brothers towards him could not be said to be harmonious and friendly, but also wary and hostile. Why, after not seeing each other for several months, they seemed to be different people. .

But Sambaxiu soon figured out the reason, because his last visit brought news about their mother who had been missing for many years.

"Brother Liushui, I'll do it."

Xunji pushed his thick brother back to the kitchen with some disgust, and then quickly brought Sambaxiu a cup of tea.

"I made you laugh, Mr. Hiyama."

Sambaxiu picked up the tea cup and took a sip: "I'm still used to their previous attitude."

Hearing this, Xunji's cheeks turned a little red.

She remembered that when Sangbasiu did not inform her and her brothers about the whereabouts of Sundariko, every time Sangbasiu visited her, her brothers would gather together and talk about the "Hiyama Scenery Threat Theory".

Putting aside the messy emotions in his mind, Tatsumi Matsuri said: "Mr. Hiyama brought news about our mother. He is the benefactor of our brothers and sisters."

Samba said: "Miss Xun is serious. Your business is just to repay a favor. You cannot afford such a heavy title as a benefactor."

Xun Ji said angrily: "Mr. Hiyama, the word 'repay a favor' is quite heavy."

Samba Xiu followed the pole and said, "Miss Xun, let's treat this as mutual help between friends."

Hearing Sambaxiu say this, Sundaji felt relieved and sent a new invitation to Sambaxiu: "Mr. Hiyama, let's have dinner here."

Hearing this, Sangbasiu was stunned for a moment and then nodded and accepted the invitation of Sunda Festival.

Xunji stood up happily, walked into the kitchen, and told Xunliushui who was cooking: "Brother Liushui, remember to cook more for dinner."

After saying that, she suddenly realized something and asked, "Brother Liushui, according to the shift schedule, Brother Chan should be responsible for today's dinner, why are you cooking?"

"You just noticed it," Xun Liushui casually complained about his sister's long reaction arc, and explained, "Brother Chan said that a new member came to the fire department and he wanted to hold a welcoming ceremony for that person, so he switched the order with me."

Xun Ji asked, "Brother Chan, weren't the firefighter quotas in the department full a long time ago?"

"As an office clerk," Xun Liushui gave his own guess, "Speaking of which, you just left Mr. Hiyama there."

Xun Ji secretly said that it was not good and turned around quickly.

Suddenly, a cry came from outside: "Mr. Hiyama!"

Xun Ji just walked out of the kitchen and saw her third brother Xun Zhong looking at Samba Xiu excitedly, very out of control.

She was about to speak to stop her third brother's rude and embarrassing shouting, and the door opened.

Her fourth brother Xun Damen finished a day's patrol and returned home.

Then, as expected, after seeing Samba Shu sitting on the sofa, he shouted in surprise and excitement: "Mr. Hiyama!"

Samba Shu was so shocked by the continuous shouting that he almost lost his teacup. He looked at the Xun brothers present and suggested helplessly: "Why don't you return to your previous attitude towards me? I'm not used to you being like this."

Xun Zhong and Xun Damen quickly realized their gaffe, and quickly put their expressions back and greeted Samba Shu again.

In order not to embarrass the two brothers, Xun Ji drove the two brothers back to their respective rooms.

Later, they chatted with Samba Shu.

Perhaps because of the embarrassing performance of the three brothers, Xun Ji and Samba Shu had interesting things to talk about.

In the chat, time was quickly spent.

After a while, Xun Liushui prepared dinner.

But just when Xun Liushui invited Samba Shu to sit down, the door of the Xun family was opened again.

There was no suspense. The one who pushed the door in this time was Xun Chan, the eldest of the Xun brothers.

There was almost no difference. The moment he saw Samba Xiu, Xun Chan also shouted excitedly: "Mr. Hiyama!"

Xun Chan looked at his younger brothers and sisters, and his eyes seemed to ask again, "Why didn't you notify me when Mr. Hiyama came?"

However, what he got was the helpless and weird expressions of his younger brothers and sisters.

Fortunately, Xun Chan was a carefree guy, and was not affected by the awkward atmosphere. Instead, he said to Xun Liushui: "Liushui, add two more sets of tableware."

Xun Ji glanced at Xun Liushui who turned back to get the tableware, and then turned his eyes to Xun Chan and asked: "Brother Chan, did you bring guests?"

As soon as the voice fell, a voice familiar to Samba Xiu sounded from outside the door: "Excuse me, I am Anwan from the same department as Senior Xun Chan."

A sharp young man walked out from behind Xun Chan, and it was Anwan who changed into a human appearance.

At the moment when the ceremony ended, Anwan saw Samba Xiu at the table.

His pupils shrank, and a feeling of surprise spread in his heart. He subconsciously wanted to shout "Lord".

Fortunately, Samba Xiu reacted quickly and spoke first: "Anwan, why are you here?"

Ⅰ Barbon's Gunhead (Star Beast Team): [New] Chapter 100 Motorcycle Order

Unlike Onimaru, who is meticulous and thorough, Anwan has always been simple and straightforward.

But at this moment, when he faced Samba Xiu's question, he was like meeting the idol of his former teammates after going solo, and he was embarrassed and didn't know how to react.

Anwan didn't respond for a long time, and Samba Xiu didn't continue to ask.

He was curious, but he was just a guest after all. If he kept making the atmosphere awkward, the host would lose face.

Just thinking of Anwan's self-introduction when he entered the door, Samba Xiu asked uncertainly: "Anwan, are you resigning?"

Anwan showed a slightly stiff smile: "Yes, I have submitted my resignation to the president. You should know about this tomorrow."

The president mentioned by Anwan is naturally Wudao.

Since Wudao nodded in agreement, Samba Xiu naturally had no objection: "Although I don't know your idea, I hope you can stick to it."

After saying a few polite words, Samba Xiu, who was full of curiosity, decided to go straight to Wudao's house after dinner to ask clearly.

Xun Chan listened aside for a while and figured out the relationship between Samba Xiu and An Wan. He also heard some of Samba Xiu's concern for An Wan. Although this concern was a bit of love for the whole family, he patted his chest and assured: "Mr. Hiyama, don't worry, I will take good care of An Wan."

"Brother Chan, don't let the guests stand at the door." Xun Ji's tone was filled with a fleeting rebuke. She glanced at her eldest brother helplessly and led the two guests, Samba Xiu and An Wan, to sit down.

The dinner of the Xun family has always been sumptuous, unless the eldest brother Xun Chan is the chef.

After sitting down, seeing the dazzling array of dishes on the table, Samba Xiu looked at Xun Liu Shui with a bit of respect in his eyes.

After tasting, this respect turned into a sincere praise from Samba Xiu.

Anwan on the side agreed with this, but due to his limited vocabulary, he could only utter a few words like "delicious" and "awesome" over and over again. In the end, he chose to nod vigorously every time Sambaxiu finished a compliment, which made everyone laugh.

"Our Liushui is not only good at cooking, but also very good at research." Xun Chan was very pleased to hear someone praise his brother. He patted his brother's shoulder with a proud look on his face.

But as the person involved, Xun Liushui only felt embarrassed, and looked at his brother with a bit of resentment: "Brother Chan..."

However, after Xun Chan's reminder, Samba Xiu remembered that there are always a few characters responsible for climbing the technology tree in the previous Super Sentai, and the character responsible for showing technological power in "Rescue Team GOGOV" is GO Blue Xun Liushui in addition to Dr. Xun World.

After briefly recalling the research and development capabilities shown by this person in the original plot, it can be said that if he is given ten years, he may be able to make a combined robot by hand like his father Xun World.

"Mr. Xun Liushui, do you have any research on the research and development and modification of motorcycles?"

Since the first time he pretended to die and lost his beloved car that had been with him for thousands of years, Samba Xiu has always wanted to "renew his string" for himself, but it is a pity that the motorcycle performance that the motorcycle manufacturers on Earth can currently provide cannot meet his needs at all.

Therefore, Samba Shu originally planned to wait until the plot of "Rescue Team" began, that is, after the return of Dr. Xun World, and commissioned him to make a motorcycle for himself. It should not be difficult for him to meet his stringent requirements for motorcycles with his ability to build a coastal base and two combined robots for ten years.

But since there is a Tatsumi Ryusui whose R\u0026D ability is not inferior to that of Xun World, why not let him try it first?

"Motorcycle..." Tatsumi Ryusui fell into a brief thought, and after a moment, his face showed a bit of reminiscence, "I know a little bit."

Although it was a humble word, Samba Shu heard some confidence.

With trust and hope in Tatsumi Ryusui, Samba Shu took out a pen and paper from the inner pocket of his clothes and wrote down a few lines of numbers and symbols: "I want to ask Mr. Ryusui to develop a motorcycle for me, the parameters are roughly as follows."

Samba Shu smiled and pushed the paper with the parameters in front of Tatsumi Ryusui, and Tatsumi Ryusui also took it with a smile.

But after picking up the paper and taking a look at it, Xun Liushui's expression froze.

"Mr. Hiyama, you are not kidding, these parameters are five times the best performance motorcycle on the market today."

Samba Shu shook his head: "No, otherwise I wouldn't have been troubled by this for a long time."

In fact, the actual parameters of the motorcycle that can meet Samba Shu's requirements are much higher than what he has given now.

"But... to build a motorcycle that meets your standards, the price..." Xun Liushui wanted to comfort Samba Shu from the perspective of cost-effectiveness, but when he thought of the estimated wealth of "Fortunate Hiyama Jing" on the front page of a financial newspaper, Xun Liushui swallowed those words back.

Samba Shu didn't know Xun Liushui's mental journey. He only heard two meanings in Xun Liushui's words: first, the motorcycle with these parameters can be built; second, it is not a problem for Xun Liushui to build a motorcycle that meets these performance parameters.

However, Samba Xiu did not directly increase the parameters, after all, you can't get rich overnight.

"Don't worry about the research funds. All the consumption in the process of research and development will be counted on me. If Mr. Liushui can make a motorcycle like this for me, there will be other rewards."

Hearing this, Xun Liushui's face flashed a little excited, but soon calmed down in restraint.

"No need for rewards. Mr. Hiyama helped us find our mother's whereabouts, which is already a great favor. How can I be embarrassed to ask for rewards."

Samba Xiu hurriedly shook his head: "One thing is one thing, I just want to repay Miss Xun Ji for saving my life."

Hearing Samba Xiu bring himself up again, Xun Ji leaned back a little embarrassedly, trying to reduce his presence.

Xun Liushui was not a twisted person. Seeing that he couldn't refuse this reward, he immediately said: "I will accept the reward in advance, but please help Mr. Hiyama to change this reward into some maintenance or donations of public facilities."

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