What's more, if you just give a command, Yadodo, who is busy running around at the bottom, will do it, so why do you have to do it yourself?

Although Samba Xiu got up early, the other cadres were not late. For a weird organization like theirs, no one would be absent when it comes to discussing doing bad things.

After a while, all the cadres arrived.

Even Captain Qihabu walked into the cabin with a chicken leg and a greasy mouth.

"Teacher, have you found a way to revive Daitanix?" Qihabu asked respectfully.

Although this short and fat old man is always bullied by several cadres because of his personality, his status is higher than that of several cadres.

As the military advisor of the Barbon Pirates, Bukladis is indeed a learned man who provides valuable guidance for the business model of the pirates.

Although he is not strong himself, as Qihabu's savior, Qihabu will not give Bukladis a bad look.

"Emm..." Bukladis flipped through the book in his hand with a serious expression.

The people on the side did not dare to say anything. At this critical moment, if you dare to interrupt the scholar's thinking, then you have to think carefully about how to avoid being thrown into the sea to feed the sharks.

"It is so!" Suddenly, the short and fat old man put down the book, and his twisted facial features instantly stretched out.

"Have you found it?" Happy emotions are always transmitted quickly, and Qihabu hurriedly asked.

"The resurrection of the Warcraft Daitanix requires energy to be transported to it, energy, energy." The two short legs quickly crossed, and Bukladis was also quite excited, walking around the room quickly.

"Energy, right? Leave it to me," he heard, Samba Xiu stepped forward, looked at Qihabu, patted his chest, and then looked at a door in the distance, "Come on, Kelsiza!"

"OK, here, leader!" In response to Samba Xiu's shout, a red scorpion wearing a rivet-studded biker leather jacket pushed the door and walked in. Holding a shotgun in his hand.

Samba Xiu's men are basically of this style.

Birds of a feather flock together, and even Samba Xiu himself looks like a leather-clad biker. Not to mention his men.

Speaking of which, Samba Xiu felt a little guilty about the red scorpion in front of him, but not much.

There is no doubt that this guy was dragged out by him to die.

But if he hadn't died, then the command of the battle would not have fallen into Samba Xiu's hands. In that case, Samba Xiu's plan would have failed.


After feeling sad for this guy for a few seconds in his heart, Samba Xiu quickly adjusted his mentality.

He is not a hypocritical guy. In order to make his plan go smoothly, damn it, no one can escape.

Fighting for credit is also the forte of this group of guys in Balbang.

When Samba Xiu called out his men, the other three also called out their men.

Unfortunately, everything is going according to the plot.

The way to decide who will carry out this operation is to draw the joker card.

Samba Xiu drew the joker card, so the task will naturally be carried out by his younger brother.

Knowing the final result, Samba Xiu naturally has no mood to guide his younger brother's destruction mission like an old mother.

Despite this, he has no suitable reason to leave here. Looking at the backs of Wudao and others leaving, Samba Xiu also wants to follow.

With this time, Samba Xiu might as well practice his gun skills, exercise, and enhance his strength to add a guarantee to his survival plan.

But since it is his younger brother who is fighting now, he can only stay in the cab and watch how his men are going to destruction step by step.

Ⅰ Barbon's Gun Head (Star Beast Team): [Revised] Chapter 9 Samba Xiu's eyes can see the blood bar

Before coming to this world, Samba Xiu has always been unable to figure out one thing.

That is the big boss of the enemy organization in the special drama. Every day, apart from trying every means to go against the protagonist group and monitoring the actions of the monsters like an overseer, there seems to be nothing to do.

But when he really became a monster and began to perform the duties of a monster cadre, Samba Xiu understood.

Things like oversight are not what Captain Zihabu, who is in charge of the boss, should do. This is clearly the job of a cadre like him.

Watching Zihabu sitting on a comfortable and soft cowhide chair, enjoying the care of the helmsman Shelinda. This extravagant attitude to life instantly solved many questions for Samba Xiu.

As a boss, in fact, you don’t even need to supervise the work of the monsters.

It’s really comfortable. If he didn’t know that in the history of the team for more than 40 years, there were only five bosses who survived, Samba Xiu would also like to experience such a decadent life.

"Collecting gasoline is not a very smart way." Fortunately, as the military advisor of Balbon, Bukladis was still conscientious and did not choose to leave here under the excuse of looking for information.

"This thing should be the easiest energy to collect. You didn't tell me what kind of energy the Ditanix needs, old man." Samba listened to the information conveyed by Yadodo while chatting with Bukladis.

No matter what, he had to play his role well at this moment.

Tsk, speaking of it, the level of technology in Balbon is really not high. Other villain organizations have more or less the ability to monitor in real time.

But I can only understand the situation through this most primitive way of tipping off.

"Hmph, you are so boastful. I won't care about the next battle. I won't care." The old man still has a bit of temper. On such topics involving "professionalism", he always gets angry.

But this little temper is like a small problem of an old TV. It can be fixed with a few taps.

Who makes the world like this? Strictly speaking, it should be that who makes the iron law of the monster organization like this, strength is the hard currency.

If it weren't for his niece Ilias, a weak existence like Bukladis would probably be treated the same as Yadodo.

However, just when Samba Xiu stretched out his hand and tapped the old man on the head twice.

There was a strange thing on the top of the old man's head, a thin red strip that didn't match his green hair at all, and behind the strip was a "99.7%".

No, it's my problem!

He quickly realized that it wasn't Bukladis who had changed, but his eyes that had undergone a strange change.

Because when he shifted his gaze and didn't look at Bukladis, the thin red strip disappeared.

But as soon as he turned his eyes back, the red strip appeared on the old man's head again.

However, the number behind the red strip was slowly increasing. After a while, it changed from 99.7 to 100, and when the number became 100, the red strip slowly disappeared again.

Is this a blood bar...

"Really, there is no respect for scholars at all." Bukladis said dissatisfiedly, holding up his glasses that were about to be knocked off by Sambaxiu.

However, what he didn't know was that he would become a tool for Sambaxiu to verify his thoughts.

"Pa" "Pa"

Although the monster is also a biological organism, it is still somewhat different from humans on Earth. After all, slapping a human head will only make a muffled sound.

But it is far less crisp than that of Bukladis.

"Sambaxiu, what are you doing? Damn it, is this how you treat the great scholar who gave you advice?" Bukladis was obviously stunned by Sambaxiu's sudden slap. After a moment of stunned, he began to curse.

However, Sambaxiu's mind is now on the red bar on the old man's head. Watching the number behind it gradually drop from 100 to 99, a gap appeared at the end of the red bar.

It is indeed a blood bar.

"Sambaxiu, stop it."

Suddenly, a knife was placed between Sambaxiu and Bukladis.

And the owner of this knife is Shelinda, who was just flirting with the captain.

Sure enough, this guy's gentle appearance is only shown to Qihabu. When he arrives in front of Sambaxiu, he immediately turns into a Sima face.

Although Sambaxiu did nothing good, he still felt uncomfortable being stared at like that, and the guilt that had just risen in his heart was transformed into resentment.

"Sambaxiu, if you have a chance to get back the resentment against the Galaxy people, don't attack your companions." At the same time, Qihabu changed his lazy and licentious appearance and slowly walked between Sambaxiu and Bukladis.

While pulling the two apart, he stared at Sambaxiu with an unchallengeable majesty.

"Yes, Captain."

To be honest, Qihabu's action really scared Sambaxiu, and he also realized that his movement just now was too loud.

He looked at poor Bukladis again, and there was a big bump on his head.

Fortunately, not long after Sambaxiu began to verify his conjecture, Yadoduo ran in and reported the news that "the Galaxy people came to make trouble."

As a result, there was a reasonable explanation for Sambaxiu's strange behavior. Qihabu and others did not think much about it and smoothly connected the two.

Sambaxiu also took advantage of the situation and glared at Yaduoduo who reported the news.

"Useless guy, he only attacked me, a scholar. I will not care about your affairs in the future. No matter, hum." Bukladis covered his head. Although it was an angry word, he was wise and slowly retreated without any expression.

"Sambaxiu, apologize." Things got to this point. Captain Qihabu would not let Bukladis suffer any more grievances, and ordered Sambaxiu with a rather tough attitude.

"Yes, Captain." Sambaxiu did not move. Although he had no burden on apologizing, after all, he did go too far.

But an overly straightforward apology was not in line with Sambaxiu's character: "Sorry."

The people present also knew Sambaxiu's character. It was good enough that he was willing to say this. Forcing him would only provoke Sambaxiu's backlash.

So Qihabu didn't say much, but he still looked at Sambashu more, purely because Sambashu ruined his good mood.

In the end, only Bukladis was still complaining in a low voice.

As for Sambashu, he was studying new things at this moment.

Because he found that in addition to the health bar, there were several more strange icons in his vision.

Ⅰ Barbon's Gunhead (Star Beast Team): [Revised] Chapter 10 Born Villain Sambashu

The sudden change in the field of vision attracted Sambaxiu's attention at once. He vaguely felt that there seemed to be some unique ability awakening.

These were several extremely square small icons, yellow and very eye-catching.

Not only that, these small icons seemed to contain strange energy, making people unable to restrain the urge to reach out and click. Just like the magic box left by the gods to Pandora and the apple in the Garden of Eden, it was full of charm enough to lose the mind.

Sambaxiu was not a saint without desires, so he would naturally be bewitched by this strange magic.

But fortunately, death was like a sword of Damocles hanging over his head, always alerting him.

He was stupid because of the blood bar and made strange moves in front of Qihabu and others. If it weren't for the messenger Yaduoduo, he would have been questioned by Qihabu.

He was not a son of destiny favored by God. On the contrary, he could even be said to be a villain destined to perish.

If there are any strange behaviors due to studying the yellow icon again, Samba Shu can't guarantee that there will be any coincidences to explain the rationality of his behavior.

Suppressing the desire in his heart, Samba Shu tried to shift his attention to the battle with a clear outcome.

Playing his role well is the foundation for his survival now.

At this moment, a Yadoduo pushed the door in and reported the battle report brought back from the "front line" in a panic.

"Urgent report, the demon Kelsiza was defeated by the star beasts after drinking the Balbon Essence."

Balbon Essence is a red solvent that can stimulate the cell activity in the monsters of the Balbon Pirates. After drinking this solvent, the monsters of Balbon will quickly grow huge, which is the props of the monsters in the Super Sentai series that grow huge after being blown up.

However, compared with many harmless ways of growing huge, the Balbon Essence will greatly reduce the life span of the Balbon Demon, that is, the vitality.

Basically, once the Balbon Essence is drunk, it means that the demon has no ability to fight back.

Only the last resort can be relied on to fight for the last hope of victory.

"Kelsiza was defeated..." Samba Xiu, who knew the result early, was naturally not surprised, but in order to prevent people from seeing the clues, he had to pretend to be angry.

He said ruthlessly in an extremely angry tone: "What a waste."

At the same time, he had a rather gloomy expression.

"Huh, so embarrassing." Bukladis, who was inexplicably hit with a bulge, naturally would not miss the opportunity to ridicule. He held his glasses and walked out of the cab with a proud step.

As a military advisor, he would be held accountable for the failure of the operation, although he was not the commander-in-chief of this operation.

But while Samba Xiu was still immersed in "anger", Bukladis wisely slipped away to avoid being accused by Qihabu together with Samba Xiu.

"Damn Galaxy people, damn star beasts." It must be said that once Samba Xiu accepted his own settings and entered the role, he found that he still had some talent for being a villain.

Otherwise, he wouldn't have said the villain's lines so easily.

Poor Kelsiza died as his pawn.

"Hmph!" As if he felt that his performance was not good enough and the viciousness of the villains had not been shown, Sambaxiu kicked Yadodo who was reporting the news.

Obviously, a blood bar also appeared on the head of Yadodo who was kicked away, but after being hit by Sambaxiu, the number behind the blood bar was only 80.

After all, the trash is not that resistant to beatings.

"Sambaxiu..." Qihabu dragged out his tone, with some complaints in it, "I am really disappointed, Sambaxiu, as the spearhead of Balbang, don't you even have a subordinate who can complete the operation?"

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