Although it didn't cause much damage to him, it severely damaged his face.

The guy in the red combat uniform put away his beam gun, jumped and rolled to the front of the Galaxy, and said in a tone that deserved a beating but was passionate: "We are partners of justice!"

At this time, the other four warriors also came to the Galaxy, and matched the words of the red warrior and posed handsomely.

"Damn Million Rangers! Why are you here?"

Hizmina said the identities of several warriors in a puzzled but hateful voice. They were the Million Rangers of the Electromagnetic Team who had just saved the earth from the evil electric empire Negiregia not long ago.

As the saying goes, enemies are particularly jealous when they meet. Hizmina took a step forward, raised her hand and attacked the Million Rangers who were still showing off.

The light blue electric current passed through the combat uniforms of the Million Rangers, bursting out fierce sparks.

The Million Rangers were caught off guard by this sneak attack, but fortunately, they were already used to this level of attack after many battles, and after a little adjustment, they took a vigilant fighting posture: "Hypollena?"

"I am a replica of Hypollena, the last android created by Dr. Sinera. Damn Million Rangers, are you trying to ruin our business again by suddenly appearing?"

As she said that, Shizmina launched another attack, but how could the experienced Million Rangers be hit again? She took out her beam gun and interrupted the opponent's action directly.

"Whatever evil intentions you have, we will stop them!"

"Stop talking big, it's just five more guys who are going to die!" Gregory looked at the monsters around him fiercely and shouted, "Why are you all standing there, listening to their chat?"

After the words fell, the monsters adjusted their emotions, raised their anger and hatred, and launched another attack.

"Damned Galaxy, pay for the leader's life!" The first monster to fight in the Sambashu Corps, Cleciza, roared in grief and anger, and threw the meteor hammer in his hand like a scorpion's tail with all his strength.

"General Yu, I will definitely avenge you!" The first monster to fight in the Martial Arts Corps, Void Eight secretly swore, and the dagger in his hand was like a meteor in the night sky, swift and fierce.

"Wonka Wonka!" The first monster to fight in the Ilias Corps, Wonka Wonka, said words that ordinary people couldn't understand at all, hiding behind a group of monsters, secretly threw out a stone spear, and hit the black knight in the chest.

"Lord Bartbas is still alive, what should I say?" The first monster to fight in the Bartbas Corps, Bamas was confused. After a brief brainstorm, he chose to give up thinking and swung his hammer to hit the crowd.

As for the twisted beasts of Negiregia?

They shouted "Dr. Sinera" and joined the melee, adding a bit of chaos to the already lively battle.

Looking at the complicated situation, Gregory thought that there would be no troublemakers this time, and he should be able to sit back and watch the hateful Galaxy people and the overconfident Million Rangers being defeated by the monsters who rushed over.

But at this moment, a bullet cut through the sky and hit his other shoulder.

"Who is it again?" Gregory looked around with his saber in exasperation.

"Captain Gregory, it's me!"

Gregory looked in the direction of the voice and saw several familiar figures standing on the hill near the flying castle.

"It's you... Samba Xiu!"

As soon as the voice fell, another bullet broke through the air and hit his head accurately.

Ordinary bullets naturally could not cause harm to Gregory, but the dizziness caused by the bullet impact made him temporarily unable to say anything.

Taking this opportunity, Samba Xiu and his companions also jumped far beyond ordinary people to the center of the melee.

Cleciza immediately stopped attacking the Galaxy people, ran to Sambashu, pushed Gulinki aside, and came to Sambashu, his face full of excitement: "Leader, you are still alive!"

Sambashu patted Cleciza's scorpion tail hairstyle and said unhappily: "I told you to read more books, but you don't even know that you are being used as a gun now, idiot."

Xuwuba had also put away his dagger at this time. He came to Wudao, knelt on one knee, and said dejectedly: "It is a shame for Xuwuba to fail to see through the villain's evil plan."

Wudao bent down and lifted Xuwuba up, whispering: "Don't blame yourself, this is a proof of loyalty."

Wonka Wonka happily ran to Ilias's side, swaying from side to side, as if dancing an ancient sacrificial dance, while holding up the stone spear in his hand, He shouted proudly: "Wonka Wonka."

Ilias gently stroked Wonka Wonka's head, bent down and pointed at Bartbass who was embarrassed not far away, and encouraged: "Good boy, good boy, great, did you see that annoying big guy? Aim at him with the next shot!"

Bamas also came to Bartbass's side and asked a simple but hurtful question: "Lord Bartbass, didn't you say that these three legion commanders were sacrificed? How come they suddenly resurrected?"

Bartbass kicked at Bamas and shouted: "Get out!"

It was probably because the demons of Bartbass's legion were the same as their legion commanders, who were big and strong heavyweight players. Although Bartbass kicked the stupid Bamas far away, he also lost his balance.

When he finally stabilized his center of gravity, he looked up and saw Gregory with an angry face.

"Bartbass, didn't you swear that Sambaxiu and others would not show up?"

Ⅰ Barbon's Spear (Star Beast Squadron): [New] Chapter 113: First Experience of Roll Call

Gregory was still waiting for Bartbas' explanation, but he didn't know that Wonka Wonka had already taken out another sharp stone spear under Ilias's instruction and aimed it at Bartbas' head.


Wonka Wonka, holding his breath, exhaled, like a warrior hunting beasts in an ancient tribe. He trotted two steps, threw hard, and the spear broke through the air.


Accompanied by a crisp sound, Wonka Wonka's spear hit Bartbas's helmet, and also rang the bell of rebellion.

The demons of Samba Xiu, Wudao, and Ilias's army looked up at the legion leaders who were as close as brothers, and instantly realized that they had become an indestructible alliance. They immediately turned their spears and attacked the confused Bartbas's demon group and twisted beasts.

Million Red Kenta Ida is a hot-blooded fool type of red warrior. Although the battle with Negiregia has made him grow, his straightforward character has not changed much. Faced with the ever-changing situation, he guessed: "Is this an internal conflict among companions?"

When Samba Shu heard this question, he smiled and replied: "No, this is the revenge of the former employee against the former company."

After that, Samba Shu looked at Gingahong Ryoma and stretched out his hand and said: "Gingahong, let's cooperate."

Looking at Samba Shu's outstretched hand, Gingahong Ryoma agreed after a brief hesitation. He nodded and did not shake the hand that Samba Shu stretched out.

He had a bad impression of Samba Shu. After all, Samba Shu played with his feelings severely in order to fake his death.

But now cooperating with the other party is indeed an opportunity to solve this chaos, and he can't find a reason to refuse.

"Let's go together!"

Gingahong looked at his companions and Million Rangers behind him and issued a magnificent battle cry.

Then he randomly found a twisted beast that no one was dealing with, and rushed forward with the Star Beast Sword and slashed it!

The sharp blade cut through the twisted beast's armor, creating dazzling sparks.

Then came the sonorous roll call.

"Ginga Red, Ryoma!"

Other Galaxy people followed suit, and after casually giving a sword to the twisted beast or the demon of the Bartbas Corps around them, they also started to roll the names.

"Ginga Green, Gale!"


"Black Knight, Hyuga!"

The roll call of the Galaxy people ended, and then the roll call of the Million Rangers followed.

"Million Red!"

"Million Black!"


"Million Pink!"

Probably influenced by this momentum, Cressiza also shouted after swinging the meteor hammer: "Sambashu Demon Corps, Cressiza!"

But when Cressiza finished shouting, no one took over.

The whole audience fell into a dead silence.

The theme song of the Galaxy people that kept ringing in Sambashu's ears disappeared instantly.

Sensing this embarrassment, Cleciza looked at Sambashu with a look of help: "Can't we shout along?"

Sambashu himself is quite averse to this kind of embarrassing roll call, but it would be too unfair to let Cleciza die like this. He looked at the flea monster who was fighting the twisted beast not far away and shouted: "Ligu Luo, follow up!"

"Ah?" Ligu Luo was stunned for a moment, but soon reacted and shouted in a shrill voice, "Sambashu Demon Corps, Ligu Luo!"

With Sambashu's shout, the other demons in the Sambashu Corps also consciously started this incongruous roll call.

"Sambashu Demon Corps, Neka!"

When the bee monster Neka finished the roll call, Sambashu also held back the shame that surged in his heart and shouted: "Gun head, Sambashu!"

After shouting, Sambashu looked at Wudao with the idea of ​​"dying together".

Wudao received Sambaxiu's gaze. Although he was unhappy, he still gave an order to Xuwuba: "Let's take over."

Xuwuba was probably not mentally prepared yet, so he didn't take over immediately.

On the contrary, Wonka Wonka on Ilias' side had been waiting for a long time. Seeing a gap, he immediately jumped in and shouted: "Wonka Wonka, Wonka Wonka!"

"Sorry, since you took the lead, let us go first," Meiduomeiduo apologized to the raging warrior not far away, waved the long whip in his hand, and knocked down a demon from the Bartbas Legion, "Ilias Demon Legion, Meiduomeiduo!"

Then another round of relay ended.

The pressure was given to Xuwuba again.

Seeing that he couldn't escape, Xuwuba could only endure the shame and gritted his teeth and said: "Wudao Demon Legion, Xuwuba!"


The last person in the call-up relay soon came to Wudao.

But unlike Xuwuba's awkwardness, Wudao had already done psychological counseling and completed a roll call very smoothly: "Sword General, Wudao!"

After the roll call ended, Sambaxiu heard a refreshing "ding dong" in his ear.

Then he saw two more icons in his BUFF column, one was a musical note symbol, and the other was a roll call symbol.

Looking up and looking around the whole field, Sambaxiu found that not only he had these two BUFFs, but also the demons of the three legions had them.

"It's not a good habit to be dazed on the battlefield!" Gregory seized the opportunity and launched an attack on Sambaxiu.

"Die, Sambaxiu!" In order to make up for his mistake, Bartbas swung a big axe to cooperate with Gregory to attack.

Sambaxiu jumped back to distance himself, then took out a machine gun and started shooting.

Seeing this, Bartbas turned slightly sideways and used his shield to block most of the bullets for Gregory.

Sambaxiu threw away the machine gun and took out a few pieces of iron. After a few simple operations, there was a turret and several large and small floating cannons in front of him.

"Theme song bonus, roll call bonus, to be honest, I don't even know how to lose!"

Sambaxiu opened his arms, and the fort and floating cannon launched attacks at the same time, his expression proud and arrogant.

The fort was very powerful. Butbass only tried to withstand one shelling, then gave up resisting with his body and started dragging his heavy body to hide left and right.

It was easier for Gregory to hide, but the flexible floating cannon made him a little embarrassed.

Fortunately, at this moment, the ground began to tremble again.

A full smile appeared on Gregory's face: "Hahaha, the monster Germadis has recovered, Sambaxiu, I will let you know how you will lose! See it, my real strength!"

After saying that, Gregory opened his arms slightly and his body began to expand rapidly.

At the same time that the monster Germadis climbed out of the surface, his body stopped growing.

Upon seeing this, the Galactic Man and the Million Linker quickly used their special moves to kill the Twisted Beast they were responsible for, and called out the Star Beast and the Machine.

"The star beasts merge, King Yinkai!"

"Fit the beast to ride, fit the beast warrior!"

"Electromagnetic fusion, millions of galaxies!"

Watching the three robots fighting with the monsters Germadis and Gregory, Bartbas smiled. He looked at Sambaxiu and smiled proudly.

"Samba Xiu, so what if you use the energy to transform Titanicus? You still can't control it now. Without the Warcraft, your resistance is just a child's play!"

Hearing this, Sambaxiu was not annoyed at all. He took out his pistol, fired a [silver bullet] that added BUFF to the bullet, then aimed at Butbas who was entangled by the turret and floating cannon, and quickly pulled the trigger multiple times.

20 rounds of silver bullets poured out in an instant!

The next second, Butterbas fell down, with only a hole in his head.

"Sorry, your resurrection is two days late."


With a loud noise, Samba Xiu made a swing and shouted: "Exciting technique, Lai Lai Beast! Exciting Daitanix!"

Ⅰ Balbon’s Spearhead (Star Beast Team): [New] Chapter 114: Gregory’s End

Black anger emerged from Samba Xiu's body, like the mane of a wild horse, and like tumbleweeds on the wasteland, rushing and gathering in his palm.

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