"Hey!" Seeing that he was exposed, Bakuda let out a sharp blast and quickly turned around to hide back in the room.

Seeing this, Clesiza quickly stepped forward to block Bakuda's way home.

With the escape route blocked, Bakuda felt that he was helpless, and the secret he had worked so hard to keep would eventually be revealed.

He opened his mouth and looked at Samba Xiu: "Leader, can you promise me not to rob him later?"

Samba Xiu was almost speechless. He held his forehead and asked, "Does my image in your heart have such a bad image?"

Hearing this, Bakuda nodded subconsciously, then shook his head crazily.

Samba Xiu couldn't laugh or cry. He shook his head helplessly, sighed, straightened his expression, and put on a ferocious smile: "Since I have such a bad image of domineering and greedy in your mind, then I have to let you see what I mean. Really domineering. "

With a loud shout, Clesiza immediately understood what Sambaxiu meant, and immediately stepped forward and grabbed Bakuda's hands and feet, like a stable X-frame, restraining Bakuda.

Samba Xiu took two steps forward and pulled off Bakuda's leather jacket.

And the next second, he understood the main reason why Bakuda was so secretive.

I saw that Bakuda's inner clothes were covered with swords of all sizes. One of them was the sword that Grigori had shattered into pieces by the joint attack of the Galaxy and the Million Company during the battle half a month ago. The power of death that can call back the souls of the dead from hell.


A lot of things have been piled up until Saturday, and I have been running around outside almost all day, so I will update one chapter first, and I will see if I can make up for the rest on Sunday night.

Ⅱ The Nemesis of the Disaster Demon (Emergency Team): [New] Chapter 118 Leader, you are better than three thousand years ago...

Sambaxiu carefully pulled out the saber and looked at it carefully.

While trying to suppress the struggling Bakuda, Clesiza praised with surprise on his face: "It's okay, Bakuda, it's exactly the same as Gregory's!"

"It's exactly the same, it's that one!" Bakuda yelled angrily, but he still couldn't break free from Clesiza's shackles.

Samba Xiu brought the sword a little closer, and sure enough, at first glance, the sword was as smooth as new and there were dense cracks hidden in it: "You haven't been working on this thing in the room during this time, right?"

Hearing this, Bakuda, who had been struggling all the time, suddenly calmed down, like an adolescent boy who was caught by his parents watching a movie, and timidly said: "No, no, I did it anyway. There are many things that need to be integrated into the human world.”

"Come on, you've only gone out twice in half a month, and the one time was when Gulinki took us all to get identity certificates," Clesiza complained mercilessly, "I haven't even seen you throw out any trash. , If you invite me and the leader to drink tea in the courtyard, you won’t have room at home.”

"You..." Bakuda wanted to argue, but saw Samba Xiu pull open his leather jacket and put the sword back, "Leader?"

"What's wrong?" Samba Xiu helped Bakuda zip up the leather jacket, and at the same time, his eyes signaled Clesiza to release Bakuda.

Bakuda touched his leather jacket in disbelief and said in a daze: "Leader, won't you take it?"

"Why should I take it away?" Samba Xiu smiled, returned to the table and sat down, "Didn't you fix this?"

"But leader, this can resurrect the dead..."

Clesiza suddenly got angry, pulled open Bakuda's leather jacket, and pulled out the saber: "It's all broken into pieces. The resurrection function is gone."

Bakuda quickly took back the saber, wiped it carefully twice, and stuffed it back into the leather jacket with great treasure: "Stop looking down on others, I just experimented, and it still has the resurrection function."

As a demon who was resurrected earlier, Bakuda had the opportunity to watch Gregory's process of summoning the dead. While thinking about the saber, he also memorized the spell.

"Who did you resurrect?" When Sangbasiu heard this, he became a little nervous. He was really afraid that his elder brother would cause trouble for him.

Bakuda said sheepishly: "I ran out of beef in the refrigerator. I tried to resurrect the cow. It was successful. Now the refrigerator is full again."

Hearing this, Samba Xiu let out a long sigh of relief. Although there were many flaws in this matter, fortunately, it was not something extraordinary that was resurrected.

However, there is still a warning that should be given: "Don't use the resurrection function of the saber. It will be terrible if something weird is summoned."

"So, leader, do you really not want this knife?"

"You can take it with confidence, as long as you don't hide the Galaxy people's Star Beast Sword and Free Sword Machine Blade," Samba Xiu said, glanced at Bakuda who looked happy, and said with a evil smile, "Is it possible that You guys really want me to take this saber away to show your superb repair power, or in case any of us need to use this saber in the future, don't you, Lord Bakuda, agree?"

"The leader really likes to joke," Bakuda tightened his grip on his leather jacket, smiled obscenely, and moved towards the room in small steps, "The tea is cold, I'll change it for the leader."

Clesiza raised her hand and patted Bakuda on the back: "Go, go, give me a drink too."

As soon as he finished speaking the urging words, there was a crisp collision sound from Bakuda.

After a moment, five beam guns fell out from the hem of his leather skirt.

Bakuda squatted down quickly, covered her with her skirt, and then quickly picked up the beam guns.

When she looked up, she saw Samba Shu's rare angry face: "Bakuda, you kid, you don't steal the Galaxy people, you steal the Million Rangers instead, right!"

"Leader, this... who hid these beam guns in my leather jacket?"

Bakuda wanted to get away with it, but Samba Shu's fist slowly raised.

"Leader, I just wanted to take it for a while, and when I came to my senses, I had already taken it. I can't give it back when you are chatting and laughing with the Galaxy people, it's so rude..."

Bakuda tried to defend himself, but Samba Shu's fist had already fallen.

"Kreisiza, take this guy to find the Million Rangers and return the beam guns. I have something to do later." After thinking for a while, Samba changed his words and said, "Forget it, go by yourself. I'm afraid if I take him there, he will steal the Galaxy Million."

"Yes, leader!"

Kreisiza grabbed Bakuda, asked Sambashu for an address, and ran away with the beam guns.

He was afraid that if he was late, the beam guns would be in Bakuda's leather jacket again.

After Kreisiza left, Sambashu said, "It's understandable that you like to collect weapons, but don't steal other people's things."

"Yes, leader." After all, he was in the wrong, so Bakuda didn't argue, but he was a little depressed.

Samba continued, "The start-up funds I gave you are not enough for you to live for too long, and it's not a good idea to stay in the room all the time."

"But leader, I really don't know what I should do. I don't have special abilities like Liguro and Doledorad. I only know how to fiddle with weapons, and I'm not good at talking and socializing. I really don't know what I can do." Bakuda's tone was depressed, and it was not known whether it was because he lost five treasures or because of his inferiority complex.

Samba scratched his head and said, "If you really don't know what to do, the Space Police Earth Bureau is currently short of people, especially the Equipment Repair Department."

"Really, really?" Bakuda's eyes were full of surprise.

Samba said, "But there are exams, you have to prepare more."

"Yes, I will work hard!"

"Okay, then you should prepare well recently. The announcement is expected to come out in a month. I still have activities to participate in. I'm leaving first."

Seeing Bakuda's high morale, Samba can finally relax. Putting down the teacup, Samba got up and left.

Just as he was about to walk out of the hospital gate, Bakuda's voice sounded from behind.

"Leader, you have changed a lot."

Samba Shu turned around with a puzzled look on his face.

"Clesiza and Ligu Luo are idiots, and you can't see it. Gulinji and Neka are very smart, but they never say it. Leader, you are much gentler now than three thousand years ago."

Samba Shu said unhappily: "You kid, are you praising me or yourself? Go back and prepare for the exam well. If you fail, I will drive a jeep to hit you!"

"Yes, leader!"

Ⅱ The Nemesis of the Disaster Demon (Emergency Team): [New] Chapter 119 I would like to call Hiyama Jing the strongest

Leaving the small courtyard where Bakuda rented, Samba Shu drove to the National Seaside Hospital, the groundbreaking ceremony of the third inpatient building of the National Seaside Hospital.

Probably because the main investor of this inpatient building was Samba Shu, he was surrounded by enthusiastic hospital leaders as soon as he got off the car.

"Mr. Hiyama can take time out of his busy schedule to attend this groundbreaking ceremony. It really makes our hospital proud..."

With corny compliments and greasy flattery, a group of leaders surrounded Samba Shu and sat down in the main seat.

Samba Shu didn't like this excessive enthusiasm, so after a simple politeness, he asked to be alone.

Several hospital leaders naturally would not offend the biggest sponsor for such a small matter, so they left immediately and went to receive other visiting guests with a smile.

Samba Shu looked at the nameplates on the seats around him, and the nameplate on the seat on his left attracted his attention.

"Asami Watari."

Silently reciting this name, an inexplicable sense of familiarity came to his mind.

Samba Shu guessed that this was probably a name related to the Super Sentai.

"Asami, Asami Tatsuya, Future Sentai Time Ranger, Time Red."

After a brief recollection, Samba Shu remembered the character corresponding to the name "Asami Watari" - Time Red Asami Tatsuya's father.

He is also the chairman of the Asami Group, a giant with great influence in the political and financial circles.

"The earth is really small, and I can meet this."

Samba Shu simply complained, feeling the inseparable fate between himself and the Super Sentai. There are so many related people that Samba Shu has begun to doubt whether he can meet a Super Sentai member every time he goes out for a walk in the future.

At this moment, the chair on the left side of Samba Shu was pulled open, and a middle-aged man in his forties or fifties slowly sat down.

He had a relatively kind and shrewd face, a gentle and humble smile on his lips, and looked at Samba Shu: "Mr. Hiyama, you came so early, I thought you were going to be the last one to appear."

These words seemed to say that Samba Shu was a clown who was going to perform on stage, with obvious hostility.

Samba Shu was a little puzzled. He and the other party had no intersection, so where did this hostility come from?

Although he couldn't figure it out, since the other party didn't give him a good look, Samba Xiu had no need to tolerate him, and immediately sarcastically replied: "I personally prefer to prepare for rainy days and am used to entering the market early. President Asami, on the other hand, seems to want to compete for the first place. Yes. But there are no judges or audience here. I wonder what President Asami is worried about?"

"It's a good idea to prepare for a rainy day," Asami Watari seemed to have thought of something, and there was a sense of relief and appreciation in his expression, "Mr. Hiyama is quite honest."

Sangbasiu was confused by the other party's change, so he simply stopped answering and waited intently.

Time passed by, the seats were quickly filled by people from all walks of life, and the groundbreaking ceremony naturally began.

No matter what kind of ceremony it is, speech is almost indispensable, and most of it is long and stinky, just talking back and forth.

As the main sponsor of this project, Sambaxiu naturally had to say a few words. Fortunately, he prepared a concise and concise script, so he did not stay on stage for too long, which can be said to have greatly shortened this link.

After the speeches by representatives of all parties, there was a salute and a symbolic excavation.

After Samba Xiu, Asamiwatari and others dug a few shovels of soil, it marked the successful completion of the groundbreaking ceremony.

However, although the groundbreaking ceremony is over, the social platform created by the groundbreaking ceremony has not disappeared.

A group of entrepreneurs quickly surrounded Samba Xiu and Asami Watari, asking for some business advice.

Naturally, Sambaxiu couldn't give any reasonable advice. He himself couldn't figure out how he got a foothold in the mature and saturated industry of building materials. He could only give some unmistakable advice.

On the other hand, Asami Watari, who has been groomed as a successor since childhood and has been working hard in the mall for many years, naturally has something to say.

Gradually, the number of people surrounding Samba Xiu decreased, while the number of people surrounding Asamidu increased.

Samba Xiu was happy to see this scene.

But just when he breathed a sigh of relief, Asamiwatari's words made him surrounded by enthusiastic people again.

"Mr. Hiyama, are you free to have a meal with me later? I have many questions that I need your help with."

Not only that, the number of cameras around Sambaxiu has also doubled.

Listening to the continuous sound of shutters in his ears, Samba Xiu secretly remembered Asami Watari in his heart and declined the other party's invitation.

Then there were more shutter sounds.

That night, at Balbon Demon's dinner party, Elise held a copy of the latest issue of the Financial Evening News and read out the headline of the front-page news with a smile: ""Arrogant Hinoki Mountain View, dares to reject Asami Wataru, what is he doing?" What confidence do you have!", "Asami Watari: I would like to call Hiyama Kage the strongest", leader, you are on the front page again."

"Who wrote such a shameful title?" Samba Xiu put down his glass and complained.

But Martial Arts frowned and murmured: "Asami Wataru."

"Martial Arts, do you know this guy?" Elise raised her eyebrows.

Wu Dao took the newspaper, browsed it hastily, nodded and said: "Well, he came to me some time ago and said he wanted to buy our security company, but I refused."

"I see." Samba Xiu instantly understood the source of Asami Wataru's weak hostility during the day.

In the original plot of "Future Sentai Time Linker", in order to deal with the chaos caused by the villain organization Londaz family, and to gain profits from this chaos, Asamiwatari formed a security service company-City Guard.

It now seems that the other party had the idea of ​​​​making money by taking advantage of the anxiety caused by the weird people's unrest at this stage.

"It's true that we stole his business, so it's no wonder that he agrees with the saying 'plan for a rainy day'."

Sambaxiu murmured, an idea gradually taking shape in his heart.

Since this business has been robbed, let’s just rob it more thoroughly.

"Martial Arts, are the security companies still hiring?"

Martial Arts nodded: "Although Xuanwu Ba and the others have all joined, there is still a shortage of people. After all, this job has a high risk factor and it is not that easy to recruit people."

"Then let me recommend someone to you." Samba Xiu said with a smile.

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