A guaranteed opportunity to cooperate with top scientists again, Sambaxiu felt that it was not a loss.

Agree immediately.

It's just that as the saying goes, "If the mountain doesn't come to me, I will walk towards the mountain." Some things are not just what Sangpa Xiu and the Sunda World want.


Only then did I realize that I had never uploaded any photos of the Sunda Festival.

There have been relatively few updates in the past few days. I mainly sorted out the upcoming plot and reviewed the original drama of "Emergency Sentai". It's almost done now, and subsequent updates should be available.

Today, because a colleague with whom I have a close relationship has resigned, I went to have a meal and play with him, so that’s all for today.

Mainly, my recent work and rest routine has been too hellish. I will try to adjust it starting from tomorrow.

Ⅱ The Nemesis of the Disaster Demon (Emergency Team): [New] Chapter 124: Kil can’t stop learning!

After rescuing the last trapped person from the crumbling building, the Xun brothers and sisters returned to their respective 99 vehicles.

After connecting to the internal communication of Wangan Realm 55, Tatsumata asked eagerly: "Dad, you said there is a way to deal with this so-called disaster beast, what is it?"

Xuntimao had to admit that his irresponsible father was indeed very creative, and the five 99 vehicles he produced were indeed excellent in emergency rescue and disaster relief. But how could he defeat the five emergency vehicles? What about scary monsters?

Xun Shijie smiled confidently. He was in a good mood after receiving the assurance from Samba Xiu, and his tone of command was a little excited: "If five 99 vehicles are integrated into one, the victory robot will be completed."

"It's said to be a fusion, how exactly do you do it?" Xunzhong asked first.

Analysis robot Mingte said: "The computer built into the protective suit will project the specific operations on the goggles, as long as the steps are consistent."

Due to the special freezing bomb launched by the Xun World, Lava Graeme was still in a state of inability to move. Therefore, the first emergency combination of the Xun brothers and sisters did not encounter any obstacles and was completed extremely smoothly.

The pink ambulance and yellow armored vehicle driven by Tatsuma Matsuri and Tatsuda Daimon formed the legs of the victory robot, the blue fire truck driven by Tatsumi Ryuzu formed the crotch and legs, and the red ladder truck driven by Tatsuma Matoi formed the torso and The arms, of course, and the last head are composed of the green sky float driven by Sunda Bell.

"Victory Robot, the integration is complete."

Huge robots tower over the land and stand in the city.

Before today, the Xun brothers and sisters were just ordinary people, only doing emergency-related work, so after they personally assembled such a huge robot, they couldn't help but feel briefly surprised.

Fortunately, several people knew their priorities clearly. After a few simple sighs, they turned their attention to the lava Graeme who was still unable to move outside the cab.

"Dad, what should we do next?"

"The weakness of this disaster beast is the heart located on his left chest, which is made up of powerful negative energy. It can be destroyed by attacking with positive energy. Matoi, press the laser grip."

Xunmao did as he was told, and the next second, the emergency team LOGO on the waist of Victory Robot emitted a dazzling white light, fell off from the waist, and floated in front of Victory Robot.

Then, a slender component stretched out from the floating LOGO, and it turned into a long sword in less than a few seconds.

The moment they controlled the victory robot to hold the long sword, the Xun brothers and sisters found various information and instructions for the weapon on the scenery.

"The sword of courage is designed to slay disaster demons. Sword, call for the light!"

The Victory Robot holds the Sword of Courage high and spins counterclockwise.

When the Sword of Courage rotated once and returned to its original position, there was a ring like a corona in front of the victory robot.

Then a sword slashed out, cutting open Lava Graeme's body and also cutting off Lava Graeme's heart.

Poor Lava Graeme had no time to resist and died in the violent explosion.


The victory was so easy that the Xun brothers and sisters found it difficult to react for a while.

Not to mention them, even Kiel, who was watching the battle in the Gulf Coast area, was a little unbelievable.

He stared at the sword of courage in the victory robot's hand and murmured: "The sword of positive energy..."

The essence of the disaster demon is a polymer of negative energy, and the great witch Grandinu is no exception.

Positive energy attacks can kill the Disaster Demon, and naturally they can also defeat the Great Witch Grandinu.

Kil looked at the Sunda world with burning eyes and said, "Come and make a deal with me."

Although Sunda World had launched a detailed investigation into Sambaxiu, it really didn’t know much about Kiel who appeared out of thin air. Therefore, when Kiel sent out a transaction invitation, Sunda World hesitated: “Is it convenient to reveal what kind of transaction it is?”

Kil has never been a person who likes to make twists and turns. He raised his hand and pointed at the Sword of Courage on the screen and said: "I can provide you with information about every disaster beast. In exchange, I want to know how to make that sword. "

"This..." Sunda World naturally could not agree to this deal easily. On the one hand, it was because he did not trust Kil, and on the other hand, he was worried that Kil would use the Sword of Courage to do bad things.

Seeing Xun World's hesitation, Kil decisively changed the content of the deal: "If the manufacturing method of that sword must be kept secret, then it is okay to tell me how to use positive energy."

Hearing this, Sunda World's expression softened slightly.

Seeing this, Sambaxiu also helped Kil and said, "Dr. Sunda World, if you are worried that Kil will use this technology to cause chaos, we can accept the supervision of the Space Police or the Earth Defense Force."

Kil nodded in agreement. As long as he could master the power that could kill the great witch Grandinu, accepting supervision was nothing to Kil.

Seeing that the two of them had such a correct attitude, Sunda World couldn't say anything more. He nodded and said to Keir: "Then you can start coming to my place once a week in three days. I will take some time to teach you. As much as you can understand." It depends on your own ability.”

Hearing this, Sangbasiu continued: "Dr. Xunshijie, you don't mind a few students who are skipping classes."

Sunda World did not refuse, but just asked: "Mr. Hiyama, I remember you said that you wanted to get close to Matsuri after reading my paper on artificial intelligence. So, do you want to understand the use and development of positive energy, or do you want to understand artificial intelligence?" Intelligent research and development and improvement?”

Sambaxiu thought for a moment and asked, "Can I learn both?"

The Sunda World did not accuse Sangpaxiu of being greedy: "You can learn from it."

With that said, Xun World pressed a button, and the hatch of Wangan Realm 55 opened wide.

The Xun brothers and sisters, who perfectly completed the two tasks of rescuing the trapped people and defeating the disaster beast, returned on the emergency train.

Since he agreed to the Xun World to refrain from interacting with Xun Ji as much as possible, Sangbasiu naturally wanted to minimize the time of meeting Xun Ji: "Miss Xun Ji and the others are back, so I won't bother them."

After saying that, Samba Xiu turned around and left.

Behind him came Sunda World's pleading voice: "Mr. Hiyama, please wait a moment."

Sangbasiu was confused by this little old man. He narrowed his eyes slightly and asked: "Dr. Xunshijie, this is..."

Sunda World put five envelopes into Samba Xiu's hands and said, "Mr. Hiyama, please go to the work place of the five of them and give these to their supervisor."

"Dr. Xunshiji, can you please reveal what is in this?"


Sangbasiu pinched the envelope and reminded Sunda World: "Dr. Sunda World, do you think your parent-child relationship is not strong enough?"

Sunda World naturally knew that doing this would probably make the already dull parent-child relationship even more precarious, but in order to be able to respond to various emergencies in a timely manner, Sunda World still let Sangbasiu work as a postman.

Ⅱ Nemesis of the Disaster Demon (Emergency Team): [New] Chapter 125 Pluto Gilfissa

The next day, in the training ground of the manual transmission motor vehicle training school, Sangba Xiu and Hong Jinbao sat side by side on a bench in the rest area, chatting while watching Kiel practice the content of the driver's license test.

After hearing Sangpa Xiu's story about the Sunda world, Hong Jinbao sighed: "What a father who likes to make his own decisions."

There was a pleasant smile on Samba Xiu's lips: "Counting the time, Miss Sundaji and the others should already know about her 'voluntary' resignation."

"Yeah, when you say that, I'm starting to wonder about that father's current state." Hong Jinbao also showed a wicked smile, and then shook his head regretfully and said, "It's a pity that I can't appreciate it in person."

"The driving school is not far from the Xun Disaster Prevention Research Center. Master Hong Jinbao, if you are interested, you should go over now to see the most exciting pictures."

After all, Hong Jinbao's character is not that bad. Faced with Sangba Xiu's unscrupulous suggestion, he shook his head and refused: "With this free time, I might as well go somewhere else to have fun with little Gil."

Suddenly, he banged his head, looked at Samba Xiu, and asked, "Xiao Jing, what time is it now?"

Sambaxiu replied: "It's early ten o'clock, what's wrong?"

Hearing this, Hong Jinbao stood up and waved to Keir.

"Master Hong Jinbao, did I make any mistakes?"

"It's nothing. You've been practicing driving for more than two hours. You should be tired and go relax together." Hong Jinbao said, taking out a complete set of fishing equipment from behind. "I heard from a friend that there is a good fishing spot nearby." Yes, but he wanted to fish for a while first and asked me to come over at half past ten. Do you want to go together? "

Kil hesitated a little, not sure whether to take the fishing rod from Hong Jinbao's hand.

Seeing Kier's hesitation, Hong Jinbao comforted him: "Balance work and rest, balance work and rest, don't always tighten yourself up too much."

Kil nodded, took the fishing rod, and looked at Samba Xiu: "Are you going?"

Although Sambaxiu had never caught a few fish, he unexpectedly liked the peaceful feeling while fishing. He took the fishing rod and said, "Go."

So the three of them immediately drove to the fishing spot Hong Jinbao mentioned.

Looking at the calm water, everyone feels that they can catch fish.

However, as soon as the three people put the bucket on the ground, they heard several muffled sounds of "plop, plop," and several fish fell from the sky and fell into the bucket.

"Huh?" Hong Jinbao looked at the fresh fish smashed into pieces in the bucket, and raised his head in disbelief. The next second, a fish hit him in the face, "Why did you catch the fish?"

Samba Xiu shook his head to avoid the rain of fresh fish, while looking around for the source of the abnormality.

Soon he saw Tokyo Bay in the distance, and a tornado blew up.

These fish were picked up and thrown away by the tornado.

Falling objects from high altitudes have astonishing destructive power. Even though Hong Jinbao's physical fitness as a boxing saint who has used the beast's full body transformation is far superior to ordinary people, he still inevitably fell into a coma after catching a "flying" fish on his face.

Sambaxiu and Kil quickly dropped their fishing rods and carried Hong Jinbao into the car, which was not in trouble because it was parked far away.

Sitting in the driver's seat, Sambaxiu turned the key and started the car. He glanced at the seawater swept up in Tokyo Bay: "It's all good. Is the disaster demon active again?"

Kil fastened his seat belt and confirmed Sambaxiu's guess: "It should be the tornado disaster beast, Tornidis."

Hearing this, Sangbasiu took out his mobile phone and pressed a series of numbers. It was the landline number of Wangan Realm 55: "Tell Dr. Sunda World the news."

Taking the phone, Kil informed him of all the information about the tornado disaster beast.

After Kil's report, Sambaxiu turned his head and asked a question that had troubled him for a long time: "How come you know every disaster beast so well?"

"I only know that this is my innate ability, and it is also the reason why the great witch Grandinu cannot tolerate me." Kil couldn't tell the specific reason. His tone was low, as if he was recalling his infancy. "I remember that that day I just asked a certain disaster beast that was good at fighting for some fighting skills, and Grandinu said that I had murderous intentions towards her..."

The atmosphere in the car gradually became sad. Sambaxiu didn't like this atmosphere, and he didn't want Kil to indulge in the bad memories of the past. He said, "You disaster demons are really precocious. You can ask for knowledge about fighting even after you were born. ”

"I am no longer a disaster demon." Kil gritted his teeth.

Apparently, Sambaxiu's attempt to adjust the atmosphere failed.

In this case, he naturally would not speak against Keir's wishes. He nodded and drove the car: "Yes, yes, you are not a disaster demon."

At this moment, an omnidirectional projection suddenly appeared above the area where the tornado was raging.

A muscular weirdo with dark muscles and golden armor gradually appeared. He had a pair of blood-red eyes and a pair of dark curved horns. His face was ferocious, but there was an undetectable gentleness between his brows and eyes.

His armor is very eye-catching, not only because of the exaggerated color scheme, but also because of its unique shape. Especially the breastplate and abdominal armor that wrap around his main torso. The entire shape is a ferocious demon face. There are even two shoulder armors in the shape of devil horns on his shoulders.

But the most eye-catching thing is the red five-pointed star on his chest, which is bright and mysterious.

"I am the ruler of the dark world, Gilfissa of the disaster demon clan. Stupid humans, from today on, I will become your ruler. I will only wait for the completion of the planetary cross in the sky, replacing love and peace. Destruction and terror will engulf the planet."

The current leader of the Calamity Demon Clan and the second son born to the great witch Grandinu, Pluto Gilfisa made an ambitious "declaration of war" in front of the people on earth and let out a wild laugh that was determined to win.

And turned off the projection amid this laughter.

It’s just that the people on earth who saw this video didn’t show many emotional changes. The reason is that there are too many villain organizations that want to occupy the earth or destroy it, and the people on earth have become accustomed to it.

Unless a disaster actually befalls him, speaking from such a standard villain really won't cause much commotion.

Kiel looked at the calm sky and repeated Gilfisa's name: "Gilfisa, who is he? Why do I feel inexplicably familiar with him?"

After all, Samba Xiu is also someone who has watched "Emergency Sentai GOGOV", so he naturally understands why Kil feels inexplicably familiar with Gilfisa. After all, the two are brothers.

It's just that he couldn't tell the answer directly, otherwise it would be too troublesome to explain.

Fortunately, Sambaxiu already had a rough idea. He glanced at the tornado that was still raging in the distance, estimated the tornado's trajectory, stepped on the accelerator, and drove towards the tornado.

Seeing Sambaxiu turning the steering wheel, Kil quickly reminded him: "Hishan, Master Hong Jinbao's home is not in this direction."

"I just saw it. Master Hong Jinbao is fine. He just fell asleep. On the other hand, since you want to know Gilfisa's situation, just ask him directly."

"Ask who?"

"That tornado disaster monster."

Ⅱ The Nemesis of the Disaster Demon (Emergency Team): [New] Chapter 126 The Real Eldest Son

Maybe it's because GOGOV, which just appeared yesterday, is still in the novice protection period, or maybe it's because Tornidis, the tornado disaster beast, is indeed not very strong.

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