Ⅱ The Nemesis of the Disaster Demon (Emergency Team): [New] Chapter 131: Kil’s Confession

Samba Xiu's human alias is Hiyama Kage, not Ozu Isamu, so he naturally has no obligation to satisfy Ozu Kui's every request.

Of course, even Ozu Isamu himself cannot fulfill all wishes, as that would become doting.

But maybe as Wu Jianlong said, Sangbasiu is indeed a guy with a bad character.

Just a simple fantasy, he has already begun to look forward to the first meeting between the Absolute God Dark Demon and the magic red who has mastered the three powers of beast fist, magic and technology at the same time.

"Uncle Hiyama, although it is a good thing to find evidence, are you laughing too dangerously?"

Hearing Ozu Kui's complaints, Sambaxiu came back to his senses and looked at Ozu Kui's homeroom teacher: "Teacher, do you need any more evidence?"

"No, no need." The head teacher lowered his voice, his tone was more submissive than ever, for fear that he would be jealous of Samba Xiu.

Sambaxiu looked at the parents again and asked, "So everyone, I'm going back first?"

A group of people nodded quickly and sent Samba Xiu, Keir and Ozu Kui out of the office with smiles.

Back in the car, while fastening his seat belt, Kil expressed his doubts: "When did you become so talkative?"

Although Kil was unable to leave the Dark Hell for most of the day, due to the superficial connection brought by the contract, Kil felt that he knew Samba Xiu relatively well.

Although the Samba Xiu in his impression was not a hyena with a small belly and a vengeance, he was definitely not a kind-hearted and generous dough that could be kneaded by anyone.

"Really? That may be because I want more. After all, in addition to the building materials industry, beauty, digital, and automobiles are also good industries."

Samba Xiu chuckled noncommittally and took out his mobile phone from his pocket.

Hold down the page key and search through the phone's address book until you find the number you want to call.

After a while, the phone was connected, and Anmaru's voice rang from the hands-free cell phone.

"Lord, do you have any mission?"

Samba Xiu said gently: "Anmaru, I heard from Budo that you have been promoted recently?"

"Well, because of the 50 million firefighting fund, I was transferred to the Capital Fire Department, and now I work under Director Kenji Kenji."

"That's good. It seems that even if it's the Capital Fire Department, throwing 50 million will still make a noise." Sambaxiu nodded happily, "Following donations are already being arranged. Anyway, do your best and don't let it down. own dreams.”

"Yes, my lord!"

Sambaxiu suggested: "By the way, I think you can organize a fire inspection of companies in Tokyo and surrounding areas, starting from Maruto, no, let's start with our Hiyama Group."


After hearing the tacit reply from the other side, Sambaxiu hung up the phone, edited a text message amidst the "surprising" look on Kiel's face and the "shocked" look on Ozu Kui's face, and sent it to his good neighbor Ozu Miyuki: Mrs. Ozu, I happen to have something to pass by Kui's school today, so I will take Kui home tonight.

The text message was quickly responded to with a heartfelt thank you.

Samba Xiu accepted his thanks and started the car, but did not drive towards Ozu's house.

Since there are still two hours until Ozu Kui's school dismissal time, if he goes back now, he will probably be an hour and a half earlier than the school dismissal time.

Therefore, Sambaxiu decisively chose to take Ozu Kui to the Sunda Disaster Prevention Research Center. Anyway, if the child wants to learn to make satellites, he can first enroll in a preschool class with Dr. Sunda World, together with Keir.

As soon as they walked into the Xun Disaster Prevention Research Center, Sangbasiu and the other three saw the Xun world and the Xun brothers and sisters who were waiting for them.

"Mr. Hiyama, Mr. Kiel, and this..." Tatsuma's eyes swept over Sambaxiu and Kiel, and finally stopped at Ozu Kui.

Aware of Tatsuma's curious gaze, Ozu Kui introduced himself energetically: "Kui, my name is Ozu Kui!"

Although he was startled by this enthusiastic self-introduction, Xunmao didn't mind: "Okay, very impressive! Children should have such vigor!"

Seeing Tatsuma's enthusiastic look, Tatsuma actually had an inexplicable illusion. She always felt that Tatsuma would grab Ozu Kui's hand in the next second.

However, Tatsumi quickly denied this illusion. She retreated slowly, found the analysis robot Ming Te, and pushed Ming Te in front of Ozu Kui: "Kui, can you follow Ming Te to visit Wangan Realm 55 first? We have important things to ask Mr. Hiyama and Mr. Keir.”

Accompanied by Xunji's soft and sweet voice, the wall of the Xun family's living room cracked open again, revealing the shuttle passage leading to Wangan Realm 55.

Faced with such a cool scene, Ozu Kui first raised his head and glanced at Samba Xiu. After receiving a positive nod of support, he decisively bid farewell to the hot-blooded Tatsuma, followed Ming Te on the shuttle, and headed to the Gulf Coast Area 55.

"Okay, let's get down to business now. Mr. Hiyama, what is your relationship with the Disaster Demon?" Tatsumata asked straight to the point without making any more meanderings.

Sambaxiu raised his hand and said with a pure face: "I have nothing to do with the Disaster Demon. I'm just helping Kil stop you."

Hearing this, Xunmaang looked at Keir and asked, "What about...Mr. Keir?"

Kil said coldly: "A relationship that lasts until death."

As soon as these words came out, the whole place fell into silence.

Xunji carefully recalled the conversation between Gil and Gilfisa: "The Great Witch Grandinu, the Planet Grand Cross, and Mother, what do these mean?"

Kil didn't hide anything and said: "When the planets in the solar system are arranged into a planetary cross, the real master of the disaster demon clan, the Great Witch Grandinu, will come. As for my mother, the Great Witch Grandinu is mine. Birth mother.”

Kiel was being questioned at the Xun Disaster Prevention Research Center, while Pierre was being questioned in the Disaster Demon Palace on the other side.

"Tell me, what's going on with that eldest man who suddenly appeared? Tell me everything you've been hiding all these years!"

Ⅱ Nemesis of the Disaster Demon (Emergency Team): [New] Chapter 132 Gilfisa’s Determination

The person who was questioning Pierre like a torturer was not Gilfissa, the Hades who had just returned from the human world.

It was another devil-like monster, the "second son" of the Disaster Demon Brothers, Beast Baron Kebruda.

"Is the eldest son who suddenly appeared out of nowhere really the mother's child? If so, wouldn't I have to be downgraded from the 'second son' to the 'third son'! But he looks nothing like us! So, Pi Yale, what the hell is going on?”

Kebruda looked at Pierre with a face full of resentment, and the doubt in his eyes could fill the entire Palace of the Calamity Demon.

But before Kebruda could wait for Pierre's detailed explanation, a bright and flamboyant laughter sounded in the Calamity Demon Palace, dispersing the slightly serious atmosphere and alleviating Kebruda's eagerness: "Kebruda Brother Da, you and Brother Gilfisa don’t look alike.”

Although they are both the children of the great witch Grandinu, there is still a big difference between the appearance of the disaster demon brothers.

Judging from the color alone, Gilfisa has black muscles and golden armor, while Kebruda has purple muscles and gray armor.

As for the appearance, Gilfisa's face was full of leadership qualities, while Kebruda's eyebrows were a bit stupid.

But there's nothing that can be done about it. Although they are both children of the great witch Grandinu, their fathers are not the same person.

Facing this intuitive fact, Kebruda didn't know how to defend himself. He turned around, looked along the sound, and saw his beautiful and dangerous sister, the evil spirit Kitinas.

He asked with a bit of sullenness: "Tinas, do you want to admit that the guy who ruined Brother Gilfisa's plan is our brother?"

Tinas snorted coldly, folded her arms, and relaxed: "Are you kidding me, Brother Kebruda? The only elder brother I recognize is Brother Gilfisa."

Hearing what Tinas said, the infant Dolop called out his name.

That was his language, although of the few present only Pierre, who was responsible for looking after him, understood it.

Kebruda grabbed Pierre's collar and asked: "Pierre, what did this guy Dolop say? Why didn't you translate?"

"I'm sorry, Master Kebruda, I was just recalling things related to the Dark King." Pierru came back to his senses, walked to Dolop's side, picked up Dolop, patted him gently, and said: "Lord Dolop said that he agrees with Lord Dinas. Only Lady Gilfisa can be the leader of the Disaster Demon Clan!"

Hearing this, Tinas squeezed out another contemptuous snort from her nose. She stared at Dolop, who was being held by Pierre, with suspicion and suspicion gradually filling her eyes.

Tinas quickly looked away, but she didn't want to run into the young Kebruda: "Tinas, what exactly do you think?"

Tinas did not rush to answer Kebruda's meaningless question, but looked at Pierre and asked: "So our 'eldest brother' wanted to kill our mother as soon as he was born? Is it true?"

Pierre nodded heavily and said with emotion: "That is really a terrible young master."

Tinas also wanted to ask some other questions about Kil, but suddenly realized that Gilfisa had not said a word since she returned to the Calamity Demon Palace. She immediately walked to Gilfisa's side with light steps and expressed concern. He asked: "Brother Gilfisa, are you thinking about Keir?"

Hearing this, Gilfisa nodded, but he did not speak.

Rather, I am thinking about the rationality in Pierlu’s words.

After all, "a child who has just turned one month old wants to assassinate his mother" sounds outrageous.

"Is there any misunderstanding between this?"

Gilfisa thought, and a bold idea began to take shape. Gradually, a slight smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

Immediately, he showed a determined look.

Seeing this, both Kebruda and Tinas became somewhat curious. They both expressed their doubts almost at the same time: "Brother Gilfisa, what are you going to do?"

"Resolve the misunderstanding between mother and Brother Keir, and let Brother Keil become the helper of mother's resurrection!"

Gilfisa said confidently, little did he know that he was about to face a long life of slaps in the face.

Ⅱ The Nemesis of the Disaster Demon (Emergency Team): [New] Chapter 133 Samba Xiu finally rode his beloved motorcycle

There are always some people who simply retell their experiences in the most bland tone can make those who are listening fall into deafening silence.

This was the case for Keir. He just used the simplest and most straightforward words to tell the fact that he had been abandoned and his experience of struggling to survive in the dark hell, which caused the Xun family's living room to fall into an eerie silence.

Xu felt the same way. Xunmao walked over to sit next to Keir, put his hand on Keir's shoulder and patted him, sighing: "It's not easy for you either..."

Samba Xiu looked at the two people interacting. The righteous Super Sentai member was comforting the vicious weirdo. It was really weird.

In particular, Tatsuma and Gil are characters in the same Sentai series, which adds a bit of joy to this strange scene.

It took a lot of effort for Sambaxiu to control his facial muscles and prevent himself from smiling in an undignified manner.

But despite this, Samba Xiu's expression was particularly awkward.

In this serious and sad atmosphere at the moment, this performance is undoubtedly eye-catching.

Tatsuma looked at Samba Xiu: "Mr. Hiyama, what is your relationship with the Disaster Demon?"

"It doesn't matter, I'm just an enthusiastic alien passing by." After all, it was not a job interview, and Sambaxiu had no obligation to explain his last job, so he answered Tatsumi's question in a playful tone.

But even this level of answer is enough to give the Xun brothers a complete shock: "Aliens?"

Sangbasiu looked at Xunji with some surprise. Against the background of her noisy brother, she was so calm and conspicuous: "It seems that Miss Xun has known my identity for a long time."

"It's just a coincidence." Sundaji showed a modest smile, and did not explain too much how he learned about Sambaxiu's identity. Instead, he asked about the relationship between Sambaxiu and Geel, "How did Mr. Hiyama get to know Geel?" Do you know Mr.

Samba Xiu smiled and said: "Similarly, it was also a coincidence. I accidentally opened the door to the dark hell and made a deal with the 'devil' of hell."

"What deal?" Several people from the Xun family asked at the same time.

Sambaxiu did not hide it, and directly stated the agreement between himself and Kiel: "I will help him defeat the great witch Grandinu, and after that, he will come to work in my company."

"It feels so ordinary... No! Mr. Hiyama, you have summoned a powerful 'demon' like Mr. Gere. Is the content of the deal just to let him work in your company?" Tatsudamon grabbed the back of the sofa with both hands. There was a hint of hatred in his tone, as if he was scolding Sambaxiu for wasting his resources.

"Otherwise..." Sangbasiu was a little confused. He raised his head and looked at the Xun brothers and sisters.

I found that except for the surprised Sunda Gate and the calm-looking Sundaji, the rest of the people had doubts on their faces.

"Is this difficult to understand?" Sambaxiu asked first, but when everyone nodded in unison, he continued to explain, "Kiel is not the genie in the magic lamp, so it is impossible for all wishes to come true. Besides, Even if I could, I wouldn't dare ask an unknown 'demon' for a wish."

Hearing this, everyone nodded.

Sambaxiu continued to explain: "As for why I asked Keir to work in my company, the reason is very simple. Keir, call your subordinates to come out."

Kil obeyed and did as he was told. With a wave of his hand, three more guys in black cloaks appeared in the already crowded living room of the Xun family.

The Xun brothers and sisters came forward curiously, but saw three twisted and pale faces. They were immediately startled: "Is this a resentful spirit?"

Sambaxiu nodded, stood up with a smile, and introduced: "The dark dead wandering in the dark hell, those who obey Kir, are immortal, free from illness and disaster, and are natural workers and chosen laborers."

After listening to this introduction, several members of the Xun family instantly understood the reason why Sambaxiu asked Kil to join his company.

"What a terrible capitalist."

Xunmao raised his hand to wipe the cold sweat from his forehead and asked Keir with some anxiety: "Excuse me, will the soul go to the dark hell after death?"

Keir shook his head and denied: "No, human souls are not under my control."

Hearing this, Xunmao immediately breathed a sigh of relief: "That's great."

However, the next second, Samba Xiu's words made him nervous again: "Well, Kil, do you know the guy in charge of human souls?"

"Mr. Hiyama, your idea is a bit dangerous!" Tatsuma raised his hand to cover Kiel's mouth, regardless of whether the other party knew it or not, just to nip all possibilities in the cradle.

However, before he could reach out, his action was interrupted by the alarm bell ringing from the GOGO bracelet on his wrist.

The voice of the analysis robot Mingte came from the bracelet: "Something bad has happened, the disaster beast has appeared again, right here..."

"What! Didn't you just get rid of a disaster monster? Why did it come again?" Sunzhong was the first to express his confusion. In his impression, although there are frequent incidents of weird people causing chaos in Japan, they also follow rules. Generally, It only appears once a week.

Although it sounds a bit childish to say this, there are traces to follow.

After all, most of the weirdos who cause chaos have a purpose. Naturally, each weirdo's battle plan takes a certain amount of time to formulate, perfect and implement.

Not to mention that there are various restrictions on the appearance of weirdos from some evil organizations, which is why weird incidents occur almost once a week.

Not to mention Tatsumi Chong who didn't understand, even Samba Xiu, who had watched Super Sentai N times, was a little confused. Although he was not deeply impressed by "Emergency Sentai GOGOV", he still remembered that it was not too intensive in the early stage. Weird Activity: "What's going on?"

"As the saying goes, you never know which one will come first, disaster or tomorrow. Stop thinking about it, Zhong, let's set off."

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