"What a courage!" Gil swung his sword in a cooperative manner, fighting with Sambashu.

At the same time, with the help of the remaining magic power of the great witch Grandinu, the brothers and sisters of the disaster completed a hasty move.

As soon as they landed, Gilfisa did not help to sort out the messy items, but cast a detection magic to observe the situation on Gil's side.

Looking at Sambashu who had changed drastically due to the use of the Qi-inducing Armor, Gilfisa asked in confusion: "Where did this guy come from?"

Hearing Gilfisa's confusion, the great witch Grandinu turned her eyes to the picture presented by the detection magic, and looked at Sambashu who was "fighting" with Gil, and there was a flash of surprise in her eyes: "Not only can he simply enslave the Star Devouring Beast, but he can also use the power of the beast for himself? It's really a scary guy, but..."

A meaningful smile appeared on his face formed by the gathering of negative energy, but this smile did not last too long, and was soon replaced by frustration: "With my current strength, no matter how good the idea is, it cannot be implemented..."

"Mother," Gilfisa's slightly anxious voice sounded, he pointed at Gil in the picture and asked, "Can you bring my brother back?"

"No." Without any hesitation, Grandinu decisively rejected Gilfisa's request.

"Why?" Gilfisa asked in confusion, with a bit of loss and anger on her face.

As for the few useful subordinates at this stage, Grandinu was quite considerate of Gilfisa's emotions. She quickly spoke up to make amends and acted like a loving mother: "Gilfisa, I know you are a loyal child and feel bad. But I had no choice. In order to save you, I had to give up Gil. I was too weak. Just teleporting you here has consumed most of my magic power. Although the remaining magic power is enough to teleport Gil here, it can't cover up the traces of magic. Once it is used, it will be targeted by the warlocks in that group."

Grandinu took a lot of effort to "brainwash" Gil. It was a pity to discard a useful tool after using it a few times, so she herself wanted to rescue Gil.

That being said, Grandinu knew the principle of "sacrificing the car to save the king". If conditions did not allow, what should be abandoned should be abandoned.

Gilfisa accepted this explanation, but he was unwilling to give up on Gil. He asked, "Mother, if you have enough magic power, can you rescue my elder brother?"

"As long as there is enough magic power, I can construct a spell to conceal the magic power, and save Gil while ensuring your safety."

"Okay," Gilfisa said decisively after getting a positive answer, "Then mother, use my magic power to construct a spell to conceal the flow of magic power!"

"Gilfisa, the magic power I have drawn away cannot be restored." Grandinu reminded.

Gilfisa's eyes were determined: "I know, but a family should be complete, and no one should be missing. Mother, we will do everything we can to revive you, and that's why!"

Glendinu heard this, and there was no ripple in his heart.

She even wanted to laugh and curse "stupid".

After witnessing Gilfisa's determination, Cobruda stood up and said, "Mother, use my magic. Brother Gilfisa still has to lead the disaster demon clan, so his strength cannot be reduced."

Grandinu was just worrying about how to dispel Gilfisa's idea, but he didn't expect Cobruda to be so self-conscious: "Wow, Cobruda, I accept your awareness, so use your magic."

Anyway, he is just a brainless idiot, and his strength is not outstanding, so it doesn't matter if some of his magic is reduced.

But before Grandinu could extract the magic power from Cobruda's body, Tinas also spoke: "Brother Cobruda still has to fight with Brother Gilfisa, so use my magic."

"Tinas..." Gilfisa looked at her weak sister and stopped her.

"Brother Gilfisa..." Cobruda looked at his heroic brother and stepped forward.

"Brother Cobruda..." Tinas looked at his honest brother and patiently persuaded him.

Arguing and arguing, hesitating! Grandinu complained in his heart, and without waiting for Gilfisa and others to come to a conclusion, he started to extract the magic power from Tinas.

Looking at his beautiful and intelligent but weak daughter, Grandinu felt a little disgusted, and the magic power he extracted unconsciously increased a little.

Magic power is to the disaster demons like blood is to humans.

Tinas had most of her magic power extracted by Grandinu, and her body softened instantly, and she fell back heavily.

Fortunately, Cobruda reacted quickly and stepped forward to support the fainted Tinas.

"Mother!" Gilfisa looked at the face in the air, with a somewhat anxious tone.

"Gilfisa, being decisive is a necessary quality for a leader. Gil's situation is dangerous enough, we can't delay any longer!"

"But Tinas..."

"To construct a spell that can conceal the flow of magic power, the magic power consumed is huge, Gilfisa, you don't think it's a simple thing, do you?" Having said that, the magic power that Grandinu extracted far exceeded the magic power required to construct the spell.

"I dare not."

"Well, being calm is also a necessary ability for a leader. Don't panic next time you encounter something, understand?" Feeling the extra magic power in his body after constructing the spell, Grandinu was secretly happy.

【With this magic power, that plan can also be realized! 】

Grandinu looked at Sambasio, who was using the Beast-Dytanix Fist on the screen, with indescribable enthusiasm in his eyes.

Ⅱ The Nemesis of the Disaster Demon (Emergency Team): [New] Chapter 140: Daitanix puts a tight band on himself

When Kil's figure disappeared from his side again, Sambaxiu knew that the play he and Kil had performed together was successful.

However, acting requires a complete set, and Sambaxiu still has a one-man show to perform.

I saw the expression on Sambaxiu's face changing, with shock, anger and unwillingness appearing successively. He exaggeratedly shouted to the sky: "Grandinu!"

Seeing this, Martial Arts rushed forward first, patrolling the surroundings like an alert guard, fearing that he might miss any potential threat.

Elise's reaction was not that great. She was leisurely admiring Samba Xiu's advanced acting skills, and asked in cooperation: "Do I need to catch up?"

"Is your tracking magic still working?"

"It has failed. The guy who took Kil away used a sophisticated spell to cover up the flow of magic power. It will take a lot of time to crack it."

Seeing the faint smile on Elise's face, Sambaxiu couldn't help but guess how long the "quite a lot of time" the other party mentioned was, five minutes? Or one hundred seconds?

However, since the other party cooperated so tacitly, Sangbasiu naturally would not kick away the paved steps. He looked solemn and said with a bit of disdain: "No need, the disaster demon clan is determined to hide from us, and we will fight to the death to find it." Not enough.”

"Damn it, in the end we still couldn't rescue Mr. Keir!" Xunmao clenched his fists unwillingly, "If it could be faster..."

"Mr. Xundan, there is no need to blame yourself. You have already used the fastest speed." When he returns to Earth, Sangbasiu will naturally tell the Xun brothers and sisters the truth of the matter. However, at this moment, in order to prevent the great witch Ge Landinu saw the flaw, so he might as well let the guilt in the Xun brothers and sisters grow: "Elise, it is not advisable to stay in the disaster space for a long time. Use teleportation magic to leave here quickly."

Elise nodded and danced her fingers like fluttering butterflies.

She had already recorded the coordinates for her return trip before setting off, so she didn't need Ozu Miyuki's help for this teleportation.

Soon, the Tatsumi brothers and sisters and Ozu Miyuki were teleported back to the Wangan Realm55.

Next would be Cressiza and the others, and finally Samba Xiu, Budo and Elise.

However, Cressiza had already thought about the pose she would take after teleporting over, and Elise did not continue to use teleportation magic.

He raised his head and looked at Samba Xiu in confusion, hoping to get answers to his doubts from his leader.

But Sambaxiu himself was confused. How could he solve Clesiza's question?

"Elise, why don't you continue?"

Elise's right hand kept groping on the crystal ball, like a miser counting money: "Sambaxiu, you said that we came here after a long time, and then just went back so simply, isn't it a little bit... Loss?"

"So you don't feel comfortable if you don't make some money on this trip?" Samba Xiu was about to laugh in anger. Although he had known Elise's personality of being greedy for money, he really didn't expect that she would still want to steal money. The Disaster Demon's Wool, "This is a desolate Disaster Demon space. There is nothing but a castle with bad taste. How can there be anything that can make you money?"

"You also said that there is nothing here except the castle. Even if you come here, if you don't go in and take a look, I won't be able to sleep at night." Elise showed a greedy smile. She looked at the flamboyant Disaster Demon Palace, " Besides, the disaster demon ran in such a hurry, and it required Kil to delay the time. Compared with that, there are a lot of things that were not taken away..."

Elise said this, so Samba Xiu naturally wanted to comply with her request. He raised his hand to his forehead and nodded helplessly: "Then let's go in and take a look together. The search will be faster if there are more people."

Hearing this, Elise used several teleportation spells and rushed into the Disaster Demon Palace first.

Wu Dao came to Sambaxiu with a cold face, looked at Elise's anxious back, and said with disgust: "You have obviously made a lot of money from the male hook series of jewelry, and you still look like you are obsessed with money all day long. It’s really hopeless.”

"Let her go. Doesn't being willing to let her go in front of us mean that she regards us as her companions?" Samba Xiu took this very openly. Anyway, Elise is a person who understands priorities and knows when When should he be greedy for money and when should he restrain himself? He glanced at the martial artist beside him and said, "It's up to you to be arrogant sometimes."

"Presumptuous..." Wu Dao's voice was very low. Why didn't he want to be as presumptuous as when he first met Sangbasiu three thousand years ago? But when he raised his eyes to look at Samba Xiu, although the person in front of him was still the same friend from three thousand years ago, he felt as if the world had been turned upside down.

Martial Arts sighed: "You have been reborn, how can I stand still. Being presumptuous will only make me indulge in the memories of the past without any growth. Samba Xiu, I have to... keep up with you."

The atmosphere became a little sad.

But at this moment, Elise's clear and loud laughter came from the Disaster Demon Palace: "Hahaha, it's so exciting! Sambaxiu, come on, the Disaster Demon clan has collected a lot of good things!"

Hearing this, Samba Xiu smiled and waved, indicating that he understood.

Then he looked at Martial Arts, stretched out his hand and said, "When have you ever fallen behind? Let's go. If you don't go, you won't get anything."

There was a subtle smile on the corner of Wu Dao's mouth, and he patted Samba Xiu's hand away: "Let's compete, who can find more treasures."

"Happy to accompany you!"

As soon as the words fell, the two of them started at the same time, like athletes hearing the sound of a gun, and ran towards the Palace of the Demon of Disaster in unison.

Soon, the two of them were holding dazzling treasures in their hands.

Samba Xiu estimated the amount of treasures in his and Wu Dao's hands, and suggested: "It seems that it is evenly matched, so let's call it a tie this time."

"Okay, call it a tie."

"You two are in a good mood, and you are actually competing." Ilias's sour voice came.

Samba Xiu glanced at the treasures around Ilias and asked: "Why, you are still unhappy after taking so many things?"

Ilias squatted on the ground with her hands on her cheeks: "I'm wondering how to take these things back?"

"Can't teleport?" Wu Dao asked.

Ilias shook her head: "It can be teleported, but the coordinates of the teleportation are at that strange sea base. It will be very troublesome to suddenly appear with treasures. Maybe you will have to pay a lot of taxes."

Sambaxiu complained: "Taxes are definitely inevitable."

Suddenly, Ilias seemed to have thought of something and looked at Sambaxiu with eager eyes: "Sambaxiu, don't you think your monster is missing something?"


"Castle! Think about it, whether it is Qihabu's Daitanix or Gregory's Germadis, they all have castles."

"Daitanix has been agitated and cannot be linked with the flying castle. Otherwise, after defeating Gregory, I would have directly let Daitanix install the flying castle." Sambaxiu said.

Ilias patted the pillar beside her and said: "This castle of the disaster clan is different from ordinary flying castles. It is built with high-concentration energy and should be able to be linked with Daitanix."

Sambaxiu nodded, but did not rush to try.

Instead, he waited until everyone in Balbon left the Palace of the Demonic Disaster before he began to summon Daitanix.

"Inspiring Skill: Lailai Beast!"

With a loud shout, Daitanix stood in the space of the Demonic Disaster again.

Samba pointed at the Palace of the Demonic Disaster and gave an order: "Install the castle on yourself."

I thought Daitanix would not cooperate.

Who knew that as soon as Samba finished speaking, Daitanix rushed to the front of the castle, cut off the connection between the Palace of the Demonic Disaster and the ground with a tail flick, and then quickly lifted it up with its tail.

The Palace of the Demonic Disaster was like a coin thrown up, spinning rapidly in the air.

After a while, it landed squarely on Daitanix's back.

Samba saw this impatient look, which made him wonder: "You guy, you won't feel uncomfortable without anything on your back, right?"

As soon as he finished speaking, Samba was startled, and he felt that his control over Daitanix had increased a lot out of thin air.

In order to verify this feeling, Samba looked at Daitanix and gave an order: "Do a Thomas turn?"

After receiving the order, Daitanix looked unhappy. Such a complex action is very physically demanding. It doesn't want to do it unless it can have a whole day of excitement to eat.

Thinking of this, Daitanix decided not to cooperate with Samba's order for the time being.

But the next second, his body moved on its own.

Daitanix's short front paws supported the ground and performed a Thomas turn clumsily.

Samba received the depressed mood transmitted by Daitanix and smiled.

Adding a controller to yourself, what Sun Wukong.

Ⅱ The Nemesis of the Disaster Demon (Emergency Team): [New] Chapter 141 Ying Fei: People are valuable when they know what they are contented with

Samba took Daitanix back into his body, along with the Disaster Demon Palace full of treasures.

"As you expected, the Palace of Calamity and Deitanics can be connected."

Ilias had a playful look of pride on her lips. She threw the crystal ball to Disphias and then said with her hands on her hips: "There are coordinates in the crystal ball. You should practice teleportation magic well."

Behind a willful sister is often an honest brother. Although Disphias is a smart man who is good at research, he is really inflexible. After Ilias said a word, he teleported away.

"You threw the matter to Disphias again." Sambaxiu also imitated Ilias and put his hands on his hips and complained.

"What do you mean by 'again'?" Ilias's human mimicry has moist and tender skin, but her face is as thick as a wall. She curled her lips and said, "I just gave him a chance to exercise."

Sambaxiu cast his eyes on the right wrist of Disphias, where the bracelet that sealed the fist demon Xiong Gu hung: "So you even threw all the work of making Xiong Gu series jewelry to him, right?"

"I can't help it. Who made my lovely brother not sociable and unable to do the job of sales? Only I, the elder sister, can show up in public." As she said this, Ilias put on a tearful look, raised her hand to wipe the non-existent tears, and then reached out to Sambaxiu's shoulder, as if she wanted to wipe her hands with Sambaxiu's weird leather coat.

Sambaxiu dodged sideways and reminded: "You are also careless. Aren't you afraid that Xiong Gu will lead your brother into a ditch?"

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