Not to mention Elise, even Samba Xiu was a little confused.

It’s okay if Li Lianjie, Hong Jinbao, and Cheng Long can come over. After all, they all live nearby. Zhen Zidan also temporarily stayed at SCRTC because he had to teach Elise.

But how did Yang Zhiqiong and Yuan Biao get here, one living in the SCRTC branch office in Sweden and the other in a national park in Kenya?

It can’t be the fast track for being a team supporter, right?

"After so many years, there is finally another challenger to the Three Mountains Battle. Naturally, I want to see it." Xia Fu couldn't understand Sangbasiu's inner complaints, but he also saw the doubts in Sangbasiu's eyes, "Yuan Yuan Biao happened to be on vacation recently and came back to see us, while Yang Zhiqiong came to the head office to pick up the latest products. "

Hearing this, Samba Xiu's profit-seeking instinct as a businessman was activated.

He quickly asked: "What kind of product is it? Is it convenient to disclose it?"

Yang Zhiqiong took out a box from behind: "Of course it's convenient."

After taking the box, Sambaxiu opened it and saw a pair of boxing gloves with a black base, orange outline and silver and white decoration lying in the box.

"The qi gauntlet is a prop that can help the wearer attach the qi to the surface of the body." Yang Zhiqiong took two steps forward, took out the gauntlet, and placed it on the back of Sangbasxiu's hand.

In an instant, the qi in Samba Xiu's body began to circulate on its own, rushing towards the qi gauntlet.

Then, several black straps transformed from the qi gauntlet stretched out from the qi guard, wrapping Sambaxiu's arms.

"Masters, this is..."

"Meixi learned that you were going to challenge the Three Mountains Battle, and asked me to give you the Energizing Gauntlet, saying that I would trouble you as a test user now." Yang Zhiqiong explained.

But Samba Xiu understood that this was Masaki Miki helping her challenge.

Ⅱ The Nemesis of the Disaster Demon (Emergency Team): [New] Chapter 146: Excessive anger? Eat the excitement!

“As a boxing technique that has been passed down for thousands of years, beast boxing is undoubtedly all-encompassing.

But if we look closely at the essence of Beast Fist, it can be said that they are all the same.

The ‘beast’ in ‘beast boxing’ refers to the beast within, so in the final analysis, beast boxing is a boxing technique of the soul.

This can be seen from the Three Mountain Battle. Although the Three Mountain Battle is not only a test of the 'heart', but also a competition of 'skill' and 'body', in the final analysis, the three challenges are ultimately to verify the inner quality of the challenger.

For example, in the battle of "heart", you are given a handful of rice, a needle, and a thread, and asked to string them together into a string of bracelets. The test is concentration;

In the battle of 'skills', you will be given a piece of wood, a knife, and a demonstration, and asked to reproduce an ingenious craftsmanship ball. The test is carefulness;

As for the battle of 'power', you are given a cup of solvent, a ribbon, and a rugged mountain road, and you are required to keep running before the solvent completely dissolves the ribbon. The test is naturally perseverance. "

In a secluded mountain hut, on a narrow green bamboo bed, Xia Fu sat cross-legged and told Sangbasiu, who was also sitting cross-legged opposite him, about his understanding of beast fist.

After listening to Xia Fu's long explanation, Sangbasiu asked puzzledly: "If according to this statement, I won the Three Mountains Battle, my concentration, care and perseverance have met the requirements, but why haven't I mastered the extremes yet?" Are you angry?"

"The human heart is complex, and concentration, carefulness, and perseverance are only three of them."

"I can't possibly turn every 'heart' into a challenge, right?" Sambaxiu thought for a moment and muttered.

"This may be a method," Xia Fu nodded, agreeing, and then circulated the qi in his body, gathering it at his fingertips. Although the amount was not large, the pulsing qi was like a slender thread, flowing through his fingertips. His fingertips created a complicated pattern, "But I guess there is always something that plays a leading role."

"Then Master Xia, what is your answer?"

"What is the determination to protect, what is the confidence to persevere?" Xia Fu shook the cat's head lightly and said: "How can I know the answer to your heart?"

After saying that, Xia Fu raised his hand that was filled with complex emotions and tapped Sangbasiu's eyebrows: "Go and ask within your own heart."

Sangbasiu did not respond, because the moment Xia Fu spoke, his consciousness separated from his senses and entered a dark space of consciousness.

"This it possible that the great witch Grandinu is coming again?"

Sangbasiu knew very well that this was impossible, because as early as after successfully challenging the Three Mountains War, he had re-cast Quietly Guarding the Heart.

Although the effect is greatly reduced as Yingfei said, it can still maintain the BUFF for six hours.

I think this dark dream was given by Xia Fu.

Suddenly, at this moment, a few stars flickered in the darkness in the distance, as if something was coming towards him.

"Huh? It's really her!"

This familiar feeling made Samba Xiu feel like he was back in that absurd dream.

Fortunately, as the light continued to amplify, Samba Xiu could see clearly that what was flying towards him was not a tangled ribbon, but burning fragments of a broken planet.

At the same time, a roar came, and the scarlet-eyed Star Swallowing Monster was standing on the debris of the planet, baring its teeth and claws.

"Why are you doing something so abstract again?" Samba Xiu sat cross-legged, holding his chin with one hand, and turned his gaze to Daitanix, trying to find some clues from the freeze-frame action at the last second.

But after a long time, Samba Xiu couldn't see any clues from this brutal scene. Instead, he saw an indigo star's destiny stuck in the gap between Titanic's lower teeth.

Samba Xiu lowered his head slightly and rubbed his chin with his fingers: "Call out Titanic later to see if he has the destiny of this star."

As soon as he finished speaking, Sangbasiu heard a helpless sigh.

Samba Xiu followed the sound and saw that Daitanix, who was originally in an arrogant fighting posture, had returned to his usual silly stance.

It glanced at Sambaxiu, with deep sorrow and disdain in its eyes, as if it disliked Sambaxiu's stupidity.

I saw it raised its front paws high and kicked its hind legs hard, transforming into space flight mode.

At the same time, many more planets appeared in the empty dream space.

Daitanicus opened his mouth wide and crashed towards the planets.

Not long after, false star lives were produced one after another, floating in the darkness, rising and falling like wind chimes.

Like a monkey walking into a peach orchard, Daitanix never stops.

"What number is this? I'm really so hungry..."

Suddenly, Sangbasiu seemed to have figured something out, and the corners of his mouth raised unconsciously, and he suddenly realized: "It's greed, it's greed, it's greed that dominates my heart!"

Once the confusion is solved, I suddenly feel that the world is vast.

After figuring this out, the darkness in the conscious space was swept away, replaced by a blue and clear lake.

At this moment, outside the space of consciousness, in addition to his signature black aura, a yellow-white high-purity aura also emerged from Sangbasiu's body.

The two agitations are intertwined and intertwined.

Finally, a special silver-black aura was formed.

Here is the excessive energy that belongs exclusively to Samba Xiu - the energy-eating energy!


Being the best man in the past two days, I have been really busy. There is also something going on at the company. Another colleague has resigned, which has made our work pressure a little higher. Anyway, everything is not going well. I am very sorry.

The content of the Three Mountain Battle felt a bit boring to write, so I skipped it with a summary.

Ⅱ The Nemesis of the Disaster Demon (Emergency Team): [New] Chapter 147 Gives Kil a little shock

Ji Qi's practice has always been quite dynamic, and Samba Xiu's last epiphany was when he fished out Daitanix.

Although the over-excited Qi awakened this time has been much restrained compared to last time, the wildly increasing agitated Qi still gathered into an upward beam of light, overturning the roof and breaking through the sky.

But in the blink of an eye, the Six Fist Saints who were practicing Dharma protection for Samba outside the hut rushed into the house.

Looking at Sangbasiu on the bed, there was a mixture of black and white excitement, but there was no trace of joy on his face.

"Fu Xia, this..."

Cheng Long, the youngest, was about to ask worriedly when he saw Xia Fu standing up on the green bamboo bed, opening his arms and pushing the six boxing saints out of the room: "Jing is at the critical stage of enlightenment, don't disturb him."

Although there were all kinds of puzzles in his heart, Six Fist Saint still chose to believe Xia Fu's words, exited the hut, called on Wu Dao and Elise to continue to protect Samba, and at the same time, he dragged Xia Fu into the forest and found a suitable place. The corner of chatting.

As soon as he stood still, Yuan Biao said: "Fu Xia, you should have felt it. Jing's excessive aura is very similar to Xiong Gou's angry aura."

Xia Fu raised his eyebrows and asked with a smile: "Are they similar? Apart from being driven by emotions, there aren't many similarities between the two, right?"

"Is it different?" Cheng Long tilted his head and asked in confusion, "There is no difference. Whether it is Jing's excessive anger or Xiong Gou's angry anger, my body has an instinctive warning. ”

"That's because you haven't mastered your cultivation yet." Hong Jinbao not only moved a small bench from somewhere, he glanced at Cheng Long angrily, sat down and lectured, "Be calm and feel Jing's excessive energy. In addition to unsatisfied greedy desires, , and the most important thing is restraint.”

"Indeed, unlike Xiong Gou's endless anger, Jing's greed is restrained," Zhen Zidan, who also studied "heart", quickly understood what Hong Jinbao meant, closed his eyes and felt the cabin in the distance. The fierce anger emanating from his face softened slightly, but within a moment, his expression became serious again, "Why is fear the only thing that restrains this greed?"

Hearing this, the remaining boxing saints who were originally going to accept Sangbasiu's unique and aggressive energy raised their heads and looked at Xia Fu.

Facing the scorching gazes of several people, Xia Fu looked like an old man sitting firmly on the Diaoyutai. He smiled and said, "What do you think is the difference between stimulating Qi and Lin Qi?"

"Don't change the subject, Xia Fu, if Jing's excessive anger is not handled well..." Probably because the problem was really serious, Yuan Biao lost his composure. He tried to lower his voice as much as possible, "Don't forget, after using Beast Beast's full body transformation We no longer have enough strength to fight against a new male hook."

Xia Fu did not respond to Yuan Biao's concerns, but explained to himself: "Ji Qi and Lin Qi are both the power obtained after releasing oneself, but the most essential difference between the two is restraint. Lin Qi is unscrupulous Indulge yourself, let your inner wildness run wild, and even take pleasure in relying on this power to harm others. But Jiaqi is about liberating the wildness while restraining yourself, controlling the brutal beast in your heart, and improving your realm by constantly taming your true self. . Jing’s situation perfectly fits the latter, how could he be someone like Xiong Gou?”

Yuan Biao's expression relaxed slightly, but there was still a worry between his brows: "Fu Xia, you should also understand that with Jing's current state, a single thought will cause him to fall into the Beast Fist, just like Li Yang back then. , the same as the male hook.”

"Ahem, that..." Cheng Long looked at Yuan Biao who was a little excited, and wanted to say something, but couldn't get a word in.

Xia Fu also deliberately ignored Cheng Long's speech and continued to refute Yuan Biao's concerns: "You can see a person's character from the details of daily life. The same is true for Beast Fist. The paranoia of Li Yang and Xiong Gou has already been revealed in their daily practice."

"You mean, Jing is different from them?"

"Yes, Jing is different. Although he has an extreme starting point, he can get back on track, just like two negatives equal a positive."

Xia Fu usually doesn't say too much, but for Samba Xiu, the observation and getting along during this period of time made Xia Fu have the confidence to make a guarantee.

It's a pity that Yuan Biao, Cheng Long and Yang Zhiqiong didn't have much interaction with Samba Xiu before, so they didn't feel much reality about Xia Fu's guarantee.

Yang Zhiqiong said with some concern: "To be on the safe side, let's test it carefully. The Beast Fist cannot have a third male hook."

Xia Fu also understood the concerns of several old friends and had no intention of stopping them: "Then what are you going to do?"

Cheng Long said: "Just have a competition!"

"That's right," Yuan Biao nodded in agreement, "Life can be disguised, but the moves cannot be. As long as we have a competition, I think I can verify your statement."

"Okay," Xia Fu said calmly, "You go and make an appointment with Jing."

As soon as he said it, Yuan Biao walked out of the forest quickly and walked towards the hut. Although there was no more soaring Qi above the hut, he still politely raised his hand and knocked on the wooden door: "Jing, is the Qi consolidated?"

No one responded.

Yuan Biao pushed the door with some doubts, but saw that Samba Xiu was no longer on the bamboo bed.

He turned around and was about to question Xia Fu, but ran into the anxious Cheng Long head-on.

"Yuan Biao, I was just about to tell you that when we were chatting just now, Jing and the other three came over and said they were late and went back. If you have anything, call him."

"Huh? Why didn't you say it earlier?"

Cheng Long felt a little aggrieved: "You and Xia Fu were arguing so fiercely, I couldn't get a word in."

Yuan Biao felt embarrassed and looked at Xia Fu: "Please give me a copy of Jing's address."

Xia Fu took out a note from his arms and handed it to Yuan Biao: "Go again tomorrow morning."


The first thing Samba Xiu did when he returned home was to use telepathy to contact Gil who had successfully sneaked into the disaster demon camp, and opened the entertainment manual compiled by Hong Jinbao himself and relayed the contents on it.

After listening carefully to the contents of the entire manual, Gil did not complain, but earnestly requested Samba Xiu: "Thank Master Hong Jinbao for me and tell him that I will practice well."

Samba Xiu did not like this solemn atmosphere. After accepting Gil's request, he asked about the other party's lurking situation in a joking manner: "How is it? Does anyone suspect you?"

"No, they did not avoid me when discussing the plan. They should be very confident in Grandinu's methods."

Samba Xiu smiled: "That's good, but do you have any ideas about the next battle of the Disaster Demon Clan?"

"What ideas?"

"Aren't you going to help resurrect Grandinu and then kill her with your own hands? Then don't you have to help the battle of the Disaster Demon Clan?"

Hearing that Samba Xiu's words were a bit entangled, Gil understood what the other party was worried about, and replied: "Samba Xiu, even if I am not with you now, our deal is still valid. Since I promised you to restrain the destructive impulse and destruction in my heart, If you can destroy your desires, you won't break your promise. Not to mention that reviving Grandinu by absorbing negative energy will greatly enhance Grandinu's strength, it's impossible for Grandinu to be resurrected with these house-like battles. I will find the most appropriate way to revive Grandinu, which can kill her and reduce her strength at the same time. "

Samba Xiu smiled and said, "Hey, from what you said, has the next battle plan of the Disaster Demon Clan been decided?"

"The specific destruction has been decided, it is an explosion, but the specific explosion location has not been finalized. It is estimated that it will take a few days to plan it. "

Samba Xiu sighed in his heart: "It's quite rigorous. When the explosion location is determined, remember to notify me in time. "

Kil's voice of approval came: "Well, I will notify you as soon as possible, and we must minimize the disaster losses. "

Hearing this, Samba Xiu was stunned for a moment. Why did he feel that the conversation between him and Kiel sounded so righteous? If you don't know, you might think that they are righteous partners in the underworld.

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