After obtaining sufficient raw materials from Yaduo, who was responsible for the raw material deployment in the factory, Sambaxiu began to display a variety of dazzling skills, almost all the skills he had learned in the machinist branch were used several times, except for [ Gaboga's Fist] and various self-destruction robot series skills.

Within a few minutes, the originally ordinary building materials processing factory was surrounded by various mechanical turrets and self-defense robots.

But before Sambaxiu could put his hands on his hips to appreciate his masterpiece, a sudden burst of applause came from behind Sambaxiu.

Looking back, I saw Wu Jianlong applauding, commenting like a judge appreciating a magic show: "Assembling so many precision machines in such a short period of time is really a wonderful performance, Samba Xiu, you With such ability, Qihab only allows you to be an ordinary legion commander. I feel sorry for you. "

"Qihab has been dead for almost a month, there is no need to flog the corpse," Sangbashiu said, making fun of his dead ex-boss. Sangbaxiu never had any psychological burden. After giving Wu Jianlong a rare smile, he frowned and asked. , "Mr. Wu Jianlong, an ordinary beast boxer, what do you do for a living?"

Wu Jianlong shrugged, with a playful look on his face: "Of course I'm here to help you look after the factory."

"Nurse? Isn't this your first time here?"

"Hmm...I can't remember how many times, but Mr. Hiyama just needs to remember that I have been your security guard for almost a year, so remember to make up for my salary." Wu Jianlong became so playful that he actually Asked Sambaxiu for his salary.

Sangbasiu did not respond immediately, but carefully examined Wu Jianlong's expression.

Seeing this, Wu Jianlong knew that the other party was doubting the authenticity of his words, and suddenly felt ridiculous: "Mr. Hiyama, even if you don't believe my words, you have to believe in your own luck. You will choke even when you drink water, How is it possible to open a factory without any accidents? All the factories in the same industry were completely destroyed..."

Sangbasiu was naturally cheeky. When he heard Wu Jianlong's complaints, he not only didn't feel embarrassed, but also asked: "But why do you want to help me?"

Wu Jianlong did not hide his intention, but he did not go into too much detail. He just gave a vague and general answer: "Of course it is to change your life."

"Then I really have to thank you very much."

Sangbasiu knew that continuing to ask would not bring about the specific truth, so he no longer persisted, but silently wrote down the key information of "changing fate against heaven", intending to find time to learn from experts and scholars in this field, and by the way, They looked at how bad their luck was and asked for some advice on how to "change their fate."

After all, you can't safely leave this kind of thing to Wu Jianlong. Who knows if he is hatching some bad ideas.

It's a pity that at this moment, Samba Xiu couldn't remember any team in the Super Sentai worldview that involved numerology.

Maybe you can ask Xia Fu. After all, he is a boxing saint who has lived for thousands of years. His connections in this area should not be underestimated.

Moreover, Samba Xiu remembered that there was a secret treasure in Team Todoroki that involved Feng Shui. When Dr. Makino's secret treasure search team was formed, they could give priority to searching for that secret treasure.

In addition, Gu Linji can also be asked to release some news. Maybe the Shadow Team will surprise him one day?

Just do it, Sambaxiu immediately implemented the idea in his mind.

In the next few days, he first visited Xia Fu to ask if he knew any talented Feng Shui magicians, then met with Makino Morio to inquire about the progress of the formation of the secret treasure search team, and also took the time to chat with the Shadow Blade of the Shadow Group. Chatted.

Unfortunately, there was little gain. Although Master Xia introduced several Feng Shui masters and witches, he failed to see through Samba Xiu's fortune. Makino Morio's secret treasure search team had not yet found a suitable candidate, but only made a batch of equipment and made good progress. It's so slow; the Blade of Darkness hasn't replied yet, like a stone sinking into the sea without making any waves.

In this way, with a little frustration and loss, Samba Xiu came to the day when the battle against the bomb disaster monster Gasgel began three days later.

Seeing the violent explosion in the K2 area in the distance, and the GOGOV confronting the bomb disaster beast in the flames of the explosion, Sambaxiu couldn't help but breathed a sigh of relief: "Did my transfer succeed?"

As soon as he finished speaking, he saw the bomb disaster monster in the distance facing GOGOV who shouted "family", "trust", "bond" and other lines, and released a dense explosion of bombs.

Then Sambaxiu saw that several of the explosive bombs did not explode immediately after hitting GOGOV, but flew straight towards the G2 area where the factory was located.


If he hadn't already been convinced that the Bomb Disaster was about to say goodbye to this world, Samba Xiu would have rushed to the scene of the battle and given the indiscriminate shooting of the Bomb Disaster a shot.


I practiced hard for five days and felt much better. I left my job after two and a half days. I felt really good.

It’s great that I can resume a little bit of updates after leaving my job. I hope May goes well.

Ⅱ The Nemesis of the Disaster Demon (Emergency Team): [New] Chapter 153 The Disaster Demon Clan must be dispersed without Gilfisa

Following the tradition of villain unit monsters in the Super Sentai worldview, the Bombastrophe Monster grew in size after being defeated.

It's a pity that just like the ordinary monsters that have appeared in the past twenty years, enlargement failed to reverse the fate of the bomb disaster monster.

Under the attack of Victory Robot's righteous kill "Victory Sun Flame", the bomb disaster beast was defeated.

The violent explosion was synchronized in real time to the Disaster Demon Clan's new base - the Disaster Demon Palace - through the Disaster Demon Clan's magic.

As the commander-in-chief of this battle, Tinas's face was full of unwillingness. She clenched her fists and her eyes were like swords scraping across the victory robot in the image: "Damn GOGOV, what if..."

"What a bunch of troublesome guys. Without the trouble of these guys, Tinas's battle will definitely be successful." It was probably because Tinas, who had lost half of her magic power, aroused Kebruda's protective desire, and he did not Instead of laughing at Tinas' failure as usual, she comforted her sister in her own way.

Gilfisa was a tolerant brother and leader, so naturally he would not show an angry look just because he lost a battle: "Tinas, sum up the experience of this failure and look forward to your next battle."

After being comforted by her two brothers, Tinas's expression relaxed slightly.

She raised her eyes to look at Kil, and saw that he still had a straight face and did not ask for anything. She turned around and said goodbye to Gilfisa: "Brother Gilfisa, I am going back to the room first. Please inform me if there is any discussion about new operations. "

Gilfisa noticed that Tinas had some objections to Kil, but she did not point it out directly. She simply responded: "Tinas, have a good rest. You should go back first, Kebruda."

Kebruda nodded, but before leaving, he glanced at the silent Kil. Apparently, like Tinas, he was still unable to adapt to the sudden appearance of his big brother.

Seeing Gilfisa taking the initiative to drive away his younger brothers and sisters, Pierlu, as the housekeeper, instantly understood that Gilfisa wanted a space to be alone with Gil. He immediately picked up the ghost boy Dolop and bowed slightly: "Mr. Gilfisa, please It’s almost time for Lord Luop to rest, so I’ll take him back to his room first.”

Keir was not a fool, so he naturally understood Gilfisa's intention and asked, "What are you going to say?"

Like a worried old father, Gilfisa suggested: "Brother, proper comfort can bring us closer to each other. You are a little cold towards your younger brothers and sisters."

Kier is a typical example of "whoever treats him well will be treated well".

If Sangbasiu takes the initiative to show kindness to him, he will abide by the agreement with the other party.

Gilfissa took the initiative to give him brotherly kindness, and he would naturally return the same gentleness.

In the past few days since he came to the Calamity Demon Palace, Kil didn't feel any closeness from Dinas and Kebruda: "What they long for is a loving brother, Gilfisa. I don't want to be sentimental."

Hearing this, Gilfisa sighed helplessly. He looked at Kiel and felt that he did not have an extra brother, but an introverted younger brother: "Brother, I think you can also notice how we get along these days. Neither Tinas nor Kebruda like to express their love openly, even though they are at odds with each other all the time, they care about each other more than anyone else..."

Kil's expression did not loosen at all. To be honest, he was not interested in these contents. After all, he lurked into the Disaster Demon Clan to kill Grandinu, not to experience brotherly love: "Gilfisa, if It’s nothing, I’ll go back first. If there is any need for my strength in battle, just let me know.”

Gilfisa could hear Kil's impatience. He did not continue to defend Tinas and Kebruda, but just suggested: "Brother, if there is still a chance for Tinas to command the battle, I hope you can go." help."

Kil frowned, not that he was dissatisfied with Gilfisa's arrangement, but in order to confirm his identity, he had to make a fuss according to the character Grandinu set for him: "Gilfisa , you should understand that mother's love is shared. I admit that under your leadership, we brothers have maintained a good relationship, but you can't deny that each of us is longing for mother's preference. Proposal, I don’t want to accept it.”

Although Grandinu did not condense a specific image, her soul was wandering in the Calamity Demon Palace, so Kil's words were heard clearly by Grandinu without reservation. Instantly, she felt a little proud.

Although she didn't want to admit it, Gilfissa understood that what Kiel said was right. Brotherly love was important, but in the face of the most cherished mother's love, these needed to be compromised. Although he was trying hard to integrate Kil into the Disaster Demon siblings at the moment, he was also trying to let Grandinu see his talents.

Although Gilfisa didn't know it at this time, the maternal love he and his brothers and sisters longed for was nothing more than a false lie.

"Brother, I understand your worries, but in order to save you, Tinas' mother drained most of her magic power. I hope you can help her for this reason."

Keir looked solemn and said, "Speak clearly."

Seeing this, Gilfisa knew something was up, and he quickly informed Grandinu that he had insufficient magic power to construct teleportation magic.

After listening to Gilfisa's story, Kil fell into thinking. Although he had not received any professional or systematic magic training, his experience in the dark hell made him self-taught, so he could estimate the magic. How much magic power was consumed by the teleportation magic cast by Grandinu. Based on Tinas' existing magic power, Kil could easily estimate her original magic power.

This guy Grandinu has drawn three times more magic power!

Kil was simply shattered by Grandinu's shamelessness.

However, although his heart was surging like ocean waves, there was no trace of it on Keir's face.

He lowered his head, as if he was too ashamed to look directly into Gilfisa's eyes: "I understand, I will help."

After that, he turned around and left, walking slowly towards Tinas' room.

Raise your hand and knock the door lightly.

Tinas opened the door and found Kil standing at the door. She was an unexpected visitor. She frowned slightly and asked politely: "Brother Kil, what can I do for you?"

Probably because he had some sympathy for Tinas in his heart, Kil's eyes were a little softer, but he was really not good at keeping gentle, so he only said stiffly: "Next time we fight, I can help you stop GOGOV. "

Tinas was stunned for a moment, obviously not expecting that Kil would say such a thing, and looked at this eldest brother who was very unfamiliar with her with doubts.

Suddenly, her eyes were blocked by Kiel, and she saw Gilfisa peeking from a distance, and she instantly understood that it was actually Gilfisa's efforts behind this.

However, she is not a hypocritical person. In her opinion, since Kil can listen to Gilfisa's advice, it means that the other party is not a cold and unfeeling person. Moreover, she does need some help now.

"Okay, thank you big brother."


I just left my job and there are a lot of messy things going on, so I'm sorry for the delay in updating.

Recently, I had to be honest. After washing my hands, I turned around and bumped into the towel rack. I thought it was just a bruise, but when I looked in the mirror, I found a two-centimeter crack on my eyebrow. I hurriedly found a piece of gauze to wrap it up. I spent a day as a one-eyed dragon. It was fun.

Ⅱ Nemesis of the Disaster Demon (Emergency Team): [New] Chapter 154 Akashi Akashi, join the team

Sambaxiu, who did not maintain real-time telepathy with Kil, naturally had no chance to witness the touching brother-sister ice break that took place in the Calamity Demon Palace. After organizing the Yadodos to clean up the remains of the fort destroyed by the battle between GOGOV and the Bomb Calamity Demon Beast, he murmured Said: "Perhaps I should ask for something for transportation first?"

Sambaxiu took out his mobile phone and dialed Elise's number.

Although Elise had personally admitted before that she could not achieve such a mysterious thing as changing her destiny against the will of heaven, the other party also said that it would be okay to make some small props for transportation.

The call was quickly connected, and Sambaxiu briefly described what happened today and stated his request.

But she didn't want to cause Elise to laugh heartily on the other end of the phone: "My dear leader, I didn't expect your luck to be so bad. I thought it was yours to choke on my own saliva when you spoke. It’s the limit!”

Sambaxiu endured Elise's ruthless ridicule for a while, and then said with a bit of helplessness: "Enough laughing, tell me the materials for making transport props, and I will ask Clesiza to deliver them to you tomorrow. Home."

After a brief moment of surprise, Elise stopped her smile and her tone became more serious: "Simple transport props probably won't do much for you. Why don't you come to my house and I'll arrange a transport ceremony for you. I have all the materials here.”

"Now?" Samba Xiu glanced at the dark sky, raised his hand and looked at the mechanical watch on his wrist. It was already ten o'clock.

"The sooner this kind of thing is done, the better," Elise urged. "The transfer ceremony takes a lot of time. Arranging it tomorrow morning will probably delay your work tomorrow. Besides, you have nothing to do with the transfer ceremony. You Just come and take a nap.”

Since the other party said so, Sangbasiu naturally had no reason to refuse.

Immediately drove to Elise's home.

Thanks to the sales of bracelets stained with the wrath of the Fist Demon, Elise accumulated considerable wealth and lived in a large single-family villa like Samba Xiu. Therefore, even if it was close to midnight, Sang Basu's arrival did not affect the rest of others.

After parking the car in the yard, Sambaxiu walked into a north-facing room on the second floor of the villa under the guidance of Elise.

There was a huge magic circle carved on the floor of the room. The magic circle was full of strange runes that Sambaxiu couldn't understand. Sambaxiu observed carefully for a long time and could only barely make out some symbols that symbolized luck.

While arranging the decorations for the ceremony, Elise said: "The quality of your sleep tonight may not be very good. After all, you have to make do with the hard floor for one night, but if you can change the situation, the endurance will be over. "

Sambaxiu, who had been harassed by his bad luck so far, naturally didn't care about the discomfort that night. He asked: "How do I need to cooperate next?"

Elise pointed to the center of the magic circle and said, "Just lie down inside and close your eyes to sleep."

Although he was surprised at his own ease, Samba Xiu was not ignorant. He carefully passed by Elise and held her along the edge of the magic circle. He came to the center of the magic circle and lay down honestly.

He closed his eyes, and soon he heard the spell recited by Elise. Although he couldn't understand it, it made him feel at ease inexplicably.

Gradually, sleepiness began to rise, and a small icon began to gather in his DEBUFF column.

[Lucky: You have temporarily improved your luck through the transshipment ceremony. Duration: 13 days, 23 hours, 59 minutes and 59 seconds. 】

Early the next morning, when Samba Xiu woke up from the floor refreshed and saw the icon that appeared in the DEBUFF column, it took him a while to come back to his senses. He stared in disbelief at the four symbols that symbolized [luck]. Leaf and grass icon: "This description doesn't look like DEBUFF, is it a bug?"

He subconsciously wanted to find Elise, the spell caster, to find out. When he looked up, he saw Elise lying on the floor near the door.

He stood up and stepped forward to observe, and found that the other party was just falling into a deep sleep.

It looked like he had just fallen asleep, obviously he had not slept all night.

At least from the text description, Sangbasiu didn't see anything wrong with [luck], so he stopped worrying: "DEBUFF, just DEBUFF. Let's ask carefully when we find a master of numerology."

Picking up Elise who was still having a sweet dream on the floor, Sambaxiu moved her to the bed, covered her with a quilt, and drove to the company.

As soon as he sat down on the soft office chair, the phone on Sambaxiu's desk rang.

Picking up the receiver, Samba Xiu heard the secretary's voice: "President, a gentleman named Akashi Akashi wants to see you. He is accompanied by two of his companions. The meeting time is arranged at 10 o'clock. Can you please ”

"Akashi Akashi!" Hearing the name, Samba Xiu was inevitably a little excited, "Okay, you can call Dr. Makino Morio from the Secret Treasure Protection Research Center and ask him to come to the company."

After hanging up the phone, Samba Xiu sorted out the work at hand, picked up a document bag and walked out of the office, rushing to the reception room where he had an appointment with Akashi Akashi.

Like Samba Xiu, Makino Morio, who learned of Akashi Akatsuki's arrival, also finished the work at hand early and hurried over.

So when Sambaxiu opened the door to the reception room, Makino Morio was already sitting there talking to Akashi Akashi.

Seeing Sambaxiu walking in, Makino Morio immediately greeted him with a look of joy on his face.

Seeing this, without Makino Morio opening his mouth or Akashi Akatsuki opening his mouth, Samba Xiu knew that it was a certainty that Akashi Akatsuki would join the Todoroki Sentai adventurers he formed.

Sure enough, as soon as he sat down, Sambaxiu just asked why he came, and saw Akashi Akashi take out the minimalist version of the internal beta accelerator driver from his pocket and push it in front of Sambaxiu: "If Mr. Hiyama hadn't given me this A simple adventure. I am afraid that the three of us were buried in the ruins two days ago. The life-saving grace is unforgettable. I remember that Mr. Hiyama’s secret treasure search team is in urgent need of manpower. I wonder if there is any room left for us? "

Hearing this, Samba Xiu joked: "Mr. Akashi, don't you feel that your adventure is restricted this time?"

Akashi Akashi seemed to have expected it. Faced with Samba Xiu's ridicule, he pointed at the minimalist version of the accelerator driver and said with a smile: "This combat uniform is just the initial version. It can be used to test such a novel invention, so why not An adventure."

Samba Xiu was quite satisfied with this answer. He nodded, took out three contracts from the document bag he brought, and pushed them in front of Akashi Akashi and his two companions: "Please."

Akashi Akashi took the contract, read it quickly, and signed his name neatly.

Hiyama Group, Todoroki Sentai Adventurers, Fiery Adventurers, Adventure Red, join the team!

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