There are many Imps hidden in that room, which should be enough to deal with an ordinary security team.

"Ms. Kiyomi Inoue, you should also take a break." Facing the beautiful Tina, Xun Liushui began to show his considerateness.

Tina nodded to Xun Liushui and took a step to sit next to Xun Liushui.

While causing the science and engineering man to be nervous, he took out a bottle of perfume from his bag.

While Xun Liushui and Xun Ji were not paying attention, he sprayed some on their faces.

The next second, two dull "plops" were heard, and Xun Liushui and Xun Ji also fainted on the sofa.

Tina hurriedly got up and began to search through Dill Robinson's belongings, trying to find the CD with the data on crustal fault activity.

However, this CD was handed over to Xun Chan when Dill Robinson and Xun Chan met without anyone noticing, so Tina's search was destined to be fruitless.

"Where's the disc?"

Tinas was wondering when she heard a noisy running sound.

It sounded a bit like the leather shoes of the guards.

"What's going on? They should have been dealt with by Imps?"

Tinas looked up in confusion, but saw that not far away, the guards led by Naoto Takizawa lined up in a row, holding guns and pointing them at her.

Since Tinas was standing not in the row of sofas where Dill Robinson, Tatsumi Ryusui and Tatsumi Matsuri were lying, but in front of another row of sofas where Dill Robinson's personal belongings were placed.

So Naoto Takizawa did not hesitate at all and immediately pulled the trigger, forcing Tinas further away from Dill Robinson and the others.

Then he quickly ordered the guards to come forward and protect them behind him.

"You are indeed problematic. The monster in that room just now was your subordinate."

Seeing that her plan had failed, Tinas no longer concealed, removed her disguise, and changed back to the bold outfit when she was the brother and sister of the disaster demon.

Tinas was about to say something, but at the command of Naoto Takizawa, the guards holding guns pulled the trigger one after another.

The cold guns spit out hot flames, and dense bullets flew towards Tinas.

"Cunning human!"

Takizawa Naoto's directness made Tinas stunned, and she quickly cast the disaster magic to try to resist this round of physical attacks.

However, because most of her magic power was drawn away by the witch before, her magic power flow became extremely difficult, and it was difficult to build defensive magic in time.

Suddenly, there was a purple-black flash, and a tall figure appeared and blocked her.


The person who came was Gil.

After using his back to block all the attacks for Tinas, he turned around and looked at the guards lined up in a row: "Cobruda, Tinas's plan failed, now is your home court!"

The next second, a black whirlwind blew, and Cobruda appeared with his disaster beast.

Looking at the three burly monsters standing in front of Tinas, Naoto Takizawa gritted his teeth and glanced at Dill Robinson who was still sleeping: "This deal is a loss."

Ⅱ The Nemesis of the Disaster (Emergency Team): [New] Chapter 160 The City Guards are showing their prowess

The City Guards under Budo Security Co., Ltd. have good firepower.

This can be seen from the fact that they were able to escape unscathed from Impus's ambush.

It's just that for a team of only six people, you want them to fight three cadres + a unit monster. Although the strength of one of the cadres has been greatly reduced, it is still a bit difficult for them.

However, two rounds of gunfire woke Tatsumi Ryusui and Tatsumi Matsuri from their coma, and they quickly transformed.

"Are you awake? Go blue and Go pink, but even if you two are added, what can change?" Cobruda laughed wildly.

Although this was unpleasant, it was the truth.

Tatsumi Ryusui and Tatsumi Matsuri also understood this. After all, the power of GOGOV can only be maximized when five people gather together.

Therefore, after completing the transformation, they immediately pressed the communication button on the emergency bracelet to try to contact their brothers.

However, Tinas had already arranged for Impus to arrange props that could shield electromagnetic signals around, and the two's first attempt to shake people failed.

"Mr. Takizawa, you take the doctor away first, and we will stop the disaster." Although Naoto Takizawa led the team to force Tinas back briefly, in Tatsumi Ryusui's eyes, the other party was still an ordinary person who needed protection, so he chose to let the guards leave first.

Naoto Takizawa's mission was to protect Dill Robinson, and he and Tatsumi Ryusui didn't have a deep friendship, so he naturally wouldn't shirk: "We'll ask for support when we get to a place where we can use electromagnetic communication."

After that, Naoto Takizawa carried Dill Robinson on his back without hesitation and led the team out of the hotel.

Cobruda snorted twice in contempt: "Morguru, go catch that guy!"

"Yes, Lord Cobruda." The Digging Disaster Beast jumped into the ground and disappeared.

Tatsumi Ryusui took out the instrument that the Tatsumi World gave him to monitor the underground situation, and saw that the Digging Disaster Beast was moving towards the direction of Naoto Takizawa and others.

Based on the information given by the instrument, Tatsumi Ryusui took out the V laser gun and pulled the trigger at the ground in front of him to the right.

The scorching laser penetrated the ground and accurately hit the Disaster Beast that was moving through the soil, forcing him out of the soil.

This seems to be a good start, but at this stage, the full GOGOV has a hard time fighting a Cobruda, not to mention that there are only Tatsumi Ryusui and Tatsumi Matsuri at this moment.

Therefore, facing the attack of Keel and Cobruda, the two have almost no room for resistance.

However, in a moment, Tatsumi Ryusui and Tatsumi Matsuri were defeated.

Although the persistence was short-lived, it was enough for Naoto Takizawa to rush out of the electromagnetic shielding range to ask for help.

After a while, the other GOGOVs who received relevant information rushed to the scene.

Arriving at the scene with him was Sambaso.

After all, Keel also appeared, and as Keel's exclusive rival actor, how could Sambaso be absent.

But when Sambaso and the other GOGOVs rushed to Naoto Takizawa, Cobruda and others also came nearby with Tatsumi Ryusui and Tatsumi Matsuri.

"If you want to save the lives of these two people, hand over Dr. Dill Robinson or the disc!" Cobruda stretched out his hand and reached forward.

"Brother Chan, don't worry about me, beat this guy!" Although he was controlled by Impus, Xun Liushui still struggled and shouted.

However, Xun Chan ignored this speech and stepped forward: "Don't hurt my brother, I'll give you the disc now."

"What?" Xun Ji was shocked and spoke anxiously, trying to dispel Xun Chan's impulsive thoughts, "No, Brother Chan, that disc is related to the lives of millions of people."

Xun Liushui also shouted anxiously: "No matter what, you have to know the difference between two people and millions of people!"

Unfortunately, the words of the two did not have any effect on Xun Chan.

Xun Chan turned around and looked at Samba Xiu.

And Samba Xiu took out a disc from behind and handed it to Xun Chan.

Xun Chan held up the disc: "I'll count 'one, two, three' and throw the disc over, and you will also release my brother and sister at the same time!"

"Okay, it's a deal." Kil nodded in agreement.

Without much thought struggle, Xunchan started to count: "One, two, three!"

Xunchan threw the optical disc high up, and Impus, who controlled Xunliusui and Xunji, also let go a little.

Although they didn't want Xunchan and Cobruda to reach this deal, they couldn't let Xunchan down now that things had come to this point.

While Cobruda and others were attracted by the thrown optical disc, they broke free and ran to Xunchan and Sambashu.

After receiving Xunliusui and Xunji, Sambashu and Xunchan raised their guns, aimed at the optical disc, and pulled the trigger.

Cobruda saw the movements of the two and flapped his wings to try to intercept the attacks of Sambashu and Xunchan.

Unfortunately, he was still a step too slow.

There were only two crisp sounds.

The optical disc that was parabolic in the air broke into several pieces.


Cobruda let out a shrill cry.

Sambaxiu smiled, pointing at the fragments of the disc and said, "Why don't you take a good look at what is broken?"

"Pioneer... Musician... Sutogi... Works... Compilation?" Cobruda read out these words from the scattered fragments, and then he realized that from the beginning, Xunchan threw out a disc that did not record the data of crustal fault activity.

"You are so despicable!"

Facing Cobruda's accusation, Xunchan did not feel ashamed at all. He said with full momentum: "Dealing with you guys is not despicable at all!"

"Damn it, Morgurul, go and catch Dr. Robinson!"

The excavation disaster beast once again used its ability to escape underground.

Xun Liushui took out the instrument and wanted to use the same trick again.

However, Cobruda was prepared. He took out a cannon from behind and fired at Xun Liushui, destroying the instrument in his hand.

Seeing this, GOGOV turned around and rushed towards Naoto Takizawa who was protecting Dill Robinson not far away.

However, before they took a few steps, Tinas and Cobruda blocked their way.

On the other side, Gil also stared at Sambashu.

So, the excavation disaster beast, which was not stopped by anyone, quickly arrived at the location of the guard team and drilled out from the ground.

Looking at the guard team members who pointed their guns at themselves.

The excavation disaster beast sneered disdainfully: "Do you think that you can defeat me with just these weapons? Impus and I are at different levels!"

"Really?" Naoto Takizawa raised his mouth, "Fortunately, we also have weapons specifically designed to deal with guys at your level."

The guard team members put away their stylish submachine guns and took out a dark blue pistol from their waist bags.

"Is this a weapon specifically designed to deal with me? Don't look down on me!" With a roar, the excavation disaster beast raised its arm and was about to smash it down.

However, the guards, including Naoto Takizawa, did not dodge or evade, but just gently pulled the trigger.

The next moment, several colorful laser beams shot out from the small pistol, hitting the arrogant excavation disaster beast, making a crackling explosion.

Samba was attracted by the movement of the guards and looked up.

I felt that the guns in the hands of the guards were inexplicably familiar.

Looking closely, isn't this the Mega Ranger's Mega Sniper Rifle?

Observing it a little more, why does the workmanship look like Bakuda's work?


I didn't work hard on the fourth update. I'm a little sleepy. I'm going to sleep first. I'll work hard when I wake up.

Kil's foreshadowing on the side of the disaster demon is almost done. Let Cobruda gain some favor with Kiel, and then we can turn the focus back to Sambashu.

I feel that three updates are still too few, I will try to speed up.

Ⅱ The Nemesis of the Disaster Demon (Emergency Team): [New] Chapter 161 Kiel, you have to stand up!

Fighting is a way of communicating with each other, and the beast fist is the externalization of the inner heart.

Therefore, when Sambashu withdrew his attention from the city guards and focused his energy on fighting Kiel, he quickly realized that the other party's mood was as chaotic as a tumbleweed.

Although Sambashu was not a professional spy, he also understood that the most taboo thing about undercover work was being restless and impulsive, so he learned Xia Fu's tone in telepathy, and even his boxing style had a bit more relaxed and relaxed feeling: [Kil, your mind is in turmoil. 】

Kil's entanglement was not relieved by Sambashu's deliberate prank. Like a rusty gear, he admitted his twist with a stiff answer and responded to his entanglement with a disorderly straight punch.

This is undoubtedly a dangerous signal, which means that Kiel's spirit is being consumed.

Sambashu is not an excellent psychologist, but he also knows the principle of treating the symptoms. He calmly blocked Kiel's fist: [What is bothering you? ]

People who lack love face confusion like a duck who can't swim faces the boundless sea. Once they fall, they will try their best to grasp all the hope around them.

Kiel, who grew up in a lifeless dark hell, has no friends. When he accidentally has a slightly normal connection with Sambashu, he will involuntarily become dependent on Sambashu.

Therefore, Sambashu only asked about his confusion in the simplest sentence structure, and Kiel "dissected" his heart and showed it nakedly, not seeking answers to the questions, but only seeking a sincere encouragement.

[Sambashu, Gilfisa and others are all good guys. Although they are planning terrible plans in the Disaster Demon Palace and treat human life as nothing. This sounds a bit absurd, but during this period of time, I can feel their care for me. 】

It was a blast to start, but Samba Xiu was not incomprehensible: [Life is complex and cannot be summarized by abstract concepts. Perhaps to humans, they are walking disasters, but to the Disaster Demon Clan...]

After getting affirmation, Gil's emotions rose for a moment, and even the strength of his fists increased a bit.

With this energy, Gil confided his inner depression: [So what should I do? How can I abide by the contract between you and me and respond to their feelings? 】

Hearing this, Samba Xiu fell into a brief silence.

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