The Disaster Demon brother and sister and GOGOV reacted quite quickly and managed to avoid this attack. However, Impos, who was summoned during the melee earlier, did not react so quickly, and most of them failed to dodge.

Then everyone saw bursts of purple light glowing on the bodies of those Impos who had been attacked, and they flew into the giant Kil's body.

Then, like insane beasts, these Impos pounced on the few of their kind who had escaped the chop, tearing apart their bodies and trying to wrest the missing power of shadow from them.

It's just that without the Shadow Sword, they couldn't arbitrarily seize other people's shadow power like Kil, so in the end they ended up with a few horrible Impos corpses on the ground.

The shadow power that Impos can provide is far from enough for Kil to balance the two forces in his body. Naturally, Kil can't just make this one blow.

While dodging Kil's slashing, Xunmao shouted at Gilfisa: "Hey, the disaster demon clan, have you found a way? Tell me quickly!"

In Kil's current situation, he could only have more helpers, so Gilfisa did not hide the solution just proposed by the great witch: "We must find a way to take away the sword of shadow from brother Kil's hand, and then remove the shadow sword from his body." Take away the power, GOGOV, come and help, otherwise when the power of shadow is sucked out of our bodies, it will be the turn of the humans in the city. You also saw that those Impos who had the power of shadow taken away are. What does it look like?”

Just like zombies!

Realizing the seriousness of the matter, Tsumata immediately called his younger siblings to board the emergency vehicle, merged into the Victory Robot, and then shouted to Gilfisa and others through the Victory Robot's loudspeaker: "Let's control his actions and seize the sword." I’ll leave the matter to you.”

Hearing this, Gilfissa and Kebruda naturally stopped dawdling and immediately used their abilities to increase their size.

Because the shadow sword in Kil's hand will take away the opponent's shadow power as long as it touches it.

Therefore, the task of taking the lead naturally fell on the victory robot.

Perhaps in order to boost his momentum, Tatsumi steered the Victory Robot toward Keel while shouting with high spirits: "Sword of Courage! Mr. Keel, feel the power of the Victory Robot!"

It's a pity that this confident shout did not bring satisfactory results.

The Victory Robot just walked up to Kiel, and before he could get around to grab him, Kiel raised his swords and slashed with them several times, forcing the Victory Robot back, and then even used a cross slash. hit.

If the Victory Robot hadn't held the Sword of Courage and barely blocked Kiel's attack, the Victory Robot would have been scrapped by now.

"GOGOV, can you do it?" Kebruda mocked as he looked at the victory robot that was forced to retreat.

"No problem, we can do it! The most important thing is momentum. Let's show our momentum as GOGOV!" Once again, at full power, the victory robot started a new round of charge.

Unfortunately, the effect was minimal. Although he was not forced to retreat this time, he was slashed twice, so that the victory robot staggered past Kiel.

"Damn it!" Xunmao could feel his face flushed with embarrassment. Fortunately, he had made such a promise in front of the disaster demon just now, but the actual performance was just like this. He was really embarrassed.

Not only Xunmao, but several other people were also ashamed. The irritable Xunzhong hammered the console and asked Xunshijie through the monitor connected to the 55 command room of the Wangan Realm: "Dad, don't we have more powerful equipment? "

Xun World fell into a brief hesitation and murmured: "Yes, there is, but it has not been tested at all, and no debugging has been carried out..."

"Dad, you can't control that much anymore. If you let Mr. Keir continue to run rampant, the world will be in chaos! Quick, get out the stronger equipment!"

Xundan clenched his fists. Although Xunshijie couldn't see his eldest son's expression clearly due to the shield of his helmet, his eyes were extremely firm in comparison.

Sighing, Xun Shijie operated on the computer in the command room for a while: "More powerful equipment is around you, take the emergency train, and then merge into the train emperor!"

Hearing this, Tatsuma immediately ordered his younger brothers and sisters to unfuse their bodies, transform into vehicle forms, return to the emergency train, and follow the computer instructions in the helmet that were updated in real time to start trying to combine the five emergency trains.

As soon as the command to combine was entered, strong electric current surged from all directions and attacked GOGOV in his seat.

In an instant, a shrill scream came from the emergency train.

The current cut off the video communication between Wangan Realm 55 and the emergency train cab. Sunda Realm could only ask through uninterrupted voice: "Everyone, are you okay?"

"It's okay, this can't be a problem for us! Dad, don't underestimate us!" Xundamang shouted in a low voice, and he and his younger siblings once again initiated the train emperor's integration command.

Unfortunately, what greeted them was not the start of the emergency train, but the continuous flow of electricity.

"Come again!"

Sambaxiu looked at the motionless emergency train and listened to the shouts coming from inside. He believed that the righteous partners would be able to overcome the difficulties, but Kiel's situation could not be delayed at the moment.

"Exciting technique, Lai Lai Beast, Daitanix!"

Summoning Daitanix, Sambasio also joined the battlefield.

Because he had to fill the role of Victory Robot, Daitanix naturally couldn't be in the form of a short-handed beast.

Sambasho jumped on top of Titanic's head and shouted: "Jiji Reincarnation!"

A huge black aura emerged from Sambashu's body and merged into the body of Titanix.

A flash of light passed by, and Titanix, which originally looked full of biological sense, seemed to be covered with a layer of armor and turned into a mechanical "Tyrannosaurus".

Such a change is already big enough, but Sambashu is not satisfied with it.

He walked into the Palace of the Disaster Demon that was also aura-transformed on the back of Titanix, and saw that there was an extra rudder in the original conference hall. Sambashu put his hands on the rudder and turned it hard.

"Aura transformation!"

Ⅱ The Nemesis of the Disaster Demon (Emergency Team): [New] Chapter 169 The Shadow Sword's Choice is Sambashu

Perhaps because of the Super Sentai world view, or perhaps because Sambashu himself does not like overly complicated things, so the transformation of Titanix is ​​not complicated.

First, the Palace of Disasters, which served as the driver's cabin, was separated from its back, and then the straight and sturdy thighs were rotated 90 degrees together with the hips to become the lower body in human form. After that, the head and tail became the left and right hands respectively, and the broad back stretched upward to become the chest armor. Finally, the Palace of Disasters was installed on the top layer, becoming the shoulder armor and head in human form.

After the transformation was completed, Sambaxiu decisively manipulated Daitanix to join the battle.

With Daitanix's strange power, Sambaxiu quickly suppressed Gil and controlled him from behind.

"Thank... Thank you."

Gilfisa thanked Sambaxiu, but after seeing the Palace of Disasters, which had become Daitanix's human head and shoulder armor at this moment, his tone inevitably became a little strange.

After all, that was his former home.

Putting away the surging desire to complain in his heart, Gilfisa quickly reached out to the Shadow Sword while Gil was being captured.

Although Gil held on tightly, he could only exert limited strength due to the restraint of Daitanix, so Gilfisa only slightly grasped the Shadow Sword in his hand.

"Now that I have the Shadow Sword, I will absorb the shadow power in my big brother's body."

Gilfisa recalled Gil's slashing just now, and followed suit, also learning to swing a knife at Gil.

However, when the Shadow Sword touched Gil, not only did it not absorb the shadow power in Gil's body, but Gilfisa could feel that there was a strange power in his body flowing toward Gil along the Shadow Sword.

"Oh no, the Shadow Sword is absorbing my shadow power!"

Gilfisa shouted, and Cobruda immediately reacted, like a wild bull, running towards Gilfisa.

"Bang" a loud noise.

Gilfisa was knocked away, before the shadow power in his body flowed to Gil.

Seeing this, Sambaxiu also breathed a sigh of relief.

After all, given Gil's current rampage state, it is indeed a bit difficult to control his actions without hurting him, so the more combat power that can help, the better.

But perhaps it is just as the saying goes, "When it rains, it pours." Sambaxiu was still feeling lucky that Gilfisa was fine the second before, and the next second, the Shadow Sword in Gilfisa's hand released a powerful energy pulse.

There was a burst of "crackling" and Gilfisa's body exploded densely and continuously, just like a string of firecrackers.

Cobruda wanted to help Sambashu control Gil, relieve Sambashu's pressure and give Gilfisa more room to play, but now he had to rush to Gilfisa's side and catch him who was about to fall: "Brother Gilfisa!"

"I... I'm fine, the shadow power in my body is a little agitated, it should be fine after a while, but..." Gilfisa tried to raise his hand, but found that he couldn't do it at all. Although the explosion just now was not fatal, it accurately blasted his tendons and hamstrings. "Cobruda, hurry up, I can feel the shadow sword trying to break free from me, don't waste this hard-earned opportunity."

Cobruda nodded and took the shadow sword, but his heart was confused: "Brother Gilfisa has failed, mother... "People, what should I do?"

Grandinu thought for a while. After all, she was not the original owner of the two swords, and she did not study the two swords deeply. She could only guess: "Maybe it's because Gilfisa has the power of shadow in her body."

"But most creatures in this world have the power of shadow."

Grandinu suddenly said: "Cobruda, so I want to take out the power of shadow in your body, so that you can wield the sword of shadow with confidence."

"But mother, losing the power of shadow will..."

"I will take over your body temporarily, and I will put the power of shadow back later. Don't worry about losing your mind."

After getting Grandinu's guarantee, Cobruda closed his eyes and let the other party deal with him.

After a while, Cobruda opened his eyes, his eyes full of shrewdness.

"This should be fine."

Grandinu manipulated Cobruda to hold the sword of shadow.

Coming to Gil, in order to ensure the effectiveness, Grandinu also performed a guiding spell before swinging.

However, when the blade and Gil collided, nothing happened.

Then the Shadow Sword emitted a strong energy pulse as usual, instantly knocking Cobruda's body away.

Because the shadow power in Cobruda's body was extracted by Grandinu, Cobruda did not have a series of explosions like Gilfisa, but just hit a mountain and fainted temporarily.

"Damn it, why is the Shadow Sword ineffective?" Gilfisa was so angry that she wanted to clench her fists, but her body did not allow it.

At this time, Germoa seemed to have found a good opportunity to show his presence. He laughed wildly and taunted wildly: "Fool, do you think that anyone can use the Shadow Sword? If that's the case, I won't be the King of Beast Demons! The artifact has a spirit. The Dark Sword and the Shadow Sword will choose their own users. Those who pick up the sword without recognition will only be punished by the sword!"

Germoa opened his arms and became huge with confidence: "Now, let me show you who is the real owner of the Shadow Sword!"

As soon as the voice fell, a black combined robot rushed into the battlefield and blocked between Germoa and Gil. It was the train emperor formed by the combination of the emergency train.

"GOGOV!" Gilfisa has never been so eager for GOGOV to appear.

The brothers and sisters of the Xun family smiled and said, "Fortunately, I caught up with it."

Without saying much, a huge silver iron fist greeted Germoa!

"Mr. Hiyama, Mr. Kiel is in your hands. We will take care of Germoa."

Sambashu controlled Daitanix and nodded in response, then thought about Germoa's words, recalling the inexplicable throbbing he felt after meeting the Shadow Sword and the strange call that lingered in his heart.

Sambashu's expression became a little strange, and he was hesitant with a bit of eagerness to try.

"Could it be that I am the new user selected by the Shadow Sword?"

It's not a good idea to always stalemate with Kiel like this, so why not give it a try? Anyway, with Daitanix's strength, at most I can control him in the simplest way later until I find the right solution.

Sambashu controlled Daitanix to stop controlling Kiel, but grabbed his shoulder and threw Kiel back.

Then he took advantage of the other party's confusion and reached out to the Shadow Sword.

At the moment when Daitanix touched the Shadow Sword, the Shadow Sword, which was as tall as a building, shrank back to its original length of about one meter, entered Daitanix's body, and flew into Sambashu's hand.

At the moment when Sambashu held the Shadow Sword, the huge shadow power passed into Sambashu's body through his right hand holding the sword, including the part in Gil's body.

So Gil's body shrank back to a normal two-meter body size, visible to the naked eye.

"This, this is impossible!" The giantized Germoa looked at Gil holding the Dark Sword and Sambashu holding the Shadow Sword, and fell into a stagnation.

He completely forgot that he was fighting against the Train King.

At this moment, in the cab of the Train King, GOGOV endured electromagnetic interference and shouted under the leadership of Xun Chan: "Angry Iron Fist, call for the scorching storm!"

Ⅱ The Nemesis of the Disaster Demon (Emergency Team): [New] Chapter 170 Dark Sun and Shadow Moon

Don't listen to GOGOV's fancy and imposing shouting. In fact, the Train King's ultimate move is terribly simple - just take off the two locomotives used as shoulder armor decorations and cover them on the fists, and swing at the target twice.

Although the No. 1 train decorated with red paint blew out high-temperature hot air, and the No. 2 train decorated with blue paint fired dense missiles, in Samba Xiu's opinion, the most simple and crude physical impact is the real way to achieve effective damage.

Stayed in the pain of losing the Dark Sword and the Shadow Sword, Germoa did not dodge at all and took the punch of the Train King firmly.

Although the smoke from the missile explosion covered Germaya's head, Sambashu still saw with his excellent eyesight that the opponent's head had undergone an exaggerated deformation like white flour on a chopping board.

However, before Sambashu saw the bloody and brutal scene, the explosion caused by Germaya itself completely covered Sambashu's sight.

"It's finally over." Xundamen looked at Germaya, whose body was dissolved in the explosion, and his tense spirit relaxed a little.

Hearing his brother's obviously relaxed tone, Xunchan, as the eldest son, immediately scolded: "Don't take it lightly, Gilfisa and the others haven't retreated yet, go back to the victory robot first."

"Brother Chan is really strict." Xundamen under the helmet pouted and complained, but his body still abided by the code of being a warrior and climbed onto his yellow armored vehicle honestly.

Facts have proved that being cautious is right.

Although Germaya's body has been destroyed by them, the evil party who died with resentment can always burst out with amazing obsession.

As the flames faded and the smoke dispersed, a dark mist flew out from the center of the explosion, split into two groups in midair, and drilled into the Dark Sword and Shadow Sword respectively.

Kil had just come back to his senses from the trance of losing control. He finally understood everything that happened after he picked up the Shadow Sword with Tina's explanation. He was still sorting it out: "The Dark Sword is restless? Is it possible that I'm going to go berserk again?"

"The Shadow Sword is also restless. What just got into the sword?" Samba looked at the Shadow Sword in his hand, and an ominous premonition came to his mind. Fearing death, he immediately planned to throw the sword away.

Unfortunately, he was a step too slow. At the moment when Samba released his hand, the Shadow Sword emitted a strange wave, like a python that found its prey, and quickly wrapped around Samba's fingers, forcing him to not give up the Shadow Sword.

Sinister laughter emanated from the Dark Sword and the Shadow Sword simultaneously, like a duet between a cult priest and an evil god: "I, the Beast Demon King Germoya, hereby curse the owners of the Dark Sword and the Shadow Sword, to sink into madness and chaos for eternity!"

As the vicious curse sounded, Samba Xiu could clearly feel a violent evil thought rising from the Shadow Sword in his right hand, and rushing all the way from his palm to his brain.

Faced with this dangerous situation, Samba Xiu did not panic at all. After all, he was a practitioner of the Beast Fist, and he had awakened the Excitement Qi to prevent the invasion of the Great Witch. This evil thought was not something to be afraid of.

After trying to mobilize the Excitement Qi, Samba Xiu easily blocked the evil thought, and soon he directly expelled the evil thought.

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