Elise shook her head and said decisively: "That ruby, it took me half a month to pick out a good embryo, and it was ruined like this. I can't swallow this breath unless I kill that bullshit Hades Warrior! "

Seeing that Elise was so angry, Samba Xiu was too embarrassed to stop her. He walked out of Elise's yard, opened the car door, and joked in a joking tone: "Then I will have to fully experience the anger of the Demon Emperor. "

Elise glanced at Sambaxiu, sat in the car and said with a smile: "I can't kill a chicken with a sledgehammer, I will fight those fighters with my fists."

Sambaxiu, who was driving, expressed doubts about this.

Seeing Sambaxiu's disbelieving look, Elise raised her fist and waved it, showing her strength: "I feel very good now, and the energy in my body is smoother than ever before. Sambaxiu, just watch carefully. , how will I deal with those nasty disaster demons later?"

Sambaxiu glanced at Elise with his peripheral vision and said nothing more.

After Sambaxiu withdrew his gaze, the male hook bracelet on Elise's wrist trembled slightly, which seemed to reflect the excitement in Elise's heart.

Fortunately, Sambaxiu's car was driving very fast and he did not let this excitement turn into impatience.

The moment Samba Xiu parked the car, Elise opened the car door and ran towards the three underworld demon warriors who were misbehaving not far away.

"Where did those GOGOV guys go?"

Throwing a luminous bomb at a tall building in the distance, Zod, the underworld demon warrior wearing white armor, looked at the ruined city and expressed his doubts.

Upon hearing his question, the underworld demon warrior Guru, whose thick body was wrapped in brass armor, waved his fist and said proudly: "It must be like those cunning rats, hiding in some gutter."

"That's what's fun," Jing, the underworld demon warrior in black armor, walked leisurely to Zod's side with a long fork in the shape of a bird's claw, "Just think of it as hide and seek."

As soon as these words came out, the other two underworld demon warriors burst into hearty laughter, as if the earth had become a playground for the three of them at this moment.

But they hadn't laughed for long before Elise's voice rang out.

"You three are just those bullshit underworld demon warriors, right?"

The three of them looked back and saw that the person speaking was an ordinary "Earthling". Zod was the first to let out a contemptuous sneer: "I didn't expect that after beating GOGOV away, a new mouse popped up."

Guru's smile became even bigger when he saw Samba Xiu who arrived later: "Why, two people dare to show off as heroes. It's really overestimating their capabilities."

Elise choked and said, "You are really going to put your own face on it. I am enough to deal with the three of you."

Jing's fingers tapped on the long forked pole, and with a bit of a smile, he said, "Arrogant guy, I'm going to take your throat off and use it as an alarm clock for me to wake up."

After saying that, they looked at each other at their companions, and then the three of them took steps almost at the same time and rushed towards Elise.

There was no trace of panic on Elise's face. She clenched her fists and assumed an offensive stance, and a huge amount of anger immediately erupted from her body.

Then it was like waves surging layer by layer, with her as the center and spreading to all directions.

The underworld demon warrior was blocked by the air wave and could not get close for a while.

Just when the three of them were surprised.

A dancing cobra rose up from behind Elise.

Countless fist-sized air masses flew out of the cobra, turned into thin armor in mid-air, and then attached to Elise's body.

Elise used the Exciting Armor again, but because of the failure last time, Samba Xiu didn't have any joy or relaxation on his face even when he saw the formed Exciting Armor.

Sure enough, the moment Elise took a step forward, the armor on her body began to peel off her body like withered petals.

Although the underworld demon warrior has never seen a successful ki armor, he also knows that the Elise in front of him will probably fail.

Zod immediately burst into loud ridicule: "Hahaha, don't come out and embarrass yourself before you have mastered kung fu."

Jing even bent down and smiled wildly. If it weren't for the long fork supporting his body, he might have fallen to the ground laughing: "It's really a funny show. Come on, look at you working so hard to make us laugh. For your sake, please find a stinky ditch to hide in."

Both companions expressed their disdain, and Guru naturally could not be absent: "Idiot, hurry up..."

But in the middle of his words, he stopped talking.

There was no other reason than that Elise kicked him directly in the face, knocking him upside down.

Then, before Zod and Kyo could react, Elise kicked them away again.

"Samba Xiu, I succeeded in stimulating the armor!"

Elise, who kicked out three times in just one second, straightened her back. When the underworld demon warrior was kicked away by her, she turned around and gave a slightly surprised cheer to Sambaxiu.

Sambaxiu clapped his hands, but his expression was still a little solemn, and he frowned slightly.

It wasn't that Elise's air armor had cracked somewhere at the moment, but just when the armor on her body was about to peel off, a burst of purple air came out of her body.

It was precisely because of that energy that Elise's armor did not collapse.

Looking at the faint purple mixed in the bright yellow aura, Samba Xiu was very suspicious, could Elise's body be regarded as an aura armor?

At this moment, as if aware of Sangbasiu's suspicion, Ying Fei's voice came from the bracelet: "I didn't expect that Xiong Gou, who is in the most embarrassing situation, is the fastest progressing among us."

Ⅱ The Nemesis of the Disaster Demon (Emergency Team): [New] Chapter 195: Fusion! Swallowing Stars and Snake King!

"So Elise's current armor is not the Exciting Armor, but the Linqi Armor?" Ying Fei's words caught Samba Xiu's attention, and he quickly asked.

Ying Fei's voice came from the Boxing Demon bracelet, but his tone was not very positive: "Excited Qi is the armor, and Lin Qi is the rope. The Qi in her body is mainly Excited Qi, so naturally it is still considered Excited Qi armor. It's really strange. The transformation from Ji Qi to Lin Qi is always done in one go. Why is it that she only has this Lin Qi? Is it because she is an alien? Sangba Xiu, why don't you also try to transform some Lin Qi and let me observe more samples? "

"Master Yingfei, the abacus is too loud," Sangbasiu waved his arm vigorously, letting the fist demon hand swing back and forth around his forearm, "I haven't reached the time to practice Linqi yet. "

A simple shaking could not make Ying Fei, who was already a soul body, feel any bad, so Ying Fei's tone remained the same, even with a hint of ridicule: "Zhe Kui is still jealous that I am 'respected' by you as a master every day. But it turns out that you are the hardest to chew."

"It's not Master's fault that I won. I just like to follow the steps and follow my own plan." As he said this, Sambaxiu looked up at the battle situation of Elise.

Although Elise is a magic user who is good at magic, she can still defeat the enemy by relying only on her beast fists.

Samba Xiu didn't know for a moment whether he should praise Ellie's fighting talent or the power of the beast fist.

Feeling Sangbasiu's leisurely attitude, Ying Fei felt a little more confused: "Aren't you going to stop that woman? If Lin Qi goes berserk, she will become a Lin Beast Boxer."

Sambaxiu's previous solemnity was just a warning for the unknown. Now that he understood Elise's condition, his eyebrows had already relaxed.

Therefore, regarding the issue of Ying Fei, Samba Xiu's attitude showed an indifference: "So what, will she have to establish her own family after becoming a Linshou Fist boxer? It's just another form of Qi, and it's not good for us. Relationships have no impact.”

There are many things in this world that are easy to get started with but difficult to master, and Beast Fist is one of them. Enlightenment of Beast Fist only requires finding the beast in your heart, but if you want to completely control your inner power, you need to practice day and night.

The Beast Fist is not necessarily suitable for Elise. Perhaps for her, the Beast Fist is a more suitable boxing method for her.

Although Samba Xiu personally hopes that both Elise and Martial Arts can master the excessive energy and then switch to the beast boxing, but in the four thousand years of beast boxing history, only Samba Xiu has mastered the excessive energy. , it is conceivable that this thing cannot be cultivated with passion.

"Can't it have an impact?" Ying Fei's tone was a little disdainful. He felt that Sangbasiu's idea was a bit naive. "Do you know that the practice of Linshou Fist requires the cries of innocent people. The cries of the weak can help the Linshou Fist boxers." Bringing endless joy and power, if she becomes a Rinjuquan fighter, she will definitely cause destruction and make a big fuss. This goes against your idea of ​​living a stable life. In this situation, you can ensure that your relationship will not be affected. ”

Hearing this, Samba Xiu smiled: "The cries of innocent people are the most indispensable thing in human society. If Elise really becomes a beast-fighting boxer, I will take her to a brightly lit office building at midnight. No, that's enough. If that's not enough, I will take her to the streets for interviews, specifically asking busy office workers how much their monthly salary is. This will ensure that her salary increases, and she may be able to directly take over your team after one trip. Be the new boxing demon.”

Yingfei was shocked by Sambaxiu's speech and was stunned for a long time. After a while, he said in confusion: "How did human society become like this?"

This tone is like the emotion of an idealist who has been abandoned by reality.

Sangba Xiu ignored Ying Fei's impact and spoke about his understanding of Linshou Fist: "Master Yingfei, you said that absorbing the cry of the weak is a must for the practice of Linshou Fist, but in my opinion, that is just Assistance is not necessary. After all, Linshou Fist is a branch of Beast Fist, and Beast Fist is a spiritual boxing method. The practice of Linshou Fist and the practice of Enhancing Beasts Fist should be the same, both are self-improvement. Boxing is about controlling the beast within, and Linshou Boxing chooses to release your own wildness.”

Ying Fei never expected that he would be shocked in more ways than one. He fell silent, quietly savoring Samba Xiu's conclusion.

After a while, he sighed softly, as if he had seen through the wise men of the past, and said teasingly: "If Xiong Gou knew what you said, he might be very angry. He would probably point his finger at you and scold you. Zu Wang Dian'.

Sangbasiu was infected by Yingfei's smile and said, "Then he has to find a way to get out of the jewelry assembly line first."

Hearing this, Ying Fei smiled insincerely.

When he had laughed enough, Ying Fei spoke sincerely and said to Samba Xiu: "On the day you transfer to Linshou Fist, come and take over my class. The Sky Fist Demon sounds very impressive. "

"Hey~ I can't do such a shameful thing." Facing the sudden sensation, Samba had goosebumps all over his body. He immediately declined, "Besides, I have to be the Space Fist Demon, Titanic." Si is unstoppable across the planet."

Ying Fei was ruined by the second half of Sambaxiu's words, and said with a smile: "So you think the name of the sky is not loud enough, and you say you are thin-skinned?"

Sambaxiu was about to reply to Ying Fei's ridicule, but Ilias's cry came from a distance: "Help me, Sambaxiu!"

Looking in the direction of the voice, I saw that the three underworld demon fighters had grown huge at some point, and among them was a huge purple cobra.

Sambaxiu recognized the cobra as Ilias's Qi beast at a glance. Obviously, while he and Ying Fei were chatting, Ilias had already defeated the underworld demon fighter with Qi mixed with Lin Qi.

After the underworld demon fighter grew huge, Ilias obviously planned to continue 1V3, but her Qi beast, although huge for ordinary people, was a little petite for the giant monster.

"Energy Skill, Raimon, Daitanix! Energy Reincarnation, Energy Transformation!"

After receiving Ilias's signal for help, Sambashu quickly summoned Daitanix and transformed into a human form, rushed into the encirclement of the Hades Magic Warriors, and carried Ilias's Energy Beast on his shoulders. Ilias took the opportunity to control the Energy Beast to wrap around Daitanix, of course, without affecting Daitanix's mobility.

Seeing that Ilias had settled herself, Sambashu controlled Daitanix to fight with the three Hades Magic Warriors.

Ilias, who was just attached to Daitanix, obviously couldn't tolerate her own inaction. When Sambashu hit Zod in the face with a punch and got rid of the encirclement, Ilias said: "Sambashu, try to combine our powers into one."

Sambashu did not reject the attempt and nodded in agreement.

Then, Ilias's Psychic Beast was pulled out of Daitanix's body and split into three parts in midair, namely the head, neck and torso.

The head turned over and embedded into Daitanix's human face.

The flesh wings on both sides of the neck folded and extended, transforming into a wing-like cloak and embedded into Daitanix's back.

The torso turned into a long whip and flew into Daitanix's right hand.

The fusion was completed!

At first glance, Daitanix at this moment looked like a trainer who ran out of a circus.

Just like the fusion of the Beast Fist Team, when Ilias's Psychic Cobra and Daitanix merged, Ilias in armor came to Sambashu and Daitanix, the main body of the fusion.

"Wow, after the fusion, I actually entered Daitanix's body!"

This was Ilias' first time experiencing the Psychic Fusion, so it was naturally a bit novel.

But now they were fighting the enemy, and Sambashu quickly pulled her back to her original position: "Feel my thoughts, and you need to synchronize your movements with mine later."

The control method of the Qi Fusion is similar to the synchronization of movements in Pacific Rim, so if you want the Qi Fusion to exert its maximum power, you need to work together and move in unison.

Ilias emptied her mind and quickly synchronized the rhythm with Sambashu.

After posing a handsome pose with Sambashu, she said: "Sambashu, have you given our Fusion a name?"

Sambashu was stunned by this question. He didn't even name the transformation of Daitanix, so how could he give a name to the subsequent Fusion?

Fortunately, after feeling Ilias's burning gaze, Sambashu quickly thought of a name.

"Qi Swallowing Stars·Snake King."

Ⅱ The Nemesis of the Disaster Demon (Emergency Team): [New] Chapter 196 The debut of Qi Swallowing Stars·Snake King, Xunchan's unwillingness!

Giant battles are an important feature of the Super Sentai series since the third game "Battle Fever J". Except for a few games where the villains are single individuals, most giant battles are played by giant monsters.

However, in most works, the giantization of monsters has disadvantages. For example, the life of Balbon's demon will be shortened after drinking Balbon's essence, and the disaster beast will lose its mind after it becomes giant.

Although the Underworld Demon Fighter is a special disaster beast, it is no different from ordinary disaster beasts in this respect.

Therefore, even if the first appearance of the Star Devouring Snake King exudes unparalleled power, the Underworld Demon Fighter who has lost his mind still rushes over desperately.

This rampage undoubtedly gives Samba Shu and Ilias the best opportunity to attack. The two work together to manipulate the Star Devouring Snake King to swing the long whip in their hands, like a giant python spitting out its tongue, like a willow branch dancing wildly.

For a moment, the city that had been destroyed by the magic fighters was in ruins, and the rubble and ruins were like bullets fired by machine guns, hitting the magic fighters with the swing of long whips.

But this little pain and injury could not stop the magic fighters. After a while, they broke through the barrier of flying sand and rocks and came to the side of the Qi Swallowing Star Snake King.

Jing even put the long fork on the ground, and the whole person was like a flag in the air, and then he quickly rotated like an electric fan, kicking the Qi Swallowing Star Snake King continuously.

If it were an ordinary robot, it would probably not be able to withstand such a continuous attack, but the Qi Swallowing Star Snake King was a product of Qi after all. Even if it was damaged, as long as Samba Xiu and Ilias's Qi could make up for it in time, it would be fine.

Not to mention that for the Qi Swallowing Star Snake King, facing such an attack is not just a way to resist.

In the control room, Samba Xiu and Elise both raised their left arms and held their left hands in mid-air, as if holding a corner of their cloaks. On the battlefield, the Kith Swallowing Star Snake King also raised his left hand, but in his hand was a cloak transformed from the flesh wings of the Kishi Cobra.

As if holding a shield, Galactus Snake King easily deflected Kyo's attack. However, there were three Demon Fighters in the Underworld. Although Kyo, who was faster, failed to cause any effective damage to Galactus Snake King, But it also gave Zod and Guru a chance to attack.

The moment he put down his cloak, the attacks of Guru and Zod were oncoming. If he used the thin whip in his right hand to fend off the enemy, it would obviously be too late.

But fortunately, Galactus's left hand was transformed from Titanic's tail. Sambasho and Elise raised their left arms in tacit understanding and controlled Galactus Snake King's tail to transform back into shape. With his left arm facing Zod and Guru, there were several big-eared melon seeds. The sound was as loud as a bell, and he directly knocked down Zod who was rushing towards him.

Although Guru, the strongest among the demon warriors in the underworld, could barely stand firm under the thick and short "whip", Sambaxiu and Elise quickly waved the slender soft whips around his neck, and then they were like fire-power teenagers. Wang Ban threw his relatively mellow underworld demon fighter like a yo-yo.

Although Zod and Kyo, who had lost their minds, had no idea of ​​using a rat weapon when faced with Geki Galactus and Snake King, who was holding a "Guru" brand meteor hammer, Geki Galactus looked like a giant meat grinder spinning its soft whip rapidly. Star Snake King, out of fighting instinct, the two fell into a brief hesitation.

Seizing the fleeting opportunity in battle has never been difficult for Sambaxiu and Elise. They just looked at each other and swung the long whip in tacit understanding. Guru, who was originally regarded as a yo-yo, instantly transformed. As a huge cannonball, it accurately hit Zod who finally got up and regained his footing.

Then, before Jing could react, he manipulated the long whip to wrap around his feet, using the lanky underworld demon fighter as a rope dart in his hand.

"Do you like dumping things so much?" Samba Xiu glanced at Jing, who was being dumped like a windmill by himself and Elise. He couldn't restrain his inner curiosity and joked, "Those who don't know think you are from the West. The cowboy in the film likes to play hoops.”

Elise glanced at Samba Xiu, a scene suddenly flashed through her mind, and a look of uneasiness appeared on her face: "I would rather be a cowboy."

"Then you have to learn to ride a horse first." Although Elise's strange expression was wonderful, she was standing behind Sambaxiu, so Sambaxiu just treated it as casual chat and responded casually, "It's a pity that I No, well, I have to find time to learn it.”

Considering that the twenty-ninth game of Super Sentai had a horse that could transform into a robot together with its owner, Samba Xiu couldn't help but get excited, but busy things forced him to put this idea on hold for the time being.

Elise could hear the regret in Sambaxiu's tone: "Let's get together then. That guy should know martial arts, so there's no need to call him."

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