Then Sambaxiu asked again: "Kiel, can you go back into the chaotic space where the amethyst embryo is placed?"

"Okay, I have left my mark there, and I will never let Grandinu find it." The moment he felt the breath of Grandinu and Sambasiu from the amethyst embryo, Kil made a move to the chaotic space. Hands and feet.

After receiving Kil's affirmative reply, Sambash felt relieved: "This way, there is no need to trouble Elise. Then I will go to the Bay Area 55 first, and you can find Pluto as soon as possible."

After watching Samba Xiu leave, Kil raised his hand and touched the Dark King's Certificate on his forehead: "For half a month at most, I won't have to run around with this stupid crown on my head."

After saying that, Kil used teleportation magic again and returned to the Dark Hell.

Although he would soon be able to fight Grandinu to the death, before that, he still needed to stabilize the opponent.

Naturally, when he returned to the Dark Hell this time, Kil came to take the Pluto star from Gilfisa's chest.

Seeing Kil who had left and returned, Gilfisa thought that Kil was going to kill her ruthlessly.

Although he was inevitably sad about this, he still maintained his pride as Pluto: "Humph, it seems that you also know that I will never betray my mother."

Kilfissa was not here to argue, so he ignored this stupid statement. He raised his hand, gathered sharp nails on his fingertips, and aimed at the Pluto star on Gilfissa's chest.

"Are you planning to seize the Star of Pluto?"

Gilfisa immediately began to resist, but how could he be Kiel's opponent after being seriously injured after the battle.

After enduring a burst of pain, he could only watch the Pluto star, which symbolized Pluto's status, being taken away by Keir.

"Damn it, are you going to use the power of Hades against your mother?"

This is probably because Gilfisa expresses his loyalty to Grandinu in every word, which really makes Gil feel sick to his stomach: "This is really a good suggestion. If you use your power to kill Grandinu, it will definitely... It's a good development. But unfortunately, I already have the authority of the Dark King, and I can no longer bear the power of the King of Darkness."

"Then why do you want to seize the Star of Pluto?"

"Huh, of course it's because of the order of your good mother, Grandinu. She wants to give the Star of Pluto to her long-awaited youngest son, Dolop."

Ever since it was discovered that Kil had never been brainwashed, Kil's words had become despicable lies that needed to be screened out in Gilfisa's ears: "A clumsy lie. Even if my mother thinks that I have died in the battle and Pluto needs to be inherited, it still doesn't matter." It’s Kebruda, then Dolop.”

Since Tinas had lost most of her magic power, Gilfisa excluded Tinas from the inheritance sequence of Pluto. When she thought about why Tinas had lost her magic power, Gilfisa became even more angry and regretful.

Kil reminded: "The age of heaven has ended, and the age of dragons is about to begin. Recalling what Grandinu said, you should know that I am not lying."

Hearing this, Gilfisa was stunned, because this was indeed what Grandinu had said.

After a brief silence, Gilfissa, who had a fanatical admiration for Grandinu, once again thought of a defense for his mother: "My mother must think that Dolop is more suitable for the position of Hades than Kebruda. There’s nothing weird about wanting Pluto.”

"Whatever you think, anyway, I think she just wants to force you to death and make you make way for Dolop." Kil once again gave up his defense. He put away the Pluto Star and raised his hand to use energy to repair Gilphisas. After healing the wound on his chest, he put his forehead against Gilfisa's forehead and said, "It's up to you to see what the truth is."

As he finished speaking, Gilfisa's own image appeared in her vision.

"This, this is..."

"I have shared the vision with you. In the next period of time, it is up to you to find the answer yourself." Then, Kil stood up and left the dark hell again with the Star of Pluto.

Keir's frankness inexplicably made Gilfisa feel panicked.

Looking at Grandinu's illusory face in the middle of the hall of the Calamity Demon Palace through Kil's career, a seed of doubt was planted in Gilfisa's heart.

Ⅱ The Nemesis of the Disaster Demon (Emergency Team): [New] Chapter 204: Brother, I believe you can do it!

The moment Kil returned to the Calamity Demon's Palace, before he could see the phantom of Grandinu in mid-air, the Pluto Star held in his palm automatically flew out and came to Grandinu.

"Kiel, you really didn't disappoint me. Where did you find Pluto?"

Kil had made up a lie early on, and faced Grandinu's casual question without changing his expression: "The valley ten kilometers away from the place where Gilfisa was killed may have been far away from the battlefield due to the explosion."

"Brother, Brother Gilfisa..." Kebruda looked sad, looking at Keir with helpless eyes.

Kil shook his head and lied to this stupid brother: "There are no bones left."

These few words gave a huge impact to everyone present except Grandinu, and the whole palace of the Calamity Demon suddenly burst into tears.

Even the infant Dolop shed two lines of tears.

Seeing this, Pierre, who was crying, quickly took out a tissue and wiped his little master.

The one after another sobs moved Kil. He first looked at his crying brothers and sisters, and then glanced at the expressionless Grandinu, becoming more determined to kill Grandinu.

"Well, there is no time to mourn Gilfisa's death. The disaster demons are not such a weak race. Pierlu, put Dolop back in the cradle." Not only did Grandinu not shed tears for Gilfisa, he even Feeling tired of the tears of Kebruda and the others, he snorted coldly and gave the order indifferently.

After all, Pierlu was still Grandinu's loyal dog. Although he had some feelings for Gilfisa, in his heart, Gilfisa's priority was always after Grandinu and Dolop.

After seeing the Star of Pluto hanging in the sky, he instantly realized that this Star of Pluto was about to be given to his little master Dolop.

He immediately calmed down his emotions, put Dolop back in the cradle, and looked forward to the next development.

Just hearing a soft drink from Grandinu, the originally dim Pluto star flashed with light fluorescence, drew a playful and slightly resisting arc in the air, and then sank into the infant Dolop.

Dolop's swaddling clothes were originally wrapped by his own wings, so the moment Pluto attached to his body, his swaddling clothes changed.

I saw Dolop rising slowly under the influence of a strange force, and a pair of wings flashed with light red fluorescence. In this fluorescence, Dolop stretched his wings to his heart's content, like two pieces of soft cotton. , after wrapping himself into a cone-shaped cocoon, he returned to the cradle.

"Mother, what's wrong with you?" Kebruda pointed at Dolop and said in disbelief, "Brother Kiel found the Pluto Star. It should be given to him. How could it be given to Dolop? "

Tinas also joined in and said, "Yes, Mother, Brother Kil is also the most powerful apart from his identity. The Pluto Star should be given to him."

Although Kebruda and Tinas only put forward their own ideas from the perspective of optimal allocation of resources, Grandinu thought that these two people were challenging their authority without knowing the heights and heights of the matter, and they immediately frowned. eyebrow.

Seeing this, Kil's inner disdain for Grandinu became even stronger, and he said, "I don't need the Star of Pluto. I already have the authority of the Dark King."

"But that shouldn't be left to Dolop, it should be..." Kebruda spread his hands, palms upward, fingers slightly bent, and gestured to himself twice, the meaning was already very obvious.

Grandinu snorted coldly: "The disaster demon clan has bid farewell to the age of heaven. The next step will be the stage of dragons. Kebruda, are you questioning my decision?"

Tinas quickly stopped Kebruda who was about to refute, and defended her stupid brother: "Mother, please forgive me, brother Kebruda just wanted to do his best for my mother."

Then she stood up and said to Kebruda: "Brother, asking Dolop to accept Pluto will accelerate his growth and make up for our lack of combat power."

Hearing this statement, Kebruda felt a little calmer.

Grandinu's brows relaxed, and she carefully looked at this daughter who had been neglected by her because she had lost most of her magic power. After thinking for a moment, she smiled and said: "Tinas, you are very good."

Immediately afterwards, a stream of light penetrated Tinas' body.

Feeling that the magic power in her body had far exceeded the amount of magic she originally possessed, Tinas was overjoyed and immediately knelt down on one knee, looking eagerly at the shadow in mid-air: "Thank you, Mother, for your praise and reward. !”

Tinas's knowledge made Grandinu very satisfied, and it also made Kolbruda even more stupid. She gave the stupid child a slightly angry look: "Learn from your sister."

"Yes." Kebruda responded angrily, obviously a little aggrieved.

Logically speaking, such a performance would be remembered severely by the cautious Grandinu, but fortunately, just when Grandinu warned Kebruda, Dolop's cocoon changed.

The cocoon began to flash with a bright red light, beating like a heart, and rising slowly with this rhythm.

Ten seconds later, it was like blooming flowers or fireworks.

Huge and blazing waves of fire spread from the cocoon suspended in mid-air, just like the dazzling sun spitting out a gorgeous corona.

"Boom", "boom", "boom".

After three consecutive rounds of fire waves, the light gradually dissipated, and the outline of a humanoid with wings gradually appeared, and slowly landed amidst the dull heartbeat of "plop, plop".

When the man's feet touched the ground, the light completely dissipated and his appearance was revealed.

Golden muscles, red scales, white face, and bloody wings.

There is a red star of Pluto on his chest. There is no doubt that it is Dolop who has absorbed the star of Pluto.

"Mother, thank you for lowering the Star of Pluto to accelerate my growth. Dolop will fight to the death for you and protect the glory of the Disaster Demon."

Kneeling down on one knee, Dolop immediately pledged his loyalty to his mother.

After taking a moment to look at Dolop's appearance and feeling his strength, he was really an outstanding child.

If it weren't for the amethyst embryo conceived with the help of Sambaxiu's power, Dolop would undoubtedly be Grandinu's most proud work.

"The name Dolop is too childish. When you grow up, you should have a name named after a warrior. From now on, you will be the Dragon Prince Salamandis!"

"Thank you, Mother, for the name." Salamandis bowed his head again, with an extremely pious expression.

Although Grandinu has always held the idea that "children will betray their parents sooner or later" and regarded her children as tools, Salamandis' attitude undoubtedly made her feel comfortable.

"Salamandis, now there is an opportunity for you to prove your loyalty. Do you want to fight for it?"

As soon as the question came out, before Salamandis answered, Cobruda took the initiative to volunteer: "Mother, please give me this opportunity."

At the reminder of Tinas, Cobruda realized how "bad" his previous performance was, and now he was trying to make up for it.

But Grandinu obviously intended to establish the prestige of Salamandis, so he naturally ignored Cobruda's initiative.

After subjectively ignoring Cobruda's self-recommendation, Grandinu watched Salamandis's performance.

Salamandis was not a foolish guy, and he also understood Grandinu's intention. He said without hesitation: "Mother, please give me a chance to show my ability."

"Very good," Grandinu threw out another stream of light, but it did not enter Salamandis' body, but flew into his palm. "Ten days later, the planetary cross will be completely formed, and then it will be the best time for me to revive. This is the remaining disaster beast card of Gilfisa, the priest disaster beast."

"Mother, don't worry, with me here, the resurrection ceremony will never go wrong. I will definitely let the life on this planet feel the grace of the end of the world bestowed by the mother." Salamandis stood up and bowed respectfully, his eyes full of determination.

Grandinu laughed: "Okay, mother believes in you."

Kil also cooperated and patted Salamandis on the shoulder: "I believe in you too."

Then he notified Sambashu telepathically.

[Ten days later, Grandinu's hunting plan started! 】

Ⅱ The Nemesis of the Disaster Demon (Emergency Team): [New] Chapter 205: Heaven and Earth Net

In the command room of Bayan Domain 55, the six members of Xun family, Wudao, Ilias and Sambashu sat around the table.

Standing up, Sambashu pulled out a whiteboard and wrote a few big words on the whiteboard with a marker: "Great Witch Grandinu Hunting Plan".

Slamming the oil pen on the table, Samba looked around and said, "At this point, there is something I can't hide from you. Gil has not been brainwashed. He has been undercover inside the disaster demon all along, passing information through the mental connection between him and me, and sharing the information with GOGOV, the Earth Defense Force and the Capital Fire Department through me."

Hearing Samba reveal the truth, the Xun family was surprised at first, then understood, and nodded one after another: "No wonder every time Mr. Gil appears, Mr. Hiyama also appears. Although most of the time the disaster demon's actions coincide with Mr. Hiyama's visit to Bayan Domain 55 to find his father for lessons, it is indeed too coincidental. It turns out that it is acting."

Considering the confidentiality required for undercover work, the Xun family naturally understands Samba's concealment.

But Wudao kept frowning, and he looked a little depressed without saying a word.

Samba was naturally very confused. Although Wu Dao was about to participate in the discussion meeting of the "Witch Hunting Plan", he had rarely been involved in the actions of the disaster demons before. Therefore, Samba really couldn't figure out why the other party was in such a posture at this moment.

Was he angry that he didn't synchronize the news that Gil was a Wuhendao with him?

But he and Gil didn't have much in common.

Samba asked hurriedly, "Wudao, what's wrong?"

When asked this by Samba, Wudao was like a student who was distracted in class and was called by the teacher. He was stunned for a moment, then he raised his head and stared at Samba, and said in disbelief, "Samba, do you have telepathy with that gloomy guy?"

"He has a name, it's called Gil." Before Samba replied, Ilias was the first to say, "And I see that you are the one with a gloomy face now, don't say that others are gloomy."

Wudao's tone was a little impatient, like a cat whose tail was stepped on: "Ilias, what do you mean?"

"You two, at least pay attention to the occasion," Samba Xiu smiled awkwardly at the Xun family, then looked at Wudao and explained, "Because my contract with him is mortgaged by soul, we can communicate by telepathy."

"I see." Wudao also knew that this was not the time for him to lose his temper. After recovering from the shock of Samba Xiu's telepathy with Gil, he immediately restrained his expression and returned to his previous serious look. However, he had already begun to think in his heart that he should also do something like Samba Xiu: If we can use telepathy, we should be more tacit when fighting together. Maybe we can try the merging trick that failed three thousand years ago with Samba Xiu?

If Samba Xiu knew what Wudao was thinking at this moment, he would definitely complain: How to perform combined attack skills with cold weapons and hot weapons, learn from the Pirate Team?

But obviously, Samba Shu didn't have the chance to complain about this at this moment. He picked up the oil pen again and wrote a "10" on the whiteboard: "According to the news just passed by Kiel, the planetary Grand Cross will be officially formed in ten days. The disaster demon clan will hold the resurrection ceremony of the great witch Grandinu in the basement of the Rinkai District Gymnasium on that day."

Using despicable means to achieve a victory for justice is a fine tradition passed down from the Secret Sentai Goranger era. The tricks used by the Showa big brother when fighting against the monsters of the Black Cross Army are still a famous scene that some old people talk about with relish.

Samba Xiu clearly remembered that in order to defeat the baseball mask, the Goranger actually used the Goranger Hurricane to create a remote-controlled baseball, and used this baseball to bypass the baseball mask's bat and accurately hit the opponent's head, thus causing a big explosion to defeat this unfortunate weirdo.

Naturally, after learning such accurate information, Xun Chan immediately punched and stood up excitedly: "Great, then we can evacuate nearby residents a day in advance, block the streets, and bury explosives in advance. When the disaster demon arrives, we will detonate the explosives and directly determine the possibility of the resurrection of the great witch!"

"If it is an ordinary battle, an ambush in advance is indeed a good choice, but Mr. Xun Chan, I must tell you that destroying the resurrection ceremony will only delay the resurrection progress of the great witch. When a certain degree of negative energy is accumulated, she will still be resurrected."

Samba Xiu affirmed Xun Chan's meanness, then raised his hand and circled the word "hunting" on the whiteboard with a marker.

"To completely resolve the crisis of the Great Witch, we must kill Grandinu after she has a real body."

"So we can't stop the Great Witch's resurrection ceremony, but we also have to ensure that the ceremony goes smoothly?" Xun Ji suddenly felt an indescribable weirdness.

Samba Xiu could understand this complicated feeling, and nodded helplessly: "Yes, but we can't just let it go, otherwise it will easily arouse their suspicion if their resurrection ceremony goes too smoothly."

"I understand, we will make appropriate obstructions at that time, and then wait until the Great Witch is resurrected, and then we will attack her together?"

Samba Xiu nodded first, and then shook his head: "The resurrection of the Great Witch is the top priority of the disaster demons. At that time, the cadres of the disaster demon clan will definitely be present. Considering Gil's desire to kill his mother, he and I will fight against the Great Witch. As for the others, whether it is the disaster demon beast or the disaster demon brothers and sisters, it will be left to everyone to deal with."

"Don't worry about this, I will deal with those who get in the way for you." Wu Dao said coldly, revealing a reliable temperament.

Samba Xiu has always been confident in Wu Dao. Just to be on the safe side, he added: "By the way, we don't know if the disaster demon will temporarily summon a large number of disaster beasts. Wu Dao, ask the city guards to suspend their operations for that day. I will also ask Clesiza and the others to suspend their work and be on standby at any time."

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