Although it was September 3rd and it was close to six o’clock in the afternoon, the temperature in Tianfu still exceeded 33 degrees Celsius.

In dormitory 307, because the air is relatively not circulating, the space is small, and there are many heat sources in the human body, the temperature has reached 35 degrees Celsius.

Shen Shizhong seconded, “I also complained about this problem, there was no air conditioning in the dormitory, I took three cold showers last night, and finally fell asleep in a daze.” ”

Ma Long also complained, “Without air conditioning is indeed excessive.” ”

Lu Wenshan sighed, “Whether it’s Tianfu or Shengqing, the universities in these two places are toxic, and there are very few cases of air conditioning, and only a small number of new campuses have air conditioning.” ”

“I’ll ask the life teacher to see if I can install the air conditioner myself!” An Liang explained, and then added, “Brothers, forgive me, I am a Shengqing person, in the summer, my life is given by air conditioning, if there is no air conditioning, my life will be lost.” ”

Shen Shizhong responded, “Okay, if you can install your own air conditioner, we will all solve it.” ”

An Liang scolded back with a smile, “What AA solved, I have a showdown, I don’t pretend, I’m a rich second generation, I can solve it.” ”

Although they have just met, An Liang has accurately judged that Ma Long and Lu Wenshan are just ordinary conditions, if they are allowed to install air conditioners in AA, although they can also take out money, I am afraid that they will not be able to report to the family, and then they can only save in living expenses, right?

In the face of An Liang’s apportionment, Lu Wenshan responded optimistically, “Wow! The brother turned out to be a rich second generation! ”

“Hello, big guy, you see I look so strong, can I be your bodyguard?” Marlon also joked.

Shen Shizhong pushed his glasses, “I originally wanted to get along with you as an ordinary person, I didn’t pretend, I also had a showdown, I am also a rich second generation.” ”

“Gentleman, you didn’t pretend, did you?” Lu Wenshan complained, “Your alien laptop is more than 30,000, your alien desktop computer is also 50,000 or 60,000, your headphones, ear amps, and the messy electronic products on the table, you can’t take down a hundred thousand pieces combined, right?” ”

Marlon seconded, “Yes, yes, you didn’t pretend!” ”

Shen Shizhong was slightly embarrassed, “I just like electronic products.” Only with more advanced electronic products can you get closer to your wives. ”

“What a gentleman!” An Liang gave a thumbs up.

Lu Wenshan pretended to breathe a sigh of relief, “There is one less strong competitor!” ”

Malone seconded, “I have one more hope of finding a girlfriend.” ”

Lu Wenshan looked at An Liang and said, “Although you are also a rich second generation, you already have a girlfriend, so we have another strong enemy.” ”

An Liang responded, “I don’t have a girlfriend at school. ”


Lu Wenshan had a black question mark on his face.

Marlon is also unknown.

Shen Shizhong translated, “This means that he doesn’t have a girlfriend in this school, you guys savor, who is a gentleman?” ”

“Groove?” Lu Wenshan said that his people were stupid, and there was still this kind of operation?

Malone scratched his head, honestly unable to experience the happiness of a good man.

“Don’t say it, brothers, I’ll ask the life teacher first to see if I can install air conditioning, and then I will chat in the group, I won’t come back at night, go to accompany my girlfriend first, and then come back tomorrow.” An Liang said.

Lu Wenshan reminded, “Pay attention to safety and beware of human life!” ”

“Ultimate Experience 001 to understand?” An Liang responded with a smile, and then added, “Sorry, brothers, go first, and invite the brothers to dinner tomorrow to make amends.” ”

“No problem, sit and wait.” Lu Wenshan responded with a laugh.

When An Liang left, Lu Wenshan sighed, “Gentleman, shouldn’t you rich second generation be very cold and look down on people at every turn?” ”


Shen Shizhong looked at Lu Wenshan speechlessly, “Everyone is a first-time person, and there are always people with different personalities. This brother has a good personality, not at all pompous, if you really want to install an air conditioner, he and I are responsible for buying air conditioning, and the subsequent electricity bill is shared equally by everyone. ”

Lu Wenshan is an optimist, and he promised, “No problem! I have already thought of a new topic, what is the experience of having two rich second generations in the four-person dormitory? ”

Ma Long said a little embarrassed, “How is that embarrassing?” ”

Shen Shizhong responded, “Brother Champion, don’t think too much, everyone has everyone’s lifestyle, he wants to install air conditioning, it’s just his lifestyle.” ”

For him, the money for an air conditioner is probably the concept of buying a bottle of frozen happy water. Besides, just now he had a direct showdown, in fact, he gave all of us preparations, showing that he did not look down on us, so we followed and enjoyed, and shared the electricity bill equally later. Shen Shizhong added.

Lu Wenshan responded affirmatively, “I also think this brother has a good personality. ”

Shen Shizhong continued to add, “Brother Champion, you really don’t have any psychological burden, an air conditioner is only a few thousand yuan, the T-shirt on his body is more than three thousand, the shorts are also more than three thousand, and the shoes are more than seven thousand.” ”

“So expensive!” Marlon was taken aback, his family conditions were indeed quite ordinary, just the most ordinary working family.

“Expensive?” Shen Shizhong sighed, “His watch is really expensive.” Although I can’t recognize the specific model, Patek Philippe’s brand, coupled with the ultra-complex perpetual calendar series, is guaranteed to go up to one million. ”

“He is a real rich second generation, I am a fake rich second generation!” Shen Shizhong said with a sigh.

“No, no, no, you are also the rich second generation in our eyes, he is the second generation of the big rich, you are the second generation of the little rich, and you are brothers-in-law.” Lu Wenshan explained.

Shen Shizhong stared at Lu Wenshan deadly, “I think you’re hacking me!” ”

“No, no, our Tianfu dialect, Tianfu dialect!” Lu Wenshan responded quickly.

Marlon chimed in on the side, “The language is repeated, the eyes are flickering, I see that you are lying!” ”

“Hahaha!” Shen Shizhong laughed on the side, “I thought you were going to say, I saw that you are not a person!” ”

“Fahai, you don’t know love?” Lu Wenshan also connected the terrier.

The three laughed, the atmosphere in this dormitory was quite joyful, and everyone’s personalities were very good!

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