In the second cafeteria, An Liang watched Bai Yue eat, and he smiled, “Bai Yue-san, after eating, let’s add a WeChat, I need you to do me a favor.” ”

An Liang lowered his voice, “Today is the Mid-Autumn Festival, I want to go to the Children’s Welfare Institute in XJTLU later to send some Mid-Autumn Festival blessings to those children.” ”

Bai Yue’s eyes showed surprise.

An Liang raised his right hand and uttered a silent ‘shh’ in his mouth, “I want Bai Yue-san to keep this matter a secret, and I don’t need to publicize this matter, understand?” ”

Bai Yue nodded silently, she didn’t understand why An Liang did this.

In fact, there are two reasons.

First, it is naturally the Mid-Autumn Festival blessing package distributed by the life winner system.

The second reason is that when they were in the imperial capital, those guys who seemed to be the children of the Qiao were actually carrying out charity work at the same time when they were racing.

This made An Liang feel deeply!

So he decided to do something meaningful during the Mid-Autumn Festival, which was to send a Mid-Autumn Festival blessing to those poor children.

No matter what others think about it, Anliang is full of compassion for the abandoned children and disabled children.

As for the reason to bring the white moon?

Why does it have to be justified?

If there has to be a reason, An Liang also has compassion for Bai Yue, is that okay?

In his heart, he sympathized with this thin girl who was sensitive to his environment.

Can’t Shenhao have mercy?

Shenhao must spend the day drinking?

Anyway, An Liang has An Liang’s own lifestyle, he can spend hundreds of thousands of dollars a night in Mr. Thirteen in the imperial capital, and he can also eat a breakfast of less than ten yuan in the second cafeteria.

While eating at Baiyue, Anliang was eating steamed dumplings while operating on his mobile phone.

Almost ten minutes later, Bai Yue had finished eating a basket of steamed dumplings, and by the way, she also ate two eggs, she took out a palm-sized English dictionary, watched quietly, and waited for An Liang by the way.

An Liang rubbed for almost ten more minutes before finishing breakfast, and he greeted, “Bai Yue-san, let’s go.” ”

Bai Yue silently got up.

An Liang walked in front, Bai Yue followed, the two came to the school gate together, An Liang did not go to drive a Ferrari 488 Pista, he just went to give a Mid-Autumn Festival gift to the children, and there was no need to show off to Bai Yue that he had a Ferrari sports car.

What’s the point of showing off a Ferrari 488 Pista?

If you have to show off, the bill of the company is pulled out, the funds controlled by the company are revealed, and the actual owner is put out, isn’t it more shocking?

On the side of the road in front of the school, a black Audi A4L stopped on the side of the road with double flashing lights, An Liang walked over, this car he just rented through his mobile phone, today is his car.

Originally, An Shengyu wanted to buy him one, but An Liang did not accept it, he was ready to see it himself at the Tianfu Auto Show, he preferred the Audi Q8, it would be better if there was a discount on the price!

Anliang has never felt that Audi is not worth much, but Audi’s pricing strategy is too disgusting, set a high price at the beginning, and a discount of 20% in a few months, isn’t this disgusting?

It was not An Liang who slammed the door, but the heart was wronged!

Boss Ma said that he couldn’t be wronged!

“Bai Yue-san, come over here!” After Anliang and the staff of the rental car company confirmed the handover of the vehicle, Anliang greeted Bai Yue.

Bai Yue came over, and she honestly sat in the back row.

An Liang naturally acted as a driver, and while driving, he said, “Let’s go to the supermarket now, wait a while for you to help refer to what Mid-Autumn Festival gifts we are going to give to the children.” ”

“Oh!” Bai Yue responded.

“Cut!” An Liang suddenly complained, “Aren’t you dumb? ”

Bai Yue’s face turned red.

An Liang is enough, his reason for choosing a supermarket instead of choosing a wholesale market is very simple, supermarket things are indeed slightly more expensive, but the purchase channel is at least relatively guaranteed, who knows the situation of the wholesale market?

In Huiyong supermarket, Anliang connected to Feng Jie, the person in charge of the supermarket, through service, and the two sides had preliminary negotiations.

“Manager Feng, I need to purchase some goods in large quantities, I hope you provide delivery service, okay?” An Liang made his own request.

Feng Jie asked rhetorically, “May I ask Mr. An’s purchase amount to reach, the delivery time, and the specific delivery location.” ”

“The specific purchase amount may not be certain, but it can definitely reach a six-figure purchase amount. The delivery time is today, that is, I will finish the purchase, you will immediately load the goods and follow us, the delivery location is the Children’s Welfare Home at XJTLU. An Liang explained.

He added, “Today is the Mid-Autumn Festival, and I hope to give those children a Mid-Autumn Festival gift!” ”

Feng Jie immediately gave a thumbs up, “Since this is the case, no matter what Mr. An’s purchase amount is, we provide free delivery service, and the highest priority!” ”

“By the way, there is one more thing, we need to sign a confidentiality agreement, today’s matter, I don’t want to disclose it, and I don’t want to accept any interviews.” An Liang added.

Feng Jie gave a thumbs up again, “I understand, please rest assured Mr. An, we will definitely keep confidential information for customers.” ”

“Okay, let’s walk and let’s see what to procure.” An Liang greeted Bai Yue.

Feng Jie accompanied him into the supermarket.

Mid-Autumn Festival, naturally arrange mooncakes, under the recommendation of Feng Jie, I bought a bulk mooncake, because mooncakes are also benevolent and wise, and the most expensive cost is probably the packaging box, right?


Little Puff Street Author: Okay, okay, you have arranged my little Puff Street clearly, but I must tell you that I will still pay off the addition of my daily additions to five or six o’clock!

I will not throw in the towel!

Come on!

Want me to throw in the towel?

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