Anliang ushered in the failure of the first mission.

Although the mission failed, An Liang was very happy. Because the choice made by Chen Siyu fully illustrates Chen Siyu’s spiritual beauty.

I’m afraid that most people can’t make the same choice as Chen Siyu, right?

An Liang confessed that he couldn’t do it!

Chen Siyu made such a choice, making An Liang like Chen Siyu more, who doesn’t want the person he likes to have a pure heart?

“Well, Siyu, I listen to you, you come on!” An Liang promised.

“Siyu, you are awesome!” An Liang praised.

Chen Siyu’s face turned red, if An Liang didn’t turn into An Lushan when he praised her, it would be better, right?

An Liang is not too excessive, after all, it is a piano room!

“Siyu, follow me!” An Liang led Chen Siyu out of the piano room.

Chen Siyu snorted lightly, “You just promised Teacher Sun to let me practice the piano more, but now you forgot?” ”

“Of course not!” An Liang responded, “I’m going to surprise you!” ”

“Huh?” Chen Siyu was puzzled.

“You’ll find out later.” An Liang did not explain in advance, he led Chen Siyu to the open-air parking lot, and along the way let the youth of a group of seniors end.

This time, An Liang did not let Chen Siyu drive, he let Chen Siyu sit in the co-pilot, and then went directly to Yunjing International Apartment.

Yunjing International Apartment is quite close to the National Conservatory of Music, especially at ten o’clock in the morning, when there is little traffic, Anliang only took twelve minutes to come to Yunjing International Apartment.

Chen Siyu passed by Yunjing International Apartment more than once, she naturally knew Yunjing International Apartment, and her face suddenly turned red.

The Ferrari 812Superfast stopped again in the parking lot of Yunjing International Apartment, and An Liang took Chen Siyu into the lobby, and then took the elevator.

On the eighty-eighth floor, at the door of room six, An Liang reminded, “You close your eyes first!” ”

Chen Siyu honestly closed his eyes, An Liang first used his fingerprint to open the door, and then covered Chen Siyu’s eyes, guiding Chen Siyu into the door, until standing in front of the big triangle in the living room, An Liang let go of his hand.

“Can I open my eyes?” Chen Siyu asked.

“Of course!” An Liang replied in the affirmative.

Chen Siyu opened her eyes, and then saw the big grand piano in front of her, and she exclaimed, “Ah! ”

“Hehe, do you like this gift?” An Liang asked.

Chen Siyu nodded unabashedly, she really liked it, “This is the commemorative piano of the 35th anniversary of the cooperation between Steinway and our school the year before last, it just so happened that Steinway opened a shop in the imperial capital that year, I went to see this piano, the price is as high as 1.98 million.” ”

This piano is a derivative commemorative edition of the Steinway D series, the D series is priced at 1.65 million, and the derivative commemorative version is priced by hundreds of thousands!

An Liang silently praised the three brothers of Yunhaiyang in his heart!

This piano should have played a decisive role, right?

If you directly let Chen Siyu stay in Yunjing International Apartment, even if you come over occasionally, I am afraid that Chen Siyu will not agree, but if there is this piano, Chen Siyu will definitely agree.

An Liang took the opportunity to hand over the access control card, “Oh, the access control card of Yunjing International Apartment, including elevators, doors, all integrated, wait a while will add your fingerprint to the door lock, access control card and mobile phone binding, you can also bring an access control card in the future.” ”

“Huh?” Chen Siyu was stunned for a moment.

“This apartment is already ours!” An Liang’s word is ‘we’, which means to include Chen Siyu.

Chen Siyu’s face suddenly turned red, and she lowered her head and did not speak.

“Aren’t you going to compete?” An Liang continued, “If you don’t have an appointment to go to the school’s piano room, you can come here to play the piano, anyway, this piano is also prepared for you, my skills are a little worse.” ”

Chen Siyu suddenly laughed, An Liang was self-aware!

She didn’t hesitate, took the access control card, and then looked at An Liangdao, “Thank you!” ”

An Liang was not polite, and he once again incarnated as An Lushan.

This time An Lushan was a little more ferocious.

“Anliang… Don’t…” said Chen Siyu softly.

An Liang slowly raised his head, he stopped moving, the giant panda did not have the taste of lime pear.

Since Chen Siyu called a halt, adhering to the principle of not taking the initiative, An Liang chose to let Chen Siyu go.

Chen Siyu secretly breathed a sigh of relief, just when the giant panda was lost, Chen Siyu suddenly realized that she seemed to have followed An Liang into the Yunjing International Apartment, so it was a sheep into the mouth of the tiger?

Originally, Chen Siyu had already planned for the worst, but now An Liang listened to her stop, and her heart was sweet, just as she chose fair competition before, making An Liang like her more, now An Liang took the initiative to restrain her, which also made Chen Siyu more satisfied with An Liang.

The two sat on the sofa, and Chen Siyu snuggled into An Liang’s arms, “Wait a minute, okay?” ”

An Liang rubbed her hair, “Hmm! ”

Chen Siyu laughed, “This time, I will definitely win, I will definitely win Mu Xinmei and Li Ke, when I am on national TV, after I perform at the invitation session, you will come again, okay?” ”

“Good!” Anliang responded.

As for Chen Siyu losing?

Don’t don’t!

Raven mouth!

This kind of thing must have confidence in Chen Siyu!

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