In the audience of the Goldenport International Circuit, if An Liang was here, he could recognize that this young man in a Versace shirt was the man who had previously picked up Chen Siyu at the airport.


“Of course there is an insider!” Wang Rui lowered his voice, “Jia Shao, do you know the situation of Shengqing? ”

Judwen was puzzled, “I don’t know much about Shengqing. ”

“Recently, Shengqing adopted a development direction called the [Xicheng Development Plan], and the total amount of this development plan is 200 billion yuan, in which a small construction company with an unknown name has entered it.” Wang Rui said.

“That small construction company with an unknown name is called AXA Construction Company, which was originally just a small company with assets of tens of millions, and later grew to 50 million in cooperation with Wenda Group, and now it directly enters the Xicheng development plan.” Wang Rui explained in detail.

Regarding the inclusion of AXA Construction Company in the West City Development Plan, in fact, the people in the imperial capital have long found out.

After all, the Yun family, the Qian family, and the Li family, how can no one care about the things they promote together?

Judwin said a little abruptly, “So that person is AXA Construction Company?” ”

“He is the son of the owner of AXA Construction. According to our analysis, AXA Construction Company is the white gloves of the Yun, Qian, and Li families, the Yun family is very powerful in Shengqing, the Li family provides the power of the imperial capital, and the Qian family provides relevant resources. Wang Rui explained.

The so-called white gloves are actually a civilized statement, in fact, they are puppets!

However, is AXA Construction a puppet?

Of course not!

“So this person is a scapegoat?” Jia Dewen said with some expectation, he had already seen Chen Siyu.

Since meeting Chen Siyu at the airport yesterday, Judwen felt that he was in love, or love at first sight, he felt that he was truly in love with Chen Siyu.

If AXA Construction Company is the white glove of the three families, and An Liang is the scapegoat of the three families, then he has a chance to snatch Chen Siyu over!

“Of course!” Wang Rui continued, “Otherwise, you think that guy Qian Xiaogang even lent him the Ferrari 812SuperFast? ”

“Huh?” Judwin was stunned for a moment, “Wait, that Ferrari 812 SuperFast is Qian Xiaogang’s?” ”

“Isn’t that something difficult to find?” Wang Rui responded.

Jia Dewen sent a message on WeChat, although Jia Dewen is not from the imperial capital, he is from Xishan, but he also has good connections in the imperial capital, just to investigate the ownership of a license plate, which is a fairly simple matter.

A moment later, Judwin got the feedback, and he looked at it and responded, “It’s really Qian Xiaogang’s!” It turns out that she was deceived! ”

When he was at the airport before, Chen Siyu told Judwin that the Ferrari 812 SuperFast was sent by his boyfriend, and Judwin was still lamenting what kind of fairy boyfriend.

Now it looks like you’ve been scammed, right?

‘So the giant panda is brainless?’ Judwin suddenly had this idea.

‘Find an opportunity to debunk him! Jia Dewen had a second idea, he had found An Liang a high-end brand before, but Chen Siyu’s dress was very simple.

Plus now it has been determined that the real owner of 812SuperFast is Qian Xiaogang, he has determined that An Liang is a door-picker, is such a beautiful girlfriend reluctant to take care of it?

Then let him come!

Wang Rui listened to Jia Dewen’s words, if the corners of his mouth did not seem to show a smile, although Wang Rui’s nickname is ‘Wang Er Dog’, it sounds very ordinary, and even has some humble taste, but really think that Wang Rui has no ability?

Then wait to be sold by Wang Rui and help count the money!

“Brother Wang, I think that buddy is quite miserable, we want to find a way to get to know him, just now Yun Haiyang and Qian Xiaogang didn’t give face, let’s give them eye medicine!” Judwin suggested.

This proposal seems to be to find Wang Rui back the field!

However, Wang Rui saw through Jia Dewen’s thoughts at a glance, and he still didn’t know who Jia Dewen was?

Just now, when Judwin proposed to come to the audience to take a look, he felt that there was a problem, and now that he saw Chen Siyu, how could he not know what the reason was?

After all, Judwin is an old skin!

Wang Rui followed Judwen’s train of thought and said, “No problem, when they finish the car, we will secretly follow them, and then seize the opportunity to get to know the small boss of AXA Construction Company, and it is best to find a way to disrupt the matter of Ansheng Construction Company’s entry into the development plan of Xicheng.” ”

“Hahaha, if we mess up this matter, the three families will be angry, right?” Jia Dewen also followed Wang Rui’s train of thought.

Both of them are old actors!

However, Wang Rui’s skills are superior, and Judwen’s goal is too obvious to be seen by Wang Rui, so Wang Rui deliberately said the Xicheng development plan, and deliberately described AXA Construction Company as a white glove.

As for what step can Judwin achieve?

That has nothing to do with Wang Rui!

Wang Rui just disgusted Qian Xiaogang and Yun Haiyang, just now the two swept his face, now when there is a chance, naturally want to take revenge.

There are grievances and complaints, there are revenge, the grudges of both sides accumulated at a young age, and the old wrongdoers have no solution!

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