Super Shinto Lord

Chapter 125: The limelight (two/three)

This banquet is mainly for special envoy Yan to invite talented talents, and the seating order is also arranged according to the approximate strength level of young talents.

Therefore, although Wang Teng and Li Qinghu came later, their seats are still in front of the previous four, only at the bottom of the seats of the Yu family and the Sun family.

This point is that there is no advance notice, otherwise someone would have queued up in advance to occupy a seat.

The Wang family and the Li family were seated separately, the Li family's seat was right next to the Yu family's seat, and the Wang family was leaning against the Sun family.

Then Li Qinghu was sitting not far from Yu Guihai.

Yu Guihai didn't go up to say hello. Although he likes beautiful women, he just appreciates them and doesn't have the habit of going up to kneel and lick them.

So saying hello before is considered respectful!

However, just because he doesn't say hello doesn't mean that others won't come.

"Hey, are you Yu Guihai from Qingshan City?"

A crisp and pleasant voice came from the side, Yu Guihai turned his head and saw that it was Li Qinghu.

She was looking at her with a curious face, as delicate as flowers and fragrant, and it was even more pleasing to watch at close range.

"It's me, hello, you are Li Qinghu. I didn't expect you to be such a beautiful girl."

Yu Guihai smiled warmly, as bright as the sun.

As soon as he said that, a chuckle came from beside him. It was Yu Qinghua. She covered her mouth and smiled, her eyes showing playfulness.

On the opposite side, Li Qinghu was stunned for a moment, obviously he had never seen someone who spoke like that.

Her pretty face was slightly red, and she said to each other professionally: "You are very powerful. The inner aura of sixteen years old is a year earlier than mine."

"Where is it!"

Yu Guihai said a few words modestly.

The two then chatted happily, and Yu Qinghua soon joined in.

Yu Guihai has the memory of being a single dog in two lifetimes. Although he is not good at flirting with girls, he has knowledge after all, and after cultivating in this world, he has a strong mentality, so it can be said that he can handle this little girl with ease.

Before there was a big meeting, the two daughters were made to smile again and again.

There is laughter and laughter here, but someone on the opposite side can't stand it any longer.

This person is Wang Teng. When he saw Li Qinghu for the first time, he swore that Wang Teng would make a decision for this woman! In the future, he will have her as his wife in the backyard!

As for the position of the main wife, of course, only those talented women who are the direct descendants of the powerful forces in the state capital can qualify.

You must know that Wang Teng has the talent of a real person, and he is destined to set foot in the innate in the future, and he is even expected to pursue the path of immortality!

Although Li Qinghu is good, but her background is doomed that she is not worthy of the position of his own wife, he is particularly preferred to be a flat wife!

Now I see Li Qinghu flirting with other men, chatting and laughing.

Wang Teng almost exploded with anger!

If you don't follow the way of women, it seems that you can only be a concubine.

Then, he glared at Yu Guihai angrily, glanced at the empty space where the elders were talking, suddenly got up, and said respectfully, "Master Special Envoy, Wang Teng has a suggestion that I don't know if I should say it or not?"

Everyone frowned slightly, this kid's behavior was somewhat inappropriate.

However, when they thought about it later, it was nothing. After all, young people are young and energetic, and they know how to spare time and not directly interrupt the elders' conversation, which is not bad.

"But it doesn't matter!" Special Envoy Yan glanced at him and said with a smile.

"I see that the seats are basically arranged according to the strength of the young talents of each family. This method is very good, and it can better show that the special envoy attaches great importance to young people."

Wang Teng slapped a little flattery first, and then he continued to talk when he saw that Special Envoy Yan's expression was slightly smug, but not unhappy.

"However, if the strengths are similar, it will be difficult to distinguish between high and low. Often, some who come early will occupy a good position. I think it is better to try it on the spot, and those who are not strong will give up their positions."

As soon as he said these words, the others were fine. After Zhenshan and Sun Yundong's expressions changed, it was not clear that they were talking about them.

"Young people are full of arrogance, and naturally there will be a chance to compete in a few days. Today is a banquet, how can you use swords and soldiers rashly!"

Sun Yundong said with a smile. The Sun family happened to be at the top of the Wang family. Of course, he thought that Wang Teng's words were aimed at him.

"Haha, Elder Sun's words are bad! Young people, since they have the will to win, it's not a bad thing. You don't need to use swords and soldiers, you just need a small test."

The elder from the Wang family is Wang Shengming, the fourth elder sent to Qingshi City by the general clan.

"Yes, yes, Elder Wang's words are reasonable. Young people must have the will to win. Elder Sun wouldn't dare." Someone in the back four suddenly said.

Yu Guihai glanced at it, it was the Yuncheng He family. The reason why they are so active is because He Fangyuan has broken through the inner air and also has the idea of ​​performance.

In addition, he saw that the He family members and the Sun family members had a cold sympathy, and it was obvious that they also had grievances in private.

"Since that's the case, then you five young people from the inner Qi realm will have a try and rearrange the seats."

Special Envoy Yan said with a smile.

His words directly ignored the three handsome elites at the peak of the forging realm, but they didn't dare to complain at all. Skills are not as good as people, what face to talk about!

When Wang Teng saw that Envoy Yan agreed with him, his expression became even more arrogant.

"Haha, Special Envoy Yan clearly values ​​me so much. I'll let you know after a while that there are some women who are not mediocre like you."


Special Envoy Yan looked around, pondered for a moment, and said, "This place is small, so it's not easy to compete in martial arts. You guys are all in the early stage of inner qi realm. Let's just test the control of inner qi."

"I'll prepare five wine glasses, fill them up with wine, and send them out every time I send them out, the five of you will take them, and whoever can't catch them will be eliminated."

After speaking, he instructed the servants to prepare the wine glasses.

In such a competition, the complexion of the He family changed. He Fangyuan had just made a breakthrough, and his inner qi was unstable. If it was Bidou, there was still a little hope that the weak would win the strong, but compared with the inner qi control, it would definitely lose.

However, they did not dare to express their dissatisfaction, and felt extremely aggrieved in their hearts.

When Wang Teng heard this, he was ecstatic. He broke through the inner qi realm at the age of fifteen, and now he is sixteen. He has honed his inner qi for two years. Not only is he about to break through the third level of the inner qi realm, but his inner qi is very pure.

In terms of inner qi control, his confidence must be number one!

What's more, he also cultivated a special technique that can exert his inner qi control to a stronger extent.

"In this competition, I will definitely be able to beat the pack, haha!" He laughed wildly in his heart.

In a short while, the wine glass is ready. He took out five and lined them up on the table of Special Envoy Yan, and Special Envoy Yan poured the wine himself.


As soon as he finished speaking, he saw Special Envoy Yan stretched out his hand and swept it out. The five wine glasses flew out in an instant, and the speed was fast, but the wine inside was not spilled in the slightest, showing its powerful and exquisite control.

Facing the wine glass, the five young people behaved differently.

"Good come!"

That Wang Teng laughed loudly, a golden inner air lit up above his hands, and a golden vortex was formed under the embrace, directly covering the wine glass, the wine glass trembled slightly, and the strength was released. The wine was not spilled at all.

He opened his mouth and drank it and said with a big laugh, "Thank you for the reward, Mr. Special Envoy!"

Li Qinghu stretched out his slender hand and released a soft green inner energy, like countless vines entangled in a wine glass, layer upon layer, and then he was swirled and fell on the table without a drop of it.

She smiled sweetly, "Thank you for the wine, Mr. Special Envoy!"

Sun Yuanfei was slightly inferior to the two of them. He tapped his palms again and again to ease the strength of the wine glass, and finally managed to hold it. However, a little wine was spilled.

As for He Fangyuan, who had just been promoted to Inner Qi realm, his performance was even worse. He burst out with fiery inner Qi and barely held the wine glass, but with a smacking sound, the wine glass cracked.

As for Yu Guihai, he stretched out his hand calmly, the blue inner air swirled like a stream of water, and then he put the wine glass firmly in his palm, showing simplicity but calmness.

"I lost!"

Sun Yuanfei and He Fangyuan took the initiative to admit defeat. They were ranked fourth and fifth respectively.

Then, Special Envoy Yan prepared three glasses of wine and flew towards the remaining three people.

Li Qinghu's face condensed, she stood up, her hands were like butterflies in flowers, she surrounded the wine glass and drew it to the side, her figure circled twice like a dance, and only then did she release her strength.

However, more than half of the wine in the glass has been spilled.

Wang Teng's performance was better. He also stood up and treated it with dignity. He still used that special technique to pick up the wine. However, the golden vortex was suddenly broken by the force of the wine glass at the end, causing a third of the wine in the glass to spill out. .

However, Yu Guihai remained calm, sitting in the same place, and stretched out his hand lightly, the blue air in his palm formed a vortex, and the wine glass was firmly sucked into it, and soon stopped without a drop. Wine spilled.

This time, it's up to the judge.

Yu Guihai's performance shocked everyone!

This hand's inner qi control power is simply superb, even in the middle stage of inner qi realm, it may not be possible.

For a time, Yu Guihai became the number one enemy in the hearts of those who wanted to compete for the first place!

Especially that Wang Teng, whose face was even more ugly, stared at Yu Guihai as if he had killed his father and an enemy.

His purpose was to stand out by himself, to step on Yu Guihai by the way, and to let the little girls from Li Qinghu know who is the strongest genius.

I didn't expect three goals, only the last one was achieved.

Now Li Qinghu is sure that Yu Guihai is the first genius!


: . :

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