Super Shinto Lord

Chapter 893: smash

This person has no eyeballs, and the eye sockets are empty black holes, but there is a strange feeling of staring that shoots out of it.

Gu He froze all over, his consciousness instantly plunged into darkness, and he stood still as sluggish as a living dead.

Void Spirit felt his scalp tingling for a while, and the demon soul felt like it was about to leave the body. He roared with a roar, and his whole body suddenly turned into a thick python.

He was forced to show his true form!

Yu Guihai also felt uncomfortable for a while, as if someone was staring at him maliciously, as if there were bugs crawling on his body.

"Void Spirit, you control the ghost shuttle, back off!"

Yu Guihai said solemnly.


There was a hint of stunnedness in Voidling's eyes, and Xinzi was about to say something in his mouth, but Yu Guihai, who was before the meeting, disappeared.

He hurriedly looked out the window, only to see a figure disappearing into the gray fog in a flash.


A roar that didn't sound like a human voice came out.

I saw an incomparably tall and terrifying figure emerge. This figure was as high as a kilometer, with a ferocious dragon head on the left shoulder, a ghostly bird head on the right shoulder, and a demonic flesh behind the neck. pimple.

The terrifying majesty exuded, and the aura of the strange person was instantly dissipated.


The terrifying figure roared angrily, and took a step that was a thousand meters away, and came to the front of the strange man. The fire of terrifying gray fog burned on the big hand, and slammed towards the strange man.

The Void turbulence along the way can't shake it at all.

Gu He shivered all over, and regained consciousness. He immediately fell to the ground with a terrified expression on his face, but was overturned by this terrifying coercion again.

Voidling's face was shocked, and he murmured in his mouth: "It's stronger, and it's even stronger."


There was a thunderous explosion, and a terrifying air pressure was shot under the giant palm of the terrifying figure. The strange man was directly crushed, turned into gray smoke and scattered into the surrounding gray fog.


The figure was stunned for a moment, then came back to his senses in half an instant, grabbed the holy fruit, and returned directly.

At this time, Void Spirit has not yet started to activate the ghost shuttle, and Yu Guihai has already collected the holy fruit and returned. This is really going well. I didn't expect that strange looking monster to be so vulnerable.

"Go!" Yu Guihai's expression was solemn, and he immediately urged the ghost shuttle to fly outside.

There were no dangers along the way, and the three came out of the gray fog and came to the Void Fortress.

"Master, why are you back?"

Taogu was surprised when he saw the three of them. According to his speculation, it would take a long time for Yu Guihai to lead people to find the holy fruit, ranging from a few months to a hundred years. I didn't expect to be back in less than half a day.

"Could it be that he didn't go at all? Or entered the undercurrent of the void and found that he couldn't find his way?" He thought about it, but he didn't believe that he could find the holy fruit.

Yu Guihai didn't answer, he directly took out an object and asked, "Do you think this object is a holy fruit?"

"That's for sure, eh?~~" Momota was about to deny it casually, but after seeing the item in front of her clearly, she couldn't say what happened next.

"This, this," Taogu's eyes widened, she couldn't believe her eyes. The fruit in front of him with its shriveled and wrinkled skin is exactly the same as the holy fruit.

"Master, wait a moment, it looks like a holy fruit, but it has to be inspected."

Taogu suppressed the horror in his heart, and with trembling hands, he felt out a green branch. This branch is the branch of the ancestral tree. Once it touches the holy fruit, it will grow and sprout. If it touches other things, it will not.

He put the branch in his hand towards the outside of the shriveled fruit, and immediately a huge wood aura began to emanate.

Immediately, this emerald green branch began to stretch, and small leaf buds began to emerge from the twigs, while short and thin roots appeared on the part that touched the fruit.

"Yes, this thing is the holy fruit." Taogu exclaimed in ecstasy.

"Okay, very good." Yu Guihai nodded with satisfaction, in any case, the purpose of this trip was achieved.

But he also has something to worry about, that weird person. The thing gave him a very strange feeling. Although it was crushed by his palm, he always felt that the thing was not dead.

However, he won't show these worries, and it's probably okay to say it. After all, although that thing looks weird, it doesn't actually feel any powerful power.

Yu Guihai squinted his eyes thoughtfully, then his expression changed suddenly, and he suddenly turned his head to look somewhere.

When he swept the corner of his eyes just now, he seemed to see a strange face on the porthole next to him, and it was vaguely the strange person who was with the holy fruit.

But at this time, if you look closely, there is nothing.

"You won't be dazzled, will you?"

Yu Guihai was puzzled in his heart, and then his heart jumped, no, he is extremely powerful, how could he be dazzled, there must have been something there just now.

"That thing really isn't dead! And it came after him!" He felt a chill in his heart, and a stern look flashed in his eyes.

This is the first time he has encountered such a strange thing. When he was in the secular world, he had encountered something similar. However, it was only some low-level ghosts. Because his level was too low at the time, he would find it strange and difficult to deal with.

At this time, he was extremely powerful, almost reaching the pinnacle of the lower realm. He didn't expect that there would be such a thing that he couldn't see through.

"No matter what you are, if you dare to come, don't go back." Yu Guihai glanced around for a week and found no clues, so he ignored it for the time being.


"Taogu, since it is a holy fruit, do you know how to refine it?"

Yu Guihai recovered his mind asked lightly.

"Reporting to the master, this holy fruit is very strange and cannot be refined. The seniors in our clan have tried countless methods, except to use the huge wood spirit energy, there is no more use." Taogu observed excitedly. The holy fruit replied.

"Yeah." Yu Guihai nodded, lowered his head and fell into contemplation.

Don't watch him ask Taogu, in fact, he already has his own plans in mind.

Since this holy fruit appeared in the original space of the wood spirit world together with the wood spirit ancestral tree, and the two are of the same species, isn't this the seed of the wood spirit ancestral tree!

So he plans to plant it in his inner space. If this thing grows, it will definitely add a wood spirit energy to his inner space that cannot be ignored. Great for his space development.

However, since this holy fruit has something to do with that weirdness at this time, he is a little more worried. Who knows if the holy fruit is stained with something unclean.

The main thing is that I don't know the weird person, and I don't know what weird and weird abilities he has. If he can hurt him, it will be a little troublesome.

After thinking about it, Yu Guihai decided to plant this seed in it. However, instead of planting it directly, he put it into the Creation Pool for cleaning. If there is anything unclean, it can also be cleaned.

Thinking of this, Yu Guihai thought, and the holy fruit entered the pool of good fortune!

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