Super Skill System

Chapter 118: Retreat, cut

The cold eyes condensed, and he waved his hand slightly, the sword was determined and invisible,

Void and unexplorable,

In this nihility sword aura, there is actually a hint of red, killing the gods and extinguishing the Buddha, as if nothingness,

The sword glow sprung up spontaneously, reaching the sky, crossing the illusion of Western Heaven, and cutting off the sound of Buddha in the sky,

In an instant,

Already approaching Xuan Lingzi's eyes,

I saw Yin Hong's sword, rapidly zooming in in front of Xuan Lingzi's eyes, and instantly passed through.

The rhyme of Buddha in the sky, the ice and snow melt, if the tide recedes,

"Lianhua Temple, it is really not trivial, it is really rare to be able to force me to use dual strength!"

Chu Feng waved his hand slightly, and the red leaves were all over the sky, covering the body of Xuan Lingzi, and he was in peace.

There was also a trace of awe in the eyes,

Only the innate realm can merge the three masters of Buddhism, Taoism, and Confucianism, and can unleash those who are far superior and ordinary foundation-building strong.

People have to respect,

If it were not for awkward talent, I would have already soared.

Moreover, just a sword, although the Ice Soul Rift Sword has not yet come out of its body, it combines the emptiness of the sword, the god-killing sword technique, the ethereal kendo, and many powerful techniques and sword techniques.

Rao is so, but also forced Chu Feng to use second-tier strength, which can be described as tyrannical.

"Little friend, really masterful sword intent, killing gods and demons,"

When Xuan Lingzi was about to die, he vomited blood and forced his mouth to speak.

Chu Feng listened to his ears, and a faint surprise flashed between his eyebrows.

"The little friend can tell me that old man, he has saved me in the past, today it is reported!"

"I also hope that he will not strangle the disciples of the Lotus Temple in the future, leaving a legacy,"

As soon as the voice fell, Xuan Lingzi slowly closed his eyes, his pupils diminished, and he was already dead and could no longer die!

"In the future, no one will embarrass you at the Lotus Monastery!"

"In this world, as long as the deity is here, I will protect you from the Lotus Temple, and there will be no worries forever!"

Chu Feng said indifferently.


Outside Yunzhou City, twenty miles to the west, there is a sea of ​​people,

The sound of shouting and killing became one piece, swords, lights and swords, shadows and figures interlaced, one after another,

Countless disciples of the Blood Sword Sect wearing blood robes and holding long swords rushed to kill in unison, shaking the world,

Lean less,

Tens of thousands of guards from Yunzhou City, wearing silver armor, holding steel guns, and lined up as phalanxes, came slowly, and corpses were everywhere.

These people are all in the world, and they can be considered tyrannical in terms of strength alone.

But if the troops are lined up, they are far from enemy.

The tide of Blood Sword Gate Alliance swarmed, fighting with the guards of Yunzhou City to this point.

For a time, the sword, the sword and the shadow, the silver armor is soaked in blood, and the killing intent is bleak,

Fighting back and forth on the quaint Yunzhou city wall and the eight hundred li official road,

Although the Blood Sword Sect Alliance has a large number of people, the good and the bad are uneven, and coupled with the fact that they don’t know what cooperation is, they just fight on their own.

In just a few dozen breaths of time, a retreat was actually born,

Although the glory and wealth, everyone in the world is happy,

Of course, all these prerequisites are that life is still alive, otherwise, even if it is prosperous and wealthy, it will be nothing but a wedding dress for others.

Seeing this, Xue Luoji's face was slightly cold, and she sneered: "Senior Brother has long known that you people are unreliable!"

"Come here!"

"Those who retreat, those who disturb the morale of the military, kill without mercy!"


In the next moment, in the bushes, thousands of elite disciples of the Blood Sword Sect lined up, and those who retire will be killed.


The rivers and lakes that fell on the hands of the disciples of the Blood Sword Sect were powerful, thousands of them, the corpses spread all over the field, blood soaked thousands of feet,

"Leave the latter, cut!"

"Leave the latter, cut!"

"Leave the latter, cut!"

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